Uttarakhand Updates > Celebrity Online - व्यक्ति विशेष से सीधी बात !
Live Chat with Mr Madhavanand Bhatt Producer & Builder -सीधी बात एम् एन भट्ट से
एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720:
फिल्म निर्माता एव बिल्डर श्री माधवानन्द भट्ट जी से सीधी बात
इस बार हम मेरापहाड़ पोर्टल में हम आप से सीधी बात यानी लाइव चैट कराने जा रहे है श्री माधवानंद भट्ट जी से जो की पेशे से प्रसिद्ध बिल्डर होने के नाते एक बहुत बड़े समाज सेवी भी है! श्री माधवानंद भट्ट जी ने पिछले साल उत्तराखंड की अब तक की सबसे महंगी फीचर फिल्म "सिपैजी" भी निर्माण किया! यह उत्तराखंड की पहली फीचर फिल्म है जिसको सेंसर बोर्ड ने भी उत्तराखंडी नाम से सर्टिफिकेट दिया है !
श्री भट्ट जी उत्तराखंड के कई सामाजिक कार्यो के निरंतर सक्रिय रहे है समाज के प्रति उनका बहुत योगदान रहा है! इसी का परिणाम रहा उन्होंने उत्तराखंड के लिए इतनी बड़ी लागत की फिल्म बनाई जिसे लोगो के भी काफी सराहा है !
अपनी मात्रभूमि ले लिए भट्ट जी के आगामी कई प्रोजेक्ट्स है जिसमे प्रमुख है २४ घंटे का टीवी चैनल, उत्तराखंड के लिए!
हम सब लोगो के लिए भट्ट जी सीधी बात करने का एक अवसर है ! तो लोग इन कीजिये मेरापहाड़ पोर्टल में !लाइव चैट का विवरण इस प्रकार है !
दिनाक : 26 मार्च 2010
समय : दोपहर के 3 बजे से
आशा है आप भट्ट जी से पहाड़ पहाड़ से जुडी उनके आने वाले प्रोजेक्ट्स के बारे में यहाँ पर प्रशन कर पूछ सकते है ! मुझे यह कहने में तनिक संकोच नहीं की भट्ट हम सभी उत्तराखंडियो के लिए लिए क्ष्रोत है जिन्हें अपने मात्र भूमि के लिए इनता प्यार है उन्होंने अनगिनत सामाजिक कार्य किये है!
एम् एस मेहता
After Chat.. See the video. The news was broadcast-ed in Sahara News Channel (Uttarakhand/ UP). This is simply one mind Video..
Regret not properly recorded. Though there is mention of this Chat.
Live Chat with M N Bhatt in Merapahad portal
एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720:
Here is Brief Introduction About Bhatt JI
Shri Madhavanand Bhatt
Born: 10th February 1960, Agniya, Post Devalthal, Pithoragarh, Uttarakhand - 262542
Awards: Best film maker in Uttarakhand (Uttrani Festival 2010 Bareilly)
Professional Journey and Achievements in Life:
* Worked with Indian Overseas Bank from June 1981 to January 2001 for 20 years on various posts.
* In the year 1998, with the dream to become an entrepreneur started Building Construction Business under the name and style of “Anmol Developers” in Navi Mumbai.
Main Goals and Objectives of “Anmol Developers”
* To change the Ancestral Service Class Mentality and set up own Business.
* To provide affordable homes to the Lower Middle Class and Middle Class Uttarakhandi peoples settled in and around Mumbai.
* Proud to say that 50 % of the homes constructed by us has been sold to Uttarakhandi’s.
Alongwith Successful running of “Anmol Developers” have launched a Film Production Company “Shree Anmol Production” under which we have produced our Maiden Venture “Sipaijee” 35 MM Uttarakhandi film.
Features and Achievements of the Film “Sipaijee”
* First Film in the History of Uttarakhand Cinema to be certified as “Uttarakhandi Film” by Censor Board of India. [Uttarakhand Cinema to be certified as "Uttarakhandi Film" by Censor Board of India]
* First Big Budget Film in the History of Uttarakhand Cinema produced by a Uttarkhandi Person.
* First Uttarakhandi Film Shot in Army Camp at Lensdawn featuring Real Life Army Personnel’s.
* Felicitated Families of Late Shri Mohanchand Sharma (Inspector, Delhi Police) and Late Shri Gajendra Singh (NSG, Commando) at Film premier at New Delhi.
* First Film to Highlight the Bravery, Hardship and Sacrifice of War Widows.
* First Film to be shot at 56 different Locations in Uttarakhand.
Message of the Film “Sipaijee”
* Eradication of Communal and Regional differences between Kumoan and Garwhal.
* Highlights Bravery, Hardship, Sacrifice and present condition of Defence personnel and their Family, (especially their Wives) of Uttarakhand.
