Author Topic: Kunjapuri in Tehri - सिद्धपीठ माँ कुन्जापुरी: पूरी करती है सबकी मनोकामना  (Read 17561 times)

पंकज सिंह महर

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मंदिर में विराजमान मां की मूर्ति

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मंदिर का एक दृश्य

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देवी कुंजापुरी मां को समर्पित मां कुंजापुरी देवी मंदिर से दर्शनार्थी गढ़वाल पहाड़ियों के रमणीय दृश्य को देख सकते हैं। आप कई महत्वपूर्ण चोटियों जैसे उत्तर दिशा में स्थित बंदरपंच (6,320 मी.), स्वर्गारोहिणी (6,248 मी.), गंगोत्री (6,672 मी.) और चौखम्भा (7,138 मी.) को देख सकते हैं। दक्षिण दिशा में यहां से ऋषिकेश, हरिद्वार और इन घाटी जैसे क्षेत्रों को देखा जा सकता है।

यह मंदिर उत्तरांचल में अवस्थित 51 सिद्ध पीठों में से एक है। मंदिर का सरल श्वेत प्रवेश द्वार में एक बोर्ड प्रदर्शित किया गया है जिसमें यह लिखा गया है कि यह मंदिर को 197वीं फील्ड रेजीमेंट (कारगिल) द्वारा भेंट दी गई है। मंदिर तक तीन सौ आठ कंक्रीट सीढ़ियां पहुंचती हैं। वास्तविक प्रवेश की पहरेदारी शेर, जो देवी की सवारी हैं, और हाथी के मस्तकों द्वारा की जा रही है। कुंजापुरी मंदिर अपने आप में ही श्वेतमय है। हालांकि, इसके कुछ हिस्से चमकीले रंगों में रंगे गए हैं। इस मंदिर का 01 अक्टूबर, 1979 से 25 फरवरी, 1980 तक नवीकरण किया गया था मंदिर के गर्भ गृह में कोई प्रतिमा नहीं है - वहां गड्ढा है - कहा जाता है कि यह वही स्थान है जहां कुंजा गिरा था। यहीं पर पूजा की जाती है, जबकि देवी की एक छोटी सी प्रतिमा एक कोने में रखी है।

मंदिर के परिसर में भगवान शिव की मूर्ति के साथ-साथ भैरों, महाकाली नागराज और नरसिंह की मूर्तियां हैं।

मंदिर में प्रतिदिन प्रातः 6.30 और सायं 5 से 6.30 बजे तक आरती का आयोजन किया जाता है।

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कुंजापुरी के पुजारी 

कुंवर सिंह भंडारी और धरम सिंह भंडारी -- उस वंश से आते हैं जिसने पीढ़ियों से कुंजापुरी मंदिर में पूजा की है। रोचक बात यह है कि गढ़वाल के अन्य मंदिरों, जहां पुजारी सदैव एक ब्राह्मण होता है, के उलट कुंजापुरी पुजारी राजपूत या जजमान होते हैं उन्हें जिस नाम से गढ़वाल में जाना जाता है। उन्हें इस मंदिर में बहुगुणा जाति के ब्राह्मणों के द्वारा शिक्षा दी जाती है।

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कुंजापुरी मंदिर नरेन्द्रनगर के समीप ऋषिकेश टिहरी मोटर मार्ग पर 8 किमी दूर 6500 फीट ऊंचे शिखर पर मां कुंजापुरी का मंदिर स्थापित है। यहां मार्च में 2 दिन के लिए और अक्टूबर दशहरा में 10 दिनों के लिए मेला लगता है।

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This holy shrine is dedicated to the Goddess Shakti, the consort of Lord Shiva the Destroyer and is located at 1645 meter above Sea level. Folklore has it that this is the spot where the Chest or Kunja of Shakti's body was found after the Sudarshan Chakra of Lord Vishnu, had disseminated it.
         Legend claims that the original temple was built at the dawn of time, however the present temple was built in 1983. Offering a spectacular 360 degrees view, this is one of the most breathtaking spots in the region and is worth visiting.
        The very name takes us to think about Sun Rise Or Sun Set Drive to Kunja Puri, one of the 13 most important Goddesses of Shivalik range. One can witness excellent sunrise or sunset on the Greater Hiamalayan Peaks and the vast Indo Gangetic plains. One can see almost all the peaks of Garhwal Himalayas from here like the Banderpunch, Swarga Rohini, Gangotri, and Chaukhamba etc. It is located at a high altitude lending a panoramic view of the Himalayan peaks to the North and Rishikesh, Haridwar and Doon valley to the South. Being a prime religious centre, thousands of visitors come throughout the year especially during 'Navratras' (April & October). Grand celebrations are held during the 'Dussehra' festival. Both Nilkanth and Kunjapuri have incredibly intricate roofs, apparently a custom of many temples in India. If you're interested in visiting unique and beautiful temples, Kunjapuri is definitely worth going to see, as you also get a great view of the area.

