Author Topic: Roopkund: Unsolved Mystery - रुपकुण्ड: एक अनसुलझा रहस्य  (Read 70853 times)

पंकज सिंह महर

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Roopkund is a place in Uttaranchal India, the location of about three to six hundred skeletons at the edge of a lake—Skeleton Lake in the Himalayas. The location is uninhabited and is located at an altitude of about 5,029 metres. The skeletons were discovered in the 1942 when stumbled upon by a park ranger. At that time it was believed that the people died from an epidemic, landslides or a blizzard. The carbon dating from samples collected at that time in the 1960s vaguely indicated that the people were from the 12th century to the 15th century. Uttaranchal   became the 27th state of the Republic of India on November 9, 2000. ... A human skeleton - (endoskeleton) In biology, the skeleton or skeletal system is the biological system providing physical support in living organisms. ... The article refers to the Skeleton Lake in India. ... Perspective view of the Himalaya and Mount Everest as seen from space looking south-south-east from over the Tibetan Plateau. ... 1942 (MCMXLII) was a common year starting on Thursday (the link is to a full 1942 calendar). ... In epidemiology, an epidemic (from Greek epi- upon + demos people) is a disease that appears as new cases in a given human population, during a given period, at a rate that substantially exceeds what is expected, based on recent experience (the number of new cases in the population during a... Landslide of soil and regolith in Pakistan A landslide is a geological phenomenon which includes a wide range of ground movement, such as rock falls, deep failure of slopes and shallow debris flows. ... Look up Blizzard in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. ... The 1960s decade refers to the years from January 1, 1960 to December 31, 1969, inclusive. ... (11th century - 12th century - 13th century - other centuries) As a means of recording the passage of time, the 12th century was that century which lasted from 1101 to 1200. ... (14th century - 15th century - 16th century - other centuries) As a means of recording the passage of time, the 15th century was that century which lasted from 1401 to 1500. ...

Shallow Lake at RoopkundIn 2004 a team of Indian and European scientists set off to the location to gain more information on the skeletons. Braving bitter cold weather and thin air, the team uncovered vital clues including jewellery, skulls, bones and a preserved body. 2004 (MMIV) was a leap year starting on Thursday of the Gregorian calendar. ...

DNA tests on the bodies revealed that there were two groups of people, a short group (probably local porters) and a taller group who were closely related. Though the numbers were not ascertained, it is believed that three to six hundred people perished. Radio carbon dating of the bones also accurately pinpointed the time period to be in the 9th century predating the earlier inaccurate tests. Genetic fingerprinting or DNA testing is a technique to distinguish between individuals of the same species using only samples of their DNA. Its invention by Sir Alec Jeffreys at the University of Leicester was announced in 1985. ... As a means of recording the passage of time the 9th century was that century that lasted from 801 to 900. ...

After studying fractures in the skulls, the scientists in Hyderabad and London determined that the people died not of disease but of a sudden hailstorm. The hail sizes were as large as cricket balls and with no shelter in the open Himalayas all of them perished. Furthermore with the rarefied air and icy conditions, many bodies were well preserved. With landslides in the area, some of the bodies made their way into the lake. What is not determined was where the group was headed to. There is no historical evidence of any trade routes to Tibet in the area or any places of pilgrimage. National Geographic Channel is the first to learn about the latest findings on the Roopkund Lake tragedy in a documentary titled Skeleton Lake. The documentary reveals the secret behind the lake’s mass grave in Uttaranchal, based on the latest anthropological and medical evidences that has been unearthed. The film claims to have finally solved a riddle that had haunted many experts for over 60 years. The Roopkund riddle started in 1942, when a forest ranger accidentally unearthed a mass grave in Roopkund Lake. Hyderabad or Haydar is the capital city of the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. ... full of cockneys. ... Hailstorm A hailstorm is a meteorological event, being a storm in which a large amount of hail falls. ... For the insect, see Cricket (insect). ... Perspective view of the Himalaya and Mount Everest as seen from space looking south-south-east from over the Tibetan Plateau. ... This article is becoming very long. ... The National Geographic Channel is a subscription television network that features documentaries produced by the National Geographic Society. ... The article refers to the Skeleton Lake in India. ...

