Author Topic: Do You Know This About Uttarakhand? - क्या आप उत्तराखंड के बारे ये जानते है?  (Read 47497 times)

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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43. Where is the museum situated at Uttarakhand ?

(A) Mussoorie
(B) Nainital
(C) Ranikhet
(D) Dehradun

Ans : (D)

44. Which of the following passes is in Uttarakhand ?

(A) Mana
(B) Darma
(C) Kungri-Bigri
(D) Lipulekh

Ans : (A)

45. Where is the China peak situated?
(A) Chamoli
(B) Almora
(C) Uttar Kashi
(D) Nainital

Ans : (D)

46. Where is the Heavy Electrical Limited situated?
(A) Haridwar
(B) Bhim-Tal
(C) Kotdwar
(D) Nainital

Ans : (A)

47. How many Polytechnic colleges are there in Uttarakhand ?
(A) 7
(B) 6
(C) 5
(D) 8

Ans : (C)

48. Where does the Bhotia tribe?
(A) Punjab
(B) Bihat
(C) Uttarakhand
(D) Haryana

Ans : (C)

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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49. From Geographical point of view in how many regions can the Uttarakhand be divided?

(A) 4
(B) 1
(C) 2
(D) 3

Ans : (D)

50. How many universities are there in Uttarakhand ?

(A) 5
(B) 10
(C) 3
(D) 6
Ans : (D)

51. Which of the following countries, boundaries touch the Uttarakhand state?

(A) Nepal-Pakistan
(B) Tibet-Pakistan
(C) Tibet-China
(D) Tibet-Nepal

Ans : (D)

52. What is Chanchari ?

(A) Dance
(B) Art
(C) Music
(D) Literature

Ans : (A)

53. Where is the Doon valley situated?
(A) At the foot hills of outer Himalayas
(B) In lower Himalayan region
(C) In greater Himalayan region
(D) None of these

Ans : (A)

54. What type of education is given at 'Forest School of Dehradun' ?
(A) Guide
(B) Ranger
(C) Military
(D) Forester
Ans : (B)
55. How many development authorities are in Uttarakhand ?

(A) Four
(B) Five
(C) Two
(D) Three

Ans : (B)

56. How many types of forests are found in Uttarakhand ?

(A) Four
(B) Two
(C) Three
(D) Five

Ans : (A)

57. Where is the agriculture universities in Uttarakhand '?
(A) Pant Nagar (Nainital)
(B) Pauri
(C) Rudra Prayag
(D) Roorkee (Haridwar)

Ans : (A)

58. Which one of the following cities is situated at river terraces?
(A) Dev Prayag
(B) Sri Nagar
(C) Pauri
(D) Chakarata

Ans : (B)

59. Which of the following institutes in Uttarakhand launched the programme of lahoratories to the field under the agriculture policy'?
(A) Pant Nagar University
(B) Narendra Dev Agriculture University
(C) Chandra Shekhar Azad Agriculture University
(D) Raja Balwant Agriculture University

Ans : (A)

60. How many tahsils are there in Uttarakhand ?
(A) 49
(B) 50
(C) 58
(D) 60

Ans : (A)

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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61. Karvashram is situated at—
(A) Almora
(B) Dehradun
(C) Haridwar
(D) Garhwal

Ans : (D)

62. Which of these is the Mini Switzerland according to Mahatma Gandhi?
(A) Almora (Kausani)
(B) Nainital
(C) Badri Nath
(D) Pithoragarh Singh

Ans : (A)

63. What is Lansdowne?
(A) A tourist place
(B) An industrial area
(C) A recreational place
(D) None of these

Ans : (A)

64. Where is the Rajaji National Park situated?
(A) Dehradun
(B) Chamoli
(C) Pithoragarh
(D) Mussoorie

Ans : (A)

65. How many types of river groups are found in Uttarakhand ?
(A) Three
(B) Two
(C) Four
(D) Six

Ans : (A)

66. Where is the Ardhkumbh fair organised in Uttarakhand ?
(A) Haridwar
(B) Prayag
(C) Nasik
(D) Tehri

Ans : (A)

67. From where does the Upper Ganga canal in Uttarakhand emerge?
(A) Okhla
(B) Banwasa
(C) Haridwar
(D) Narora

Ans : (C)

68. At present what is the area of Uttarakhand ?
(A) 53.483 km2
(B) 55,420 km2
(C) 50,343 km2
(D) 52,530 km2

Ans : (A)

69. According to area which is the biggest district in Uttarakhand ?
(A) Uttar Kashi
(B) Chamoli
(C) Nainital
(D) Dehradun

Ans : (B)

70. Which is the smallest district according to area in Uttarakhand ?
(A) Uttar Kashi
(B) Tehri Garhwal
(C) Dehradun
(D) Bageshwar

Ans : (D)

71. Where is the three metre diameter telescope, the biggest in Asia being established in Uttarakhand in collaboration with Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Mumbai '?

