Author Topic: Dr Lalit Mohan Pant, World's Fastest Surgeon from Khantoli, Uttarakhand डॉ ललित  (Read 84764 times)

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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It gives me immense pleasure to introduce Dr Lalit Mohan Pant in the forum. Dr Pant is world's fastest surgeon who also holds a world record for sterilizing 816 people in one day. Pant ji presently  a government Doctor in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh but originally hails from Khantoli, District Bageshwar Uttarakhand.

In a country plagued by the raging problem of population explosion, Dr Lalit Mohan Pant, in a unique feat of service to the nation and society, has performed more than 3,81,000 sterilization operations, without any mortality, significant morbidity and any litigation - largest number done by a single individual in the world.  It is estimated that one sterilization operation prevents 2.7 births. Thus Dr Pant has been successful in preventing 8,18,1000 + births. A laparoscopic sterilization orNSV saves 12 man-days as compared to conventional methods. Dr Pant, thus, has saved 36,36,000 + man-days. He has been successful in preventing a proportionate number of feticides, infant mortality (upto20%) and maternal mortality (upto1/3 rd) ( WHO).Being in the government service, he decided to utilize fully the platform, potentials and infrastructure of government machinery to achieve his goal, at the same time keeping central and state government policies and directives in mind. Instead of sitting at his headquarters and waiting for such patients to walk- in into his hospital, he decided to approach and offer the facilities at their doorsteps – Unto The Last.

M S Mehta

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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Dr Pant acquired extraordinary skill and competence in the procedure – he can do a laparoscopic TT in 20 seconds flat.  The camps are truly a mammoth affair – up to 600 sterilization operations performed on a single day in such camps! The largest number being 816 in one day, 27578 surgeries and  627 camps in one year – an accomplishment which says a lot about his work and mission - and a achievement which has found him a place in the Limca Book of World Records.The numbers assume greater significance if we look at the hardships faced by Dr Pant to achieve this figure.

Dr. Pant has made his achievements against all odds.  One big obstacle he faced was the fear in the population that a laparoscope may “burn their blood” or may induce ‘heat’ in their body”. It took him great efforts to conquer their myths.  Another obstacle was working in the most remote areas of the state, without an adequately trained and motivated staff; in the most primitive conditions – even without electricity ‘candle light operation camps’ at times, a challenging and daunting task.This year in Feb he performed a unique surgery –Non micro-surgical immediate post -op reversal of lap TT in a sterilization camp at remote community center
.It was a successful first in world attempt appreciated by international community of surgeons .He traveled miles together [on an average 6,000 kms per month or 72,000 kms per year or 2 circles round the Earth every year!]  in rural areas, where the roads were practically non-existent. In these remote areas, he attended 3-6 camps in a day. 31 years ago when he started working on his project, the male participation was almost zero. Now, up to 60% of his patients are males undergoing sterilization. Dr Pant could change the scene of male & female acceptance of sterilization operation at his center through his services and direct approach to masses. The ratio is M:F:: 2042:1425 at his center against 0.8 %all over country .The figure of  2042 NSV operations is a highest figure ever achieved by a  surgeon in a year, in an institution, in the country. Till date he has more than 11,000 NSV operations are to his credit. This is one of the comments received from Mr MM Upadhyay a senior IAS officer in Govt. -You are a remarkable person who always shows that human capacity knows no limits. Congratulations! I feel proud that the state has a gem like you. Wish you achieve all that you aspire in this year. Keep going.As the target of population stabilization cannot be achieved until there is adequate number of service providers, he devotes time in training his colleagues. He is in-charge NSV resource center which is recognized as center of excellence for NSV training by Govt.of India MOH&FW .

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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He is also involved in research work under the able guidance of- Prof. Dr. RCM Kaza Master trainer, related to NSV, particularly to achieve immediate sterilization and reversible vas occlusion technique.

Dr Edward *ted, Gynecologist and Advisor to the Royal College of Surgeons, Northampton, U.K. was amazed to see him performing the task. He remarked - “Dr Pant’s work is unbelievable. He is doing extraordinary work for his people and the country.” Dr Pant has also contributed, by virtue of his being member of various NGO’s, to the treatment, welfare and rehabilitation of leprosy patients, destitute, physically challenged and cancer patients.  He also has positive and significant contribution in the field of detection and treatment of anemia in women, blindness eradication, health education and mass awareness. He also contributes towards education of under privileged children. For the past 31 years he has been working in the remotest tribal areas of Madhya Pradesh. Now with his headquarters at Indore [Central India], he is the only laparoscopic surgeon authorized by the Government of Madhya Pradesh to work throughout the state. Village folks know him fondly as ‘Doorbeen wale baba’‘Sage with a Telescope.’ This says everything about the impact of his work on the masses and of course, his popularity.   He has also started a movement of ‘Hum Paanch” or ‘We five’. The idea behind is to make a chain of people to market good ideas, thoughts or experience sharing, without involving money or self-interest. It is high time we recognize his selfless effort towards humanity – especially the tribal and poor people and women. A service rendered without any expectation or consideration.

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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Awards & Honours

Ø  Highest No of family planning operations in M.P. state Award with gold Medals for the last ten consecutive years (1994-2004) awarded by Association of surgeons of India M.P.Chapter. This award is now named after Dr Pant.

Ø  Honored by Govt. Of India Ministry of Health and family welfare for outstanding contribution in the field of No scalpel Vasectomy on 30th Aug. 2007 at Delhi.

Ø  RAJYA SWASTHYA SAMMAN- 2005 (ABHINAV NAVACHAR ) A cash award of Rs. 25000 by Govt. of MP
Ø  Honored by Govt. of MP for outstanding contribution in the field of NSV

Ø  Meritorious service Award by H.E. the Governor of M.P. Ø  IMA Dr C.L.Zaveri national award for individual achievements in the field of family planning.

