Author Topic: Folk Gods Of Uttarakhand - उत्तराखण्ड के स्थानीय देवी-देवता  (Read 101822 times)

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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Bhishma Kukreti गढ़वाल कुमाऊँ के नाथपंथी देवता
 Nathpanthi Deities of Kumaun and Garhwal
 गढ़वाल कुमाऊँ के नाथपंथी देवता
 भीष्म कुकरेती
 गढ़वाल व कुमाओं में छटी सदी से नाथपंथी अथवा गोरखपंथी प्रचारकों का आना शुरू हुआ और बारवीं सदी तक इस पंथ
 का पूरे समाज में एक तरह से राज रहा इसे सिद्ध युग भी कहते हैं
 कुमाओं व गढ़वाल और नेपाल में निम्न नाथपंथी देवताओं की पूजा होती है और उन्हें जागरों नचाया भी जाता है
 १- नाद्वुद भैरव : नाद का अर्थ है पहली आवाज और नाद वुद माने जो नाद का जानकार है जो नाद के बारे में बोलता है . अधिकतर जागरों में नाद्वुद भैरव को जागरों व अन्य मात्रिक तांत्रिक क्रियाओं में पहले स्मरण किया जाता है , नाद्वुद भगवान शिव ही हैं
  पैलो का प्रहर तो सुमरो बाबा श्री नाद्वुद भैराऊं.... राम्छ्ली नाद बजा दो ल्याऊ. सामी बज्र दो आऊ व्भुती पैरन्तो आऊ . पाट की मेखळी पैरंतो आऊ . ब्ग्मरी टोपी पैरन्तो आऊ . फ्तिका मुंद्रा पैरंतो आऊ ...
 २- भैरव : भैरव शिव अवतार हैं. भैरव का एक अर्थ है भय से असीम सुख प्राप्त करना . गाँव के प्रवेश द्वार पर भैरव मुरती स्थापित होती है भैरव भी नचाये जाते हैं
  एक हाथ धरीं च बाबा तेरी छुणक्याळी लाठी
  एक हाथ धरीं च बाबा तेरी तेज्मली को सोंटा
  एक हाथ धरीं च बाबा तेरी रावणी चिंता
  कन लगायो बाबा तिन आली पराली को आसन
 ३- नरसिंह : यद्यपि नरसिंघ विश्णु अवतार है किन्तु गढवाल कुमाओं में नरसिंह नाथपंथी देवता है और कथा संस्कृत आख्यानो से थोड़ा भिन्न है . कुमाऊं - गढवाल में नरसिंह गुरु गोरखनाथ के चेले /शिष्य के रूप में नचाये जाते है जो बड़े बीर थे नरसिंह नौ है -
  इंगले बीर नरसिंघ, पिंगला बीर नरसिंह, जाती वीर नरसिंघ , थाती बीर नरसिंघ, गोर वीर नरसिंह, अघोर्बीर नरसिंघ, चंद्बीर नरसिंघ, प्रचंड बीर नरसिंघ, दुधिया नरसिंघ, डोडिया नरसिंह , नरसिंघ के हिसाब से ही जागरी जागर लगा कर अलग अलग नर्सिंगहो का आवाहन करते है
  जाग जाग नरसिंह बीर जाग , फ़टीगु की तेरी मुद्रा जाग
  रूपा को तेरा सोंटा जाग ख्रुवा की तेरी झोली जाग
 ४- मैमंदा बीर : मैम्न्दा बीर भी नाथपंथी देवता है मैमंदा बीर मुसलमानी-हिन्दू संस्कृति मिलन मेल का रूप है मैम्न्दा को भी भैरव माना जाता है
  मैम्न्दा बीरून वीर पीरून पीर तोड़ी ल्यासमी इस पिण्डा को बाण कु क्वट भूत प्रेत का शीर
 ५- गोरिल : गोरिल कुमौं व गढ़वाल का प्रसिद्ध देवता हैं गोरिल के कई नाम हैं - गोरिल, गोरिया , गोल, ग्विल्ल , गोल , गुल्ली . गोरुल देवता न्याय के प्रतीक हैं .ग्विल्ल की पूजा मंदिर में भी होती है और घड़े ल़ा लगा कर भी की जाती है
  ॐ नमो कलुवा गोरिल दोनों भाई......
 ओ गोरिया कहाँ तेरी ठाट पावार तेरी ज़ात
  चम्पावत तेरी थात पावार तेरी ज़ात
 ६- कलुवा वीर ; कलुवा बीर गोरुल के भाई है और बीर हैं व घड़ेल़ा- जागरों में नचाये जाते हैं
  क्या क्या कलुवा तेरी बाण , तेरी ल़ाण .... अजी कोट कामळी बिछ्वाती हूँ .....
 ७- खेतरपाल : माता महाकाली के पुत्र खेतरपाल (क्षेत्रपाल ) को भी नचाया जाता है
  देव खितरपाल घडी -घडी का बिघ्न टाळ
  माता महाकाली की जाया , चंड भैरों खितरपाल
  प्रचंड भैरों खितरपाल , काल भैरों खितरपाल
  माता महाकाली को जायो , बुढा महारुद्र को जायो
  तुम्हारो द्यां जागो तुम्हारो ध्यान जागो
 ८- हरपाल सिद्ध बाबा भी कलुवा देवता के साथ पूजे जाते हैं नचाये जाते है
 न्गेलो यद्यपि क्ष व कोल समय के देवता है किन्तु इनकी पूजा भी या पूजा के शब्द सर्वथा नाथपंथी हैं यथा
 न्गेलो की पूजा में
 उम्न्मो गुरु का आदेस प्रथम सुमिरों नाद भैरों .....
 निरंकार ; निरंकार भी खश व कोली युद के देवता हैं किन्तु पुजाई नाथपंथी हिसाब से होती है और शब्द भी नाथपंथी हैं
 ( डा पीताम्बर दत्त बर्थवाल, डा विश्णु दत्त कुकरेती, डा गोबिंद चातक , डा कुसुम पांडे , डा शिवानन्द नौटियाल की पुस्तकों से संकलित )
 Copyright @ Bhishma Kukreti

Bhishma Kukreti

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                     Latu Devta: Adopted Brother of Goddess Nanda Devi
Folklore, Folk Legends, Folk Myths of Kumaon-Garhwal, Uttarkahnd-1
                           Bhishma Kukreti

                         Latu deity is one of the important deities worshipped in northern Garhwal. Nanda Devi is one of the most worshipped goddesses in Kumaon and Garhwal.
               There is folk story about Latu deity.
                   Once, in Kailash, Bhagwati Nanda was feeling sadness. She was very unrest mentally and was sitting still for hours. Lord Shiva asked the reasons for her sadness. Goddess Nanda told that she does not have any brother to remind her seasonal changes. Goddess Nanda requested Shiva her to find a brother. Lord gave permission.
   Goddess Nanda reached to prime minister of Kannauj. The name of wife of prime minister was maina too as Nanda’s mother’s name was also Maina. Maina asked the reasons for Nanda’s coming to Kannauj. Nanda told that she does not have brother to provide her seasonal gifts. Maina had two brilliant sons Batu and Latu. Nanda requested Maina to give her Latu as Nanda’s adopted brother. After continuous persuasion from Nanda, Maina gave her son to Nanda.
   Nanda reached Ban village by passing Bans Bhabhar, Ringal Bhabhar, Anvala Bhabhar, Ver Bhabhar and Burans Bhabhar. Nanda went to KailNadi for bathing. Latu was sitting on the road. Latu felt thirsty and he asked water from village women of ban village. The women, instead of offering water to Latu, gave some jand-mand (addictive) juice to Latu. Latu became unconscious. Nanda came to know the realities through her potent spiritual knowledge and cured Latu. Nanda told to Latu that there would be his temple in Ban village. Nanda also promised Latu that Nautiyals of Nauti village would be priest for that Latu temple.  Nanda told to her brother Latu that when at every twelve years people would bring Nanda Jat procession, people will also worship Latu. She promised that none other than Nauitylas would be permitted to enter into Latu temple.
 From that day, people worship Latu along with Nanda deity. People also offer goat as sacrifice to deity.
 Nautiyals open the Latu temple of Ban village and they only shut the door of Latu temple.

