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  • देवीधूरा की बग्वाल: August 02, 2012

Author Topic: Stone Pelting: Devidhura Fair - देवीधूरा की बग्वाल: आधुनिक युग में पाषाण युद्ध  (Read 70117 times)

D.N.Barola / डी एन बड़ोला

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Bagwal (stone fighting) of Devidhura

Situated in the Champawat district of Uttarakhand, Devidhura is famous for its Barahi temples. A very unusual fair, which attracts people from Kumaon, Nepal, and even other places, is held every year at the temple of Barahi Devi on Raksha Bandhan day. During this festival, known as Bagwal, two groups of dancing and singing people throw stones at each other, while they try to protect themselves with the help of large wooden shields. The participants don't care about the injuries and the injuries are believed to be auspicious. It is also a worth noticing fact that there had been no loss of life till today during this unusual fair. During the fair, the image of the goddess kept in a locked brass casket is taken as a procession to a nearby mountain spring. The image is then ritually bathed by a blindfolded priest before replacing it in the casket. The goddess is then worshipped all night and the Bagwal Fair is celebrated in the morning amid much excitement
Devidhura once again witnessed the century old ritual of Stone Age in this Missile Age on 16 August, 2008. It is said that Devidhura used to be a dense forest, in which 52,000 warriors and 64 Yogni had unleashed a reign of terror. To please them it was decided that one human sacrifice shall be given every year. This sacrifice was by pelting of stone on the man, till death. The practice of human sacrifice continued up to the regime of Chand rulers. It is said that when the turn of the grandson of an Old lady belonging to the Chamyal Kham  came for sacrifice, the old lady prayed to Maa Baraahi Devi to spare the only surviving descendent son of her family. The Godess was pleased, since then the practice of Bagwal started. During the Bagwal the two groups (Khams) of people throw stones at each other while they try to protect themselves by using big roof like shields. Even watching the Bagwal is a truly thrilling experience.

 There is another story about the sacrifice. It is said that for a long time a human-being used to be sacrificed at the altar of the Devi Barahi.  But latter on all the four Khams (Groups) prayed to the Devi Barahi to accept blood equivalent to a man. The prayer was accepted by the Devi. Now the Bagwal is held, in which due to throwing of stones on each other, lot of blood flows. The Priest (Pujari) stops the ritual, as soon as he realizes that the blood of the men equivalent to one man has been offered to the Devi. For the purpose the Pujari goes to the battlefield and asks the warriors to stop the bloodshed

 The warriors who participate in the Bagwal or the stone war are breast fed by their mothers. It is believed that the breast-feedings by mothers enhance the power of the warriors by 1000 times. These warriors have to stick to certain customs and have to lead a pious life for one month prior to the Bagwal.  All the Bagwali warriors assemble at the house of the Chief of the village before proceeding to the battle field.  The dancing procession towards the Bagwal is led by the village Chief followed by the warriors.  In case a guests come to anybody’s house, the Bagwali warriors are fed with food first and then only the guest gets the food.  The custom is that the Kham Pramukh has to be by dynasty. During the fare it is bad omen to see griddle (Tawa). Hence normally rice-pulse or simple and pure food is prepared in the house. Bagwali warriors keep two pairs of clothes with them, which they change at specified time and place, till the end they remain within their Kham (group). People believe that warriors going for the Bagwal, if they go with utmost faith on Baraha Maa, feel the injury of the stone as if rose petals are being showered upon them.

Inspite of the incessant rains well above 1 Lac of people witnessed the Bagwal this year.  Bagwal is held in the Barahi Devi Temple compound in Kholikhand Dubachaura field, where a sea of human heads was visible on all the four sides. This year nearly 8 dozen warriors got injuries due to Bagwal. At first the Lamgariya Khan warriors reached the battle field raising slogans of Jai Jai Kar of Barahi Maa.  Circumambuiation of the Maa Barahi was done by them and from the eastern side; Gaharwal Kham warriors had the last circumambuiation.  Lamgariya Kham was led by Dhan Singh Lamgariya, Gaharwal Kham by Srigurau Trilok Bisht, Walig Kham by Badri Singh Bisht and Chamyal Khan was led by Ganga Singh Chamyal. The eastern side is under the charge of Gaharwal and Chamyal Kham.

