Author Topic: Uttarakhand Hills Religious Point of View-उत्तराखंड के हिमालय & धार्मिक सम्बन्ध  (Read 16966 times)

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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 उत्तराखंड राज्य का उत्तरीय हिस्सा हिमालय की ऊँची चोटियों से घिरा हुवा है   जो देश एक पहरी के रूप में भी देखा जा सकता है!  ये हिमालय के ऊँचे चोटिया   चीन और नेपाल से सटे हुए है! इन हिमालय की चोटियों में देवी देवताओ के   निवास स्थान है!

उत्तराखंड के कई चोटिया जैसे नंदा देवी आदि देवी - देवताओ के नाम से जाने   जाते है! इस टोपिक में हम उत्तराखंड की बहुत सी चोटियों में बारे में   बतांगे जिनका की धार्मिक संबध भी है!


 एस एस मेहता 

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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Nanda Devi Parvat

नंदा देवी पर्वत भारत की दूसरी एवं विश्व की २३वीं सर्वोच्च चोटी है। इससे ऊंची व देश में सर्वोच्च चोटी कंचनजंघा है। नंदा देवी शिखर हिमालय पर्वत शृंखला में भारत के उत्तरांचल राज्य में पूर्व में गौरीगंगा तथा पश्चिम में ऋषिगंगा घाटियों के बीच स्थित है। इसकी ऊंचाई ७८१६ मीटर (२५,६४३ फीट) है। इस चोटी को उत्तरांचल राज्य में मुख्य देवी के रूप में पूजा जाता है।इन्हें नंदा देवी कहते हैं!

लोककथाओं में नंदादेवी को हिमालय की पुत्री कहा जाता है। नंदादेवी शिखर के साये मे स्थित रूपकुंड तक प्रत्येक १२ वर्ष में कठिन नंदादेवी राजजात यात्रा श्राद्धालुओं की आस्था का प्रतीक है। नंदादेवी के दर्शन औली, बिनसर या कौसानी आदि पर्यटन स्थलों से भी हो जाते हैं।

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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गढ़वाल हिमालय की उत्तर पच्शिम दिश में सुमेरु पर्वत है! जिसे देवताओ का पर्वत कहा जाता है! केदार खंड में गंगा को सुमेरु कहा जाता है !

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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सरस्वती नदी जहाँ से अंतर्ध्यान हो गयी थी उसे विनशन प्रदेश कहते है१ यह गाव माणा से आगे व्यास गुफा के नीचे सरस्वती अलकनंदा में समां गयी थी !

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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Abi Gamin

Abi Gamin (also known as Ibi Gamin) is a Himalayan mountain peak situated in the Chamoli district of Uttarakhand state in India, 2 km (1.2 mi) northeast of Kamet. It lies on the northern border of Chamoli district, where India meets Tibet.  Abi Gamin is located in the central Himalayas and at the culminating point of the Zaskar Range.   It is situated on the watershed of the upper Alaknanda and Dhauli   rivers between the famous Manna and Niti passes on the Indo-Tibetan   border.
Abi Gamin is the second highest peak in the immediate region, after   Kamet. It is also one of the fifteen seven thousand metre peaks of   Uttarakhand, and as such it is a significant peak.
Source : .wikipedia.

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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Bamba DhuraBamba Dhura is a Himalayan mountain peak situated in the Pithoragarh district of Uttarakhand, India. With a summit altitude of 6,334 m, Bamba Dhura is situated on the north west ridge over the end of the Kalabaland Glacier in the eastern part of the district, left to the Milam Glacier. Kalabaland Dhura (6,105 m) is situated on the west of this peak and Chiring We   (6,559 m) are on the same massif. Bamba Dhura massif is the part of   divide between Kalabaland and Lassar valley. This peak was first climbed   to the summit in 1977 from south by col between Bamba Dhura and Chiring   We. The peak has since been ascended through south east and west ridge   between the two peaks.Source : Wikipedia,

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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ChaukhambaChaukhamba is a mountain massif in the Gangotri Group of the Garhwal Himalaya. Its main summit, Chaukhamba I, is the highest peak in the group. It lies at the head of the Gangotri Glacier and forms the eastern anchor of the group.[5] It is located in the northern Indian state of Uttarakhand, west of the Hindu holy town of Badrinath.
Chaukamba has four summits, along a northeast-southwest trending   ridge, and ranging in elevation from 7,138 metres (23,419 ft) to 6,854 m   (22,487 ft); the main summit is at the northeast end.

