Author Topic: Etymology Of Various Places - कैसे पड़ा उत्तराखंड के विभिन्न जगहों का नाम  (Read 30410 times)

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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कैसे पड़ा उत्तराखंड के विभिन्न जगहों का नाम  : Kashipur

Kashipur is a town of profound religious, cultural, historical and archaeological significance, its history dating back to the ‘Mahabharata’ period. Haver writes that around 5000 years ago the city of Kashipur was a revered Hindu pilgrimage centre. The Chinese traveller Heun-Tsang has described this city as ‘Govishan’ in his travelogue.

The foundation of present day Kashipur was laid by Pandit Kashinath who was an office bearer under Raja Devi Chand of the Chand Dynasty of Kumaon. The town is said to have been the temporary abode of such enduring religious and spiritual icons as Sant Tulsidas, the famous author-poet of the Ramcharitamanas and Swami Dayanand, the founder of Arya Samaj.

All in all, the town of Kashipur has lots to offer to a visitor in terms of history, mythology, spiritualism and sight seeing. Some places of interest are the Chaiti Temple, Panchaytan Temple and Drona Sagar .

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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कैसे पड़ा उत्तराखंड के विभिन्न जगहों का नाम  Drona sagar, KASHIPUR, UTTARAKHAND

Drona Sagar is believed to be associated with Guru Dronacharya, the legendary warrior and teacher in the Mahabharata. This place was once very auspicious and revered as the last pilgrimage spot after the Gangotri, Yamunotri, Badrinath and Kedarnath Dhams. The ‘Skand Puran’ states that the water of this place is as holy as that of the sacred river Ganga.

At present a huge pond with lotus flowers is situated here. The pond is surrounded by temples of various deities. Earlier, there were 32 temples around the periphery of this pond. The chimes of bells from nearby temples and chanting of sacred hymns create a divine atmosphere around the Drona Sagar in the mornings and evenings.

Swami Dayanand, the founder of Arya Samaj, visited this placed in the 19th century during one of the various journeys he undertook to propagate the message of God. He stayed in Kashipur near the holy Drona sagar for some time.

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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कैसे पड़ा उत्तराखंड के विभिन्न जगहों का नाम  NANDPRAYAG, CHAMOLI DISTRICT

It is said that the Skand Puran refers to Nandprayag as Kanwa Ashram where the riveting tale of Dushyant and Shakuntala is supposed to have taken place. Its name was apparently changed due to the fact that a Nand Baba meditated here for many years.

The other myth associated with Nandprayag is to do with the Chandika Mandir. It is said that the idol of the goddess was floating down the Alaknanda, and that one of the current pujari’s ancestor had a dream about it. In the meantime, some herdsmen found the idol and hid it in a cave on the banks. They didn’t return home in the evening and when the villages went to look for them, they were found lying unconscious next to the idol. Another dream told the pujari about the Sri Yantra associated with the idol which was also retrieved.

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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 कैसे पड़ा उत्तराखंड के विभिन्न जगहों का नाम  : Dharchula, Pithorgarh Distrct.

Dharchula is considered the gateway for the holy Kailash-Mansarovar yatra and the area has always been thought of as blessed by the gods. Many ancient sages and saints chose this as their tapasthali (place of meditation), the most well-known of whom was Byas Muni. In fact, the town derives its name from a legend about the Muni. Dharchula is composed of two words: dhar or edge/mountain and chula or chulah or stove. It is said that when Byas Muni cooked his meals, he used the area between the three mountain ranges surrounding Dharchula to light his stove, so the name.
It is also said that the Pandavs, during their 12-year exile, visited this area.

Another popular myth here is associated with the Kangdali festival, celebrated by the Shauka or Rang Bhotia people, whose largest settlement is based in Dharchula. The myth tells of a boy who died upon applying the paste of the root from a shrub known as Kang-Dali on his boil. Enraged, his widowed mother cursed the shrub and ordered the Shauka women to pull up the root of the Kang-Dali plant out of the ground when it reached full bloom, which happens once in 12 years.