Ø  Honored by bio-data published in Uttaranchal Ki Vibhootiyan

Ø  Name appeared in LIMCA BOOK OF RECORDS 2002, Page 89, and surgery section.

Ø  PADMA BHUSHAN Dr. S.K. MUKHERGY MEMORIAL MEDICAL SERVICE AWARD –2004 by H.E. Governor of M.P.Ø  Honored “Pratibha Samman” by Jaycees Club

Ø  Honored by IMA in zonal conference for commendable achievements.

Ø  Honored by “ Madhav Rao Scindhiya Smriti Samman-2002” in the field of medicine.

Ø  “Sewa Saurabh Samman –2002” in the field of Medicine.

Ø  Manav seva Gaurav Samman by Rotary Foundation 2007

Ø  Honored by H.E.Governor of M.P. for consecutive five years (1991-1995) for commendable services through Red Cross Society.

Ø  Honored by Chief Minister of M.P. at Bhopal –Aug 2006Ø  L S ACHARYA BEST PAPER AWARD WITH GOLD MEDAL-2005

Ø  Honored by  Pragya Madhya Pradesh

Ø  Honored by Distt administration, Jhabua, on World Population Day

Ø  Felicitation by State Bank of Indore on its Foundation Day .

Ø  Honored by Distt Administration, Khargone, on Republic Day.

Ø  Honored by Literary organization “AKSHARA” at Khargone & Red Cross Society, Khargone, M.P.

Ø  Honored by Uttaranchal Vikash Parishad, Mhow and Uttaranchal Sanskritik Sanstha,Indore

Ø  Honored by Lions Club Kshipra-Ujjain, Rotary Club Ujjain & Khargone.

Ø  Nagrik Abhinandan by people of Omkareshwar (Mandhata.), Mahidpur, Sardarpur District Dhar & Mhow.

Ø  Honored by- Distt Administration, Indore, on Independence Day 2001& on Republic day 2002 and 2007, Dewas on Republic day -2003 Dhar & M.P. Swasthya Karmchari Sangh, on Republic Day 2002, by swasthya karmachari sangh Ashta on world population day-2004 and General Practioners Association, Indore   

Ø  Honored by IMA Indore branch & by IMA M.P. Branch 2002 at the Annual Conference

Ø  Honored by an NGO –SRIJAN  for an commendable services to society  NOV.2010         

Ø  Honored by Association of Surgeons of India, Indore and M.P. Chapters.

Ø  Director General N.C.C. Medal for Blood donation.

Ø  Certified as STATE TRAINER NSV Madhya Pradesh

Ø  Recognized by Govt. of India as a National trainer NSV for surgical faculties         
Ø  Awarded by Govt. of MP for commendable contribution in the field of family planning in yr  2011-12

Ø  Parashuram samman by vishw Brahmin parishad- 2012     

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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Some Extracurricular Achievements of Dr Pant are :

As dramatist  -

Played many full length plays like

-Badal sarkar's
-Julus , sarveshwar dayal saxena's- Bakari,Manimadhukar's -Dularibai as main artist

- Radio artist for plays ,and talker as an expert . Acted in 4 telefilms of doordarshan.

-  Winner cross country motor cycle rally and winner of Johnson trophy .

 - Record of swimming in Narmada river for 12 hrs continuously.

 -  Traveled two states on bicycle about 5000 kms.    Vagarah ...vagairah...

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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This is the video of Pant ji's village Khantoli District Bageshwar in Uttarakhand.

Vllage Khantoli

Video by - manojpantg

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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Some videos of Dr Pant .

No Scalpel Lap TT -Dr. Lalit Mohan Pant

No Scalpel Lap TT -Dr. Lalit Mohan Pant

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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No Scalpel Vasectomy-Dr lalit Mohan Pant

No Scalpel Vasectomy-Dr lalit Mohan Pant

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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Reversal of sterilisation surgery helps woman conceive again
« Reply #9 on: January 01, 2013, 11:33:24 PM »
Reversal of sterilisation surgery helps woman conceive againIn a successful effort of reversal of the sterilisation process, a 24-year-old woman is overjoyed to have conceived again, who is now looking forward to the birth of a child.
Noted sterilisation expert Dr Lalit Mohan Pandit managed to reverse the tubectomy procedure conducted on Uma Chauhan, within a couple of hours of sterilising her at the Maheshwar community health centre, 100 km from here.
Dr Pant said that in normal circumstances, such reversal operations are conducted at least 6-8 weeks of sterilisation, but in case of Uma, he was asked to reverse her tubectomy after just half-an-hour of performing it on February 12, earlier this year, because her 21-day old daughter had passed away. However, the woman wanted a child again.
Now, Uma is pregnant again and she and her husband, who already have a two-year-old son, hope that they are blessed with a girl child this time.
"I have performed almost three lakh sterilisation procedures in the last 30 years, but I was never asked to reverse any of it so soon", Pant said.
"More so, in this remote health centre, there were no specific instruments and facilities available to conduct the surgery", he said.
However, the senior government surgeon, with the help of the instruments available at the centre, managed to reopen the fallopian tubes of the woman. Later on, certain medicines and special chemicals were allowed to pass through the tubes, so as to reduce their swelling and to make them regain their original form.
"In medical terminology, this process is called a reversal or re-canalisation operation. The process of opening the fallopian tube is performed through a micro-surgery", the medical expert said.
Uma's husband Sanjay, who runs a small provision store in a small village around 115 kms from here, said over phone that he and his wife were extremely overjoyed to be able to have a child again.


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