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Live Chat With Parashar Gaur(Father Of Uttrakhand Cinema) On 10 Sep 2008 10:00AM
एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720:
श्री पराशर गौर, उत्तराखंडी फिल्मो के जनक से सीधी बात
अगर पराशर गौर जी को उत्तराखंड के सिनेमा का जन्मदाता कहा जाय तो इसमे दो राय नही होगी! गौर जी उत्तराखंड मे तब एक feature फ़िल्म बनाई जब की उत्तराखंड मे बहुत संसाधन नही थे! उत्तराखंड का लोक संगीत भी केवल आकाशवाणी एव चंद कैसेट ही सीमित था! गौर जी पहली उत्तराखंडी feature फ़िल्म " जग्वाल" (जो कि उत्तराखंडी की क्षेत्रयी भाषा garwali में है) को बनाने का ख्याल संन १९७६ मे आया लेकिन कुछ कारणों के यह काम देर से शुरू हुवा और बाद मे १८८२ मे इस निमार्ण कार्य शुरू हुवा!
लेकिन दुर्भाग्य से २५ साल बीत जाने के बाद भी उत्तराखंड के फिल्मो को उतनी पहचान नही मिली जितनी उन्हें मिलनी चाहिए थी और उत्तराखंड के फिल्मो के विकास के काफ़ी कम हुवा! After Jagwaal, Gaur Ji has produced another Uttarakhandi Film last year called " Gaura"
We are fortunate that Mr Parashar Gaur ji is also a member of Merapahd and has been guiding/ support us on many fields.
For all of you, we have organized a live chat session with Mr Parashar Gaur as following details :-
दिनाक : 10 सितम्बर २००८ 10th September 2008
दिन : बुधवार Wednesday
समय : सुबह १० बजे से ... 10:00 am onwards
Only on www.merapahad.com..
Here is an opportunity for all us to have live chat with Gaur ji and ask him experience about making uttarakhandi Cinema and difficulties he faced in making of Jagwaal".
I am sure you will not miss opportunity.
M S Mehta
Parashar Gaur was born on May 3rd 1947 in a small village Mirchora, Aswal Syun Garhwal (formerly in the state of UP) now in Uttarakhand. His father late Pt. Tika Ram Gaur was a well-known astrologer and was settled in Delhi. Later Mr. Parashar Gaur created ‘Garhwali Shahitya Purshkar” in memory of his father, a first ever award for literature in Garhwali dialect.
His Basic education was held in Retholi, sola and Mandaneshar in Garhwal. After Passing Middle his father called him to Delhi for higher education. He was admitted In Mata Sundari Higher Secondary School at Rouse Av., in Delhi, but he quit Day school to support his family by working day and educating himself at night as a private candidate. He did his 10th and 12th standard as a private candidate and got His BA degree from Lala Lajpat Rai Degree College Shahibabad, U.P.
At the age of 10 he made his theatre debut as a child actor “Rohtash” in a play called “Raja Harish Chander” organized by his village folk at his village. During his school days he participated in various cultural programs.
In 1967 when he was 20 years old he wrote his first Garhwali Full length Drama called “Aunsi Ki Raat” which was staged on theatre for the first time On 28th February 1969 under the banner “Pushpanjali Rangshala” . Since than he has written more than a dozens plays among them such as Choli, Gaway, Rehershal, Timla ka timla Khtya and were repeated more than 10 times in theatres in and around Delhi.
As a poet he has written more than 60 songs which were broadcast by AIR, Delhi. His has also written more 300 Garhwali poems which have been published in different newspapers and magazines.
After a long wait, he finally produced the first Garhwali Feature film “Jagwal” in 1983.
एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720:
Here are some clippings of Parashar Ji first Film Jagwal from his blog. http://www.garhwalicinema.blogspot.com/
After years struggle the Garhwali cinema finally see at the end of tunnel when First Garhwali Feature Film “JAGWAL”( Wait) produced by Parashar Gaur released on May the 4th 1983 at Mavalankar Hall In Delhi.
Mr. Parashar Gaur was born in 1947 in a remote and a beautiful village in the heart of Pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand. Who could have thought that an amateur artist of Garhwali stage (Parashar Gaur), born in 1947 in a remote and a beautiful village in the heart of Pauri Garhwal (Uttarakhand) would be able to make a full length Feature film.
Jagwal is a brain child of Mr. Parashar Gaur who has spent a sizeable chunk of his life in promoting Garhwali culture. Even though he conceived the idea of making a film in 1975. It was not till 1982 that the project took off. During this period Mr. Gaur went through a hell of a time. He was being taunted by his colleagues and friends in sarcastic ways. He has been targeted and humiliated in day to days life . He has been cheated by his, the then so called promoters who were with him in the project. One of the promoter ran away with the heroin. He was so shocked .He decided to abandon the banner as well as the promoters too and started a new banner under the name of ‘ANCHALIK FILMS. ” Facing problems and hardships he finally come out with flying colours and released the first Garhwali film.
The film does not attempt to shock the viewers with the stark poverty of the hills. It does not raise any radical slogans. The main strength of the film lies in the way it captures the innocence of the hill people.
Jagwal is poignant tale of a young woman Indu. At her wedding the bridegroom’s youngest brother who is a dumb, is involved in a quarrel with priest. The bridegroom Biru intervenes. In the process the priest accidentally received fatal injuries. On the nuptial night the police arrest the bridegroom. He is tried and imprisoned for 10 years. Biru advises his wife not to wait for him, but to get married with his younger brother Sheru. But she choose to wait. After facing hardships she finally emerges triumphant and the ‘JAGWAL’ (wait) ends on a happy note when she meets her husband again .
Mr. Gaur's long experience with the theatre helped him to bring together the best talents available on the Gahwali stage and obtain their full cooperation. Film was made in record time of 28 days and passed by Censor in just 24 hours, the film was was first screened in a non commercial hall at the Mavlankarn Hall in Delhi. The film attracted a large number of people from and around the neighbourhood of the capital with several travelling all the way from places as far as Sharanpur, Meerut and Modi Nagar. The response was tremendous. It appeared that the entire Garhwali population had descended on the theatre.
The Ticket price at Rs 5 were sold for 50 and a few even went for whopping 100. After “Jagwal ‘ there were more than 20 films that have been released so far . Among them are Kabhi Sukh-Kabhi Dukh (producd by Bindesh Naudiyal), Ghar-Jawain,( produced by Nautiyal ) Kauthik (produced by Sheel choudhry) , Udnkar (Produced by Mrs Bisht) Pyaru Rumal (Dubbed from’ Kusmo Rumal ‘Nepali) Samlaon, Phulee, Madhulee, Bantwaroo, Jeetu Bagdwal, Chakarchaal, Chwati Bwari . In Kumuni Only one film has been released “Megha Aa” ( Produced by Jivan Bist.)
एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720:
Some more clippings of Jagwal.
एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720:
Source : http://www.garhwalicinema.blogspot.com/
एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720:
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