With the blowing of conch shell the Bagwal started at 3.17 PM which continued for 7 minutes. When the temple priest felt that the blood equivalent to one man has been shed, he entered the battle field in yellow attire with blowing of flapper (Chanwar). This was the proclamation of the cessation of the battle. Inspite of this, the war continued for another three minutes. At the end all the warriors of Mahar and Fartiyal groups embraced each other and asked for each others welfare. During this battle maximum number of Lamgariya Kham suffered injuries. Many were seen bathing in blood. People witnessed the Bagwal with rapt attention.

Buffaloes were also sacrificed in the Bagwal, but nature’s sweeper the Vulture was conspicuous by their absence.  Bahadur Singh Lamgariya of Lamgariya Kham played the 70th Bagwal of his life. He played the Bagwal with redouble vigour Young generation took part in the Bagwal in large numbers, but the irony is that many of them were drunk and suffered injuries. .

In 1995 this battle continued for 26 minutes, while in 1994 the battle continued only for 21 minutes. Since then the time period of the battle has been diminishing. Last year it was 12 minutes only and this year only 7 minutes.  People from Delhi, Punjab, Rajasthan and practically from all over the country with foreigners had reached Devidhura. There was a long queue of Cars and other vehicles right from the fare ground Lohaghat Devidhura route spread over in miles. This year the route remained closed for over three hours, due to unprecedented rush.

पंकज सिंह महर

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चंपावत जिले के देवीधुरा में श्रावण पूर्णिमा पर बगवाल खेलते चार खामों के योद्धा। मिसाइल युग में भी पूरी श्रद्धा के साथ होने वाले इस पाषाण युद्ध के इस वर्ष करीब एक लाख लोग साक्षी बने। सात मिनट चले इस अनोखे युद्ध में दर्जनभर दर्शकों समेत 100 से अधिक लोग घायल हुए। 