Curtsey and references:
 Dr Trilochan Pandey, Kumaoni Bhasha aur Uska Sahity
Dr Siva Nand Nautiyal, Garhwal ke Lok Nrityageet 
Dr Govind Chatak, Garhwali Lokgathayen
Dr Urbi datt Upadhyaya, Kumaon ki Lokgathaon ka Sahityik Adhyan
Dr. Prayag Joshi, Kumaon Garhwal ki Lokgathaon ka Vivechnatmak Adhyayan
Dr Dinesh Chandra Baluni, Uttarakhand ki Lokgathayen
Dr Jagdish (Jaggu) Naudiyal, Uttarakhand ki Sanskritik Dharohar, (Ravain) 
Copyright (Interpretation) @ Bhishma Kukreti, 8/4/2013
Folklore, Folk Legends, Folk Myths of Kumaun-Garhwal, Uttarakhand- to be continued…2

Bhishma Kukreti

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Kadru and Binta Episode: A Religious Folklore of Uttarakhand influenced by Mahabharata

Folklore, Folk Legends, Folk Myths of Kumaon-Garhwal, Uttarkahnd-2
                                        Bhishma Kukreti
                 Dr Mahendra Kumar Mishra (PhD) rightly states that Mahabharata and Ramayana influenced every culture in Indian subcontinent. Dr Mahendra Kumar Mishra (PhD) provides proves of influences of Mahabharata on the folklores of Parimalagiri, Gond,  Konds (Bugsas), Koyaput, of Orissa. There is total influence of Mahabharata on Cambodian folklores.
          The research scholar Alexandra van der Geer, Michael Dermitzaki and John de Vos suggested the Mahabharata societies in Shiwalik shrine just below Himalayas (Fossils Folklore from India, The Shiwalik Hills and the Mahabharata, Folklore, April 2008). Therefore Mahabharata era  played  a great role in culture of Uttarakhand.
 Mahabharata influenced the most the culture of Garhwal and Kumaon (Uttarakhand). That is why there are folklores based on the stories of Mahabharata.  Kadru-Binita folklore is one the examples of Mahabharata influence on Garhwali and Kumaoni culture.  The story of Kadru-Binita is taken from ‘Sauprnyakhyan’ of Mahabharata. However, the folklore creators created story with local culture.
 कुमाऊं और गढ़वाल की लोक गाथाएँ -2
 कद्रू और बिनता की लोकगाथा का एक अंश

मूल -डा गोविन्द चातक   
 कद्रू का नाग ह्वेन, बिनता का गरुड़
कद्रू बनिता द्वी ह्वेली सौत
सूती डाह छै  तौमा
कद्रू बोल्दि तब -
हे भूली बिनता तेरो बेटा भानपंखी
रंद सूर्या का लोक मा
सूर्य भगवान को रथ चलौंद
बोल दौं हे भुलि
सूर्य को रथ कै रंग को होलो?
तब बिनता बोलदे
सूर्य को स्वेत  रथ होलो
तब नागु की माता कना बैन बोदे -
आज भुलि तेरा मेरा बीच
कौल होई जाला
मै सणि तू भुलि धरम दियाल
सूर्य को सुफेद रथ होलो
तब मै तेरी दासी होई जौलो
अर  काळो   रथ होलो तब तू
मेरी दासी बणी जाली।
तब कॉल करार करिगे नागु की माता , रौंदड़ा लगौंदी तब छुयेड़ा चारदे
मन मारिक अपणा काल्गिरी नाग .......
                     Story of Kadru and Binta Folklore of Garhwal-Kumaon
        Kadru and Binta were co-wives or Sautiya sisters.  Kadru was mother of Nag (snakes) and Binta was mother of Garud (eagles). They had Sautiya Dah (strong jealousy) between them. Once, Kadru asked Binta the color of Surya’s  Rath  (Sun’s chariot) as Binta’s son Bhanupankhi was chariot driver of Sun. Binta informed that the color of Sun Chariot is white but Kadru denied and said that the color of Sun Chariot is black. Both ended in betting for the colour of Sun Chariot. The bet was that whoever would lose would become the slave of winner of bet.
  Kadru the mother of Nag (snakes) was worried as she was afraid of losing bet because the color of Sun Chariot was white. She called her son Kalgiri Nag and told her the incident of betting between her and Binta.  Kadru ordered Kalgiri to make Sun chariot as black. Kalgiri went to Sun galaxy along with his brothers and they all surrounded Sun. By the surrounding of snakes the Sun Chariot seemed as blackish chariot. 
  Happily Kadru called Binta and showed the black colored Sun Chariot. Binta lost the bet and told that from tomorrow she would be slave of Kadru.   
             Binta was sad as her step son Bhanupankhi (son of Kadru) informed in past that the color of Sun Chariot was white.   
      Mishri Garud (eagle) became restless in heaven (with lord Vishnu). He tells his boss lord Vishnu that there is something wrong with her mother and she is in some dire situation. Mishri Garud reached to his mother Binti but his mother did not show love for him. After perusal Binta told that his step brother Bhanpankhi deceived her and covered sun Chariot for showing black color and now she is slave of Kadru.  Mishri Garud. Misri Garud took the vow to free his mother from slavery of his step mother Kadru.
 Mishri Garud reached to his step brother Kalgiri Nag and said,’” kalgiri! Why did you make my mother slave of your mother by deceit methods?’”
Kalgiri answered, If you bring Amrit kalash from heaven and give it us, we shall free your mother from slavery.”
 Mishri Garud brought Amrit Kalash (Nectar Pot) to Kalgiri Nag. Kalgiri Nag became happy and decided to take Amrit after bathing. Kalgiri Nag went for bathing. In the mean time lord Vishnu came and advised to Garud that he should also deceive Kalgiri. As per advice, Mishri Garud took Nectar Pot to heaven and came back to Naglok.
   When kalgiri came back after bathing he did not find the Nectar pot and he became angry on Mishri Garud. Kalgiri started attacking garud for battle. There was stif battle between Mishri Garud and snakes. Mishri Garud killed all snakes.
 Kalgiri snake hid near Mishridah pond. A fish came near Mishridah pond. Mishri Garud killed that fish and its blood and flesh fell on a sage. The sage cursed Mishri Garud that if his shadow fells on the pond the Garud would die.
 Lord Vishnu brough back Kalgiri Nag and told,” Nag and Garud! You all are brothers. You should live together with discipline. Garud should only kill a snake in a month. “

Curtsey and references:
Dr. Krishna Nand Joshi, Kumaon ka Lok Sahity
 Dr Trilochan Pandey, Kumaoni Bhasha aur Uska Sahity
Dr Siva Nand Nautiyal, Garhwal ke Lok Nrityageet 
Dr Govind Chatak, Garhwali Lokgathayen
Dr. Govind Chatak, Kumaoni Lokgathayen
Dr Urbi datt Upadhyaya, Kumaon ki Lokgathaon ka Sahityik Adhyan
Dr. Prayag Joshi, Kumaon Garhwal ki Lokgathaon ka Vivechnatmak Adhyayan
Dr Dinesh Chandra Baluni, Uttarakhand ki Lokgathayen
Dr Jagdish (Jaggu) Naudiyal, Uttarakhand ki Sanskritik Dharohar, (Ravain) 
Abodh Bandhu Bahuguna, Dhunyal
Copyright (Interpretation) @ Bhishma Kukreti, 8/4/2013
Folklore, Folk Legends, Folk Myths of Kumaun-Garhwal, Uttarakhand- to be continued…3
Notes on Religious Folklore of Uttarakhand influenced by Mahabharata; Religious Folklore of Pithauragarh Kumaon Uttarakhand influenced by Mahabharata; Religious Folklore of Bageshwar Kumaon, Uttarakhand influenced by Mahabharata; Religious Folklore of  Kumaon, Uttarakhand influenced by Mahabharata; Religious Folklore of Champawat,  Kumaon, Uttarakhand influenced by Mahabharata; Religious Folklore of Almora  Kumaon, Uttarakhand influenced by Mahabharata; Religious Folklore of  Nainital Kumaon, Uttarakhand influenced by Mahabharata; Religious Folklore of  Udham Singh Nagar Kumaon, Uttarakhand influenced by Mahabharata; Religious Folklore of  Haridwar/Hardwar Garhwal , Uttarakhand influenced by Mahabharata; Religious Folklore of  Dehradun Garhwal , Uttarakhand influenced by Mahabharata; Religious Folklore of Pauri Garhwal , Uttarakhand influenced by Mahabharata; Religious Folklore of Chamoli Garhwal , Uttarakhand influenced by Mahabharata; Religious Folklore of Tihri Garhwal , Uttarakhand influenced by Mahabharata; Religious Folklore of Uttarkashi Garhwal , Uttarakhand influenced by Mahabharata; Religious Folklore of Jaunsar Garhwal , Uttarakhand influenced by Mahabharata; Religious Folklore of  Rudraprayag Garhwal , Uttarakhand influenced by Mahabharata to be continued….