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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Haathi Parva


Haathi Peak (Elephant Peak) lies in Garhwal Himalayas in the Chamoli District of Uttrakhand state. Haathi Peak can be reached from Ghangaria which is close to Valley of flowers.[2] Nearby places are Bhiundhar, Jelam, Shyama and Juma. The Dhauliganga River flows nearby.



Two huge rocks on a spur of Haathi Parvat are described as a crow (Kaaka) and an Eagle (Garuda).   The locals believe that the crow is animatedly conversing with Garuda   on the affairs of the universe. Another version has it that a learned   Brahmin of Ayodhya once incurred the wrath of the sage Lomas who lived here and was changed into the form of crow by the sage.

To Reach 

Haathi Peak can be reached from Ghangaria or Visnuprayag. The   approach from Ghangaria is a little easier but longer. From Govind-Ghat,   there is a 18 km bridle path which runs through the Bhiundar or   Bhuyandar valley and Bhiundhar village up to Ghangaria. Kagbhusandi Tal & Guari Parvat Lies in the vicinity of Haathi Peak.

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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Shivling is a mountain in the Gangotri Group of peaks in the western  GarhwalHimalaya, near the snout of the Gangotri Glacier. It lies in the northern Indian state of Uttarakhand, 6 kilometres (4 mi) south of the Hindu holy site of Gaumukh (the source of the Bhagirathi River). Its name refers to its status as a sacred symbol of the god Shiva. It was called "Matterhorn Peak" by early European visitors because of its similarity in appearance to that Alpine   peak. While not of locally great elevation, it is a dramatic rock peak,   and most visually striking peak seen from Gaumukh; that and the   difficulty of the climb make it a famed prize for mountaineers. Shivling forms the western gateway for the lower Gangotri Glacier,   opposite the triple-peaked Bhagirathi massif. It lies on a spur   projecting out from the main ridge that forms the southwest side of the   Gangotri Glacier basin; this ridge contains other well-known peaks such   as Bhrigupanth, Thalay Sagar and Meru.

It was also called Mahadeo Ka Linga or (Mahadev Ka Linga) Appearing   as a single pyramid when seen from Gaumukh, Shivling is actually a   twin-summitted mountain, with the northeast summit being slightly higher   than the southwest summit, 6,501 m (21,329 ft). Between Gaumukh and   Shivling lies the Tapovan meadow, a popular pilgrimage site due to its inspiring view of the mountain.
Shivling is well-defended on all sides by steep rock faces; only the   west flank has a moderate enough slope for snow accumulation.[4]

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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Swargarohini is a mountain massif in the Bandarpunch Range of the Garhwal Himalaya. It lies in the Uttarkashi District of the northern Indian state of Uttarakhand, west of the Gangotri   group of peaks. It comprises four separate peaks; Swargarohini I is the   main peak, and is the subject of this article. While not particularly   high by Himalayan standards, and not the highest in the Bandarpunch   range, Swargarohini I is notable for its dramatic local relief. For   example, its north face drops 2,000 metres (6,560 ft) in less than   2 kilometres (1.2 mi) of horizontal distance, and its south face   achieves the same drop in less than 3 kilometres (1.9 mi). This makes it   a steep and challenging climb. Swargarohini I has two summits, east and   west. The east summit is given an elevation of 6,247 m (20,495 ft),   slightly lower than the west summit. However the first ascensionists of   the west summit claim that that summit is the higher of the two.

Legends & History  Swargorhini derives it names from the Legends associated with that it peaks forms the path to heaven that was followed by Pandavas, Draupadi & their Dog.According to Legends its believed that is only way one can go to heaven with human body itself.


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