पंकज सिंह महर

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जागरण कार्यालय, लोहाघाट: मिसाइल युग में पाषाण युद्ध के लिए विश्वविख्यात ऐतिहासिक देवीधुरा का बग्वाल मेला शनिवार को सम्पन्न हो गया है। बग्वाल को देखने के लिए देश विदेश से करीब एक लाख से अधिक लोग पहुंचे हुए थे। सात मिनट चले पत्थर युद्ध में करीब 100 से अधिक योद्धा घायल हुए। दर्शक दीर्घा में पत्थर आने के कारण एक दर्जन से अधिक दर्शक भी चोटिल हुए। शनिवार को परम्परा के मुताबिक मंदिर की गुफा में स्थित शक्ति की परिक्रमा व पूजा अर्चना के बाद दूबचौड़ मैदान की पांच बार परिक्रमा पूरी कर रणबांकुरे पत्थर युद्ध के लिए तैयार हुए। ढोल नगाड़ों के बीच बग्वाल खेलने आये जत्थों के पीछे महिलाओं ने भी बढ़-चढ़ भाग लिया। इस बार सबसे पहले लमगडि़या खाम धन सिंह लमगडि़या के नेतृत्व में मैदान में पहुंचा उसके बाद त्रिलोक सिंह के नेतृत्व में वालिक खाम फिर गंगा सिंह चम्याल के नेतृत्व में चम्याल खाम और अंत में बद्री सिंह बिष्ट के नेतृत्व में गहड़वाल खाम के लोग पूरे जोश खरोश के साथ मैदान में पहुंचे। चारों खामों द्वारा अपने-अपने स्थानों में मोर्चा जमाने के बाद अपराह्न 3.17 बजे मंदिर से पुजारी की शंखनाद के साथ ही ऐतिहासिक बग्वाल शुरू हो गयी। देखते ही देखते मैदान में चारों ओर से पत्थरों की बौछार हो गयी। 3. 24 बजे पुजारी जय दत्त ने बग्वाल रोकने की घोषणा की। पत्थर युद्ध में लगभग 100 लोग घायल हुए। घायलों के सिर, हाथ, पांव खून से लथपथ थे, लेकिन उनके चेहरों पर दर्द के कोई भाव नहीं दिख रहे थे। दर्शक दीर्घा में बैठे कई लोग पत्थर लग जाने से घायल हुए। बग्वाल खत्म होने के बाद चारों खामों के लोग आपस में गले मिले। एक दूसरे की कुशल पूछी और मां बाराही की जय-जय कार की। विपरीत मौसम के बावजूद देश विदेश के कोने-कोने से आज लगभग 1 लाख श्रद्धालु पहुंचे हुए थे। इसमें अधिकांश अल्मोड़ा, नैनीताल, हल्द्वानी, चम्पावत, पिथौरागढ़ जिलों से थे। उत्तराखण्ड के अन्य क्षेत्रों के साथ ही बड़े महानगरों से भी लोग यहां आये थे। पत्थर युद्ध बग्वाल का आंखों देखा वृतांत मंदिर के पीठाचार्य नंदा बल्लभ शास्त्री, कीर्ति बल्लभ जोशी व भुवन जोशी ने बारी-बारी से सुनाया। दर्शक दीर्घा में नैनीताल के सांसद केसी सिंह बाबा, पूर्व मंत्री निर्मला शर्मा, सुरेश राम आर्य, यूपीएस के पूर्व चेयरमैन कृष्णा आर्य, जिलाधिकारी गुलशन कुमार, एसपी वीके कृष्ण कुमार, सीएमओ सुनील कुमार साह, जिला पंचायत के एएमए राजेश कुमार, मेला मजिस्ट्रेट जेसी काण्डपाल, लोहाघाट के एसडीएम त्रिलोक सिंह मर्तोलिया, सीओ एचसी सती, ईई पीयूष कुमार सहित कई गणमान्य नागरिक उपस्थित थे। बग्वाल देखने के लिए चारों दिशाओं से लोगों का हुजूम मंदिर की ओर उमड़ गया। मंदिर परिसर व अस्पताल में स्वास्थ्य विभाग द्वारा घायलों के इलाज के लिए लगाये शिविर में सीएमओ सुनील साह, डिप्टी सीएमओ एसएस टोलिया, वरिष्ठ चिकित्सक डा. पीडी पंगरिया, अस्थि विशेषज्ञ डा. एलएस मेहता, केआर सौन, मनोज पुनेठा, बहादुर आदि की टीम ने घायलों का इलाज किया। बग्वाल में घायल हुए लोगों ने उपचार के लिए परम्परागत बिच्छू घास का भी इस्तेमाल किया।

पंकज सिंह महर

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NDTV पर बग्वाल से संबंधित समाचार-