Bhishma Kukreti

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Sristhi Nirman: The Folklore about Universe creation and discussion on Cross Fertilization

Folklore, Folk Legends, Folk Myths of Kumaon-Garhwal, Uttarkahnd-3
Religious and Mythological Folklores of Garhwal, Kumaon, Uttarakhand – 3 
(Notes on Universe Creation in folklore /Mythology; Universe Creation in Uttarakhandi folklore /Mythology; Universe Creation in Kumaoni folklore /Mythology; Universe Creation in Garhwali folklore /Mythology; Universe Creation in Mid Himalayan folklore /Mythology; Universe Creation in Himalayan folklore /Mythology; Universe Creation in Indian regional folklore /Mythology; Universe Creation in Asian regional folklore /Mythology; Universe Creation in Oriental folklore /Mythology]

                                        Bhishma Kukreti
             In every society, there are mythological stories about universe creation. Maori mythology states that the primal couple Rangi and Papa originated the world/universe.
                There are many stories in Chinese mythology for creation the universe as Pangu separated world egg like Hudan the primordial chaos into heaven. There is also Chinese mythological story that Yin and Yang (female and male) are founder of world.
     In earlier Egyptian mythology, the Goose came out of Milky Way and became source of universe creation.
 Finish mythological epic Kalevala states that universe was created from an egg laid by divine duck on the knee of limatar –the goddess of air.
   Greek mythology speaks that in the beginning there was chaos, an amorphous void encompassing the entire universe and surrounded by an un-leading water stream ruled by god Oceanus and then god created  Gaia (Mother earth)  heaven etc.   
         According to Norse Mythology, Fire and Ice Meeting is cause of universe creation.   
In Philippine mythology, supreme God created world and earth. In one mythological story of Philippine tells that the universe was mad because of struggle among many forces.
 There are mentions of universe creation in Vedas, Upnishads, Purans and other Sanskrit classics or later stage the Buddhist and Jain literature.
                         Garhwali-Kumaoni Mythology for Universe Creation
       In Kumaoni -Garhwali folk literature as in Upnishads there is discussion on Universe as in Dhol sagar. There is also discussion on cross fertilization in Garhwali –Kumaoni folklores or in Garhwali folktales as in Champa dali.  The Srishti Nirman Gatha discusses the universe creation and importance of cross fertilization together.

                          कुमाऊं और गढ़वाल की लोक गाथाएँ -3

                                               सृष्टि निर्माण गाथा
                                                    मूल शम्भू प्रसाद बहुगुणा
 बोला बोला सगुन बोला कैलास मा भोला शम्भु रे नाथ
भोला शम्भु रे नाथ रौंद -देखा तौंकि धुनी रमीं च
तब त बोनी च देवी पार्वती बोनी च
हे महादेव जी यखुला कैलास मा रेगे विष्णु
त तुम अपणा संग कु क्वी चेला बणै देवा
 दैण जंगा मांग वैन गाड़े मैल कि बतुली
मैल बातुली गुदड़ी का पेट राखे
गुदड़ी का पेट ह्वेगे सूनी अर जम्बू गरुड़ सोभनी
तरुण द्वी भै बैणा ह्वेगेना
जम्बू का दिल मा पाप आयि ग्याय हैक दिन
एक दिन मा इनो समय आये जम्बू पुछण बैठी गे
सूनी बोनी च
बोल बोल हे जम्बू गरुड़ तू आज क्या बात बोदा
जम्बू बोनु च सुणी लेदी सूणी
तू अर मै होइ जुला पति बरता नारी
हे जम्बू तेरो कुटलो सी टूंट च
तू और मैं होला भै बैणो का नाता
जम्बू ना द्वी नेत्र छोड़ी याली सूनी का बोल्यान
  The above Garhwali folk prose song is starting paragraph of universe creation. The further story about universe creation is as follows
  In the beginning there was void and there was no earth, no sky and no water. The Goddess Parvati was bored by aloofness. Parvati requested God to create universe. Nirankar or formless created female eagle from dirt of his right thigh and created male eagle from the dirt of left thigh. The Name of Female eagle was Soni and male was Jambu. Shiva was shocked as he wanted to create human beings. 
  When Jambu (male eagle) became young he offered to marry Soni. Soni the female eagle became angry as they were brother sister. Jambu started weeping.  Soni  (female eagle) felt sorry for Jamboo (male eagle). She took tears of jambu (male eagle) and drank those tears. Soni (female eagle) became pregnant. Jambu (male eagle) went away from Kailas (where Shiva and Parvati live). Soni (female eagle) left kailas in search of  Jambu (male eagle) and at last she met Jambu. Soni eagle soothed Jamboo. Soni asked the place of delivering eggs. Bothe searched the place but could not find suitable place and came back to Kailas. Soni asked ‘Where to lay egg?” Jambu spread his wing and Soni laid egg on wing. However, the egg broke down. The upper white portion of egg became sky and lower egg portion became earth. The ocean was created by white portion and land by yellow yolk.  This way Nirankar created universe.   

Curtsey and references:
Dr. Krishna Nand Joshi, Kumaon ka Lok Sahity
 Dr Trilochan Pandey, Kumaoni Bhasha aur Uska Sahity
Dr Siva Nand Nautiyal, Garhwal ke Lok Nrityageet 
Dr Govind Chatak, Garhwali Lokgathayen
Dr. Govind Chatak, Kumaoni Lokgathayen
Dr Urbi datt Upadhyaya, Kumaon ki Lokgathaon ka Sahityik Adhyan
Dr. Prayag Joshi, Kumaon Garhwal ki Lokgathaon ka Vivechnatmak Adhyayan
Dr Dinesh Chandra Baluni, Uttarakhand ki Lokgathayen
Dr Jagdish (Jaggu) Naudiyal, Uttarakhand ki Sanskritik Dharohar, (Ravain) 
Abodh Bandhu Bahuguna, Dhunyal
Shambhu Prasad Bahuguna, Virat Hriday

Copyright (Interpretation) @ Bhishma Kukreti, 8/4/2013
Folklore, Folk Legends, Folk Myths of Kumaun-Garhwal, Uttarakhand- to be continued…4
Religious Folklores of Garhwal, Kumaon, Uttarakhand to be continued… 4 
Notes on Universe Creation in folklore /Mythology; Universe Creation in Uttarakhandi folklore /Mythology; Universe Creation in Kumaoni folklore /Mythology; Universe Creation in Garhwali folklore /Mythology; Universe Creation in Mid Himalayan folklore /Mythology; Universe Creation in Himalayan folklore /Mythology; Universe Creation in Indian regional folklore /Mythology; Universe Creation in Asian regional folklore /Mythology; Universe Creation in Oriental folklore /Mythology to be continued…

Bhishma Kukreti

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           Shiv Gatha: Kumaon-Garhwali Folklore on Lord Shiva 
Folklore, Folk Legends, Folk Myths of Kumaon-Garhwal, Uttarkahnd-4
Religious and Mythological Folklores of Garhwal, Kumaon, Uttarakhand – 4 

                                        Bhishma Kukreti
                         Folklores on Lord Shiva in Non-Indian Territories
                There are classic literature and folk literature available about Lord Shiva in all parts of Jambudweep (India, before 1 B.C). For example, there are folktales and folk dances related to Shiva in Cambodia as the kings before Asoka era were Shaivya or Vaishnva. There are temples of Shiva of ancient time in Cambodia. 
            There are various types of temples and symbolic sculptures of Shiva in Thailand. There are folklores related to lord Shiva in Thai literature as ‘Cha Larm tri Pob’.
  St. Andrew and St. John provide the folklores of Burma or Myanmar about Lord Shiva (Indo Burmese Folklore, 1889).
 There are folklores/folktales related to lord Shiva in Javanese and Balinese cultures. Thaipusam festival in Malaysia is definitely related to folklore related to Lord Murugan son of Lord Shiva (Pierced by Murugan’s lance by Elizabeth Fuller, 1997).
 It is said that the Trusul folklore of Romani or European gypsies is related to Trident of lord Shiva.
Taking clue from Persian and Arabic pronunciation (Shiva=Hiva, Sindhu=Hindu, Asura=Ahura), a couple of scholars are of opinion that there are instances of Shiva in Old Iranian folk literature as in Zoroastrian literature.
                           Shiv Gatha: Kumaon-Garhwali Folklore on Lord Shiva 
                               Shiva Marriage Story in folklore
Shaivism influenced very much the Kumaoni and Garhwali societies from ancient time. There are hundreds of Shiva temples or temples related to Shaivya cult in the region. There are tens of folk stories/folklores around lord Shiva in Garhwal and Kumaon. One of folklores is about lord Shiva marrying Gauri.
The Shiva marriage event starts in folklore as
 कुमाऊं और गढ़वाल की लोक गाथाएँ -4
                       शिव गाथा
मूल संकलन: डा कृष्णा नन्द जोशी
  शिव गौरी विवाह प्रसंग
 हे शिव भगवानु लै की रथ बणायो
गुरु घिंगालीनाथ बणाया, तिन लोकी तिरसुलनाथ बणाया
तिरलोकी त्रिसूलनाथ गुरु हिमांल में बसा
तवी गुरु का भगवानु लै दियि हाली हतेंडली में तीन तला धरती
तब गुरु जप करनी
हात  में रुद्रांछ कि माला जपी दैनी हाल
तिरसूल बीराज्ये छ बौ आडुली गुरु
पंचचूली बैठ हिमांल हे पंच नाम देवतो
हे बरमा .  बिष्णु , चित्रगुप्त . भगवान हिया रचा
तब नारद रिखी जु थै कयो   होलो महादेव सिवजी को ब्याह
हे प्रजापाल की साटी चेली भया
तब सिव भगवानु लै धरो कलंगी को रूप
तब गया महादेव ज्यू प्रजापाल का घर
सबूं को मन लागौ हौरन कै
गौरी सब ज्येठी चेली को  मन महादेव लागो
तब शिव ज्यू का संग में भगवती गौरी महादेव को ब्या है गयो
महादेव ज्यू लै प्रजापाल कन ढोक नि दी कबेर
प्रजापाल को मन रीस लै भरी गयो

