Uttarakhand Updates > Celebrity Online - व्यक्ति विशेष से सीधी बात !
Live Chat With Prakash Pant(Tourism Minister) On 18th Feb 2009 At 11:00 AM
एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720:
LIVE CHAT WITH TOURISM MINISTER SH. PRAKASH PANT JI पर्यटन मंत्री श्री प्रकाश पन्त जी से सीधी बात :
Shree Prakash Pant Ji, Honorable Tourism Minister of Uttarakhand is coming on Merapahd Board to have live chat session with the members. This is the first occassion when a minister from our state is coming to have direct interaction session (LIVE Chat) with the people. Apart from Tourism, Pant ji is holding some other important portfolios like Culture, Pilgrimage, Endowment, parliamentary Affairs & Reorganization, Government of Uttarakhand. After formation of Uttarakhand state, Pant Ji, also got an honor of becoming the First Speaker of the Assembly. We all have a lot of expectation from him towards the development of Uttarakhand on Tourism Sectors.
It is said that Uttarakhand has lot of potential of tourism. However, during several surveys, it reveals that Uttarakhand is still lacking on areas on tourism point of view. Where Govt is lagging behing in promoting tourism and what are the future strategies of Govt for it in this context, we are sure you must have a lot question to be asked to Pant Ji. The details of this live Chat are as follows :
DATE : 18 Feb 2009
Day : Wednesday
Time : 11:00 am
Portal : Exclusively on Merapahad Portal
We would request our members that while asking question giving the following details;
Write Your Name :
Village :
District :
Your Question :
In case of any time constraints, you can ask post questions in advance. The questions should be specific and development related. It is not an easy task to catch Pant for this live chat due to pre-occupied tied schedule. However, he has very kindly agreed to spare some time for this Chat Session.
M S Mehta
Prakash Pant
Minister, Tourism, Culture, Pilgrimage
Endowment, parliamentary Affairs & Reorganization
Government of Uttarakhand
Born on 11th November 1960 in a simple family of a small hamlet in Pithoragarh, Uttarakhand, Prakash Pant graduated in Pharmacy.
This youthful village boy had leadership qualities right from the beginning and was chosen General Secretary of Military Science Board in the year 1977. The year 1988 saw Prakash Pant being chosen as member of Municipal Council of Pithoragarh. Ten years later he was chosen as a Member of Legislative Council(Vidhan Parishad) U.P.
In 2001 after the formation of Uttaranchal now Uttarakhand, he was chosen Speaker of Interim Uttarakhand Vidhan Sabha and in the process became the youngest speaker of such a body among the Commonwealth Nations. The following year in 2002 later in 2007 he was elected to Uttarakhand Assembly from Pithoragarh constituency. At present he is a Cabinet Minister in the state of Uttarakhand holding the important portfolio of Tourism, culture, Pilgrimage Endowment,
Parliamentary Affairs and Reorganization.
Till the year 1984 in spite of being in Government service he selflessly worked among the downtrodden, deprived classes of society for their well being and upliftment. He resigned from Government service to whole heartedly work for the deprived masses and hence joined the Bhartiya Janta- Party, Pandit deen Dayal Upadhaya being his idol.
Apart from the political career, Prakash Pant is an ace shooter and has won Gold Medal in State Shooting Championship in 2004 & in the same year a Silver Medal in National Level Shooting competition (G.B. Mavlankar Shooting Competition, Coimbatore). He is well traveled and has visited various countries like United Kingdom, Japan, China, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Dubai and Canada.)
Finally he aims to change the life of every single man of the Society.[/b][/size]
इस लाइव चैट को कल ई०टी०वी० उत्तराखण्ड की सांध्यकालीन समाचार (७.३०) पर दिखाया गया on 18 FEB 2009.
हेम पन्त:
Great News Mehta ji... Due to time constraint it will be nice if members can start putting their question from today itself... we can make a questionaire, it will save time. Pant ji will be able to answer the more qusetions in little time by this way...
My humble request to all members to take active part in this live chat...
पंकज सिंह महर:
मा० मंत्री पर्यटन, तीर्थाटन, धर्मस्व, संस्कृति, संसदीय कार्य, विधायी, पुनर्गठन, नियोजन (सांख्यकीय सहित), बाह् य सहायतित परियोजनाएं
जन्म तिथि 11 नवम्बर 1960
स्थाई पता- ग्राम खड़कोट, पो०ऑ० पिथौरागढ़, जनपद पिथौरागढ़
शैक्षिक- योग्यता डिप्लोमा इन फार्मेसी
पिथोरागढ़, उत्तराखण्ड के एक छोटे गाँव में साधारण परिवर में 11 नवम्बर 1960 को जन्मे श्री प्रकाश पंत फार्मेसी में स्नातक हैं । इस ग्रामीण युवा के अन्दर शुरू से ही नेतृत्व के गुण थे और इन्हे 1977 में सैन्य विज्ञान परिषद का महासचिव चुना गया था । वर्ष 1988 में श्री प्रकाश पंत पिथौरागढ़ नगर परिषद के सदस्य चुने गए । दस वर्ष बाद उन्हे उ०प्र० विधान परिषद का सदस्य (एम०एल०सी०) चुना गया । 9 नवम्बर, 2000 को पृथक उत्तराखण्ड (तब उत्तरांचल) राज्य के गठन के पश्चात श्री पन्त उत्तरांचल विधान सभा की अनन्तिम विधान सभा के प्रथम अध्यक्ष निर्वाचित हुये। वर्ष २००२ के आम चुनाव में श्री पंत पिथौरागढ विधान सभा से निर्वाचित हुये और सदन में एक प्रखर, बुद्धिजीवी और संसदीय अनुभवी वक्ता के रुप में परिलक्षित हुये। २००७ के आम चुनावों में आप पुनः पिथौरागढ़ विधान सभा क्षेत्र से निर्वाचित हुये और वर्तमान में मंत्री हैं।
खीमसिंह रावत:
पन्त जी नमस्कार
टूरिजम से गाँवो के नव युवको को और महिलाओ के किस तरह फायदा होगा/
Anubhav / अनुभव उपाध्याय:
Great work Mehta ji and Mahar ji.
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