पंकज सिंह महर

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नौ नौर्त, दस दशैं, बिस बग्वाल, ये कुमू फुलि भंग्वाल, हिट कुमय्या माल..। अर्थात शारदीय नवरात्रि व विजयादशमी के बाद भैया दूज को बीस स्थानों पर बग्वाल खेलकर कुमाऊंवासी माल प्रवास में चले जाते थे क्योंकि तब कुमू में कामकाज न होने से खालीपन हो जाता था, लेकिन अब ऐसा नही है। न तो अब भैया दूज के मौके पर बग्वाल ही होती है और ना हीं कुमाऊं वासी माल प्रवास जाते है। इस मौके पर चम्पावत में होने वाला बग्वाली मेला भी अब विलुप्ति की कगार पर है। अलबत्ता अल्मोड़ा के पाटिया में भैयादूज को होने वाली बग्वाल आज भी बरकरार है। इतिहासकार मदन चन्द्र भट्ट के अनुसार कुमाऊं में बग्वाल अर्थात पत्थर युद्घ की परंपरा बेहद पुरानी है। अधिकांश जगहों पर यह अपनी संप्रभुसत्ता के लिए होती थी। काली कुमाऊं अर्थात चम्पावत में महर व फत्र्याल धड़ों में बंटे लोगों के बीच बग्वाल का उल्लेख इतिहास में है। कहा जाता है कि महालक्ष्मी के बाद भैया दूज को बीस स्थानों पर बग्वाली मेले के आयोजन होते थे और उनमें बग्वाल होती थी। हालांकि अब चम्पावत में मडलक और जिला मुख्यालय में दो ही स्थानों पर मेले होते है। उन मेलों में हिस्सा लेने के बाद यहां के लोग माल की ओर चले जाते थे क्योंकि तब फुलि भंग्वाल अर्थात न तो कोई काम रह जाता था और न ही कोई खेती होती थी। सभी लोग बंजारों की तरह मवेशियों को लेकर तराई-भावर जाते और वहां मेहनत मजदूरी करते थे। वह होली से पहले गुड़, नमक जैसी वस्तुएं लेकर घरों को लौटते थे। आजादी के बाद तक यह परंपरा कायम थी परंतु पिछले एक दशक से माल प्रवास जाने वाले इक्का-दुक्का परिवार भी अब वहां नही जाते। वक्त के साथ जहां बग्वाल बंद हुई, वहीं कई मेलों का अस्तित्व खत्म हो गया है। चम्पावत में लगने वाला बग्वाली मेला व्यावसायिक मेला होने से भी अपनी चमक खो रहा है। बग्वाली गढ़ के बाद मोटर स्टेशन में सिमटा यह मेला अब विलुप्ति की कगार पर है। इस बार तो मेले में दुकानदार अधिक और ग्राहक कम रहे। जबकि लोहाघाट क्षेत्र के मडलक में होने वाला मेला, मां भगवती की रथ यात्रा के कारण हर वर्ष अपनी नई पहचान बना रहा है।

हेम पन्त

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हर वर्ष की तरह इस वर्ष भी रक्षाबन्धन के दिन (5 अगस्त को) देवीधूरा में बग्वाल खेली जायेगी. इस अद्भुत मेले की तैयारियां शुरु हो चुकी हैं. 

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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This is the festivel celebrated on Raksha Bandhan Day.

Bagwal (stone fighting) of Devidhura

Situated in the Champawat district of Uttarakhand, Devidhura is famous for its Barahi temples. A very unusual fair, which attracts people from Kumaon, Nepal, and even other places, is held every year at the temple of Barahi Devi on Raksha Bandhan day. During this festival, known as Bagwal, two groups of dancing and singing people throw stones at each other, while they try to protect themselves with the help of large wooden shields. The participants don't care about the injuries and the injuries are believed to be auspicious. It is also a worth noticing fact that there had been no loss of life till today during this unusual fair. During the fair, the image of the goddess kept in a locked brass casket is taken as a procession to a nearby mountain spring. The image is then ritually bathed by a blindfolded priest before replacing it in the casket. The goddess is then worshipped all night and the Bagwal Fair is celebrated in the morning amid much excitement
Devidhura once again witnessed the century old ritual of Stone Age in this Missile Age on 16 August, 2008. It is said that Devidhura used to be a dense forest, in which 52,000 warriors and 64 Yogni had unleashed a reign of terror. To please them it was decided that one human sacrifice shall be given every year. This sacrifice was by pelting of stone on the man, till death. The practice of human sacrifice continued up to the regime of Chand rulers. It is said that when the turn of the grandson of an Old lady belonging to the Chamyal Kham  came for sacrifice, the old lady prayed to Maa Baraahi Devi to spare the only surviving descendent son of her family. The Godess was pleased, since then the practice of Bagwal started. During the Bagwal the two groups (Khams) of people throw stones at each other while they try to protect themselves by using big roof like shields. Even watching the Bagwal is a truly thrilling experience.

