Author Topic: Folk Songs & Dance Of Uttarakhand - उत्तराखण्ड के लोक नृत्य एवं लोक गीत  (Read 87038 times)

Bhishma Kukreti

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Satynishtha Lok Geet: Oriental Folk Songs showing folk belief on speaking truth and Truthfulness

Oriental/Asian Folk Song and Folk Literature from Ravain/Rawaeen, Yamuna-Tons Valley Region, Uttarkashi, Dehradun, Garhwal -47 
  रवांइ, उत्तरकाशी, देहरादून गढ़वाल क्षेत्र  के  प्रचलित   लोक गीत- 47     

    Translation, Interpretation by: Bhishma Kukreti

            The hill people believe on honesty and truthfulness. In reality due to adverse geographical situations, the people have to obey natural principle of life.
The following tow oriental folk poetries from Ravain/Rawaeen illustrate the value of speaking the truth. 

                       सत्यनिष्ठा आस्था लोक गीत

(संकलन व अन्वेषण : डा.जगदीश नौडियाल)

( इंटरनेट प्रस्तुति  एवं अतिरिक्त व्याखा - भीष्म कुकरेती )

 खाई जाली गरी,  खाई जाली गरी
सच्च की जै  होली झूट नलु मरी
The truth wins and the untruth looses
xx         xxx

पैटि  नई  तब जीतू दादी का गाऊं
राणी  तब तैकु  पट ड़्या गाळी  देंद
नंदू ह्वेई मेरा मालिक पर आंदु  न होई
स्याळि का बाना मू नई  बैणी  बेद्वाल

The folk story is about Jeetu who tells lie to his queen and she curses him while he was going to somewhere that –You are going but will never come back.

(संकलन व अन्वेषण : डा.जगदीश नौडियाल , २०११, उत्तराखंड की सांस्कृतिक धरोहर -रवांइ क्षेत्र के लोकसाहित्य का सांस्कृतिक अध्ययन , (पृष्ठ -136  )विनसर पब्लिशिंग कं देहरादून)

Copyright Interpretation, @ Bhishma Kukreti 26/7/2013 

Oriental/Asian Folk Literature from Ravain/Rawaeen, Yamuna-Tons Valley Region, Uttarkashi, Dehradun, Garhwal to be continued …48 
( रवांइ क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; हर की दून, रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; जानकी चट्टी, रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; फुल चट्टी , रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; मोरी रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; पुजेली , रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; पुरोला , रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; बनाल पट्टी , रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; राढ़ी डांडा,  रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; यमुनोत्री , रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; हनुमान चट्टी , रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; खरसाली रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; गंगनाणी ,  रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; बडकोट , रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; नौगाँव , रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; आराकोट , रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; जर्मोला धार रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ;लाखामंडल,  रवांइ -देहरादून  क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ;चकरौता  रवांइ -देहरादून  क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ;अनहोल रवांइ -देहरादून  क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; त्यूणी  रवांइ -देहरादून  क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत श्रृखला जारी)
Xx     xxx
Notes on Oriental Folk Songs from Ravain/Rawaeen showing folk belief on speaking truth and Truthfulness; Oriental Folk Songs from Arakot, Ravain/Rawaeen showing folk belief on speaking truth and Truthfulness; Oriental Folk Songs from Tyuni Ravain/Rawaeen showing folk belief on speaking truth and Truthfulness; Oriental Folk Songs from Anhol ,Ravain/Rawaeen showing folk belief on speaking truth and Truthfulness; Oriental Folk Songs from Har ki Dun Ravain/Rawaeen showing folk belief on speaking truth and Truthfulness; Oriental Folk Songs from Naitwar Ravain/Rawaeen showing folk belief on speaking truth and Truthfulness; Oriental Folk Songs from Mori Ravain/Rawaeen showing folk belief on speaking truth and Truthfulness; Oriental Folk Songs from Jarmoladhar Ravain/Rawaeen Garhwal showing folk belief on speaking truth and Truthfulness; Oriental Folk Songs from Ringali danda Ravain/Rawaeen Garhwal showing folk belief on speaking truth and Truthfulness; Oriental Folk Songs from Purola, Ravain/Rawaeen Garhwal showing folk belief on speaking truth and Truthfulness; Oriental Folk Songs from Lakhamadnal Ravain/Rawaeen Garhwal showing folk belief on speaking truth and Truthfulness; Oriental Folk Songs from Barkot Ravain/Rawaeen Garhwal showing folk belief on speaking truth and Truthfulness; Oriental Folk Songs from Naugaon Ravain/Rawaeen Garhwal showing folk belief on speaking truth and Truthfulness; Oriental Folk Songs from Gangnai Ravain/Rawaeen Garhwal showing folk belief on speaking truth and Truthfulness; Oriental Folk Songs from Yamuna Valley Ravain/Rawaeen Garhwal showing folk belief on speaking truth and Truthfulness; Oriental Folk Songs from Tones Valley Ravain/Rawaeen Garhwal showing folk belief on speaking truth and Truthfulness; Oriental Folk Songs from Yamunotri Ravain/Rawaeen Garhwal showing folk belief on speaking truth and Truthfulness;

Bhishma Kukreti

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He Dari Paran: South Asian Folk Song from Garhwal Illustrating Daily Life, Day-to-Day Activities and Culture

Folk Songs from Kumaon-Garhwal, Haridwar, Uttarakhand (India)-303
(Oriental, Himalayan Folk Song/Traditional Folktales/ Conventional Sayings Series)

                                      By: Bhishma Kukreti
  Folk Songs creators are from the society. The folk song creators depict the daily life of the societies through various illustrations.  The following south Asian folk song is about theft of mat. The mat is very important part of any hose. This south Asian folk song depicts the importance of mat, the day to day activities and culture of Garhwal.
 This Asian folk song –dance from Garhwal is of Fafoti dance-song style.

कुमाऊं, गढ़वाल ,हरिद्वार के  लोक गीत  -303

           हे दरी पराण 

(संकलन ;  राजेश्वर व लीलावती , बड़कोट , चमोली, सन्दर्भ: चिट्ठी पत्री  2003
(इंटरनेट प्रस्तुती व व्याख्या - भीष्म कुकरेती )   

हे दरी पराण  दरी ताछम ताछ्मा दरी

मेरी दरी नटीगे भायो दरी ताछम ताछ्मा दरी
गौं लगावा धाद दरी ताछम ताछ्मा दरी
मुल्क  देया खैंडा दरी ताछम ताछ्मा दरी
दरी  का  दौनाल दरी ताछम ताछ्मा दरी
बीस खाई रोटी दरी ताछम ताछ्मा दरी
दरी ऐ पराण दरी ताछम ताछ्मा दरी
तैं दरी का बान दरी ताछम ताछ्मा दरी
गौं पूछो पधान दरी ताछम ताछ्मा दरी
पति पूछो पटवारी दरी ताछम ताछ्मा दरी
गौं  पूछो मेम्बरा दरी ताछम ताछ्मा दरी
चौकी पूछो चौकीदार दरी ताछम ताछ्मा दरी
तैं दरी का बान दरी ताछम ताछ्मा दरी
गौं पूछो थोकदार दरी ताछम ताछ्मा दरी
मेरी दरी नटीगे भायो दरी ताछम ताछ्मा दरी
मेरी दरी दिखैद्यादरी ताछम ताछ्मा दरी   छम ताछ्मा दरी दरी ताछम ताछ्मा दरी दरी ताछम ताछ्मा दरी दरी ताछम ताछ्मा दरी
मेरी  दरी का बान दरी ताछम ताछ्मा दरी
 गौं  बैठि  पंच्याता दरी ताछम ताछ्मा दरी
भात को जो बरी भायो दरी ताछम ताछ्मा दरी
मेरी दरी को पता लैगो दरी ताछम ताछ्मा दरी
पधानू ओबरी दरी ताछम ताछ्मा दरी
दरी मेरो  पराण दरी ताछम ताछ्मा दरी
दरी माँ बिस्कुणु दरी ताछम ताछ्मा दरी
छाजा मा जिठाणु दरी ताछम ताछ्मा दरी दरी ताछम ताछ्मा दरी
कासी कै कुटण दरी ताछम ताछ्मा दरी
बाखुरी गाँ  भौं च दरी ताछम ताछ्मा दरी
जू मेरी दरी लुकालु भायो दरी ताछम ताछ्मा दरी
वेखु म्यारा सौ च दरी ताछम ताछ्मा दरी

               Extract of South Asian Folk Song He Dari Paran

 Important is my Mat
Somebody theft my Mat
I am calling all villagers for my Mat
My life is my Mat
 I ate twenty breads for worrying for my Mat
I asked village council chief for my Mat
My husband asked Patwari  (Police Constable ) for my Mat
Gatekeeper was asked for my Mat
Thokdar was asked for my Mat
I request for showing my Mat
The village council session was called for my Mat
People came to know about my Mat
It was in the room of village council chief, My Mat! 
I dehydrate cereals on my Mat
My husband’s elder brother is sitting on Balcony how to thrash cereals, forget about my Mat
He would get my curse that who steals My Mat