(A) Devsthal (Nainital)
(B) Almora
(C) Pithoragarh
(D) Tehri Garhwal

Ans : (A)

72. Where has the wild life protection training centre been established in Uttarakhand '?
(A) Almora
(B) Kalagarh
(C) Nainital
(D) Chamoli
Ans : (B)

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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73. Tiger project is related with—

(A) Corbett National Park
(B) Dudhwa National Park
(C) Nanda Devi National Park
(D) Rajaji National Park

Ans : (A)

74. In which region of Uttarakhand is 'Nagrik and Soyam forest development project' launched '?
(A) Kumaon region
(B) Garhwal region
(C) Both in (A) and (B)
(D) Entire state

Ans : (C)

75. Where is the tradition of Long and Bhella dance in Uttarakhand '?
(A) Garhwal
(B) Nainital
(C) Almora
(D) Dehradun

Ans : (A)

76. Where is the Motichoor sanctuary situated '?
(A) Pithoragarh
(B) Champawat
(C) Haridwar
(D) Chamoli

Ans : (C)

77. On which river is the Ichari dam situated '?
(A) Bhagirathi
(B) Tons
(C) Yamuna
(D) Kali

Ans : (B)

78. Where is the Pant College of Technology situated in Uttarakhand '?
(A) Dehradun
(B) Roorkee
(C) Bhimtal
(D) Pant Nagar

Ans : (D)

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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79. Which is the highest peak of Uttarakhand '?

(A) Nandakot
(B) Trishul
(C) Nanda Devi
(D) Kamet

Ans : (C)

80. At the bank of which river is Rishikesh pilgrim centre in Uttarakhand situated?
(A) Ghaghara
(B) Ganga
(C) Sharda
(D) Yamuna

Ans : (B)

81. Previously what was the name of Uttarakhand ?
(A) Karam Bhumi
(B) Uttrakhand
(C) Uttar Pradesh
(D) Kurmanchal

Ans : (B)

82. Where is the Bhuvneshwari fair organised at Uttarakhand ?
(A) Pauri
(B) Almora
(C) Bageshwar
(D) Tehri

Ans : (A)

83. When did the Khateema incident happen?
(A) 7th Sept., 1994
(B) 20th Oct., 1996
(C) 2nd Sept., 1995
(D) 2nd Oct., 1995

Ans : (C)

84. When was the Kumaon Council formed?
(A) 1927
(B) 1928
(C) 1926
(D) 1925

Ans : (C)

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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85. Who was the leader of Utthan-Parishad in Uttarakhand ?

(A) Soban Singh Jeena
(B) Taradutt Pandey
(C) Badridatt Pandey
(D) Daya Krishna

Ans : (C)

86. Chandi Prasad the dignity of Uttarakhand, was awarded the international prize, what is that prize?

(A) Nobel prize
(B) Oskar prize
(C) Ramon Magsaysay Prize
(D) None of these.

Ans : (C)

87. Where is the maximum rice grown in Uttarakhand ?
(A) Nainital
(B) Dehradun
(C) Uddham Singh Nagar
(D) Haridwar

Ans : (B)

88. What is Pindari ?
(A) A pass
(B) A mountainous range
(C) A river
(D) A Glacier

Ans : (D)


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89-ऊँचे बुग्याल छेत्र मैं रहने वाले चारागाहों को कहते हैं?
D-ये सभी


90--गढ़वाल का सबसे बड़ा एवं गहरा ताल है?