O Lord! What did you create new universe? He created Guru Ghigaali Nath, Trilokpati, Trishulnath. Trilokpati and Trishulnath started living in Himalaya. O guru! Then God he put three based earth on your palm. Then, Guru took long Samadhi. He took Rudraksh on right hand and started Jap and took Trident on left hand. The O Thirty three Crores deities! Panchdevta- Brahma, Vishny, Chitrgupt and shakti asked sage Narad ,” tell us the story of Shiva-marrigae”.
    Prajapti had sixty daughters. There was Swamvar of his daughters. Shiva went there as leprosy man. Other girls of Prajapti choose other deities as their husbands.  The eldest daughter Gauri loved Shiva. Shiva married Gauri.
             Mahdev did not salute Prajapati . Prajapati the father of Gauri became very angry. However, it was not possible for Shiva to salute as he is consumption god too.
     Prajapati thought to insult Shiva. Prajapati organized a Yagya to be run for twelve years and did not invite his eldest son in law Shiva.
                The heavenly chariots of goddesses and deities were making noise in the sky. Gauri asked Mahadev about the movement of chariots in the sky. Lord shiva disclosed that her father organized a twelve year Yagya but did not invite the, Gauri said,” it is not possible. Father should have invited me first and then others.”
Laughingly, Mahadev said,” If you don’t believe me you should go to your mother place.” 
Angrily Gauri went to her father’s place.
Prajapati was busy in sacrifice for Yagya.
Offering respect to her father, Gauri touched her father’s feet. Prajapati asked, “I never invited you. Why did you come here without my invitation?” Her mother also fired her for coming without invitation. The sisters also accused her coming to father’s Yagya without invitation. Gauri was feeling insult and guilty that she did not obey lord Shiva (her husband).  Gauri jumped into hot boiling oil pot and died.
Lord Mahadev saw Gauri in dream. She was repenting her disobeying the advice of Shiva. Lord Shiva came aware from Samadhi and fell sorry. He went to Prajapati place. Shiva started doing Tapa and Japa. Gauri’s soul showed sorry to Mahadev.  Gauri took new birth as daughter of Himalaya and married to Shiva.   

Curtsey and references:
Dr. Krishna Nand Joshi, Kumaon ka Lok Sahity
 Dr Trilochan Pandey, Kumaoni Bhasha aur Uska Sahity
Dr Siva Nand Nautiyal, Garhwal ke Lok Nrityageet 
Dr Govind Chatak, Garhwali Lokgathayen
Dr. Govind Chatak, Kumaoni Lokgathayen
Dr Urbi datt Upadhyaya, Kumaon ki Lokgathaon ka Sahityik Adhyan
Dr. Prayag Joshi, Kumaon Garhwal ki Lokgathaon ka Vivechnatmak Adhyayan
Dr Dinesh Chandra Baluni, Uttarakhand ki Lokgathayen
Dr Jagdish (Jaggu) Naudiyal, Uttarakhand ki Sanskritik Dharohar, (Ravain) 
Abodh Bandhu Bahuguna, Dhunyal
Shambhu Prasad Bahuguna, Virat Hriday
Tony Samantha Phim andamp, Ashley Thompson, 2000, Dance in Cambodia, Uni. Chicago, NY.

Copyright (Interpretation) @ Bhishma Kukreti, 8/4/2013
Folklore, Folk Legends, Folk Myths of Kumaun-Garhwal, Uttarakhand- to be continued…4
Religious Folklores of Garhwal, Kumaon, Uttarakhand to be continued… 4 
 Notes on Folklore on Lord Shiva; Folklore on Lord Shiva from  Kumaon; Folklore on Lord Shiva from Garhwal;  Folklore on Lord Shiva from Mid Himalaya; Folklore on Lord Shiva from Himalaya; Folklore on Lord Shiva from  India; Folklore on Lord Shiva from Asia; Folklore on Lord Shiva from  Oriental countries; Folklore on Lord Shiva from Burma/Myanmar; Folklore on Lord Shiva from Indonesia;  Folklore on Lord Shiva from Bali; Folklore on Lord Shiva from Java; Folklore on Lord Shiva from Malaysia; Folklore on Lord Shiva from Cambodia; Folklore on Lord Shiva from Thailand 

Bhishma Kukreti

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Goril , Gwill, Golu  Deity : Justice Deity of  Kumaon-Garhwal (Uttarakhand )
Folklore, Folk Legends, Folk Myths of Kumaon-Garhwal, Uttarkahnd-5
Religious and Mythological Folklores of Garhwal, Kumaon, Uttarakhand – 5 

                                        Bhishma Kukreti
             Usually, every society has a deity for justice among Idol worshippers.  Gwill, Gwall, Golu, Goril deity is the deity for justice in Uttarakhand.
  Nepal has Mankamna goddess as goddess of justice. Adastria is Greece goddess of justice. D ike is also Greece goddess of justice. Lady Justia is Roman goddess of justice. Mayet, Mat or Maat is ancient Egyptian goddess of justice and moral. Nanshe was the Sumerian goddess for justice. Anby and Haukim were pre Islamic deities for justice in Arab region. Forseti is mythological justice deity of Norse. Honos was military Roman deity. Issitoq is Inuit mythological justice deity Shamash was justice deity in Babylonia and Asyyria and Mandanu is justice deity in modern time Babylonia. Shezmu is Egyptian mythological justice deity. Nahundi is ancient Persian mythological deity for justice.
                          Goril , Gwill, Golu  Deity : Justice Deity of Kumaon-Garhwal (Uttarakhand)

    Due to his law endeavoring character, Goril was worshipped as deity from his life time. The following folklore prose- song tells the story of justice deity Goril, Gwill, Golu or Gwal. Goril is believed to be Nathpanthi deity. Along with Goril, Kalindra devi is also worshipped and the female Paswa dance as soul of Kalindra too in Jagar of Goril/Gwill.
कुमाऊं और गढ़वाल की लोक गाथाएँ -5

  गोरिल . ग्विल्ल , गोलु , ग्वल गाथा
(सन्दर्भ  :शम्भू प्रसाद बहुगुणा  विराट हृदय )