Copyright (Interpretation) @ Bhishma Kukreti, 27/7/2013
Folk Songs from Kumaon-Garhwal-Haridwar (Uttarakhand) to be continued…304 
                                  Curtsey and references
Dr. Krishna Nand Joshi, Kumaon ka Lok Sahitya (Folklore texts of Kumaon)
 Dr Trilochan Pandey, Kumaoni Bhasha aur Uska Sahity(Folklore literature of Kumaon )
Dr Shiva Nand Nautiyal, Garhwal ke Lok Nrityageet  (Folk Songs and Folk dances of Garhwal )
Dr Govind Chatak, Garhwali Lokgathayen (Folklore of Garhwali)
Dr. Govind Chatak, Kumaoni Lokgathayen (Folklore of Kumaoni)
Dr Urvi Datt Upadhyaya, Kumaon ki Lokgathaon ka Sahityik Adhyayan (Literary review of Folklore of Kumaon)
Dr. Dip Chand Chaudhri, 1995, Askot ka Palvansh , Gumani Shodhkendra, Uprada, Gangalighat
Dr. Prayag Joshi, Kumaon Garhwal ki Lokgathaon ka Vivechnatmak Adhyayan (Critical Review of Folklore of Kumaon and Garhwal)
Dr Dinesh Chandra Baluni, Uttarakhand ki Lokgathayen (Folklore of Uttarakhand)
Dr Jagdish (Jaggu) Naudiyal, Uttarakhand ki Sanskritik Dharohar, (Partially Folklore of Ravain) 
Ramesh Matiyani ‘Shailesh’ 1959, Kumaun ki Lok Gathayen
Abodh Bandhu Bahuguna, Dhunyal (Folklore and Folk Songs of Garhwal)
Shambhu Prasad Bahuguna, Virat Hriday
Kusum Budhwar, 2010, Where Gods Dwell: Central Himalayan Folktales and Legends 
C.M. Agarwal , Golu Devta, 1992, The God of Justice of Kumaon Himalayas
N.D .Paliwal, 1987, Kumaoni Lok Geet
E.S. Oakley and Tara Datt Gairola 1935, Himalayan Folklore
M.R.Anand, 2009, Understanding the Socio Cultural experiences of Pahadi folks: Jagar Gathas of Kumaon and Garhwal
Dr. Pradeep Saklani, 2008, Ethno archeology of Yamuna Valley
Shiv Narayan Singh Bisht, 1928, Gadhu Sumyal, Banghat , Pauri Garhwal
Anjali Kapila (2004), Traditional health Practices of Kumaoni women
Bhishma Kukreti, Garhwali Lok Natkon ke Mukhy Tatva va Vivechana
Helle Primdahi, 1994, Central Himalayan Folklore: folk Songs in Rituals of the Life Cycle
Hemant Kumar Shukla, D.R. Purohit, 2012, Theories and Practices of Hurkiya Theater in Uttarakhand, Language in India Vol.12:5: 2012 Page 143- 150
Dev Singh Pokhariya, 1996, Kumauni Jagar Kathayen aur Lokgathayen
Madan Chand Bhatt, 2002, Kumaun ki Jagar Kathayen 
Bhishma Kukreti, Garhwal ki Lok Kathayen, Alaknanda Prakashan
Bhishma Kukreti, Notes on History, Folk Literature of Haridwar
Khima Nand Sharma, Veer Balak Haru Heet, Kumauni Sahitya Sadan, Delhi, 1980.
*Dr Shiv Prasad Naithani, 2011, Uttrakhand Lok Sanskriti aur Sahitya, Udgata, page 119-126
Xx                        xxx
(टिहरी से गढवाली जागर, लोक गीत;  उत्तरकाशी से गढवाली जागर, लोक गीत; पौड़ी से गढवाली जागर,  लोक गीत; चमोली -रुद्रप्रयाग से गढवाली जागर,लोक गीत; नैनीताल से कुमाउनी जागर,लोक गीत; अल्मोड़ा से कुमाउनी जागर,लोक गीत;पिथोरागढ़ -बागेश्वर से कुमाउनी जागर,लोक गीत;चम्पावत , उधम सिंह नगर से कुमाउनी जागर,लोक गीत;उत्तराखंडी जागर,लोक गीत;,  हरिद्वार से जागर,लोक गीत;,मध्य हिमालयी जागर,लोक गीत;, हिमालयी जागर,लोक गीत;उत्तर भारितीय जागर,लोक गीत; भारतीय जागर,लोक गीत; एशियाई जागर,लोक गीत श्रृंखला,
Xx          xxx
Notes on South Asian Folk Song from Garhwal Illustrating Daily Life, Day-to-Day Activities and Culture; South Asian Folk Song from Chamoli Garhwal Illustrating Daily Life, Day-to-Day Activities and Culture; South Asian Folk Song from Gadkot Chamoli Garhwal Illustrating Daily Life, Day-to-Day Activities and Culture; South Asian Folk Song from Dhamdev Garhwal Illustrating Daily Life, Day-to-Day Activities and Culture; South Asian Folk Song from Gairsain Garhwal Illustrating Daily Life, Day-to-Day Activities and Culture; South Asian Folk Song from Tharali Garhwal Illustrating Daily Life, Day-to-Day Activities and Culture; South Asian Folk Song from Karnaprayag Chamoli Garhwal Illustrating Daily Life, Day-to-Day Activities and Culture; South Asian Folk Song from Pokhari Chamoli Garhwal Illustrating Daily Life, Day-to-Day Activities and Culture; South Asian Folk Song from Joshimath Chamoli Garhwal Illustrating Daily Life, Day-to-Day Activities and Culture; South Asian Folk Song from Gauchar Chamoli Garhwal Illustrating Daily Life, Day-to-Day Activities and Culture; South Asian Folk Song from Gopeshwar Chamoli Garhwal Illustrating Daily Life, Day-to-Day Activities and Culture; South Asian Folk Song from Nandprayag Chamoli Garhwal Illustrating Daily Life, Day-to-Day Activities and Culture; South Asian Folk Song from Nandakini valley Chamoli Garhwal Illustrating Daily Life, Day-to-Day Activities and Culture; South Asian Folk Song from Vishnuprayag Chamoli Garhwal Illustrating Daily Life, Day-to-Day Activities and Culture; South Asian Folk Song from Badrinath valley Chamoli Garhwal Illustrating Daily Life, Day-to-Day Activities and Culture; South Asian Folk Song from Pandukeshwar Chamoli Garhwal Illustrating Daily Life, Day-to-Day Activities and Culture; South Asian Folk Song from Rudraprayag Garhwal Illustrating Daily Life, Day-to-Day Activities and Culture; South Asian Folk Song from Pauri Garhwal Illustrating Daily Life, Day-to-Day Activities and Culture; South Asian Folk Song from Tehri Garhwal Illustrating Daily Life, Day-to-Day Activities and Culture; South Asian Folk Song from Uttarkashi Garhwal Illustrating Daily Life, Day-to-Day Activities and Culture; South Asian Folk Song from Dehradun Garhwal Illustrating Daily Life, Day-to-Day Activities and Culture

Bhishma Kukreti

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Dhakesa Bal Lok Geet: Asian (Garhwali, Indian) Children Folk Song Criticizing Dirtiness, Uncleanness   

Folk Songs from Kumaon-Garhwal, Haridwar, Uttarakhand (India)-304
(Oriental, Himalayan Folk Song/Traditional Folktales/ Conventional Sayings Series)

                                      By: Bhishma Kukreti

                 There are tens of children folk songs in Garhwali of varied subject.
The following Asian (Garhwali) folk song is to criticize dirty habit.
The Oriental (Garhwali) traditional kid song disapproves of uncleanness
The South Asian (Garhwali) time-honored poetry approves dirt free, unsoiled habit from an old man.
The Oriental (Garhwali) children folk song states that such dirty man should be sent to live in cowshed.
The Asian (Garhwali) children folk song explains that if father is filthy his children would be of same habits to live in mess. 

कुमाऊं, गढ़वाल ,हरिद्वार के  लोक गीत  -304

             ढकेसा  (बाल लोक गीत )

(संकलन ; जगदीश सती , सीरी गाँव , चमोली, सन्दर्भ: चिट्ठी पत्री  2003
(इंटरनेट प्रस्तुती व व्याख्या - भीष्म कुकरेती )   

हे रे बुड्या ढकेसा 
गोठा जा गोठा ढकेसा 
त्यार बांठै की ढकेसा 
नौणी रोटी ढकेसा 
वखि पौंछौला ढकेसा 
निरभैगी बुड्या ढकेसा 
गोठै मरौला ढकेसा 
गोठै सड़ौला ढकेसा
हे रे बुड्या ढकेसा
लोखुं गा लड़ा ढकेसा
इसकूला पढाला ढकेसा
बुड्या का लड़ा ढकेसा
कंटर बज्याला ढकेसा
निरभैगी बुड्या ढकेसा
खंकौर फरौनू  ढकेसा
गोठ जा गोठ जा ढकेसा
हे रे बुड्या ढकेसा

