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Ask Question To Shiv Joshi(Music Director) - अपने प्रश्न शिव जोशी जी से पुछे
kanchhee (कांछी):
Joshi ji, Namaskaar and congratulations for the new release.
Even though not being orthodox, my problem is that as a pahadi girl I am not comfortable to see these songs with my parents. Lyrics being good the choreography herts me. May be this album fetch a good business but can we afford to see our culture being spoiled for the sake of money only.
--- Quote from: shivjoshi on November 21, 2010, 01:56:54 PM ---naa tu pyar kardi
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Dear friend,
No not at all. The album is purely based on our folk. The basic fact is that the time has now changed. It is our own problem, we have not segregated our music towards ADHUNIK or Old. If you will see Bangla music, they clearly say aadhunik or old. But there is nothing vulgur in this album. Because if you will listen the whole song after that you can understand what writer want to say by each song. The title song is DIN JAWANI CHAAR. It means the days of joy and whatever you want to achieve you can and without love the days are bored hence a real lover can understand the feelings. Kindly go through the whole album after that you views will be changed itself. But if you say that the songs are only for business purpose it is also wrong. Kindly listen song HUM CHOON UTTARAKHANDI. The words of last stanza are "JANAMABHOOMI BADO MAHAN, NI BHULYAAND EHSAAN, HAR JANAM HO MERU UTTARAKHANDA, HAR JANAM GAUN MEIN TERO NAAMA. I will reply each and every fact of this album. Because it is solely written and composed by me.
shiv joshi
music director
--- Quote from: kanchhee (कांछी) on December 18, 2010, 05:53:49 AM ---Joshi ji, Namaskaar and congratulations for the new release.
Even though not being orthodox, my problem is that as a pahadi girl I am not comfortable to see these songs with my parents. Lyrics being good the choreography herts me. May be this album fetch a good business but can we afford to see our culture being spoiled for the sake of money only.
--- Quote from: shivjoshi on November 21, 2010, 01:56:54 PM ---naa tu pyar kardi
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in song naa tu pyar kardi naa inkaar kardi. Means a belove has created such a situation for lover that he can only utter in his words. Its stanza is PYAAR MEIN TERO SAB KUCH CHODYO, TWEEN KILE HAY MUKH YOU MODYO, TERO BINA MAR JOLON RE, HAI KEN MEIN BATONLO RE, ANSHA, ANSHA KYA CH TERI MANSA. I dont feel that there is any vulgarity in these words. They are pure folk words. However, keeping in the modern point, I have scored music and tune in such a way that even young fold could enjoy it. Kindly go through the words and tune. These are clippings only, you please listen the whole album. After that you can share your views with me.
shiv joshi
--- Quote from: kanchhee (कांछी) on December 18, 2010, 05:53:49 AM ---Joshi ji, Namaskaar and congratulations for the new release.
Even though not being orthodox, my problem is that as a pahadi girl I am not comfortable to see these songs with my parents. Lyrics being good the choreography herts me. May be this album fetch a good business but can we afford to see our culture being spoiled for the sake of money only.
--- Quote from: shivjoshi on November 21, 2010, 01:56:54 PM ---naa tu pyar kardi
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kanchhee (कांछी):
Sir, Joshi ji, please dont take otherwise, the idea behind my post is not to criticize but to convey my personal feelings only. I can not have a critical analysis for I have a little knowledge of the music. As I said earlier, I would like to enjoy the audio as the songs are good but the way pahadi girls are made to dance I dont like it. Anyway, It is my personal opinion.
Dear friend,
I am not taking it personal. It is our duty to listen everyone on our work. I was just stating the facts. Regarding the dance of girls, it is the demand of song and video. Everything is depend upon the what property requires for each song. Kindly listen song HUM CHOON UTTARAKHANDI and AA BULONI YON PAHADA. You will find the girls in boys are dancing in our own attire.
--- Quote from: kanchhee (कांछी) on December 18, 2010, 06:22:45 AM ---Sir, Joshi ji, please dont take otherwise, the idea behind my post is not to criticize but to convey my personal feelings only. I can not have a critical analysis for I have a little knowledge of the music. As I said earlier, I would like to enjoy the audio as the songs are good but the way pahadi girls are made to dance I dont like it. Anyway, It is my personal opinion.
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