यो हंसुला गढ़
सूरजवंशी हरू
सैम ज्यू दिवान
भानिज कैलास
xxx   xxx
द्वि मामा भानिज अब बैराठ का देश
राजा हरिचन
सैंम ज्यू दिवान
रंगीली चौरड़ी बैग्या शिलंगी का सेल
रात ब्या उज्याळो   हैग्यो
घुमंण पैग्यान बैराठा का देश
हरिचन साथ में त लडन पैग्यान
राजा हरिचन आब विभूति फुंकाला
हुंलो मैं हरिचन राजा सूरज को पूत
इथगी लिंगा तिरलोकिनाथ
छतीस रौताण तनरी बतीस पैरुणी
xxx  xxx 
गोरिया महाजन के राजा तुमारौ नाम लिनों
दुदाधारी कृष्ण अवतारी तुमारौ नाम छ
ग्वेल गोरिया भनरिया गोरिया चौरिया गोरिया
राजवंशी देव छ जसकारी नमन का भोगी
नेपाल धोली  धुमाकोट में तुमरो जनम
थात बतौनि भगवान इष्ट देवता कुल देवता
बु बु हाल राई बाबु झालराई माता कालिंका
अवतारी जसकारी भगवान तुमारो नाम च
छतीस सौ रौताण  सौ ऐड़ी चौसठ योगिनी
फैलिका भूमिया बावन बियर सोळ सौ भैरों
सोळ सौ कलुवा जो तुमार दगड़ चलनी
गुरु गोरखनाथ बटी जो तुमौल  गुरु की 
दयावान तपवान नंगा का सर ढक छा भूका का पेट भर छा
निर्धनी कै धन दि छा , अपुत्र कै पुत्र
There was rule of Jhalarai the Katyuri king in Champawat. The king had seven queens. They were childless. One day, Jhalrai went for hunting near Kali River. He reached to Dubachaur village and was hungry and tired. He saw that two buffalos were firstly fighting. The king tries to disentangle their fights. However, the king failed to disentangle the fight. The king ordered the servant to bring water from the river.
  The servant went to Kali bank and started filling water into pot. By carelessness, the drops fell down on a girl bathing into the river. The girl sarcastically said,” When the king is so weak who can’t disentangle two fighting buffalos his servant definitely would be discourteous. The servant angrily said,” If you were so strong and brave then go and disentangle the fighting buffalos.”
        The brave girl went there and disentangled two fighting buffalos. The king was stunned to see her bravery and beauty. The king asked the girl about her details. She was niece of another king, her name was Kalindra. However, she had skin disease. King Jhalarai went to her uncle and asks for marrying Kalindra. Jhalarai married to Kalindra and came to his capital. After some time Kalindra became pregnant. However, the king Jhalarai had to go outside the kingdom at the time of child delivery of Kalindra. 
  Other seven queens shifted Kalindra in dark room and told her that she had to put cloth on her eyes for auspicious purpose. Kalindra obeyed her co-sisters. When Kalindra delivered child, other queens took away the child and told to Kalindra that she delivered pumpkin. The seven queens put the child into iron box and threw the box into Ganges.
 When the box was flowing a fisher men family caught the box. The fisherman family was childless and became happy to see the male baby boy. Fisherman family adopted the boy. They took every care for the boy.
 When the boy crossed childhood he was taking a wooden horse to river and asked the wooden horse to drink water. There were seven queens of Jhalari. They asked the boy –how the wood horse would drink water. The child answered as the human mother could deliver pumpkin and same way wooden horse could take water. The queens were shocked to know that boy knew the reality.
 That boy came to Jhalarai and told the real story. King gave the death sentence for punishing his seven queens by throwing them into boiling oil.
  Later on this Goril boy became king. The king became famous for his laws, true justice. People started worshipping Goril in his time.

Curtsey and references:
Dr. Krishna Nand Joshi, Kumaon ka Lok Sahity
 Dr Trilochan Pandey, Kumaoni Bhasha aur Uska Sahity
Dr Siva Nand Nautiyal, Garhwal ke Lok Nrityageet 
Dr Govind Chatak, Garhwali Lokgathayen
Dr. Govind Chatak, Kumaoni Lokgathayen
Dr Urbi Datt Upadhyaya, Kumaon ki Lokgathaon ka Sahityik Adhyan
Dr. Prayag Joshi, Kumaon Garhwal ki Lokgathaon ka Vivechnatmak Adhyayan
Dr Dinesh Chandra Baluni, Uttarakhand ki Lokgathayen
Dr Jagdish (Jaggu) Naudiyal, Uttarakhand ki Sanskritik Dharohar, (Ravain) 
Abodh Bandhu Bahuguna, Dhunyal
Shambhu Prasad Bahuguna, Virat Hriday

Copyright (Interpretation) @ Bhishma Kukreti, 8/4/2013
Folklore, Folk Legends, Folk Myths of Kumaun-Garhwal, Uttarakhand- to be continued…6
Religious Folklores of Garhwal, Kumaon, Uttarakhand to be continued… 6 

Bhishma Kukreti

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Kumaoni, Garhwali Folklores about Anchheri /Matri (Fairies)

Folklore, Folk Legends, Folk Myths of Kumaon-Garhwal, Uttarkahnd-6
Religious, Spiritual and Mythological Folklores of Garhwal, Kumaon, Uttarakhand – 6 
                                        Bhishma Kukreti
 Believing on fairies is common belief in all regions. For example, in Irish folk literature there is mention of that fairies were both feared and respected. The si or Irish fairies were is invisible for mortals; fairies lived in chariot and were involved in human activities. Many calamities were believed due to curses of fairies. The Irish folk literature mentions that there was tension between fairies and mortals. The boys used to dress females dress for protecting them from fairies as it was believed that fairies would choose boys before girls.

            Kumaoni - Garhwali Folklores related to fairies
  There are regional folk songs related to fairies in Garhwal and Kumaon. Anchheri or Matar are fairies of Garhwal and Kumaon.
 The followings four fairy folk songs will tell the readers the importance of Fairies in the region’s beliefs.
कुमाऊं और गढ़वाल की लोक गाथाएँ -6

        अंछेरी गाथा गीत

(सन्दर्भ :डा कृष्णा नन्द जोशी, कुमाऊं का लोक साहित्य , पृष्ठ 66-67)

बैणा उदासि नै रयै ह , बैणु ओसेह सागर ह
हियै की हिमाल ह, बैणा गैलो पाताल ह
न्यूंति कै बोल्यूंला त्वीकै , बैणा पुजि कै पठूंलो ह
तुकणि देऊलों बैणा तुल्या भनार ह
तला को चोख्यूंण ह , जिबाड़ को लूण ह
तुकैणी देऊंलो बैणा , पूसा का ऐत्वार ह
सौणा का सोमबार ह , असोजै सिरौइ ह
कातिकै च्यूड़ा ह , भदों म्हैणै ऋतू ह
तू उदास नि हयै बैणा , हिमाचलै मांझ हो 
तुमारै हिमाल हो , मांसि फूल फुलिया छ
तुम्हारे हिंवाल हो लुड़छुडै बयाल हो
तुमारै मुलक हो चुड़चुड़िया घाम ह
तुमी पुतल्यों को बैणा छ्मराट पड़ी रौ हो
त्वे मैता बोलूंलो , दगडै खेलूँलो
उदासी नै होयै , निरमातौं की चेली
बिन भायों की बैणा उदासी नै होए
घर में बैणोला उदासी नै हयै     

Ranso Mantra (Anchheri Puja mantra): A Garhwali Folk Rite/Folk Ritual for Worshipping Fairies