Copyright (Interpretation) @ Bhishma Kukreti, 28/7/2013
Folk Songs from Kumaon-Garhwal-Haridwar (Uttarakhand) to be continued…305 
                                  Curtsey and references
Dr. Krishna Nand Joshi, Kumaon ka Lok Sahitya (Folklore texts of Kumaon)
 Dr Trilochan Pandey, Kumaoni Bhasha aur Uska Sahity(Folklore literature of Kumaon )
Dr Shiva Nand Nautiyal, Garhwal ke Lok Nrityageet  (Folk Songs and Folk dances of Garhwal )
Dr Govind Chatak, Garhwali Lokgathayen (Folklore of Garhwali)
Dr. Govind Chatak, Kumaoni Lokgathayen (Folklore of Kumaoni)
Dr Urvi Datt Upadhyaya, Kumaon ki Lokgathaon ka Sahityik Adhyayan (Literary review of Folklore of Kumaon)
Dr. Dip Chand Chaudhri, 1995, Askot ka Palvansh , Gumani Shodhkendra, Uprada, Gangalighat
Dr. Prayag Joshi, Kumaon Garhwal ki Lokgathaon ka Vivechnatmak Adhyayan (Critical Review of Folklore of Kumaon and Garhwal)
Dr Dinesh Chandra Baluni, Uttarakhand ki Lokgathayen (Folklore of Uttarakhand)
Dr Jagdish (Jaggu) Naudiyal, Uttarakhand ki Sanskritik Dharohar, (Partially Folklore of Ravain) 
Ramesh Matiyani ‘Shailesh’ 1959, Kumaun ki Lok Gathayen
Abodh Bandhu Bahuguna, Dhunyal (Folklore and Folk Songs of Garhwal)
Shambhu Prasad Bahuguna, Virat Hriday
Kusum Budhwar, 2010, Where Gods Dwell: Central Himalayan Folktales and Legends 
C.M. Agarwal , Golu Devta, 1992, The God of Justice of Kumaon Himalayas
N.D .Paliwal, 1987, Kumaoni Lok Geet
E.S. Oakley and Tara Datt Gairola 1935, Himalayan Folklore
M.R.Anand, 2009, Understanding the Socio Cultural experiences of Pahadi folks: Jagar Gathas of Kumaon and Garhwal
Dr. Pradeep Saklani, 2008, Ethno archeology of Yamuna Valley
Shiv Narayan Singh Bisht, 1928, Gadhu Sumyal, Banghat , Pauri Garhwal
Anjali Kapila (2004), Traditional health Practices of Kumaoni women
Bhishma Kukreti, Garhwali Lok Natkon ke Mukhy Tatva va Vivechana
Helle Primdahi, 1994, Central Himalayan Folklore: folk Songs in Rituals of the Life Cycle
Hemant Kumar Shukla, D.R. Purohit, 2012, Theories and Practices of Hurkiya Theater in Uttarakhand, Language in India Vol.12:5: 2012 Page 143- 150
Dev Singh Pokhariya, 1996, Kumauni Jagar Kathayen aur Lokgathayen
Madan Chand Bhatt, 2002, Kumaun ki Jagar Kathayen 
Bhishma Kukreti, Garhwal ki Lok Kathayen, Alaknanda Prakashan
Bhishma Kukreti, Notes on History, Folk Literature of Haridwar
Khima Nand Sharma, Veer Balak Haru Heet, Kumauni Sahitya Sadan, Delhi, 1980.
*Dr Shiv Prasad Naithani, 2011, Uttrakhand Lok Sanskriti aur Sahitya, Udgata, page 119-126
Xx                        xxx
(टिहरी से गढवाली जागर, लोक गीत;  उत्तरकाशी से गढवाली जागर, लोक गीत; पौड़ी से गढवाली जागर,  लोक गीत; चमोली -रुद्रप्रयाग से गढवाली जागर,लोक गीत; नैनीताल से कुमाउनी जागर,लोक गीत; अल्मोड़ा से कुमाउनी जागर,लोक गीत;पिथोरागढ़ -बागेश्वर से कुमाउनी जागर,लोक गीत;चम्पावत , उधम सिंह नगर से कुमाउनी जागर,लोक गीत;उत्तराखंडी जागर,लोक गीत;,  हरिद्वार से जागर,लोक गीत;,मध्य हिमालयी जागर,लोक गीत;, हिमालयी जागर,लोक गीत;उत्तर भारितीय जागर,लोक गीत; भारतीय जागर,लोक गीत; एशियाई जागर,लोक गीत श्रृंखला,
Xx          xxx
Notes on Asian (Garhwali, Indian) Children Folk Song Criticizing Dirtiness, Uncleanness; Asian (Garhwali, Indian) Children Folk Song from Garhwal Criticizing Dirtiness, Uncleanness; Oriental (Garhwali, Indian) kids Folk Song from Siri Garhwal Criticizing filthiness, Uncleanness; South Asian (Garhwali, Indian) Children Folk Song from Chamoli Garhwal Criticizing Dirtiness, Uncleanness; Asian (Garhwali, Indian) Children Folk Song from Garhwal disapproving e of filthiness, dirtiness; Asian (Garhwali, Indian) Children Folk Song from Rudraprayag Garhwal Criticizing Dirtiness, Uncleanness; Asian (Garhwali, Indian) Children Folk Song from Joshimath Garhwal Criticizing Dirtiness, Uncleanness; Asian (Garhwali, Indian) Children Folk Song from Karnaprayag Garhwal Criticizing Dirtiness, Uncleanness; Asian (Garhwali, Indian) Children Folk Song from Nand Prayag Garhwal Criticizing Dirtiness, Uncleanness; Asian (Garhwali, Indian) Children Folk Song from Pandukeshwar Garhwal Criticizing Dirtiness, Uncleanness; Asian (Garhwali, Indian) Children Folk Song from Nandkini valley Garhwal Criticizing Dirtiness, Uncleanness; Asian (Garhwali, Indian) Children Folk Song from Pindar valley Garhwal Criticizing Dirtiness, Uncleanness; South Asian (Garhwali, Indian) Children Folk Song from Pauri Garhwal Criticizing Dirtiness, Uncleanness; Oriental  (Garhwali, Indian) Kids  Folk Song from Tehri Garhwal Criticizing Dirtiness, Uncleanness; Asian (Garhwali, Indian) Children Folk Song from Uttarkashi Garhwal Criticizing grubbiness, Uncleanness

Bhishma Kukreti

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Saryun Ko Ayi: Oriental (Garhwali) Children Folk Song about Ring Ceremony or Engagement Ceremony

Folk Songs from Kumaon-Garhwal, Haridwar, Uttarakhand (India)-305
(Oriental, Himalayan Folk Song/Traditional Folktales/ Conventional Sayings Series)
                 कुमाऊं, गढ़वाल ,हरिद्वार के  लोक गीत  -305

(उत्तराखंड से बाल लोक गीत , दुसांत से बाल लोक गीत; चमोली  गढ़वाल से बाल लोक गीत ;गदकोत चमोली गढ़वाल से बाल लोक गीत ; रुद्रप्रयाग गढ़वाल से बाल लोक गीत ; पौड़ी गढ़वाल से बाल लोक गीत ; टिहरी गढ़वाल से बाल लोक गीत ;उत्तरकाशी गढ़वाल से बाल लोक गीत ;केदार उत्यपका गढ़वाल से बाल लोक गीत ; बद्रीनाथ घाटी गढ़वाल से बाल लोक गीत ; लैंसडाउन गढ़वाल से बाल लोक गीत ; कोटद्वार गढ़वाल से बाल लोक गीत ;नरेंद्र नगर गढ़वाल से बाल लोक गीत ;प्रताप नगर गढ़वाल से बाल लोक गीत ; गौचर गढ़वाल से बाल लोक गीत ; पुरोला गढ़वाल से बाल लोक गीत ; राठ  क्षेत्र गढ़वाल से बाल लोक गीत ; गैरसैण  गढ़वाल से बाल लोक गीत ; दूधातोली गढ़वाल से बाल लोक गीत  श्रृंखला)

                                      By: Bhishma Kukreti

   The Garhwali (Oriental) children folk songs are of varied colors and varied topics. I. Opie and P. Opie divided children songs into various types. The Garhwali (Asian) children traditional songs could also be divided into
1-Children Amusement folk verses including action folk songs
2-Counting Kids Folk rhymes
3-Lullibies conventional Poetries
4-Children Folk riddle
5-Improper children folk verses
6-Children folk jingle
7-Children Folk style Joke verses
8-Children Customary Nonsense poems
9- Children folk verses with humor
10-Tongue twisting children traditional poetries

    The following folk song for children is a popular type of song.
The following Garhwali (Asian) children verse is illustrating about boy party coming to girl house for ring or engagement ceremony.
This kids folk poetry in question-answer style.

सार्युं का नीस को आई? --एक बाल लोक गीत   

(संकलन ; सन्दर्भ: चिट्ठी पत्री  2003 )
(इंटरनेट प्रस्तुती व व्याख्या - भीष्म कुकरेती )   

 सार्युं का नीस को आई,   सार्युं का नीस को आई, 
 बेटी का माँगण्या आई,  बेटी का माँगण्या आई
बैठी जा बैठी जा राजा ,बैठी जा बैठी जा राजा
यो बैठा सो बैठा राजा ,यो बैठा सो बैठा राजा
बेटुली चा बणै दे , बेटुली चा बणै दे
चा पाणि हम नि पेंदा ,चा पाणि हम नि पेंदा
फर्र लौटी क्यांकु आई ,फर्र लौटी क्यांकु आई
भौत खीरू तुमारु घीया ,भौत खीरू तुमारु घीया
बौड़ी जा  बौड़ी राजा ,बौड़ी जा  बौड़ी राजा
घी दैजा क्य दैजा देला ,घी दैजा क्य दैजा देला
लैंदी गौड़ी दुदाळ , लैंदी गौड़ी दुदाळ
सूना का गौणा जिहोरा , सूना का गौणा जिहोरा
चांदी की झीनी झांवरी ,चांदी की झीनी झांवरी
ब्योली क्या करदी काज ?ब्योली क्या करदी काज ?
बौण  घौरै धाण -पाण , बौण  घौरै धाण -पाण
इंटर  पास च ब्योली , इंटर  पास च ब्योली
तुमारो ब्योला क्या कादो ,तुमारो ब्योला क्या कादो
देसुंम साब च वो ,देसुंम साब च वो
ठीक ठाक जोड़ी मिलीं च ,ठीक ठाक जोड़ी मिलीं च
सार्युं का नीस क्वो गाई ,सार्युं का नीस क्वो गाई
बेटी का माँगण्या गाई , बेटी का माँगण्या गाई