* It highlights the Scenic Beauty of Uttarkhand and the potential of it to attract tourism and Foreign Revenue.
* It highlights the fact that from Generations 75 - 80 % of Uttarakhandi’s are proudly serving Defence Services.
* It provides Limelight and Global Platform to Social, Cultural and Traditional Values of Uttarakhand.
Inspiring from the Film “Sipaijee”, “Shree Anmol Production” has launched their Music Company in the year 2009.
Main Goals and Objectives of “Shree Anmol Production” - Audio, Video Music Company.
* To promote Uttarakhandi Folk Music and Provide Gobal Platform.
* To Eradicate the Dominance of Non Uttarakhandi Music Barron’s manipulating the Uttarkhandi Talents.
* To Promote the Youth and Abudant talent in Uttarakhand.
* To generate Employment opportunity in Uttarakhand.
* Planning to Launch a Talent Hunt and a Television Serial on Uttarkhand Dordarshan.
Achievements of “Shree Anmol Production”
* Produced and Distributed MP3 CDs of Sipaijee, Baand Parmila, Pushpa Rani and Baand Bandula.
* Produced and Distributed MP3 CDs of Meri Ganga Hauli Chaandi Ghat Aali and Lalit Mohan Joshi’s Tu Meri Naseeb.
* Produced and Distributed MP3 CDs of Husana and Ghungara Baand.
Other Social Activity
* Trustee in “Shree Ganesh Education Trust” – Chembur, Mumbai.
* Working / Planning on setting up Old Age Home at Karjat, Maharashtra.
Smt. Meenakshi Bhatt
Meenakshi, the wife of Shri Madhavanand Bhatt has great qualities. She is a wonderful wife, a caring mother, a successful business woman and a philanthropist. She has been a great support for her husband particularly during the turbulent times. Meenakshi has a Masters degree in Arts from SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai. She has also been a teacher.
Bhatt's Official site : http://www.shreeanmolproduction.com/about_us.html
एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720:
This is the Feature Film Produced by Bhatt ji.
Here is one of the best songs from this film which depicts heroism of Uttarakhandi Brave r Soldiers:
वीरो की भूमि यो उत्तराँचल
वीरो की भूमि यो उत्तराँचल
जय हो जय हो वीर भूमि उत्तराँचल !!
कोरस : जय हो जय हो
जय हो जय हो .
वीरो की भूमि यो उत्तराँचल
वीरो की भूमि यो उत्तराँचल
याक वीरो की गाथा यांकी हवा सुनिछी
माटी की कण कण वीरता की खुशुबू उन्छी
कल कल करनी निर्मल गंगा जमुना की धारा
हिमालय की डाडी बाटी उन्छे पुकारा
कोरस : जय हो जय हो
जय हो जय हो .
वीरो की भूमि यो उत्तराँचल
वीरो की भूमि यो उत्तराँचल
जय हो जय हो वीर भूमि उत्तराँचल !!
राखी की यो डोरी माग़ क सिन्दूर
दिल क टुकड़, आखो का नूर
आपनी ख़ुशी क तवील बलिदान दियो
देश का लीजी तवील की की ना सहियो
देश का लीजी तवील की की ना सहियो
चन्द्र सिह, गब्बर सिह, माधो सिह मलेखा
सोम नाथ, नर सिंह पहाड़ का पोथा
जसवंत सिह, बलवंत सिह, राजेश अधिकारी
दलवीर राणा जस याका वीर सिपाही!
कोरस : जय हो जय हो
जय हो जय हो .
वीरो की भूमि यो उत्तराँचल
वीरो की भूमि यो उत्तराँचल
You can also listen this Song here from this Link :
एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720:
From this,. link you can see some exclusive promos of the Sipaiji movie...
A touching saga of velour and sacrifice by Uttarakhand youth and women. Uttarakhand is possibly the only region in the country that has the glorious tradition of sending at least one member from each family to the armed forces to defend the motherland. No wonder, several villages in Uttarakhand glitter with the names of martyrs from their sacred soil. Even those mothers who lose their husbands while he is defending his motherland encourage their sons to join the armed forces.
Sipaijee our maiden film is a touching tribute to one such mother… one such family from Uttarakhand.
The women of Uttarakhand have to struggle from dusk to dawn just to survive. The life is even tougher for Parvati, the central character in Sipaijee. Because she has taken a vow to fulfill the dream of her martyr husband …to see his son as an officer in the Indian Army that he served to his last breath and his daughter as a teacher illumining lives of each and every girl from the nearby villages through education.
Do don't miss this opportunity to have live chat with Bhatt ji. Know about his future projects..
Bhopal Singh Mehta:
I am an army pesonnel, it is indeed nice to know about Bhatt Ji that he has done so much social work for Uttarakhand.
Many-2 Congratulations to Bhatt Ji for his future Projects.
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