Author Topic: Nick Names Of Places - उत्तराखंड के पर्यटन स्थलों एव विशेष व्यकित्यो के उप नाम  (Read 57249 times)

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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There are various places in Uttarakhand which are also known with their Nick Names. Similarly, there are various famous personalities from Uttarakhand who also popular with their Nick Names.

Under this thread, we will provide details about these places as well as the personalities. Hope would also contribute in providing subject information here.


M S Mehta

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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सरोवर नगरी

नैनीताल उत्तराखंड का प्रसिद्ध हिल स्टेशन जो की सरोवर नगरी के नाम से भी प्रख्यात है !

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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मिनी कश्मीर

पिथोरगढ जिले का मुख्य शहर जो की अंत्यंत सुन्दर जगह होने और सामने हिमालय का दृश्य यह शाबित करता है कि पिथोरागढ़ ही मिनी कश्मीर है !

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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बाल मिठाई का घर

उत्तराखंड की प्रसिद्ध मिठाई जिसका नाम है बाल मिठाई! 

बाल मिठाई उत्तराखंड के जिला अल्मोडा जिले मे सबसे अधिक बनाई जाती है और यहाँ की बनी हुयी बाल मिठाई काफी लोक प्रिय है !

इसलिए यह शहर को बाल मिठाई का घर भी कहा जाता है !

राजेश जोशी/rajesh.joshee

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Dehradun is known as "Drona Nagri" since it is related to Guru Drnacharya of Mahabharata

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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Famous Leader and Former CM of UP, Shri Hemawanti Nandan Bahuguna was also known "Himalay Putra, GarH Ratna, Garwal Keshari".

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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“Gateway of Kumaon”

Kathgodam which is 5 km ahead from Halwani is known as Gateway of Kumaon Region of Uttarakhand. Kathgodam is the place from the hill area starts. From Kathgodam, there is way for entering in kumaon hills. Place like Nainital, Almora, Bageshwar, Pithoragarh etc. That is why this place is known as “Kumaon ka Dwar”

Risky Pathak

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Kausaani : Switzerland Of India

Mahatma Gandhi had come to Kausani in 1929 for spending two days. He was so happy to see the unobstructed view of the Himalayan range spanning over 300 km that he called Kausani the Switzerland of India. He extended his stay by another 12 days and wrote his book on Anasakti Yoga. In memory of Gandhi's visit to Kausani the place where he had stayed has been made into Anaskati Ashram. Kausani is also famous for it is the birthplace of the poet laureate Sumitranandan Pant.

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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हरिद्वार, उत्तराखंड, भारत में एक पवित्र नगर और नगर निगम बोर्ड है। हिन्दी में, हरिद्वार का अर्थ हरि ("ईश्वर)" का द्वार होता है। हरिद्वार हिन्दुओं के सात पवित्र स्थलों में से एक है।

३१३९ मीटर की ऊंचाई पर स्थित अपने स्रोत गौमुख (गंगोत्री हिमनद) से २५३ किमी की यात्रा करके गंगा नदी हरिद्वार में गंगा के मैदानी क्षेत्रो में प्रथम प्रवेश करती है, इसलिए हरिद्वार को गंगाद्वार के नाम सा भी जाना जाता है, जिसका अर्थ है वह स्थान जहाँ पर गंगाजी मैदानों में प्रवेश करती हैं।

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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Kotdwara – The Gateway of Garwal
Kotdwar or Kotdwara was called Khohdwara initially-- meaning a gateway to the Khoh -- after river Khoh on whose banks it is located. Kotdwar is a transformation of this name. The town has always been a commercial centre; and being located on the foothills of Garhwal, it has played the important role of a supplier of essentials to the upper reaches of the hills, such as Pauri, Srinagar, Badrinath and Kedarnath.

In common with the rest of the region, Kotdwar was ruled by the Mauryan Empire under Ashok the Great, then by the Katyuri dynasty followed by the Panwar dynasty of Garhwal. The Gorkhas of Nepal followed for a brief 12 years and then the British colonists.

Writing in 1882 in The Himalayan Gazetteer (Vol III, no II) E.T. Atkins says that it was a small but rapidly increasing mart located on a flat piece of land on the left banks of the Khoh. There was a fort at the hill end of this flat land, to fend off robbers from the plains. Kotdwara’s bazaar, he says, was increasing in importance partly due to the recently introduced cultivation and because of “increased means of communication, as hill men, instead of purchasing cloth, gur, etc. from Srinagar now go direct to this place where they can procure all they want at cheaper rates, and also barter ghi, red pepper, turmeric, hempen cloth, ropes of different fibres, and a few barks and jungle products, for what they require for home consumption”. He adds that the forest department had a large amount of timber and bamboo cutting in the vicinity and that there was a large mill on the canal used for grinding grain from Najibabad and Nagina. According to him, two fairs were held here during the week on Tuesdays and Fridays, frequented by thousands of people. The town itself, he points out, “was peopled by petty traders from the Bijnaur district numbering 1,000 for 10 months a year, as a large number of traders form Najibabad and also the hills keep shops open during this period, only going away for the unhealthy months of August and September.”

Before the coming of the rail to Kotdwar and even before the metalled road came into existence, the majority of trade passed through Kotdwar on bullock carts and horse-driven carts up to Dugadda from where it was further carried on mules and donkeys up the hill to neighbouring hill towns like Pauri and Srinagar.

In 1910, H.G. Walton reports in British Garhwal: A Gazetteer that the establishment of a cantonment at Lansdowne and the extension of the railways from Najibabad, both in 1887, had contributed to the prosperity of Kotdwar. He however points out that, “The town has already passed its prime and is waning rapidly as Dugadda waxes” – a situation which has now been completely reversed. Mr. Walton reports that the shops were no longer shut during the rains as the sanitary conditions of the town had improved, and that during the winter the town was a busy market which catered to residents of the region who all did their shopping here.

Once the metalled road was extended beyond Kotdwar in 1920, the town’s destiny became ascendant. Mechanised transport started carrying the bulk of goods from the railhead at Kotdwar directly to the mountain towns and cities. Businessmen from Dugadda started shifting their operations and homes to Kotdwar.

Even before all this Dhaniram Mishra’s uncles and associates had started occupying Kotdwar in a big way; Kashirampur near Kauriya was one such example.

During British times, Kotdwar was a part of British Garhwal; on India’s independence, it became a part of the Pauri district of Uttar Pradesh and then of Uttrakhand on the formation of this new state in 2000.



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