                     Extract of Children Folk Song

Who are those below Farms?
They are from boy party visiting to girl house for ring ceremony
The host is asking to guest about tea
Why did the boy party return so early?
The boy party is asking huge dowry
The boy party says no for tea
What does girl do?
She does home and forest works.
She is Inter pass girl
What does boy do?
The boy is officer in plains

Copyright (Interpretation) @ Bhishma Kukreti, 29/7/2013
Folk Songs from Kumaon-Garhwal-Haridwar (Uttarakhand) to be continued…306 
                                  Curtsey and references
Dr. Krishna Nand Joshi, Kumaon ka Lok Sahitya (Folklore texts of Kumaon)
 Dr Trilochan Pandey, Kumaoni Bhasha aur Uska Sahity(Folklore literature of Kumaon )
Dr Shiva Nand Nautiyal, Garhwal ke Lok Nrityageet  (Folk Songs and Folk dances of Garhwal )
Dr Govind Chatak, Garhwali Lokgathayen (Folklore of Garhwali)
Dr. Govind Chatak, Kumaoni Lokgathayen (Folklore of Kumaoni)
Dr Urvi Datt Upadhyaya, Kumaon ki Lokgathaon ka Sahityik Adhyayan (Literary review of Folklore of Kumaon)
Dr. Dip Chand Chaudhri, 1995, Askot ka Palvansh , Gumani Shodhkendra, Uprada, Gangalighat
Dr. Prayag Joshi, Kumaon Garhwal ki Lokgathaon ka Vivechnatmak Adhyayan (Critical Review of Folklore of Kumaon and Garhwal)
Dr Dinesh Chandra Baluni, Uttarakhand ki Lokgathayen (Folklore of Uttarakhand)
Dr Jagdish (Jaggu) Naudiyal, Uttarakhand ki Sanskritik Dharohar, (Partially Folklore of Ravain) 
Ramesh Matiyani ‘Shailesh’ 1959, Kumaun ki Lok Gathayen
Abodh Bandhu Bahuguna, Dhunyal (Folklore and Folk Songs of Garhwal)
Shambhu Prasad Bahuguna, Virat Hriday
Kusum Budhwar, 2010, Where Gods Dwell: Central Himalayan Folktales and Legends 
C.M. Agarwal , Golu Devta, 1992, The God of Justice of Kumaon Himalayas
N.D .Paliwal, 1987, Kumaoni Lok Geet
E.S. Oakley and Tara Datt Gairola 1935, Himalayan Folklore
M.R.Anand, 2009, Understanding the Socio Cultural experiences of Pahadi folks: Jagar Gathas of Kumaon and Garhwal
Dr. Pradeep Saklani, 2008, Ethno archeology of Yamuna Valley
Shiv Narayan Singh Bisht, 1928, Gadhu Sumyal, Banghat , Pauri Garhwal
Anjali Kapila (2004), Traditional health Practices of Kumaoni women
Bhishma Kukreti, Garhwali Lok Natkon ke Mukhy Tatva va Vivechana
Helle Primdahi, 1994, Central Himalayan Folklore: folk Songs in Rituals of the Life Cycle
Hemant Kumar Shukla, D.R. Purohit, 2012, Theories and Practices of Hurkiya Theater in Uttarakhand, Language in India Vol.12:5: 2012 Page 143- 150
Dev Singh Pokhariya, 1996, Kumauni Jagar Kathayen aur Lokgathayen
Madan Chand Bhatt, 2002, Kumaun ki Jagar Kathayen 
Bhishma Kukreti, Garhwal ki Lok Kathayen, Alaknanda Prakashan
Bhishma Kukreti, Notes on History, Folk Literature of Haridwar
Khima Nand Sharma, Veer Balak Haru Heet, Kumauni Sahitya Sadan, Delhi, 1980.
*Dr Shiv Prasad Naithani, 2011, Uttrakhand Lok Sanskriti aur Sahitya, Udgata, page 119-126
Xx                        xxx
उत्तराखंड से बाल लोक गीत , दुसांत से बाल लोक गीत; चमोली  गढ़वाल से बाल लोक गीत ;गदकोत चमोली गढ़वाल से बाल लोक गीत ; रुद्रप्रयाग गढ़वाल से बाल लोक गीत ; पौड़ी गढ़वाल से बाल लोक गीत ; टिहरी गढ़वाल से बाल लोक गीत ;उत्तरकाशी गढ़वाल से बाल लोक गीत ;केदार उत्यपका गढ़वाल से बाल लोक गीत ; बद्रीनाथ घाटी गढ़वाल से बाल लोक गीत ; लैंसडाउन गढ़वाल से बाल लोक गीत ; कोटद्वार गढ़वाल से बाल लोक गीत ;नरेंद्र नगर गढ़वाल से बाल लोक गीत ;प्रताप नगर गढ़वाल से बाल लोक गीत ; गौचर गढ़वाल से बाल लोक गीत ; पुरोला गढ़वाल से बाल लोक गीत ; राठ  क्षेत्र गढ़वाल से बाल लोक गीत ; गैरसैण  गढ़वाल से बाल लोक गीत ; दूधातोली गढ़वाल से बाल लोक गीत  श्रृंखला जारी ..

Xx                    xxx
Notes on Oriental (Garhwali) Children Folk Song about Ring Ceremony or Engagement Ceremony; Oriental (Garhwali) Children Folk Song from Garhwal about Ring Ceremony or Engagement Ceremony; Oriental (Garhwali) Children Folk Song from Chamoli Garhwal about Ring Ceremony or Engagement Ceremony; Oriental (Garhwali) Children Folk Song from Gadkot Garhwal about Ring Ceremony or Engagement Ceremony; Oriental (Garhwali) Children Folk Song from Rudraprayag Garhwal about Ring Ceremony or Engagement Ceremony; Oriental (Garhwali) Children Folk Song from Tehri Garhwal about Ring Ceremony or Engagement Ceremony; Oriental (Garhwali) Children Folk Song from Uttarkashi Garhwal about Ring Ceremony or Engagement Ceremony; Oriental (Garhwali) Children Folk Song from Rudraprayag Garhwal about Ring Ceremony or Engagement Ceremony; Oriental (Garhwali) Children Folk Song from Pauri Garhwal about Ring Ceremony or Engagement Ceremony; Oriental (Garhwali) Children Folk Song from Garhwal about Ring Ceremony or Engagement Ceremony; Oriental (Garhwali) Children Folk Song from Badrinath region Garhwal about Ring Ceremony or Engagement Ceremony; Oriental (Garhwali) Children Folk Song from Gauchar region Garhwal about Ring Ceremony or Engagement Ceremony; Oriental (Garhwali) Children Folk Song from Gopeshwar Garhwal about Ring Ceremony or Engagement Ceremony; Oriental (Garhwali) Children Folk Song from Nandakini valley Garhwal about Ring Ceremony or Engagement Ceremony; Oriental (Garhwali) Children Folk Song from Vishnuganga valley Garhwal about Ring Ceremony or Engagement Ceremony; Oriental (Garhwali) Children Folk Song from Pindar valley Garhwal about Ring Ceremony or Engagement Ceremony;

Bhishma Kukreti

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Dwee Bwaryun Kajai: Satirical and Humorous Folk Songs/Traditional Music from Ravain Garhwal (Asian)

Oriental/Asian Folk Song and Folk Literature from Ravain/Rawaeen, Yamuna-Tons Valley Region, Uttarkashi, Dehradun, Garhwal -49 

  रवांइ, उत्तरकाशी, देहरादून गढ़वाल क्षेत्र  के  प्रचलित   लोक गीत- 49     

    Translation, Interpretation by: Bhishma Kukreti

        There are all types of traditional folk songs from Ravain region of Garhwal.
 There are humorous and satirical folk songs criticizing wrong happenings
One of following ironic, hilarious folk songs criticizes the man having two or more wives 
Another folk song criticizes his father

रवाँल्टी के हास्य -व्यंग्य लोक गीत

 (सन्दर्भ: महावीर रंवाल्टा, 2011, उत्तराखंड में रंवाइ क्षेत्र के लोक साहित्य की मौखिक परंपरा, उदगाता, पृष्ठ 48- 56 )   
( इंटरनेट प्रस्तुति  एवं अतिरिक्त व्याखा - भीष्म कुकरेती )

पाणी भरी बाल्टी
द्वी सैण्यूं कू रसिया आफुइ बणा खाणू
That man who has two wives
The man has to clean his vessels his own
The man has to cook his food his own
xx      xxx

पारी धरौंदु क्वा टट्याणु
मुई तकी बुए बट्याणु     
O Mom! I thought it is crow but he was father calling.