It is believed in Garhwali and Kumauni culture that Fairy may also harm. Therefore, there are many Fairy worshiping folk rites or folk rituals for satisfying Fairies in Garhwali and Kumauni cultures. The following folk rite/folk ritual is also popular in Garhwali culture. The folk rite or folk ritual is definitely created by a Garhwali folk poet as the folk rite/folk ritual is mixture of Garhwali, Braj and Awadhi languages. The folk rite/folk ritual for worshipping fairies describes many castes and many places of Garhwal. The folk rite/folk ritual about worshiping fairies is in rhyme format and having And Upma alankar (repeated words and comparison figure of speech). The mantra or folk rite/folk ritual is definitely new as the words Pauri and Achar suggest that the folk rite is created after British came to Garhwal.
                 रान्सो (अन्छेरी पूजन) मन्त्र
Ranso Mantra (Anchheri Puja mantra): A Garhwali Folk Rite/Folk Ritual for Worshipping Fairies
        श्री गणेशाय नम: , ओउम नमो गुरु को आदेश:, पाये भरी पोतली भरी, जग भरी, जंगेली भरी,कौजु की धियाणि, थर थर कांपे, जाय जाय देवी तुमको नमस्कार, अचल दस देवराड़ी, दस रंगी बीस भुजा, जाय जाय देवी भगवती, जसदेई, जसवंती, नागलोक, सागलोक, उंचा गढ़ लंका, जलमण भयो, श्रावण माकौ भ्या टंकार, माहामारी, माग्तानी भरे, इस पिण्डा की रक्षा करदी जाई:माता कालिनका तुमकू जै जैकार, बावन मृगवाले:चार्सम करये: तन्हां को गौरी देवी करै विचार, उत्रागढ़ लंका पार: ते लंका पार: ते
    वै लंका गयी, ते लंका ते चढ़ी, ते लंका ते उतरी गै , देवी अकरी गै पार, तब पैडूळ पड़ी, कौन गडी कौन मड़ी , इश्वारण गड़ी , पारवती ने मड़ी, तहां मूक क मन का न भया, छयासी छिद्र भया, बयासी बयाली भई, नौ सेनानी ऐना, उंचाई बाल, निस्सा पातळ, संकचूड: ब्रह्म्खत्री: सियालो ग्वालो, खबर-थबर, तु वकीयाली, धर्मगण लीणों औतार, देवतों, नौ सेनानी ऐना, चलण लागी, कंसासुरी बाजा बजण लागो, सीयुं परिवार वासुकी नाचण लागो: आंख्युं अन्कारो मरिगो;, कंदुड़ परी भारिगो पिट्ठी, पीठी का शाल भयो, पीठी को पखालो भयो:, बारा सांई छना , ले छना माता रे आछरी विचालदी छना, रमोले, खपोले, (कफोले) , घुरदौड़े, कण्डा ने छ्या, बंगाने बर्त्वाल्यो छयो:, खुड्या चौवान छया, पवाने पोखरियाल छया, रिंग्वाडा बुटोल्या छया, बागुड्या चौड़यालु के धीएणी छई, रौथाणे नौ को धियाणे छया, तडयाल्या उम्राऊ के धिये छया, कुमाऊं की कुमैणी छया, ढौंड की धौंडीयाली छया, बाटल्या साबल्या छया, जोनल की विश्वर्ग्या जुपल्या छई,सीर्नग्र्या नैथाणी छया, जसयाणो उन्याला छया, बुधराया कुकरेणी छ्या, सिरतोल्या गैरोल्या छया, खुगस्यालेया खड़योल्या छया, बारा जाती छतीस पौन की अन्छेरी छयी, अठारह वर्ण देवियों; राजा मनुसाई की सार्दुला , तलबी की भित्रा रैंदी छया, कमलौ का बीच : बदाक्युं का मोरा, व सीपड़यूँ का बीच, वाखी भयो औतार:देवियों , पैल औतार देवियों हरि हरद्वार, दुजो औतार बदरी का बार;, तीजो औतार तिरजुगी नारायण, चुथा औतार चौखम्बा बदरी, पांचो औतार पंचकेदार भयो, छठो औतार देवियों: छ्टासी भैरव भयो, सातों औतार देवियों: सतनात का घर, आठों औतार देवियों अष्टभुजा देवी क घर, नौंऊं औतार नौकुली नागों का घर, दासों औतार देवियों: दसुअग्री रावण का घर.
        मांग भोरी जा बैणी, मुंडले क्न्गेला: स्योंद लगी डोल्या वैरायों धौलि सी फाट, भेंटुले बौन्दिल्या बजी सी पात:छडयाली सिंदूर दिऊलो, गाजल दिउलो, सिरकी बिंदी दिउलो, नाक की बुलाक दिउलो, अणोट की बिछुआ दिउलो, टाटू की सोन माला दिउलो, पेरू जामा घुंघुरू दिउलो, बाजूबंद चूड़ी दिउलो, आरसी मुंदड़ी दिउलो, डब्बे की सिंदूर दिउलो, श्रीफल की चूड़ी दिउलो, सिर की च्यूंट दिउलो, सान्कुरी दिउलो, मखमल की आंगी (अन्गुड़ी ) दिउली, लोसदी (घिसटती) घाघरू दिउलो, कुम्मयाँ साज का
agar of Anchheriyan / Matariyan
               अन्छेरी या मतारियों के  जागर : अतृप्त अप्सराओं  की आत्मा शांति हेतु  जागर
           (Spiritual Folk Literature of Kumaon, Garhwal and Himalayas)
    (Manuscript by Patiram Nautiyal, Village Sald, Badahat, Uttarkashi, Edited by Dr Shiva Nand Nautiyal)

   Anchheri or Matar means Fairy /Pari. Their place is supposed to be Khaint danda and where Anchheri or Matar are there there should be lake, flower beds too. These Anchheri or Matar are the souls of female child who died in early age (Matar ) or died before marriage (Anchheri) . Many dead female souls become Anchheri because they were taken by deities forcibly.
  The story is told in a Detective story style that first the result is cleared to audience and then the story goes back in chronological path. I salute those folk creators who might be not educated but they were well knowledgeable about creating interest in story. There we may also find various Alankar (figures of Speeches) for creating melodies such as Anupras alankar Upama Alankar (repetition of words, comparison, and simile)
    The poetic story creator was also well versed with geography and knowing the psychology of females .What a marvelous piece of poetry ...Splendid!!!!!!!!!!!
    The following Jagar has a story of seven Rawat sisters of Rautgaon . huniya deity took them forcibly to Khaint hill and after their death they all became Anchheri (Pari, Fairy)
             तुम रैंदा ल़े तै दागुडिया गाँव , दिसई  दागुडियो
              तुम होली रौतों की बियाण , दिसई  दागुडियो
               चला बैणी मारछा  काटण दिसई  दागुडियो
               चला बैणी मारछा कूटण दिसई  दागुडियो
              चला बैणी द्यू ह्वेगे उराड़ो,  दिसई  दागुडियो
             तख़ ऐगे हुणिया को रथ दिसई  दागुडियो
             तुम पडीग्याँ हुणिया  का रथ दिसई  दागुडियो
             सात बैणि एक छ भाई भड़ दिसई  दागुडियो
            चला बैणी बाटा का उडयारो दिसई  दागुडियो
            बाटा  का उड्यारी टपकण्या पाणी  दिसई  दागुडियो
             चला दागुडि बुरांसी का द्यूळ दिसई  दागुडियो
            तुम ह्वेगी पर्दा का धनी दिसई  दागुडियो
            चला बैणी सैणि खरसाली दिसई  दागुडियो
            कमर बांदी ऐड़ू की पुंगडि दिसई  दागुडियो
            चला बैणी तै उन्द गंगाड  दिसई  दागुडियो
           तख़ हूंद  जीरी बासमती  दिसई  दागुडियो
            चला बैणी सैणि बड़ागडी दिसई  दागुडियो
             तख दीन्दा मऊ का बुखाणा दिसई  दागुडियो
              तख़ देंदा डब्लू का गौणु दिसई  दागुडियो
              तख़ देंदा पगड़ी का खाजा दिसई  दागुडियो
              तख़ देंदा छुणक्याळी दाथुड़ी दिसई  दागुडियो
             चला बैणि तै पावा वारसू   दिसई  दागुडियो
             चला बैणी उच्चा रैथल दिसई  दागुडियो
              तख़ देंदा पोस्तु का छुम्मा दिसई  दागुडियो
              चला बैणी तै दागुडू गाँव दिसई  दागुडियो
               चला बैणी घर कै जौंला दिसई  दागुडियो
               तुम ह्वेग्याँ डांड़यूँ  का आंछरी  दिसई  दागुडियो
  Now ,at the time of Ghadela, the jagari offers many materials appropriate for a female young lady that Anchheri /Matari or fairy leaves the Pashwa
                         सुवा पंखो त्वेकू मी साड़ी द्युलू     
                          त्वे सणि    लाड़ी मै गैणा द्यूंल़ू
                          नारंगी मै त्वेकू चोली द्युलू
                         सतरंगी त्योकू मि दुशाला द्योलू
                          सतनाजा त्योकू मि डीजी द्योलू
                           औंल़ा सरीको त्वे डोला द्योलू
                            सांकरी त्वेकू मि समूण  द्योलू
                            झिलमिल आइना त्वे कांगी द्योलू
                            न्यूती की लाडली त्योकू बुलौलू
                           पूजिक त्वे साड़ी घर पठौल़ू

Curtsey and references:
Dr. Krishna Nand Joshi, Kumaon ka Lok Sahity
 Dr Trilochan Pandey, Kumaoni Bhasha aur Uska Sahity
Dr Siva Nand Nautiyal, Garhwal ke Lok Nrityageet 
Dr Govind Chatak, Garhwali Lokgathayen
Dr. Govind Chatak, Kumaoni Lokgathayen
Dr Urbi Datt Upadhyaya, Kumaon ki Lokgathaon ka Sahityik Adhyan
Dr. Prayag Joshi, Kumaon Garhwal ki Lokgathaon ka Vivechnatmak Adhyayan
Dr Dinesh Chandra Baluni, Uttarakhand ki Lokgathayen
Dr Jagdish (Jaggu) Naudiyal, Uttarakhand ki Sanskritik Dharohar, (Ravain) 
Abodh Bandhu Bahuguna, Dhunyal
Shambhu Prasad Bahuguna, Virat Hriday