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      Kunjapuri is the name given to a peak having an altitude of about 1,676 m. It lies in Lat. 30`11` N. and Long. 78`20` E., about 93 km. from Devaprayag and 7 km. from Narendra Nagar. It commands a beautiful view of the snow-ranges of the Himalayas and of the valley of the Bhagirathi. It contains an old temple dedicated to the goddess Kunjapuri Devi which is visited by a number of people every year. Nearby, in Agarakhal, there is a dak bungalow situated in picturesque surroundings and maitnained by the public works department. Kunjapuri is said to be one of the sidddhapeeths established in the region by Jagadguru Shankaracharya and legend has it that the upper-half of the body of Sati, wife of Siva, fell here when Siva was carrying it to Kailash after Sati had flung herself in the yajna fires when some derogatory remarks were made about her husband by her father Daksha.

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कुंजापुरी मंदिर का यात्रा वृतान्त

Kunjapuri Devi temple is considered as one of the 52 Shaktipeeth / Shaktipeetha/ Shaktipeetham of our divine Mother. Shakti denotes power. To understand the meaning and significance of Shaktipeeth, let us go back to our Puranas (Hindu scriptures).

Goddess Parvati is the consort of Lord Shiva. In her previous birth, Goddess Parvati was known as Sati. She had married the Lord but her father King Daksha was not too pleased. He had organized a Yagna, a spiritual gathering where offerings are made to Agni Dev (Fire God). He had purposely not invited his daughter and her husband. When Sati came to know of this, she was furious and decided to go uninvited. Lord Shiva tried to persuade her to drop this idea but she was relentless.

King Daksha gave his reasons to Sati which was nothing but public humiliation of her husband. Angered by this, Sati jumped into the sacrificial fire and ended her life. Lord Shiva was torn apart. He destroyed and created havoc at the Yagna. Then carried the remains of Sati’s body on his shoulder and danced the dance of destruction-Tandav which would eventually destroy the Universe. While other versions state that in grief, the Lord carried her body on his shoulders and walked aimlessly in grief. He refused to complete the final rites.

 Lord Brahma, the creator of the universe felt that if Sati’s body did not receive proper cremation according to the Hindu Shastra’s then she could not take rebirth as Goddess Parvati. While Lord Vishnu was concerned that Lord Shiva’s grief would slowly cause the destruction of the Universe. They could not control or face Lord Shiva’s anger so Lord Vishnu took his Sudarshan Chakra (Disc) and cut the body into pieces. As Lord Shiva traveled her body part fell and last rites were done by the gods. The places where divine Mother’s body parts fell is known as Shaktipeeth. Temples have been built around it and worshipped daily. People travel across continents to seek blessings of Shakti.We have been very fortunate to seek blessings from one such Shaktipeeth located in Rishikesh where divine Mother’s chest had fallen. This Kunjapuri temple is located on a hillock, 15 kms from the main city.

The temple was accessible by road. The drive was more of a rollercoaster ride as the roads are very steep and winding. The parking area was lined with shops selling offerings for worship, Puja Samagri. We bought our Puja thali and energetically headed to the temple.

A flight of around eighty steps took us to the main entrance. This was decorated with freshly painted lion and elephant busts on either side. The lion is the mount of the Goddess. At the centre of the courtyard was the main temple. A large idol of Lord Shiva was located next to this along with idols of other deities. Bordering the courtyard, there were small rooms where the temple priestess and caretaker lived.

 We were first to arrive and waited patiently, taking in the pious ambience for the temple to open. The morning bells chimed and the doors finally opened and we were so close to divinity. Inside, there were idols of Lord Ganesh, Lord Shiva’s linga/lingam and a part of the Goddess. We handed our Puja thali to the priestess. The offerings consisted of incense sticks, red chunari (veil), coconut, rice puffs, Elachi dana, (sugar drops) and Kumkum (vermillion).

The priestess took vermillion from the divine Mother’s body and put a Tilak on our forehead. She tied a red sacred thread on our wrist as blessing. She then narrated the origin of the temple. We sat in silence, taking in the positive vibrations and thanking Goddess Shakti for giving us the opportunity to come so close to her. On our way out, we were given rice puffs and coconut as Prasad (Sanctified food) to be eaten and taken home for the family. The feeling inside the temple was mesmerizing. There was stillness in the cold morning air combined with the warmth of the glowing oil lamps, the comforting fragrance of the burning incense and the presence of the Divine Mother.
The best time to arrive at the temple is before sunrise. The location is extremely picturesque as it is situated on a mountain top surrounded by forests on all sides. The chirping birds, buzzing insects and the gentle rustle of trees were an indication that something was about to happen. And truly, within few seconds, the sky changed its hue. The bluish grey sky cleared its path so that we could get the first glimpse of Surya Dev, Sun God.

 On our way back to the main city, we came across a palatial building. It was majestic with well maintained gardens and a touch of elegance. On enquiry we found out it was called Ananda, a spa retreat. It is renowned for its various Ayurvedic treatments and holistic approach in purifying the mind and body.

Journeys in life teach many lessons. It is therefore important to choose your destination wisely.


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कुंजापुरी मंदिर से हिमालय का मनोहारी दृश्य

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