Copyright Interpretation, @ Bhishma Kukreti 29/7/2013 

Oriental/Asian Folk Literature from Ravain/Rawaeen, Yamuna-Tons Valley Region, Uttarkashi, Dehradun, Garhwal to be continued …50 
( रवांइ क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; हर की दून, रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; जानकी चट्टी, रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; फुल चट्टी , रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; मोरी रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; पुजेली , रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; पुरोला , रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; बनाल पट्टी , रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; राढ़ी डांडा,  रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; यमुनोत्री , रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; हनुमान चट्टी , रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; खरसाली रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; गंगनाणी ,  रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; बडकोट , रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; नौगाँव , रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; आराकोट , रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; जर्मोला धार रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ;लाखामंडल,  रवांइ -देहरादून  क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ;चकरौता  रवांइ -देहरादून  क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ;अनहोल रवांइ -देहरादून  क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; त्यूणी  रवांइ -देहरादून  क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत श्रृखला जारी)
Xx           xxx
Notes on Satirical and Humorous Folk Songs/Traditional Music from Ravain Garhwal (India, Asia); Satirical and Humorous Folk Songs/Traditional Music from Ravain, Uttarkashi Garhwal (India, Asia); Satirical and Humorous Folk Songs/Traditional Music from Ravain, Dehradun,  Garhwal (India, Asia); Satirical and Humorous Folk Songs/Traditional Music from Ravain Garhwal, Uttarakhand  (India, Asia); Satirical and Humorous Folk Songs/Traditional Music from Ravain Garhwal, Central Himalaya  (India, Asia); Satirical and Humorous Folk Songs/Traditional Music from Ravain Garhwal (India, Asia); Satirical and Humorous Folk Songs/Traditional Music from Ravain Garhwal, North India  (India, Asia); Satirical and Humorous Folk Songs/Traditional Music from Ravain Garhwal Indian subcontinent ( Asia); Satirical and Humorous Folk Songs/Traditional Music from Ravain Garhwal SAARC Countries (India, Asia); Satirical and Humorous Folk Songs/Traditional Music from Ravain Garhwal, South Asia

Bhishma Kukreti

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Raifal Tainika: Asian Patriotic Folk Song Illustrating Military Training for Rural Civilians 

Folk Songs from Kumaon-Garhwal, Haridwar, Uttarakhand (India)-305
(Asian, Himalayan Folk Song/Traditional Folktales/ Conventional Sayings Series)
                 कुमाऊं, गढ़वाल ,हरिद्वार के  लोक गीत  -306

                                      By: Bhishma Kukreti

                   Before Indo-Pakistan war of 1972, there was no system for Military Training of Civilians or common men.  When in 1972 Bangladesh-Pakistan civil war was on Government of India started a basic military training o civilians of Himalayan region bordering to China.
                   The villagers created various types of folk songs regarding military training to civilians. Surendra Negi and Pritam Apachhyan from Chamoli Garhwal collected the below folk song depicting military training to villagers.

रैफल टैनिका: एक देशभक्ति लोक गीत

(संकलन ; सुरेन्द्र नेगी और प्रीतम  अपछ्यांण ,  सन्दर्भ: चिट्ठी पत्री  2003 )
(इंटरनेट प्रस्तुती व व्याख्या - भीष्म कुकरेती )   

 जै माता भारता भारता सैनका , जै माता भारता भारता सैनका
गौं गऊँ मा खूली रैफल टैनिका , गौं गऊँ मा खूली रैफल टैनिका
पैलि -पैलि टैनीका दीदि भुल्युं की होली ,पैलि -पैलि टैनीका दीदि भुल्युं की होली
नीछि पीछि टैनीका भाई बन्धुं की होली ,नीछि पीछि टैनीका भाई बन्धुं की होली
जै माता भारता भारता सैनका , जै माता भारता भारता सैनका
गौं गऊँ मा खूली रैफल टैनिका , गौं गऊँ मा खूली रैफल टैनिका
हौल्दार र भैजिन मारै सीटी , हौल्दार  भैजिन मारै सीटी
गौचरा सैण सिपायुं की पीटी , गौचरा सैण सिपायुं की पीटी
खेली जालू ताश मारेला तुरूपा , खेली जालू ताश मारेला तुरूपा
रैफल मा हून्दन  वै तीन गुरुपा  , रैफल मा हूना वै तीन गुरुपा
 जै माता भारता पराळै कि घुसी , जै माता भारता पराळै कि घुसी
हमारो हौल्दार हूणु भौत खुसी ,हमारो हौल्दार हूणु भौत खुसी
जै माता भारता भारता सैनका , जै माता भारता भारता सैनका
गौं गऊँ मा खूली रैफल टैनिका , गौं गऊँ मा खूली रैफल टैनिका

 O Mother India! You win war! Win the War!
Rifle training centers are opened in villages
First, the girls and women will take rifle training
Then males would take rifle training
Havaldar blew the whistle to start training
As military trainer became attentive as we too became attentive in physical training
Three groups are made groups for rifle training
Our trainer Havaldar was pleased to see our rifle training

Copyright (Interpretation) @ Bhishma Kukreti, 29/7/2013
Folk Songs from Kumaon-Garhwal-Haridwar (Uttarakhand) to be continued…306 
                                  Curtsey and references
Dr. Krishna Nand Joshi, Kumaon ka Lok Sahitya (Folklore texts of Kumaon)
 Dr Trilochan Pandey, Kumaoni Bhasha aur Uska Sahity(Folklore literature of Kumaon )
Dr Shiva Nand Nautiyal, Garhwal ke Lok Nrityageet  (Folk Songs and Folk dances of Garhwal )
Dr Govind Chatak, Garhwali Lokgathayen (Folklore of Garhwali)
Dr. Govind Chatak, Kumaoni Lokgathayen (Folklore of Kumaoni)
Dr Urvi Datt Upadhyaya, Kumaon ki Lokgathaon ka Sahityik Adhyayan (Literary review of Folklore of Kumaon)
Dr. Dip Chand Chaudhri, 1995, Askot ka Palvansh , Gumani Shodhkendra, Uprada, Gangalighat
Dr. Prayag Joshi, Kumaon Garhwal ki Lokgathaon ka Vivechnatmak Adhyayan (Critical Review of Folklore of Kumaon and Garhwal)
Dr Dinesh Chandra Baluni, Uttarakhand ki Lokgathayen (Folklore of Uttarakhand)
Dr Jagdish (Jaggu) Naudiyal, Uttarakhand ki Sanskritik Dharohar, (Partially Folklore of Ravain) 
Ramesh Matiyani ‘Shailesh’ 1959, Kumaun ki Lok Gathayen
Abodh Bandhu Bahuguna, Dhunyal (Folklore and Folk Songs of Garhwal)
Shambhu Prasad Bahuguna, Virat Hriday
Kusum Budhwar, 2010, Where Gods Dwell: Central Himalayan Folktales and Legends 
C.M. Agarwal , Golu Devta, 1992, The God of Justice of Kumaon Himalayas
N.D .Paliwal, 1987, Kumaoni Lok Geet
E.S. Oakley and Tara Datt Gairola 1935, Himalayan Folklore
M.R.Anand, 2009, Understanding the Socio Cultural experiences of Pahadi folks: Jagar Gathas of Kumaon and Garhwal
Dr. Pradeep Saklani, 2008, Ethno archeology of Yamuna Valley
Shiv Narayan Singh Bisht, 1928, Gadhu Sumyal, Banghat , Pauri Garhwal
Anjali Kapila (2004), Traditional health Practices of Kumaoni women
Bhishma Kukreti, Garhwali Lok Natkon ke Mukhy Tatva va Vivechana
Helle Primdahi, 1994, Central Himalayan Folklore: folk Songs in Rituals of the Life Cycle
Hemant Kumar Shukla, D.R. Purohit, 2012, Theories and Practices of Hurkiya Theater in Uttarakhand, Language in India Vol.12:5: 2012 Page 143- 150
Dev Singh Pokhariya, 1996, Kumauni Jagar Kathayen aur Lokgathayen
Madan Chand Bhatt, 2002, Kumaun ki Jagar Kathayen 
Bhishma Kukreti, Garhwal ki Lok Kathayen, Alaknanda Prakashan
Bhishma Kukreti, Notes on History, Folk Literature of Haridwar
Khima Nand Sharma, Veer Balak Haru Heet, Kumauni Sahitya Sadan, Delhi, 1980.
*Dr Shiv Prasad Naithani, 2011, Uttrakhand Lok Sanskriti aur Sahitya, Udgata, page 119-126
Xx                        xxx
उत्तराखंड से बाल लोक गीत , दुसांत से बाल लोक गीत; चमोली  गढ़वाल से बाल लोक गीत ;गदकोत चमोली गढ़वाल से बाल लोक गीत ; रुद्रप्रयाग गढ़वाल से बाल लोक गीत ; पौड़ी गढ़वाल से बाल लोक गीत ; टिहरी गढ़वाल से बाल लोक गीत ;उत्तरकाशी गढ़वाल से बाल लोक गीत ;केदार उत्यपका गढ़वाल से बाल लोक गीत ; बद्रीनाथ घाटी गढ़वाल से बाल लोक गीत ; लैंसडाउन गढ़वाल से बाल लोक गीत ; कोटद्वार गढ़वाल से बाल लोक गीत ;नरेंद्र नगर गढ़वाल से बाल लोक गीत ;प्रताप नगर गढ़वाल से बाल लोक गीत ; गौचर गढ़वाल से बाल लोक गीत ; पुरोला गढ़वाल से बाल लोक गीत ; राठ  क्षेत्र गढ़वाल से बाल लोक गीत ; गैरसैण  गढ़वाल से बाल लोक गीत ; दूधातोली गढ़वाल से बाल लोक गीत  श्रृंखला जारी ..