Copyright (Interpretation) @ Bhishma Kukreti, 19/4/2013
Folklore, Folk Legends, Folk Myths of Kumaun-Garhwal, Uttarakhand- to be continued…7
Religious, Spiritual, Mythological Folklores of Garhwal, Kumaon, Uttarakhand to be continued… 7 
Jagar of Folk Gods and Goddesses of Uttarakhand; Folk Gods and Goddesses of Uttarkashi, Garhwal; Folk Gods and Goddesses of Tihri Garhwal; Folk Gods and Goddesses of Pauri Garhwal; Folk Gods and Goddesses of Rudraprayag Garhwal; Folk Gods and Goddesses of Chamoli Garhwal; Folk Gods and Goddesses of Dehradun Garhwal; Folk Gods and Goddesses of Haridwar/Hardwar Garhwal; Folk Gods and Goddesses of Pithoragarh Kumaon; Folk Gods and Goddesses of Askot Kumaon; Folk Gods and Goddesses of Dwarhat Kumaon; Folk Gods and Goddesses of Champawat Kumaon; Folk Gods and Goddesses of Bageshwar Kumaon; Folk Gods and Goddesses of Nainital Kumaon; Folk Gods and Goddesses of Udham Singh Nagar Kumaon; Folk Gods and Goddesses of Almora Kumaon series to be continued …;                                                                               

Bhishma Kukreti

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                 Garhwali-Kumaoni Folklores about Brahmkunvar
Folklore, Folk Legends, Folk Myths of Kumaon-Garhwal, Uttarkahnd-7
Religious, Spiritual and Mythological Folklores of Garhwal, Kumaon, Uttarakhand – 7 

                                        Bhishma Kukreti
             From the old days, Mahbharata, Shiv Puran and Gorakhnathi sects influenced Garhwal and Kumaon. There are folklores, folktales related to Krishna.
                One of the popular folklore about Krishna is Brahmkunvar folklore.
             कुमाऊं और गढ़वाल की लोक गाथाएँ -7

                                                 ब्रह्म कुंवरलोक गाथा
(सन्दर्भ- डा गोविन्द चातक , गढ़वाल की लोक गाथाएँ  )

 लाडलो बर्मी पौंछे कृष्णा का पास
बोल बोल दिदा क्या काम होलु मैकू?
तब बोल्दा कृष्ण भगवान मन की बात
त्वे जाणु होलु बरमी हिंवचल कांठा
xxx                        xxx
मोतिमाला पथरमाला द्वी बैणि
चली ऐन दखिण द्वारका
मोतिमाला ब्याहेण कृष्ण तैं
ब्र्मीन ब्याहे पथरमाला
इना रैन भगवान कला का पूरा
द्वारका बीच लोग मंगल गांदा
 The story starts by worshipping of God, Krishna, and Ganga.
  One day, lord Krishna was playing dice in Dwarka. Narad said to Krishna,”There is a princes Motimala in Jaulatal in Himalaya. She has gold dices and silver stool. She is beautiful as fairy and her fame is as sun light.”
          Brahmkunvar the brother of Krishna came with chariot and asked Lord Krishna,” Tell me the reason you called me.”
The Lord said,” you have to travel Himvnhal Kantha for me. You have to win Motimala for me from there.”
 Brahmkunvar flew to Himnvchal by his she horse. Brahmkunvar was taking bath in Jaulatal. Sharada the maid servant of Motimala reached there and she saw handsome Brahmkunvar.
 Sharda ran to Motimala. Motimala was very beautiful as star among black cloud, white as rice, golden as Fyunli. She was as butter and sweet as Hisar fruit.  Motimala was the beautiful most among beauties.  Sharda informed the arrival of Brahmkunvar.
 Motimala asked Sharda to call Brahmkunvar. Sharda came to Brahmkunvar, Brahmkunvar told to Sharda,” I am son of Vimla and belong to Yadav cult. I came here to meet my sister in law Motimala.”
Sharda said,” Motimala is unmarried. How come Motimala is your sis in law? There came three hundred sixty kings to marry her and everybody lost the battle and many are now, her slaves.
  Sharda told to Brahmkunvar that Motimala loved playing dice. She informed that Motimala would ask him to  play dice with her and cautioned not to sit on silver stool while playing dice with Motimala.
 Brahmkunvar reached to palace of Motimala. Motimala took out golden dices, silver stool. Brahmkunvar sat on another stool. One by one,Brahmkunvar lost his horse, ear ornaments, hand ornament, leg ornaments against Motimala in dice game. Brahmkunvar started remembering lord Krishna.
Brahmkunvar requested to Motimala to bring fresh water for him as he never took water from servants. Motimala went to bring water from oak jungle. Barmi (Brahmkunvar) sat on the stool of Motimala. When Motimala came with water she told Barmi to leave her stool but Barmi refused and asked to restart the game of dice. One by one Brahmkunvar won over all his ornaments and horse too. Now, one by one Barmi won the ornaments of Motimala barring Ghaghra for her honor. 
Brahmkunvar made ready the Raghukanthi horse and asked Motimala to go to Dwarka.
Motimala put the condition that when Barmi would won and married her sister Patharmala from Chandragiri she would go to dwarka.
 Barmi reached to Chandragiri. The king of snakes  Bhupunag was the king of Chandragiri. There were seven circles around the palace. Brahmkunvar broke the seven circle with the aid of horse and reached to Patharmala.
Patharmala saw the innocent Brahmkunvar and said, “he Barmi! Why did you come to enemy region? Have you lost your path? My poisonous snake will bite you”
Brahmkunvar said,” No! I did not lost my path. Your sister Motimala told me to win over you and marry with you. Your snake is in Naglok at this moment”
She told Barmi to win her and marry. Suddenly, Nag came there. Barmi hid below the cot. The nag smelled the human smell and challenged Barmi.
Barmi came out and Nag took Barmi in Nagfans. Barmi became blue due to Nagfans.
Mother of Barmi Vimal Rauteli understood the danger of her son Barmi. Vimla Rauteli remembered guru Gorakhnath and asked guru to protect her son Barmi. Krishna sent a bee to Ramoligarh to tel the story to Siduava . Frend of Krisna,  Sidwa reached Chandragiri,  first killed Nag and then medicated Brahmkunvar.
 Brahmkunvar (barmi) married to Patharmala and Motimala along with Patharmala reached to south –Dwarka. Motimala married to Krishna. People started singing auspicious songs Mangal.

Curtsey and references:
Dr. Krishna Nand Joshi, Kumaon ka Lok Sahity
 Dr Trilochan Pandey, Kumaoni Bhasha aur Uska Sahity
Dr Siva Nand Nautiyal, Garhwal ke Lok Nrityageet 
Dr Govind Chatak, Garhwali Lokgathayen
Dr. Govind Chatak, Kumaoni Lokgathayen
Dr Urbi Datt Upadhyaya, Kumaon ki Lokgathaon ka Sahityik Adhyan
Dr. Prayag Joshi, Kumaon Garhwal ki Lokgathaon ka Vivechnatmak Adhyayan
Dr Dinesh Chandra Baluni, Uttarakhand ki Lokgathayen
Dr Jagdish (Jaggu) Naudiyal, Uttarakhand ki Sanskritik Dharohar, (Ravain) 
Abodh Bandhu Bahuguna, Dhunyal
Shambhu Prasad Bahuguna, Virat Hriday

Copyright (Interpretation) @ Bhishma Kukreti, 19/4/2013
Folklore, Folk Legends, Folk Myths of Kumaun-Garhwal, Uttarakhand- to be continued…8
Religious, Spiritual, Mythological Folklores of Garhwal, Kumaon, Uttarakhand to be continued… 8 
Notes on Folklores/folktales of Uttarakhand; Folklores/folktales of Kumaon Uttarakhand; Folklores/folktales of Mid Himalaya; Folklores/folktales of; Folklores/folktales of Himalaya; Folklores/folktales of North Indian region; Folklores/folktales of Indian region; Folklores/folktales of Asian region; Folklores/folktales of Oriental region to be continued...

Bhishma Kukreti

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             Different Kumaoni and Garhwali Versions of Ramola Gatha Folklore -1

Folklore, Folk Legends, Folk Myths of Kumaon-Garhwal, Uttarkahnd-8
Religious, Spiritual and Mythological Folklores of Garhwal, Kumaon, Uttarakhand – 8 
[Notes on Seem-Mukheem (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Garhwal; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Uttarkashi Garhwal; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Tihri Garhwal; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Chamoli Garhwal; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Rudraprayag Garhwal; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Pauri Garhwal; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Dehradun Garhwal; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Hardwar Garhwal; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Pithauragarh Kumaon ; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Kumaon ; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Bageshwar Kumaon ; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of  Champawat Kumaon ; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Almora Kumaon ; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Nainital Kumaon ; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Udham  Singh Nagar Kumaon ]

                                        Bhishma Kukreti

There are two versions of Ramola Gatha in Garhwali and Kumaon versions.
                                      Garhwali Version of Ramola Gatha
    When Krishna felt aversion from Dwarika he wanted to make his new residence in Ramolihat (Tihri Garhwal). Lord Krishna saw the natural beauty of Ramolihat in his dreams and was hooked to it.
 Gangu ramola was the chief of Ramoligarh. His wife was Mainavati who had two sons –Siduva and Biduva.  Siduva and Biduva were mild and very amicable in nature while their father Gangu Ramola was cruel and businessman like.
Lord Krishna told to Gangu Ramola his wish to reside in Ramolihat. Gangu ramola put the condiation that when Krishna would kill the Rakshsani of Ramolighat Krishna could live in Ramoligarh. Krishna killed the Rakshsani . Gangu Ramola pleasingly allowed Krishna to live in Ramoligaht. Krishna started living in Seem-Mukheem.