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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कैसे पड़ा उत्तराखंड के विभिन्न जगहों का नाम  : RAMNAGAR, NAINITAL

The first records of settlement in Ramnagar date back to the 1850's at a village named Chilkia. The erstwhile commissioner of Kumaon, Colonel Ramsay built the first building here which was used as an office from where he co-ordinated acitivites in the region. This building served as a court, an office and a residence for the commissioner and his entourage of accompanying officials. After independence in 1947 this building was converted into the Tehsil office. At that time a sub-Tehsildar used to be in-charge and had the same powers as a Tehsildar conferred on him.

In 1907 Ramnagar was constituted as a town area and in 1942 the Nagar Palika was formed. The Nagar Palika also operated out of the Tehsil building.

The Mathura Das Parsati Lal Hindu Inter college is one of the oldest educational institutions in Ramnagar and was established in 1932. The G P Inter College for girls has also been in operation since 1916. Ramnagar was accorded a Tehsil status in 2000.

The first high end resort to open in Ramngar is the Kwality Corbett Jungle resort which opened in 1991 and catered to outstation visitors.

Ramnagar traditionally had a thriving logging business based on processing of 'Kattha' from the 'Khair' tree. This came to an end when government regulations which banned the cutting of the 'Khair' tree came into force in 1984. Logging continued although not of the Khair tree. A large mandi used to be held here from where wood used to be sent all over the country.


एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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कैसे पड़ा उत्तराखंड के विभिन्न जगहों का नाम  : HALWANI

Kumaoni ( the local dialect ), Haldwani is known as 'Halduvani', named after the 'Haldu' tree which grew abundantly in Haldwani before the town was largely deforested to accommodate settlement and to clear land for agriculture. Mr. George William Trail, who was the Commissioner of Kumaon in 1934, changed the name to 'Haldwani'. The satellite town of Kathgodam adjoins Haldwani and is functionally a part of the city. Kathgodam was in fact developed earlier by the British as a cantonment and it was connected to the hill station of Nainital in 1882 by the then commissioner of Kumaon, Mr. Henry Ramsay. Mr. Ramsay who was also responsible for building the Corbett Canal in Kaladhungi and other infrastructure in Kumaon was highly regarded by the local populace. Haldwani's development as a town can be attributed to the British and particularly Mr. Ramsay. The canal systems built by him contributed greatly to the advancement of agriculture in the town.

In 1883-84, the railway track between Bareilly and Kathgodam was laid and the first train arrived at Haldwani from Lucknow in 1884. Later, the railway line was extended to Kathgodam. When the British realized the large commercial value of the vast watershed and the permanent water bodies (lakes) of this region, they set up the Bhabhar - Terai irrigation system. Subsequently the lakes of Nainital, Bhimtal and Sat-tal were dammed and their water connected to the Gola River by canals. This opened up vast tracts of Bhabhar form Ranibagh to south and east of Haldwani for perennial irrigation and thus many human settlements came into being.

Haldwani is a mix of the past with the present- colonial architecture mixes with new construction, industrialization is apparent yet agriculture remains an equally important vocation for the people, the local populace is deeply traditional yet adept with changing technologies. The Arya Samaj Bhavan built in 1901 stands as a testament to the quality of construction at the turn of the century. The Tehsil office was opened by the British in 1899 but the town got the status as a town area only by 1907. The Haldwani-Kathgodam Municipal Council was established in 1942 and it it is today the second largest Municipal Council in the state of Uttarakhand after Haridwar.

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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कैसे पड़ा उत्तराखंड के विभिन्न जगहों का नाम  : BHIMTAL, NAINITAL AREA

Bhimtal is an ancient place named after Bhima of Mahabharata. Bhimeshwara Mahadev Temple, an old Shiva temple in the bank of Bhimtal lake, is believed to have been built when Bhima visited the place during the banishment (vanvas) period of pandavas. The present temple was built in 17th century, by Baz Bahadur (1638-78 AD), a King of the Chand dynasty, and the Raja of Kumaon [1]

Bhimtal came under British rule after the Anglo-Nepalese War (1814-16), when Naintal became the summer capital of the province [1].

Bhimtal is older than nearby Nainital as the city of Nainital is just 150-160 years old. But Bhimtal has been a stoppage for the travellers of the region from hills to plains or vise versa for a long time. The old pedesterial road is still in use here and this road connects nearby Kathgodam to all Kumaun region and even to Nepal and Tibet. It might have been the part of the famous ancient silk route.