Xx                    xxx
Notes on Asian Patriotic Folk Song Illustrating Military Training for Rural Civilians; Asian Patriotic Folk Song from Chamoli Garhwal Illustrating Military Training for Rural Civilians; Asian Patriotic Folk Song from Pauri Garhwal Illustrating Military Training for Rural Civilians; Asian Patriotic Folk Song from Rudraprayag Garhwal Illustrating Military Training for Rural Civilians; Asian Patriotic Folk Song from Tehri Garhwal Illustrating Military Training for Rural Civilians; Asian Patriotic Folk Song from Uttarkashi Garhwal Illustrating Military Training for Rural Civilians; Asian Patriotic Folk Song from Dehradun Garhwal Illustrating Military Training for Rural Civilians; Asian Patriotic Folk Song from Garhwal Uttarakhand Illustrating Military Training for Rural Civilians; Asian Patriotic Folk Song from Garhwal, Himalaya Illustrating Military Training for Rural Civilians; Asian Patriotic Folk Song from Garhwal , North India Illustrating Military Training for Rural Civilians; Asian Patriotic Folk Song from Garhwal , India Illustrating Military Training for Rural Civilians; Asian Patriotic Folk Song from Garhwal, SAARC countries  Illustrating Military Training for Rural Civilians; Asian Patriotic Folk Song from Garhwal South Asia Illustrating Military Training for Rural Civilians

Bhishma Kukreti

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Tihri Rajaka Atyachar: Asian Folk Song Illustrating Suppression/Oppression by Tehri King

Oriental/Asian Folk Song and Folk Literature from Ravain/Rawaeen, Yamuna-Tons Valley Region, Uttarkashi, Dehradun, Garhwal -50 

  रवांइ, उत्तरकाशी, देहरादून गढ़वाल क्षेत्र  के  प्रचलित   लोक गीत- 50     

    Translation, Interpretation by: Bhishma Kukreti

          From the Mahbharat period, the Ravain, Jaunpur and Jaunsar regions had its exclusive culture, exclusive resources for economic system from Easter Garhwal. Even the languages as Jaunpuri and Jaunsari are slightly different than Garhwali. Ravain language is part of average Garhwali though, with different words or dialects. 
             Tihri Riyasat administration shod various indifferent behavior with this are Ravain.
 The people still shiver or tremble remembering the oppression and cruelty of Tehri Kingdom. The following folksong from Ravaeen shows the subjugation be police force of Tehri Riyasat. The folk song provide images of fearful   situation created by police force .

टीरी राजा क अत्याचार लोक गीत

(संकलन व अन्वेषण : डा.जगदीश नौडियाल)

( इंटरनेट प्रस्तुति  एवं अतिरिक्त व्याखा - भीष्म कुकरेती )

हड़दी हड़ी कांवणी खिलादीना तौर रे,
सुरेतु का डेरे दा बिजली से जोर रे,
घरे दा लाणा गदिया कटियों दा चूना रे,
डेरे दा फूका सुरेतू गाँव का पड़ा सुना  रे,
फूली जाला फुलेटू डाटटी ना दाई रे,
सुरेतू का डेरा दी पुलिस रे आई रे,
तुमारे ना भीतर सुनेरी ना चाकी रे
ठाणे दी आई पुलिस ओबेर दी राखी रे I

Copyright Interpretation, @ Bhishma Kukreti 30/7/2013 

Oriental/Asian Folk Literature from Ravain/Rawaeen, Yamuna-Tons Valley Region, Uttarkashi, Dehradun, Garhwal to be continued …51 
( रवांइ क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; हर की दून, रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; जानकी चट्टी, रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; फुल चट्टी , रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; मोरी रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; पुजेली , रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; पुरोला , रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; बनाल पट्टी , रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; राढ़ी डांडा,  रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; यमुनोत्री , रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; हनुमान चट्टी , रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; खरसाली रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; गंगनाणी ,  रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; बडकोट , रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; नौगाँव , रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; आराकोट , रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; जर्मोला धार रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ;लाखामंडल,  रवांइ -देहरादून  क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ;चकरौता  रवांइ -देहरादून  क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ;अनहोल रवांइ -देहरादून  क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; त्यूणी  रवांइ -देहरादून  क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत श्रृखला जारी)
Xx           xxx
Notes on Asian Folk Song Illustrating  Suppression/Oppression by Tehri King; Asian Folk Song from Dharasu Uttarkashi Illustrating  Suppression/Oppression by Tehri King; Asian Folk Song from Radhi danda Uttarkashi Illustrating  Suppression/Oppression by Tehri King; Asian Folk Song fromYamunotri Uttarkashi Illustrating  Suppression/domination by Tehri King; Asian Folk Song from Kharsali Uttarkashi Illustrating  restraint/Oppression by Tehri King; Asian Folk Song from Janki Chatti Uttarkashi Illustrating   suppression/cruelty by Tehri King; Asian Folk Song from FulChatti Uttarkashi Illustrating suppression/Oppression by Tehri King; Asian Folk Song from Gangnani Uttarkashi Illustrating  suppression/Oppression by Tehri King; Asian Folk Song from Hanuman Chatti Uttarkashi Illustrating suppression/tyranny by Tehri King;  suppression/Oppression by Tehri King; Asian Folk Song from Purola Uttarkashi Illustrating Suppression/Oppression by Tehri King; suppression/Oppression by Tehri King; Asian Folk Song from Jarmoladhar Uttarkashi Illustrating  Suppression/Oppression by Tehri King; suppression/subjugation by Tehri King; Asian Folk Song from Mori Uttarkashi Illustrating the Suppression/Oppression by Tehri King; Asian Folk Song from Naitwad Uttarkashi Illustrating  Suppression/Oppression by Tehri King; Asian Folk Song from Har ki Dun Uttarkashi Illustrating  Suppression/domination by Tehri King; Asian Folk Song from Lakhamandal Dehradun Illustrating  Suppression/coercion by Tehri King; Asian Folk Song from Anhol Dehradun Illustrating  Suppression/Oppression by Tehri King; 

Bhishma Kukreti

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Riti Basanta: Imagery and Symbolism in Asian (Garhwali) Traditional Poetry example

Folk Songs from Kumaon-Garhwal, Haridwar, Uttarakhand (India)-307
(Asian, Himalayan Folk Song/Traditional Folktales/ Conventional Sayings Series)
                 कुमाऊं, गढ़वाल ,हरिद्वार के  लोक गीत  -307

                                      By: Bhishma Kukreti

  The traditional poem Ritu Basanta illustrates the images of Spring of Garhwal when there is Rhododendron blossom, Kafal /Kaphal (Bay-Berry, Box Myrtle, Myrica nagi) fruits are ripped.  The Traditional poem also sends message for migrated fellows to return their mother land.   
  The Chakor bird, Bees are taken as symbol in this symbolic and imagery traditional poetry for reverse migration from plains to hills of Garhwal. 

ऋतु  बसंता का  धोरा

(संकलन ; उषा देवी नेगी  और प्रीतम  अपछ्यांण ,  सन्दर्भ: चिट्ठी पत्री  2003 )
(इंटरनेट प्रस्तुती व व्याख्या - भीष्म कुकरेती ) 

हरभरा का बुरांश लाल काफुळुन् की डाळी
कन खाला दीदी भूली लूण मा राळि राळी
डांडों मा गीत लगौंणा  गोरुं  का ग्वेर छोरा
ऐ जा भैरों तु घौरा   ऋतु  बसंता का  धोरा I
टुप टुप गळीगे डांडा कांठौ  छोड़िगे
मौळी ऐगे मौऴयार फूल रंगीला फूलिगे
टकटकी सि हेरदा रात रातूं चकोरा
ऐ जा भौंरा तु घौरा ऋतु  बसंता का  धोरा 