Roopkund is a picturesque and beautiful tourist destination, located near the base of two Himalayan peaks: Trisul (7120 meters) and Nandghungti (6310 meters). This place is famous and well-known among the masses because of the annual Raj Jat yatra. There are no roads to this place yet, so one has to undertake a 3-4 day trek to reach the skeleton lake. The skeleton lake is covered with ice for most of the time during the year. However, the journey to Roopkund is an enjoyable experience. All along the way one is surrounded by mountain ranges from all the sides.

There are different routes for a trek to Roopkund. Generally, trekkers and adventurers travel till Lohajung or Wan by road. From there they climb a hillock at Wan and reach Ran ki Dhar. There is some flat area where trekkers can camp for the night. If the sky is clear one can see Bedni Bugyal and Trisul. The next camping spot is at Bedni Bugyal which is 12-13 kms from Wan. There is a huge grazing ground for mules, horses and sheeps. There are two temples and a small lake that add to the beauty of this place. One can see a lot of Himalayan peaks from Bedni Bugyal. Trekkers then go upto Bhaguwabasa which is 10-11 kms from Bedni Bugyal. The climate at Bhaguwabasa is hostile for most of the time of the year. One gets a closer view of Trisul and other 5000+ meters peaks. Many waterfalls and landslides are visible on the extreme slopes of the surrounding mountains. From Bhaguwabasa trekkers either go to Roopkund and come back or they go to Shila Samundra (Ocean of Mountains) and then proceed with trek upto Homkund.

At Roopkund, one can find a frozen lake during September. Most people get sun burns. One can see the clouds below and a clear sky above. One has to walk through a snow covered, slippery ridge to reach Zohra Gully. An unobstructed view of Trisul and Nand Ghungti awaits you there.


पंकज सिंह महर

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Roopkund is situated in the eastern part of Chamoli district (in the lap of Trishul Massif, 7122 m). The high-altitude (5029 m), kund is on the Nanda Jat route to Homkund. It is not a very large kund and is rather shallow, having a depth of only about 2 m. The edges are snow covered for most parts of the year. When snow melts, one can see human and equine skeletal remains, sometimes with flesh attached; well preserved in the alpine conditions. It is found that about 300 people died about 500-600 years ago. There are many theories to explain the finding but none satisfying to everybody. Hence the lake is also known as the 'Mystery Lake'. According to the locals : Raja Jasdal of Kanauj undertook a Nanda Jat along with the Rani Balpa, some 550 years ago. Rani being the princess from Garhwal was revered as a sister of goddess Nandadevi. Near Roopkund she gave birth to a babe. Goddess Nandadevi considered it a sacrilege in her domain and sent down a snow/hailstorm. Raja's people were caught in it and perished. The present day skeletal remains belong to them. Other than the Nanda Raj Jat route via Wan, one may approach Roopkund from Ghat, (motorable from Nandprayag). The trek takes one to Ramni (jeepable in fair weather) and Sutol, on the way. Wan is approached either from Tharali or Gwaldam. Thereafter one may choose reaching Roopkund via Ali Bugyal or the Bedni. On the way dramatic views of the nature with its many splendours can be seen


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एक पौराणिक कथा के अनुसार, इस रहस्यमयी रूपकुंड की उत्पत्ति भगवान शिव के त्रिशूल गाड़ने से हुई थी। पौराणिक कथा के अनुसार, एक बार भगवान शंकर मां पार्वती के साथ कैलाश पर्वत की ओर गमन कर रहे थे तो माता पार्वती प्यास से व्याकुल हो उठीं तब शिवजी ने अपना त्रिशूल गाड़कर एक कुंड की रचना की। पार्वती जी ने अंजुलि से कुंड का जल पी कर अपनी प्यास बुझाई। जल पीते समय रूपकुंड के जल में अपने श्रंृगार का प्रतिबिम्ब देखकर वे अति हर्षित हो गईं। माता पार्वती को प्रसन्नचित और प्रफुल्लित देखकर भगवान शंकर ने इस कुंड को रूपकुंड का नाम दे दिया।