91-उत्तराँचल का कौनसा ताल अंडाकार है?
A-भीम ताल
B-सहस्त्र ताल
C-भैन्कल ताल
D-चोखडी ताल


92-किस जल विद्युत परियोजना को राष्ट्र का गाँव की संज्ञां दी गयी है?
A-किसा बाँध
B-मनेरीभली बांध
C-टेहरी बाँध
D-कालागढ़ बाँध


93-मोनाल उत्तराँचल के अतिरिक्त ,किस राज्य का प्रतीक है ?
B-अरोनाचल प्रदेश
C-जम्बू कश्मीर
D-हिमाचल प्रदेश


94-उत्तराँचल मैं पाई जाने वाली ओक विर्क्छ की प्रमुख प्रजाति है?
B-ये सभी


95-दवा के रूप मैं प्रयोग की जाने वाली कस्तूरी प्राप्त होती है :-
A-मादा कस्तूरी मिर्ग से
B-इन मैं से कोई नहीं
D-नर कस्तूरी मिर्ग से


96-सावधिक विर्धिजनसँख्या दस्कीय किस जनपद मैं हुई?
A-उधमसिंह नगर


97--अलकनंदा और भागीरथी का सगम स्थल है -
A-रुद्र प्रयाग
D-नन्द प्रयाग


98-उत्तराँचल के किस जनपद मैं सर्वाधिक रास्ट्रीय उद्यान हैं ?


एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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89. Where is the copper found in Uttarakhand ?

(A) Pithoragarh
(B) Kumaon
(C) Almora
(D) None of these

Ans : (C)

90. At present who is the Chairman of Public Service Commission of Uttarakhand ?

(A) N. P. Nawani
(B) Ajay Vikram Singh
(C) K. Arya
(D) Satpal Maharaj

Ans : (C)

91. What is the field of activity Sunder Lal Bahuguna in the state?
(A) Politics
(B) Literature
(C) Environment
(D) Education

Ans : (C)

92. Which is the small Kashmir of Uttarakhand ?

(A) Mussoorie
(B) Nainital
(C) Almora
(D) Pithoragarh

Ans : (D)

93. Where is the Sarovar Nagri in the state?
(A) Nainital
(B) Dehradun
(C) Ranikhet
(D) Badri Nath

Ans : (A)

94. The economy of Uttarakhand is known as—
(A) Stable economy
(B) Money order economy
(C) Borrowed economy
(D) Unstable economy

Ans : (B)

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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95. The historic achievement of mountai neer Bachhendri Pal is—
(A) Comet and Gamin victory
(B) Mount Black victory
(C) Guide to new mountaineers
(D) Mount Everest victory

Ans : (D)

96. Dr. Pitambar Dutt Badashwal prize 2000, was awarded by Uttar Pradesh Hindi Sansthan to which literary person?

(A) Sailesh Matiyani
(B) Himanshu Joshi
(C) Govind Chatak
(D) Dr. Dinesh Chand Baluni

Ans : (D)

97. Sundari Ritu Uppadhyay won a beautiful title. the title is—
(A) Miss World
(B) Miss Universe
(C) Miss Asia Pacific
(D) Miss India World-wide

Ans : (D)

98. The distinguished lady of the state who has been honoured with an international recognition in 2000 is—

(A) Mranal Pandey
(B) Shivani
(C) Kalawati Rawat
(D) Tara Pandey

Ans : (C)

99. Who was the first Chief Minister of Uttarakhand ?
(A) Bhagat Singh Kaushiari
(B) Narain Dutt Tiwari
(C) Nityanand Swami
(D) Matwar Singh Bhandari

Ans : (C)

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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100. The Chief Minister who formed 'Kaushik Samiti' for Uttarakhand was—

(A) Kalyan Singh
(B) Mulayam Singh
(C) Mayawati
(D) Rajnath Singh

Ans : (B)

101. First national park of S.E. Asia was 'Haily National Park', what is its present name?

(A) Govind National Park
(B) Rajaji National Park
(C) Corbett National Park
(D) Dudhwa National Park

Ans : (C)

102. After reorganisation of states in November 2000, Uttarakhand stands—
(A) 25th
(B) 26th
(C) 27th
(D) 28th
Ans : (C)

103. Extent of Uttarakhand state is—

(A) Length—East to West 258 km. Breadth—North to South 420 km.
(B) Length—East to West 358 km. Breadth—North to South 320 km.
(C) Length—East to West 368 km. Breadth—North to South 325 km.
(D) Length—East to West 370 km. Breadth—North to South 330 km.

Ans : (B)

104. Last king of Uttarakhand is known—

(A) Bamshah
(B) Pradhuman Shah
(C) Harsh Dev Joshi
(D) Manvendra Shah

Ans : (B)

105: The capital (Temporary) of Uttarakhand is—
(A) Dehradun
(B) Gairsain
(C) Nainital
(D) Kalagarh
Ans : (A)


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