Author Topic: Homoeopathic Treatise on Homoeo Help Research - Dr PS Rawat  (Read 7217 times)

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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Re: Homoeopathic Treatise on Homoeo Help Research - Dr PS Rawat
« Reply #10 on: January 25, 2011, 12:09:17 AM »
                                  APIS MELLEFICA

          Apis mellefica is the common honey bee.  The medicine is prepared from the poison of this bee.

          This homoepathic medicine is prescribed to persons who show awkwardness and drop thins out of their hands despite careful handling.  Such persons generally the widows may keep themselves “very busy” by constantly changing one kind of work to another.

Also, for the paralysis particularly the left side after hearing bad news, severe shock, fright, vexation or jealousy.

Apis is the leading medicine for the swelling of the skin after insect bite when there occurs sudden puffing of the part.  The swelling most commonly is urticarial (dhappar) in nature which appears and disappears here and there over the skin.

At times, swelling develops all over the body(anasarca) where the face is greatly swollen, lower eyelid and uvula hang down like transparent sac filled with water.  Sometimes there may be intensely violent and rapid or insidious painful or painless throat problem, such as diphtheria etc, where the patient seems in imminent danger of death by suffocation from actual closure of throat owing to oedema of larynx accompanying hoarseness, short dry cough, difficult or hurried breathing.  The patient may have a feeling as if every breath would be his last.

Apis is splendid remedy in inflammation of the abdominal viscera particularly the ovary, uterus and genitals commencing from he right side of the body extending to the left side.  The inflamed area is pale, waxy and hydrocephalus, ascites, hydrothorax, and hydrocele etc. (owing to abnormal accumulation of the cerebrospinal or serous fluid in these body cavities).

It is the most suitable medicine for the congestion of the brain, may be due to hot weather etc. leading to meningitis where the patient mostly the child bores his head into the pillow or rolls and tosses in the bed.  The child gnashes the teeth, has squint of eyes with body convulsions or is in semiconscious state and carries his hands frequently to the head.  Very often the child cries out with a piercing shriek (brain cry) with sudden startle from sleep.

Apis is effective in trachoma (Rohain), chemosis (oedema of whites), staphyloma (protrusion of cornea and sclera) etc.  When there is deep burning, stinging or stitching pain in eyes.  The patient wants something cold applied in the eyes.  These troubles get worse from looking at white things like the snow.  It is effective medicine in acute nephritis (Bright’s disease) as a sequel of acute throat trouble when there is ineffectual urging for urination owing to irritability of the bladder.  The patient scarcely retains the urine.  There is much straining in voiding the urine which comes in drops.  The urine may be scantly, fetid and contains albumen or the blood.  At times, there is retension or suppression of the urine specially noticed in nursing infants.  They scream while passing urine.

Apis is equally effective in stopping fecal matter or fluid that oozes from the anus owing to loose sphincter.  It also removes the fear of body parts would break if he strains at stool.

It has often cured tumors and stopped the progress of cystic growth of ovary and uterus.

Apis is useful in malarial fever when chill starts at 3PM and brain fever which occurs due to suppression of skin eruptions.

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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Re: Homoeopathic Treatise on Homoeo Help Research - Dr PS Rawat
« Reply #11 on: January 25, 2011, 12:10:31 AM »
[/color] [/b]
[/color]          Argenticum nitricum is the common Silver nitrate, generally used for cauterization.
[/color]          This homoeopathic medicine is recommended to shrivelled (dried up) children who often look like withered old men.
[/color]          Also, to those persons who are irrational in their reasonings and do things in hurry in order to pass the time fastly.  Since the are nervous and anxious, they apprehend lest delay will spoil everything specially when about to go to audience, to meet an engagement, when going to a wedding, office or school etc.  The anxiety (over excitability of mind) is often attended with fear and diarrhoea.
[/color]          Such persons may be intrusive to jump off into water or kill themselves from a height particularly while crossing the bridge or looking out of the window or a high building.  At times, these patients actually jump from these places and commit suicides.
[/color]          Sometimes they may also become the victims of perceptive errors i.e. the long or short sightedness owing to imperfect coordination of eye muscles.  The result is; while walking through the street they dread of the corners as these seem to be projecting out and afraid on being bumped against them.  Likewise the houses on both sides of the street would approach and crush them.
[/color]          It is an effective medicine for the giddiness when it is accompanied with buzzing in the ears, great weakness and trembling either when the patient closes the eyes or looks up or down.
[/color]          Argentum nitricum is a great remedy for the removal of examination funk of students owing to apprehension of getting failed and terror of apprehension of others.
[/color]          It also removes the fear of being in an enclosed place (claustrophobia) and the patient always wants to be near the door whether in a bus, rail or any other overcrowded place in order to have an easy escape.
[/color]          It is an useful medicine for nightmares when dreams are full of all sorts of strange, horrible, vicious and violent things especially of a departed friend, the patient wakes up in excitement and with a start.
[/color]          Argentum nitricum is very much effective medicine for the inflamed eyes particularly purulent conjunctivitis of new born and others when there is profuse, thick mucus discharge from the eyes.  The whites of the eyes look beefy red.  The lids may be swollen and normally found stuck (agglutinated) together waking up in the morning.  The trouble gets worse from light, noise and heat and better from cold application of water and ice.  Also, when cornea is found ulcerated and opaque in patients having history of suppressed gonorrhoeal discharge.
[/color]          It is a good medicine for sore throat when there is a feeling of splinter (sticks) like pain in the gullet accompanying slight hoarseness.  Thick and sticky mucus is normally expectorated out when patient is obliged to hawk up.
[/color]          Argentum nitricum is an exceptionally good medicine for gastric ulcer particularly of sugar and juggery eaters.  Rather such patients have irresistible craving for these dainties.  The pain is felt in a spot at the pit of the stomach and radiates from this place to all directions.  The onset of the pain may be gradual, so is the decline but when it is of severe intensity the patient vomits the ingesta, mucus, bile or the blood.
[/color]          At times, sweetmeat makes the nursing infants sick as they cannot digest it.  Sometimes, this indigestion is through the mother’s milk who is fond of such tings and taking them regularly.  The child passes loose motions (diarrhoea) where the stool is generally green colour like chopped flakes of spinach or it turns green when allowed to remain on diaper for a while.
[/color]          For the same reason it is an effective medicine for stopping recurrent attacks of Angina pectoris particularly when patient experiences intermittent and irregular throbbings all over the body which are worse on lying right side and at night.
[/color]          Argentum nitricum is a good medicine for dyspepsia when there is much gas formation and enormous distension of the belly especially in the afternoon and at night.  The wind rumbles in the abdomen.  The patient is scarcely able to release it either by passing flatus downward or through belching (eructations) upward.
[/color]          It is useful medicine in epilepsy and other convulsive disease when attacks are preceded by dilatation of pupils – for hours or days and the patient feels great restlessness and trembling of hands following attack.


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