Copyright (Interpretation) @ Bhishma Kukreti, 31/7/2013
Folk Songs from Kumaon-Garhwal-Haridwar (Uttarakhand) to be continued…308 
                                  Curtsey and references
Dr. Krishna Nand Joshi, Kumaon ka Lok Sahitya (Folklore texts of Kumaon)
 Dr Trilochan Pandey, Kumaoni Bhasha aur Uska Sahity(Folklore literature of Kumaon )
Dr Shiva Nand Nautiyal, Garhwal ke Lok Nrityageet  (Folk Songs and Folk dances of Garhwal )
Dr Govind Chatak, Garhwali Lokgathayen (Folklore of Garhwali)
Dr. Govind Chatak, Kumaoni Lokgathayen (Folklore of Kumaoni)
Dr Urvi Datt Upadhyaya, Kumaon ki Lokgathaon ka Sahityik Adhyayan (Literary review of Folklore of Kumaon)
Dr. Dip Chand Chaudhri, 1995, Askot ka Palvansh , Gumani Shodhkendra, Uprada, Gangalighat
Dr. Prayag Joshi, Kumaon Garhwal ki Lokgathaon ka Vivechnatmak Adhyayan (Critical Review of Folklore of Kumaon and Garhwal)
Dr Dinesh Chandra Baluni, Uttarakhand ki Lokgathayen (Folklore of Uttarakhand)
Dr Jagdish (Jaggu) Naudiyal, Uttarakhand ki Sanskritik Dharohar, (Partially Folklore of Ravain) 
Ramesh Matiyani ‘Shailesh’ 1959, Kumaun ki Lok Gathayen
Abodh Bandhu Bahuguna, Dhunyal (Folklore and Folk Songs of Garhwal)
Shambhu Prasad Bahuguna, Virat Hriday
Kusum Budhwar, 2010, Where Gods Dwell: Central Himalayan Folktales and Legends 
C.M. Agarwal , Golu Devta, 1992, The God of Justice of Kumaon Himalayas
N.D .Paliwal, 1987, Kumaoni Lok Geet
E.S. Oakley and Tara Datt Gairola 1935, Himalayan Folklore
M.R.Anand, 2009, Understanding the Socio Cultural experiences of Pahadi folks: Jagar Gathas of Kumaon and Garhwal
Dr. Pradeep Saklani, 2008, Ethno archeology of Yamuna Valley
Shiv Narayan Singh Bisht, 1928, Gadhu Sumyal, Banghat , Pauri Garhwal
Anjali Kapila (2004), Traditional health Practices of Kumaoni women
Bhishma Kukreti, Garhwali Lok Natkon ke Mukhy Tatva va Vivechana
Helle Primdahi, 1994, Central Himalayan Folklore: folk Songs in Rituals of the Life Cycle
Hemant Kumar Shukla, D.R. Purohit, 2012, Theories and Practices of Hurkiya Theater in Uttarakhand, Language in India Vol.12:5: 2012 Page 143- 150
Dev Singh Pokhariya, 1996, Kumauni Jagar Kathayen aur Lokgathayen
Madan Chand Bhatt, 2002, Kumaun ki Jagar Kathayen 
Bhishma Kukreti, Garhwal ki Lok Kathayen, Alaknanda Prakashan
Bhishma Kukreti, Notes on History, Folk Literature of Haridwar
Khima Nand Sharma, Veer Balak Haru Heet, Kumauni Sahitya Sadan, Delhi, 1980.
*Dr Shiv Prasad Naithani, 2011, Uttrakhand Lok Sanskriti aur Sahitya, Udgata, page 119-126
Xx                        xxx
उत्तराखंड से  लोक गीत , दुसांत से बाल  गीत; चमोली  गढ़वाल से  लोक गीत ;गदकोत चमोली गढ़वाल से  लोक गीत ; रुद्रप्रयाग गढ़वाल से  लोक गीत ; पौड़ी गढ़वाल से  लोक गीत ; टिहरी गढ़वाल से  लोक गीत ;उत्तरकाशी गढ़वाल से  लोक गीत ;केदार उत्यपका गढ़वाल से  लोक गीत ; बद्रीनाथ घाटी गढ़वाल से  लोक गीत ; लैंसडाउन गढ़वाल से  लोक गीत ; कोटद्वार गढ़वाल से  लोक गीत ;नरेंद्र नगर गढ़वाल से  लोक गीत ;प्रताप नगर गढ़वाल से  लोक गीत ; गौचर गढ़वाल से  लोक गीत ; पुरोला गढ़वाल से  लोक गीत ; राठ  क्षेत्र गढ़वाल से  लोक गीत ; गैरसैण  गढ़वाल से  लोक गीत ; दूधातोली गढ़वाल से  लोक गीत  श्रृंखला जारी ..
Xx        xxx
Notes on Imagery and Symbolism in Asian (Garhwali) Traditional Poetry; Imagery and Symbolism in Asian (Garhwali) Traditional Poetry from Chamoli Garhwal; Imagery and Symbolism in Asian (Garhwali) Traditional Poetry from Badrinath valley Garhwal; Imagery and Symbolism in Asian (Garhwali) Traditional Poetry from Rudraprayag Garhwal; Imagery and Symbolism in Asian (Garhwali) Traditional Poetry from Alaknanda valley Garhwal; Imagery and Symbolism in Asian (Garhwali) Traditional Poetry from Tehri Garhwal ; Imagery and Symbolism in Asian (Garhwali) Traditional Poetry from Badhan Garhwal; Imagery and Symbolism in Asian (Garhwali) Traditional Poetry from Pindarwar Garhwal; Imagery and Symbolism in Asian (Garhwali) Traditional Poetry from Bhagirathi valley Garhwal; Imagery and Symbolism in Asian (Garhwali) Traditional Poetry from Bhilangana Garhwal; Imagery and Symbolism in Asian (Garhwali) Traditional Poetry from Yamuna valley Garhwal; Imagery and Symbolism in Asian (Garhwali) Traditional Poetry from Uttarkashi Garhwal; Imagery and Symbolism in Asian (Garhwali) Traditional Poetry from Dehradun Garhwal; Imagery and Symbolism in Asian (Garhwali) Traditional Poetry from Hinval valley Garhwal; Imagery and Symbolism in Asian (Garhwali) Traditional Poetry from Nayar valley Garhwal; Imagery and Symbolism in Asian (Garhwali) Traditional Poetry from Malini Valley Garhwal; Imagery and Symbolism in Asian (Garhwali) Traditional Poetry from Lansdowne Garhwal; Imagery and Symbolism in Asian (Garhwali) Traditional Poetry from Pauri Garhwal

Bhishma Kukreti

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Chhuma Meri re …: Asian folk Song Criticizing Educated person acting against Social Norms

Oriental/Asian Folk Song and Folk Literature from Ravain/Rawaeen, Yamuna-Tons Valley Region, Uttarkashi, Dehradun, Garhwal -51 

  रवांइ, उत्तरकाशी, देहरादून गढ़वाल क्षेत्र  के  प्रचलित   लोक गीत- 51     

    Translation, Interpretation by: Bhishma Kukreti

                   The Asian folk Song from Ravain, Garhwal (India) ‘Chhuma Meri re …’ is about an educated women having children choose to go with other man. The song does not raise question for leaving children and opting for another man. However, the Asian folk song criticizes the educated person who is expected to protect the social norms is acting against social norms.

               छुमा मेरी ये ….

(सन्दर्भ:-  विजयपाल रावत , चिट्ठी पत्री पत्रिका,  ओक्टोबर 2003)
( इंटरनेट प्रस्तुति  एवं अतिरिक्त व्याखा - भीष्म कुकरेती )

पाणि भौरि कुई रे ओरु देखि जातीरा
मुई देखि तुई रे छुमा मेरी ये ….
दौड़ि काटा घासा रे तेरी पीणी सिगरेटा
आजा मेरा पासा रे छुमा मेरी ये ….
लसुणा  की क्यारी रे देखनारि छोटी मोटी
जिया लगी प्यारी रे छुमा मेरी ये ….
खौंजरी की ताली रे किंदा गैइ  छुमा मेरी
बाल बच्चों वाली रे छुमा मेरी ये ….
तेलु की कड़ाई रे किंदा गैइ छुमा तेरि
इतौरि पौढाई रे छुमा मेरी ये ….

Copyright Interpretation, @ Bhishma Kukreti 30/7/2013 

Oriental/Asian Folk Literature from Ravain/Rawaeen, Yamuna-Tons Valley Region, Uttarkashi, Dehradun, Garhwal to be continued …52 
( रवांइ क्षेत्र के जागर, लोक गीत ; हर की दून, रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के जागर, लोक गीत ; जानकी चट्टी, रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के जागर, लोक गीत ; फुल चट्टी , रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के जागर, लोक गीत ; मोरी रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के जागर, लोक गीत ; पुजेली , रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के  जागर, लोक गीत ; पुरोला , रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के जागर, लोक गीत ; बनाल पट्टी , रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के जागर, लोक गीत ; रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के जागर, लोक गीत ; राढ़ी डांडा,  रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के   जागर, लोक गीत ; यमुनोत्री , रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र जागर, लोक गीत ; हनुमान चट्टी , रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के जागर, लोक गीत ; खरसाली रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; गंगनाणी ,  रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के  जागर, लोक गीत ; बडकोट , रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के जागर, लोक गीत ; नौगाँव , रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के   भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; आराकोट , रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के   जागर, लोक गीत ; जर्मोला धार रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के  जागर, लोक गीत ;लाखामंडल,  रवांइ -देहरादून  क्षेत्र के जागर, लोक गीत ;चकरौता  रवांइ -देहरादून  क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ;अनहोल रवांइ -देहरादून  क्षेत्र के  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; त्यूणी  रवांइ -देहरादून  क्षेत्र के  जागर, लोक गीत श्रृखला जारी)
Xx           xxx
Notes on Asian folk Song Criticizing Educated person acting against Social Norms; Asian folk Song from Har ki dun , Garhwal Criticizing Educated person acting against Social Norms; Asian folk Song from janki Chatti  , Garhwal Criticizing Educated person acting against Social Norms; Asian folk Song from hanuman Chatti  , Garhwal Criticizing Educated person acting against Social Norms; Asian folk Song from  Ful Chatti , Garhwal Criticizing Educated person acting against Social Norms; Asian folk Song from Banal patti  , Garhwal Criticizing Educated person acting against Social Norms; Asian folk Song from Radhi danda  , Garhwal Criticizing Educated person acting against Social Norms; Asian folk Song from Yamunotri  , Garhwal Criticizing Educated person acting against Social Norms; Asian folk Song from Tones valley , Garhwal Criticizing Educated person acting against Social Norms; Asian folk Song from Kharsali, Garhwal Criticizing Educated person acting against Social Norms; Asian folk Song from Arakot  , Garhwal Criticizing Educated person acting against Social Norms; Asian folk Song from Barkot, Garhwal Criticizing Educated person acting against Social Norms; Asian folk Song from Anhol, Garhwal Criticizing Educated person acting against Social Norms; Asian folk Song from Naugaon, Garhwal Criticizing Educated person acting against Social Norms; Asian folk Song from Chakrata, Garhwal Criticizing Educated person acting against Social Norms; Asian folk Song from Purola, Garhwal Criticizing Educated person acting against Social Norms; Asian folk Song from Tyuni , Garhwal Criticizing Educated person acting against Social

Bhishma Kukreti

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Mor Nach: Asian Folk Song Illustrating Pain from Rival Wife and exemplifying Jewelry Images

Folk Songs from Kumaon-Garhwal, Haridwar, Uttarakhand (India)-308
(Asian, Himalayan Folk Song/Traditional Folktales/ Conventional Sayings Series)
                 कुमाऊं, गढ़वाल ,हरिद्वार के  लोक गीत  -308

                                      By: Bhishma Kukreti

 The following folk song is from Dusant (border of Kumaun and Garhwal) of Chamoli Garhwal.