 There is another story about the sacrifice. It is said that for a long time a human-being used to be sacrificed at the altar of the Devi Barahi.  But latter on all the four Khams (Groups) prayed to the Devi Barahi to accept blood equivalent to a man. The prayer was accepted by the Devi. Now the Bagwal is held, in which due to throwing of stones on each other, lot of blood flows. The Priest (Pujari) stops the ritual, as soon as he realizes that the blood of the men equivalent to one man has been offered to the Devi. For the purpose the Pujari goes to the battlefield and asks the warriors to stop the bloodshed

 The warriors who participate in the Bagwal or the stone war are breast fed by their mothers. It is believed that the breast-feedings by mothers enhance the power of the warriors by 1000 times. These warriors have to stick to certain customs and have to lead a pious life for one month prior to the Bagwal.  All the Bagwali warriors assemble at the house of the Chief of the village before proceeding to the battle field.  The dancing procession towards the Bagwal is led by the village Chief followed by the warriors.  In case a guests come to anybody’s house, the Bagwali warriors are fed with food first and then only the guest gets the food.  The custom is that the Kham Pramukh has to be by dynasty. During the fare it is bad omen to see griddle (Tawa). Hence normally rice-pulse or simple and pure food is prepared in the house. Bagwali warriors keep two pairs of clothes with them, which they change at specified time and place, till the end they remain within their Kham (group). People believe that warriors going for the Bagwal, if they go with utmost faith on Baraha Maa, feel the injury of the stone as if rose petals are being showered upon them.

Inspite of the incessant rains well above 1 Lac of people witnessed the Bagwal this year.  Bagwal is held in the Barahi Devi Temple compound in Kholikhand Dubachaura field, where a sea of human heads was visible on all the four sides. This year nearly 8 dozen warriors got injuries due to Bagwal. At first the Lamgariya Khan warriors reached the battle field raising slogans of Jai Jai Kar of Barahi Maa.  Circumambuiation of the Maa Barahi was done by them and from the eastern side; Gaharwal Kham warriors had the last circumambuiation.  Lamgariya Kham was led by Dhan Singh Lamgariya, Gaharwal Kham by Srigurau Trilok Bisht, Walig Kham by Badri Singh Bisht and Chamyal Khan was led by Ganga Singh Chamyal. The eastern side is under the charge of Gaharwal and Chamyal Kham.

With the blowing of conch shell the Bagwal started at 3.17 PM which continued for 7 minutes. When the temple priest felt that the blood equivalent to one man has been shed, he entered the battle field in yellow attire with blowing of flapper (Chanwar). This was the proclamation of the cessation of the battle. Inspite of this, the war continued for another three minutes. At the end all the warriors of Mahar and Fartiyal groups embraced each other and asked for each others welfare. During this battle maximum number of Lamgariya Kham suffered injuries. Many were seen bathing in blood. People witnessed the Bagwal with rapt attention.

Buffaloes were also sacrificed in the Bagwal, but nature’s sweeper the Vulture was conspicuous by their absence.  Bahadur Singh Lamgariya of Lamgariya Kham played the 70th Bagwal of his life. He played the Bagwal with redouble vigour Young generation took part in the Bagwal in large numbers, but the irony is that many of them were drunk and suffered injuries. .

In 1995 this battle continued for 26 minutes, while in 1994 the battle continued only for 21 minutes. Since then the time period of the battle has been diminishing. Last year it was 12 minutes only and this year only 7 minutes.  People from Delhi, Punjab, Rajasthan and practically from all over the country with foreigners had reached Devidhura. There was a long queue of Cars and other vehicles right from the fare ground Lohaghat Devidhura route spread over in miles. This year the route remained closed for over three hours, due to unprecedented rush.

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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Our Member Kiran Rawat Ji had gone to see the Devidhura Fair on 5th Aug 2009. He has some photographs, which are for your informaton here.

These are exclusive photos taken by Kiran RAwat ji.

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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As you can see in the photos, people throw stone on each other. The more detailed is already given in the earlier posts about the background.

second photo by Kirat Rawat Ji.

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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This is the video of recent fair on 05 Aug 2009.



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