** Read Kumaoni Version of Ramola Gatha in Religious, Spiritual and Mythological Folklores of Garhwal, Kumaon, Uttarakhand – part 9 

Curtsey and references:
Dr. Krishna Nand Joshi, Kumaon ka Lok Sahity
 Dr Trilochan Pandey, Kumaoni Bhasha aur Uska Sahity
Dr Siva Nand Nautiyal, Garhwal ke Lok Nrityageet 
Dr Govind Chatak, Garhwali Lokgathayen
Dr. Govind Chatak, Kumaoni Lokgathayen
Dr Urbi Datt Upadhyaya, Kumaon ki Lokgathaon ka Sahityik Adhyan
Dr. Prayag Joshi, Kumaon Garhwal ki Lokgathaon ka Vivechnatmak Adhyayan
Dr Dinesh Chandra Baluni, Uttarakhand ki Lokgathayen
Dr Jagdish (Jaggu) Naudiyal, Uttarakhand ki Sanskritik Dharohar, (Ravain) 
Abodh Bandhu Bahuguna, Dhunyal
Shambhu Prasad Bahuguna, Virat Hriday

Copyright (Interpretation) @ Bhishma Kukreti, 21/4/2013
Folklore, Folk Legends, Folk Myths of Kumaun-Garhwal, Uttarakhand- to be continued…9
Religious, Spiritual, Mythological Folklores of Garhwal, Kumaon, Uttarakhand to be continued… 9 
Notes on Seem-Mukheem (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Garhwal; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Uttarkashi Garhwal; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Tihri Garhwal; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Chamoli Garhwal; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Rudraprayag Garhwal; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Pauri Garhwal; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Dehradun Garhwal; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Hardwar Garhwal; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Pithauragarh Kumaon ; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Kumaon ; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Bageshwar Kumaon ; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of  Champawat Kumaon ; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Almora Kumaon ; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Nainital Kumaon ; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Udham  Singh Nagar Kumaon to be continued…

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Different Kumaoni and Garhwali Versions of Ramola Gatha Folklore -2

Folklore, Folk Legends, Folk Myths of Kumaon-Garhwal, Uttarkahnd-9
Religious, Spiritual and Mythological Folklores of Garhwal, Kumaon, Uttarakhand – 9 
[Notes on Seem-Mukheem (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Garhwal; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Uttarkashi Garhwal; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Tihri Garhwal; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Chamoli Garhwal; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Rudraprayag Garhwal; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Pauri Garhwal; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Dehradun Garhwal; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Hardwar Garhwal; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Pithauragarh Kumaon ; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Kumaon ; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Bageshwar Kumaon ; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of  Champawat Kumaon ; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Almora Kumaon ; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Nainital Kumaon ; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Udham  Singh Nagar Kumaon ]

                                        Bhishma Kukreti

 There are two versions for Ramola folklore in Uttarakhand. This writer already narrated the Garhwali version of Ramola folklore in last part of Folklore of Uttarakhand. 
              Kumaoni Version of Ramola Gatha folklore
The Kumaoni version of Ramola Gatha folklore is slightly different than Garhwali version as the following few lines show the difference

         कुमाऊं और गढ़वाल की लोक गाथाएँ -9
                                      कुमाऊं में रमोला गाथा

(सन्दर्भ: डा प्रयाग जोशी , कुमाउनी लोक गाथाएँ )

बूढ़ गंगू रमोला बैठ्यो उच्ची सिंघासन
कौ भाया जोलिया, तुनि कथ बटि आया ?
कृष्ण ज्यू का जोलिया  ले परमाणु दियो
पैलि की पंगत होली आदिल कुशलि
दूसरी पंगति प्रभु इसी लेखि राखी
मेरो मन लागी गयो रंगीली रमोली
ढाई गज जमीन राजा में कोण दी हाले
परमाण पढ़न राजा गुस्सा भरी आयो
आज मांग छ ढाई गज , भल बाकी मांगलो 
   Once, lord Krishna saw Ramoligarh in dreams, he sent letter with his ambassador. Krishna explained that he is attracted to Ramoli Garh and he requires two yards land in Ramoligarh. Gangu Ramola became furious by reading the message. And said,” today, Krishna is demanding two yard land in Ramoligarh , tomorrow he will ask the whole land.”  Gangu Ramola said to messenger,” I am pardoning today. However you tell next time, I shall behead you and will offer your head to Badrinath Ji.” The messenger returned to Dwarka.
 Later on Krishna came to Ramoligarh in the dress of an old Brahmin. He requested two and half yard land from Gangu Ramola for building a small hut. Gangu became angry and took out the sword.
Krishna transformed into a bee and flew to Gangu’s inner palace. When Gangu returned to his inner palace he was shocked to find his empty grain stores, wreathless godowns.
  The twenty dozens of goat of Gangu were gone to grassland. Krishna played the flute and Chausinga goat the sign of wealth of Gangu came after Krishna to Dwarka and Gangu lost all his wealth.
 Gangu with his two wives Ijula and Bijula started living on root bulbs and leaves. Later on, Ramola went towards Tibet for begging. After roaming in all directions, Gangu reached to Dwarka. He played Damru. Rukmani the wife of Krishna offered Ramola the best food. However, due to curse of Krishna the rice balls changed into insects and curry into blood. Gangu thought of some curses. Rukmani advised gangu to visit to Krishna for pardon.
 Younger wife of Gangu Bijula asked pardon from Krishna. She told to Krishna,” o Lord! Ramoligarh is empty and my husband is also wealth less and fames less.’ Ramola also asked pardon and Krishna pardoned Ramola.
 Krishna offered Kauni a cereal to Bijula and after taking Kauni she became pregnant. She was shocked.
The elder queen Ijula complained about ten month pregnancy of bijula to Gangu. Gangu asked Bijula to meet him at breakfast.
Listening, the order of her husband she started weeping. She decided to do suicide. Howver, she delivered two child boys.
 The children advised Bijuli to cover them by leaves and to offer breakfast to father. They advised their mother not to disclose the secret till twelve years.
 Guru Nilpal took the children and concluded naming ceremony for both the children and named them Sidua and Bidua. Both the boys became experts of twelve Shashtras and Boksadi mantra.
 At the time of Uttarayan, Sidua and Bidua decided to meet their mother.
When Nilpal was gone to bathing and both the children ran away to their mother.
Both the children came to court of Gangu and called Gangu as jaidyol Pitaji’. Gangu asked them to be in limit as he did not have any son.
Gangu asked his both the wives about sons. The elder wife Ijula told that they are her sons.  Bijula also told that they are her sons. Gangu ordered to tie the weight of seven shallow pans and seven tava on the chest of both the wives. He said that the milk will come out from the real mother chest.
Milk started flowing from the chest of Bijuli.
Gangu salted both the boys. In later stage, Sidua and Bidua became famous price of Ramolagarhi
Curtsey and references:
Dr. Krishna Nand Joshi, Kumaon ka Lok Sahity
 Dr Trilochan Pandey, Kumaoni Bhasha aur Uska Sahity
Dr Siva Nand Nautiyal, Garhwal ke Lok Nrityageet 
Dr Govind Chatak, Garhwali Lokgathayen
Dr. Govind Chatak, Kumaoni Lokgathayen
Dr Urbi Datt Upadhyaya, Kumaon ki Lokgathaon ka Sahityik Adhyan
Dr. Prayag Joshi, Kumaon Garhwal ki Lokgathaon ka Vivechnatmak Adhyayan
Dr Dinesh Chandra Baluni, Uttarakhand ki Lokgathayen
Dr Jagdish (Jaggu) Naudiyal, Uttarakhand ki Sanskritik Dharohar, (Ravain) 
Abodh Bandhu Bahuguna, Dhunyal
Shambhu Prasad Bahuguna, Virat Hriday

Copyright (Interpretation) @ Bhishma Kukreti, 21/4/2013
Folklore, Folk Legends, Folk Myths of Kumaun-Garhwal, Uttarakhand- to be continued…10
Religious, Spiritual, Mythological Folklore of Garhwal, Kumaon, Uttarakhand to be continued… 10 


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