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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कैसे पड़ा उत्तराखंड के विभिन्न जगहों का नाम  : CHAMPAWAT

According to Gurupaduka, an ancient text found in Joshimath, Champawati, a sister of the Nags, prayed where the Baleshwar temple now stands. Vayu Puran mentions Champawatpuri as the capital of nine Nag kings. Champawat has been mentioned in the Kedar Khand of the Skand Puran as Kurmachal and the place where Lord Vishnu assumed his tortoise incarnation (Kurmavtaar). The word Kumaon is actually a corruption of Kurmachal.

Champawat is also associated with the Pandavs, protagonists of the Mahabharat. It is believed that the Pandavs travelled in this region during their 12-year exile and it is in this area that Bhim, one of Pandavs, met Hidamba, a demoness who fell in love with him and whom he married. The Ghatotkach temple in Champawat is devoted to Bhim’s son from Hidamba.

Many of the temples in Champawat and the surrounding areas are said to have been built at the time of the Mahabharat.

Another prevalent legend relates to Gwal Devta, also known as Goril or Golu, who is considered to be the presiding deity of justice. A temple dedicated to him at Gwarail Chaur in Champawat attracts thousand of pilgrims for he is believed to dispense justice to the undertrodden to this day

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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कैसे पड़ा उत्तराखंड के विभिन्न जगहों का नाम  : NAAG NAATH TEMPLE, CHAMPAWAT

The temple located near the Tehsil office is dedicated to Nagnath. The original temple was built by Chand rulers of Kumaon and this was the place that they took a lot of administrative decisions. It is said that a sadhu named Nagnath took samadhi here, and the temple is named after him.

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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 कैसे पड़ा उत्तराखंड के विभिन्न जगहों का नाम : कालिया सौड , दूरी : श्रीनगर (Garwal) से 10 किलोमीटर

यहां के पुजारी पाण्डेय के अनुसार, द्वापर युग से ही काली की प्रतिमा यहां स्थित है। ऊपर के काली मठ एवं कालिस्य मठों में देवी काली की प्रतिमा क्रोध की मुद्रा में है पर धारी देवी मंदिर में वह कल्याणी परोपकारी शांत मुद्रा में है। उन्हें भगवान शिव द्वारा शांत किया गया जिन्होंने देवी-देवताओं से उनके हथियार का इस्तेमाल करने को कहा। यहां उनके धड़ की पूजा होती है जबकि उनके शरीर की पूजा काली मठ में होती है। पुजारी का मानना है कि धारी देवी, धड़ शब्द से ही निकला है।

पुजारी मंदिर के बारे में अन्य कथा का पुरजोर खंडन करता है। कहा जाता है कि एक भारी वर्षा की काली रात में जब नदी में बाढ़ का उफान था, धारो गांव के लोगों ने एक स्त्री का रूदन सुना। उस जगह जाने पर उन्हें काली की एक मूर्त्ति मिली जो बाढ़ के पानी में तैर रही थी। एक दैवी आवाज ने ग्रामीणों को इस मूर्त्ति को वही स्थापित करने का आदेश दिया, जहां वह मिली थी। ग्रामीणों ने यह भी किया और देवी को धारी देवी नाम दिया गया।

पुजारी मानता है कि भगवती काली जो हजारों को शक्ति प्रदान करती है, वह लोगों से अपने बचाव के लिये सहायता नहीं मांग सकती थी। पर वह मानता है कि वर्ष 1980 की बाढ़ में प्राचीन मूर्ति खो गयी तथा पांच-छ: वर्षों बाद तैराकों द्वारा नदी से मूर्ति को खोज निकाला गया। इस अल्पावधि में एक अन्य प्रतिमा स्थापित हुई, तथा अब मूल प्रतिमा को पुनर्स्थापित किया गया है। आज देवी की प्राचीन प्रतिमा के चारों ओर एक छोटा मंदिर चट्टान पर स्थित है। प्राचीन देवी की मूर्त्ति के इर्द-गिर्द चट्टान पर एक छोटा मंदिर स्थित है। देवी की आराधना भक्तों द्वारा अर्पित 50,000 घंटियों से की जाती है। अलकनंदा के किनारे कई गुफाएं पास ही हैं।


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