Mera Pahad > Uttarakhand On-line Consultancy Centre - उत्तराखण्ड का ऑन-लाइन सहायता केंद्र

Astrology related query contact SP Kulasari-एस पी कुलसारी जी पूछे ज्योतिष सम्


एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720:

"I had an occasion to interact with Shri S.P. Kulsari regarding the astrology. He always gives a scientific way to solve the problem which come through the transition of the planets in ones life. He gives only spiritual remedies and never believe in unnecessary TOTAKAS which a lot of astrologers do these days just to earn their livelihood.  Shri S.P. Kulsari even provides on-line spiritual pooja.  Shri Kulsari started his career in Ministry of Agriculture in 1974.  He did his Laws Degree from Delhi University and also Management Degree from IGNOU, of course while in job.

 I would suggest my friends to use his expertise in this field, especially since he is a man belonging to Uttrankhand".

M S Mehta

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720:

You can write your query here also or send mail directly to
Mr S P Kulsari Ji


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