मोर नाच (सौत घर में विवाह दुःख का  लोक गीत

(संकलन ; सरस्वती देवी   और  प्रीतम  अपछ्यांण ,  सन्दर्भ: चिट्ठी पत्री  2003 )
(इंटरनेट प्रस्तुती व व्याख्या - भीष्म कुकरेती ) 
          ऋतु  बसंता का  धोरा

नाच बेटी क्वेला मोर नाच , नाच बेटी क्वेला मोर नाच
क्यांलै नाचु बाबा मोर नाच,क्यांलै नाचु बाबा मोर नाच
त्वेइ तैं दियूं छौ मोर नाच,-2
सिरमोरी  नथ मोर नाच,-2
त्वेइ तैं दियूं छौ मोर नाच,-2
गौळा  की हाँसुळी   मोर नाच, -2
सौतेलिन पैरी मोर नाच , -2
त्वेइ तैं दियूं छौ मोर नाच, -2
कानूं का कनफूल मोर नाच, -2
त्वेइ तैं दियूं छौ मोर नाच, -2
रमथमी बुलाक मोर नाच, -2
सौतेलिन पैरी मोर नाच,-2
त्वेइ तैं दियूं छौ मोर नाच,-2
हातों की धगुली मोर नाच, -2
सौतेलिन पैरी मोर नाच,-2
त्वेइ तैं दियूं छौ मोर नाच,-2
झुमक्याळी झुमका मोर नाच ,-2
 सौतेलिन पैरी मोर नाच,-2
त्वेइ तैं दियूं छौ मोर नाच,-2
खुट्यों की पैज्बी मोर नाच, -2   
सौतेलिन पैरी मोर नाच,-२
त्वेइ तैं दियूं छौ मोर नाच,-2
खणमण हमेलु मोर नाच , -2
सौतेलिन पैरी मोर नाच,-2
त्वेइ तैं दियूं छौ मोर नाच,-2
सौत किलै सै  मोर नाच,-2
करमाल सै च मोर नाच ,-2
तेरु कनू करम मोर नाच,-2
क्यांले नाचूं बाबा मोर नाच , क्यांले नाचूं बाबा मोर नाच I

The Asian folk song describes the pain of having husband’s another wife.
The father asks his daughter about reasons for her pain in this Asian traditional song.
The father asks about his married daughter for not putting on jewels those he gifted to her at marriage.
The daughter states that her husband’s another wife (rival wife) put on all the jewels as necklace, ear ring, ring, big bangles, and foot ring etc.
The daughter blames everything on her luck that her husband has another wife too.

Copyright (Interpretation) @ Bhishma Kukreti, 1/8/2013
Folk Songs from Kumaon-Garhwal-Haridwar (Uttarakhand) to be continued…309 
                                  Curtsey and references
Dr. Krishna Nand Joshi, Kumaon ka Lok Sahitya (Folklore texts of Kumaon)
 Dr Trilochan Pandey, Kumaoni Bhasha aur Uska Sahity(Folklore literature of Kumaon )
Dr Shiva Nand Nautiyal, Garhwal ke Lok Nrityageet  (Folk Songs and Folk dances of Garhwal )
Dr Govind Chatak, Garhwali Lokgathayen (Folklore of Garhwali)
Dr. Govind Chatak, Kumaoni Lokgathayen (Folklore of Kumaoni)
Dr Urvi Datt Upadhyaya, Kumaon ki Lokgathaon ka Sahityik Adhyayan (Literary review of Folklore of Kumaon)
Dr. Dip Chand Chaudhri, 1995, Askot ka Palvansh , Gumani Shodhkendra, Uprada, Gangalighat
Dr. Prayag Joshi, Kumaon Garhwal ki Lokgathaon ka Vivechnatmak Adhyayan (Critical Review of Folklore of Kumaon and Garhwal)
Dr Dinesh Chandra Baluni, Uttarakhand ki Lokgathayen (Folklore of Uttarakhand)
Dr Jagdish (Jaggu) Naudiyal, Uttarakhand ki Sanskritik Dharohar, (Partially Folklore of Ravain) 
Ramesh Matiyani ‘Shailesh’ 1959, Kumaun ki Lok Gathayen
Abodh Bandhu Bahuguna, Dhunyal (Folklore and Folk Songs of Garhwal)
Shambhu Prasad Bahuguna, Virat Hriday
Kusum Budhwar, 2010, Where Gods Dwell: Central Himalayan Folktales and Legends 
C.M. Agarwal , Golu Devta, 1992, The God of Justice of Kumaon Himalayas
N.D .Paliwal, 1987, Kumaoni Lok Geet
E.S. Oakley and Tara Datt Gairola 1935, Himalayan Folklore
M.R.Anand, 2009, Understanding the Socio Cultural experiences of Pahadi folks: Jagar Gathas of Kumaon and Garhwal
Dr. Pradeep Saklani, 2008, Ethno archeology of Yamuna Valley
Shiv Narayan Singh Bisht, 1928, Gadhu Sumyal, Banghat , Pauri Garhwal
Anjali Kapila (2004), Traditional health Practices of Kumaoni women
Bhishma Kukreti, Garhwali Lok Natkon ke Mukhy Tatva va Vivechana
Helle Primdahi, 1994, Central Himalayan Folklore: folk Songs in Rituals of the Life Cycle
Hemant Kumar Shukla, D.R. Purohit, 2012, Theories and Practices of Hurkiya Theater in Uttarakhand, Language in India Vol.12:5: 2012 Page 143- 150
Dev Singh Pokhariya, 1996, Kumauni Jagar Kathayen aur Lokgathayen
Madan Chand Bhatt, 2002, Kumaun ki Jagar Kathayen 
Bhishma Kukreti, Garhwal ki Lok Kathayen, Alaknanda Prakashan
Bhishma Kukreti, Notes on History, Folk Literature of Haridwar
Khima Nand Sharma, Veer Balak Haru Heet, Kumauni Sahitya Sadan, Delhi, 1980.
*Dr Shiv Prasad Naithani, 2011, Uttrakhand Lok Sanskriti aur Sahitya, Udgata, page 119-126
Xx                        xxx
उत्तराखंड से  लोक गीत , दुसांत से बाल  गीत; चमोली  गढ़वाल से  लोक गीत ;गदकोत चमोली गढ़वाल से  लोक गीत ; रुद्रप्रयाग गढ़वाल से  लोक गीत ; पौड़ी गढ़वाल से  लोक गीत ; टिहरी गढ़वाल से  लोक गीत ;उत्तरकाशी गढ़वाल से  लोक गीत ;केदार उत्यपका गढ़वाल से  लोक गीत ; बद्रीनाथ घाटी गढ़वाल से  लोक गीत ; लैंसडाउन गढ़वाल से  लोक गीत ; कोटद्वार गढ़वाल से  लोक गीत ;नरेंद्र नगर गढ़वाल से  लोक गीत ;प्रताप नगर गढ़वाल से  लोक गीत ; गौचर गढ़वाल से  लोक गीत ; पुरोला गढ़वाल से  लोक गीत ; राठ  क्षेत्र गढ़वाल से  लोक गीत ; गैरसैण  गढ़वाल से  लोक गीत ; दूधातोली गढ़वाल से  लोक गीत  श्रृंखला जारी ..
Xx        xxx
Notes on Asian Folk Song Illustrating Pain from Rival Wife and exemplifying Images of Jewelries; Asian Folk Song from Dhamdev, Chamoli Garhwal Illustrating Pain from Rival Wife and exemplifying Images of Jewelries; Asian Folk Song from Nail,Chamoli Garhwal  Illustrating Pain from Rival Wife and exemplifying Images of Jewelries; Asian Folk Song from Badkot, Chamoli Garhwal  Illustrating Pain from Rival Wife and exemplifying Images of Jewelries; Asian Folk Song from  Gwaldam, Chamoli Garhwal  Illustrating Pain from Rival Wife and exemplifying Images of Jewelries; Asian Folk Song from Tharali ,Chamoli Garhwal  Illustrating Pain from Rival Wife and exemplifying Images of Jewelries; Asian Folk Song from Debal  ,Chamoli Garhwal  Illustrating Pain from Rival Wife and exemplifying Images of Jewelries; Asian Folk Song from Chaur ,Chamoli Garhwal  Illustrating Pain from Rival Wife and exemplifying Images of Jewelries; Asian Folk Song from Manmatti ,Chamoli Garhwal  Illustrating Pain from Rival Wife and exemplifying Images of Jewelries; Asian Folk Song from Harmal ,Chamoli Garhwal  Illustrating Pain from Rival Wife and exemplifying Images of Jewelries; Asian Folk Song from Bagrigad, Chamoli Garhwal  Illustrating Pain from Rival Wife and exemplifying Images of Jewelries; Asian Folk Song from Ghes ,Chamoli Garhwal  Illustrating Pain from Rival Wife and exemplifying Images of Jewelries; Asian Folk Song from Ali Bugyal ,Chamoli Garhwal  Illustrating Pain from Rival Wife and exemplifying Images of Jewelries; Asian Folk Song from Bhaguwabasa ,Chamoli Garhwal  Illustrating Pain from Rival Wife and exemplifying Images of Jewelries; Asian Folk Song from Kanol ,Chamoli Garhwal  Illustrating Pain from Rival Wife and exemplifying Images of Jewelries; Asian Folk Song from Joshimath ,Chamoli Garhwal  Illustrating Pain from Rival Wife and exemplifying Images of Jewelries;


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