पंकज सिंह महर

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रूपकुंड की यात्रा के लिए जून उत्तरार्द्ध से सितम्बर उत्तरार्द्ध का समय सर्वोत्तम होता है क्योंकि इसके बाद इस पूरे क्षेत्र में हिमपात का सिलसिला प्रारम्भ हो जाता है जिससे पर्यटकों को यात्रा के लिए अनुकूल परिस्थितियां दुर्लभ हो जाती हैं।


प्रकृति की अनूठी कृति रूपकुंड का अवलोकन करने जाने के लिए श्रीनगर, कर्णप्रयाग तथा देवाल होते हुए भी जाया जा सकता है, लेकिन यदि ट्रैकिंग के रूप में ग्वालदम से पदयात्रा की जाए तो पर्यटक उस क्षेत्र के ग्रामीण जनजीवन, सांस्कृतिक व ऐतिहासिक विरासत तथा अनछुए स्थलों से जुड़े विशिष्ट अनुभवों से ओत–प्रोत होकर लगभग १० दिन की अवधि में रूपकुंड पहुंचता है। पर्यटक तीन दिन की पदयात्रा के प्रथम चरण में मुंदोली तथा बाण होते हुए लगभग ७० किमी की दूरी तय करने के पश्चात वेदनी बुग्याल पहुंचते हैं।


यहां मखमली हरी घास के मैदान हैं जिन्हें कश्मीर में सोनमर्ग और गुलमर्ग जैसे नामों से जाना जाता है। समुद्रतल से २४०० मीटर की ऊंचाई पर पसरा हुआ वेदनी बाग एशिया के प्रमुख विशाल बागों में से एक है। यहां पहुंचने पर पर्यटक की थकान पल भर में उड़न छू हो जाती है और वह ताजगी से सराबोर होकर अनोखी स्फूर्ति का अनुभव करता है। उसे यहां असीम सुखद आनंद की अनुभूति होती है। यह सम्पूर्ण क्षेत्र विभिन्न रंग–बिरंगे पुष्पों की अनेक प्रजातियों तथा नाना प्रकार की औषधियुक्त दुर्लभ जड़ी–बूटियों से भरा पड़ा है जहां पर्यटक को स्वतः ही स्वास्थ्य लाभ प्राप्त हो जाता है।


कहा जाता है कि वेदों की रचना यहीं पर की गई थी। यहां मौजूद एक छोटे कुंड में किया गया तर्पण पूर्वजों के लिए कल्याणकारी माना जाता है। अगले १८ किलोमीटर की पदयात्रा के बाद पर्यटक रूपकुंड के पास पहुंच जाता है। इस दिव्य कुंड की अथाह गहराई, कटोरेनुमा आकार तथा चारों ओर बिखरे नर कंकाल व वातावरण में फैले गहन निस्तब्धता से मन में कौतूहल व जिज्ञासा का ज्वार उत्पन्न हो जाता है। रूपकुंड के रहस्य का प्रमुख कारण ये नर कंकाल ही हैं जो न केवल इसके इर्द–गिर्द दिखते हैं बल्कि तालाब में इनकी परछाइयां भी दिखाई पड़ती हैं। इन अस्थि अवशेषों के विषय में क्षेत्रवासियों में अनेक प्रकार की किवदन्तियां प्रचलित हैं जिन्हें सुनकर पर्यटक रोमांचित हो उठता है। वर्षों से पुरातत्ववेत्ता व इतिहासकार इन नर कंकालों के रहस्य का पता लगाने में जुटे हैं लेकिन अब तक कोई ठोस और सर्वमान्य हल नहीं निकाल पाए हैं।


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पंकज सिंह महर

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एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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       photo                                              Roopkund-
          The   skeletal remains with flesh still attached to it, at roopkund, as seen   during 2000 Nanda Devi Raj Jat.  They are still preserved in the   freezing whether/glacier.  They are considered to be about 500-600 years   old.

Photo by Dinesh Pundhir

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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       photo                                              Roopkund-
          Full   view of lake of Roopkund, situated at an altd. of 5029 mts.  At the far   end people could be seen searching for skeleton in the morains/debris.   The eerie and silence in the atmosphere could be felt here.  No one dare   to camp here.  Very fearful.       


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