Author Topic: गढ़वाल का इतिहास 1223-1804 AD- History of Garhwal Region from 1223-1804 AD  (Read 145697 times)

Bhishma Kukreti

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                         History of Garhwal King Fateh Shah part-1
History of Garhwal including Haridwar (1223- 1804 AD) –part -153     

   History of Uttarakhand (Garhwal, Kumaon and Haridwar) -400
                       By: Bhishma Kukreti (A History Research Student)
 There has been confusion about ruling period of Medni Shah and ascending on crown by Fate Shah among historians. Maularam mentioned Fate Shah but taking clue from Maularam’s mentioning Jahangir instead of Shah Jahan, Dr Dabral states that the king Fate Shah referred by Maularam is Medni Shah.
  There is always confusion between Medni Shah and Fate Shah.
  Dr Dabral mentioned the ruling period of Fatte Shah /Fate Shah/ Fatepati/Fateh Shah as under
Becket – 1660-1708
Raturi- 1699-1749
Walton- 1684-1716
Bahuguna (Mansas Mandakini) – 1667-1717
Mukandilal- 1689-1713
Dr. Dabral states that the time mentioned by Walton seemed to be more correct. However, historian Ajay Rawat wrote,” There is another Farman from Aurungzeb for Fate Shah on his grandfather Prithvi Pati Shah’s death. It appears that Prithvi Pati Shah was alive up to 1667. The Government of India invited the Chinese attention to copper plate inscription of that year which bears seal of Raja Prithvi Pat Shah of Garhwal, in support of their case of boundary dispute of Nilang . Both Ram Gopal and Santa Kumar cited the above copper plate inscription. Then there is inscription of Fate Shah of 1667 that bears the seal of Prithvi Pat Shah.”
 Dr Ajay Rawat further writes,” From the inscription cited above is clear that Prithvi Pat Shah was alive till 1667 and he addicted the throne in 1665 in favor of his grandson Fateh Shah since he banished his son Medni Shah from Garhwal”.
Dr Rawat is of opinion that Fateh Shah ruled till 1715.
  That means the events described be Dr Dabral in the ruling period of Medni Shah happened in the time of Fateh Shah.
                    Information Sources about Fateh Shah
 1-Inscriptions – There are inscriptions available of years – 1685, 1706, 1710, and 1716). The inscription of 1716 seems to be carved at the time when Fateh Shah was alive.
2- Vichitra Natak of Guru Govind Singh
3-Memoirs or history written by Muslim writers of Aurungzeb and Bahadur Shah’s period and other Farmans (orders) from Mughal court
4- The eulogy poems for Fateh Shah written by poets as Bhushan, Matiram, Ratan Kavi, Jata Shankar and Sukhdev Mishra. The court poet Ram Chandra Kandiyal also wrote eulogy of Fateh Shaha in Sanskrit and Prakrit.

                 Confusion about Age of Fateh Shah at the Time of coronation
 There is no record for exact age of Fateh Shah ascending on crown and confusion exists among historians. This is because the disagreement among historians about coronation of Fateh Shah.
    Kumaon King Baj Bahadur Chandra attacking on Garhwal

      Mughal Emperor gifted back the Mal and Bhabhar of Kumaon region to Kumaon. However, Baj Bahadur Chandra had eyes on eastern portion of Garhwal. Baj Bhaadur attacked third time on Garhwal perhaps in between 1665-1667.
 The army of Baj Bahadur Chandra attacked on Garhwal via Badhan in Pindar region and other army attacked on Lohaba via Ramganga region. The inhabitants of Sabli and Bangarsyun offered help to Kumaoni army. Kumaon army reached to Shrinagar. There was treaty in Shrinagar and Garhwal King offered tribute or tax to Kumaon King and Kumaon King handed over back the captured region to Garhwal King.
 Kumaon historian Pande describes that Kumaon King took the Nada Devi sculpture and established in his Malla Mahal palace. Later on Trail established those sculptures in present temple.
                Awarding Disloyal of Garhwal

       Sabliya Bisht and Bangari Rawat of Garhwal helped to Kumaon King and a few Aswals and Dangwal of Garhwal also helped to Kumaon King. Kumaon King Bajbahadur appointed additional Sayan (sub rulers) along with Katyuri Sayana in Pali region. Kumaon King offered Sayana position to Sabliya Bisht for Tamli region and offered Sarsoli to Bangari Rawat.  Kumaon King also offered Kameenchari (land lordship) to Aswals and Dangwal those deceived their country Garhwal.
              Mughal Army Attacking on Baj Bahadur Chandra
     When Garhwal King paid tribute to Kumaon King and Kumaon King went back to Kumaon, Garhwal King complained to Aurangzeb that Kumaon King attacked on Garhwal though indirectly or directly Garhwal was under Aurungzeb. Garhwal King also informed that thre are gold mines in Kumaon.
 Aurungzeb asked his commander to attack on Kumaon. In October 1665, Mughal army attacked on Bhabhar –Tarai and captured south plains of Kumaon. It was difficult to capture hills of Kumaon. Garhwal King helped Mughal Army in capturing Plains of Kumaon.
 Kumaon King Baj Bahadur Chandra sent message to Nawab Alivardi Khan to request Mughal Emperor for pardon. Nawab Alivardi became intermediate and Bad Shah pardoned Kumaon King. Kumaon King paid visit to Aurungzeb in October 1673.
            Folklore about Puriya Naithani
  It is said by Bhakt Darshan that there was an order (paper) in Tehri court record store of December 1668. That paper stated that a Sayyad captured Kotdwar Bhabhar. Garhwal King sent his court officer Puriya Naithani to Delhi to request stopping Sayyad capturing Bhabhar Garhwal. Puriya Naithani met Aurangzeb and freed Bhabhar Garhwal from that encroacher Sayed.
   When Aurangzeb levied Jajiya Tax Garhwal had to pay tax too. Puriya Naithani was successful to get tax free referendum for Garhwal from Aurangzeb. 
However, Dr Dabral states that he could not find that particular paper from Tehri treasury.

                            Arrival of Guru Ram Rai
 This period is also arrival of Guru Ram Rai in Doon valley.
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti Mumbai, India, 9/8/2014
History of Garhwal – Kumaon-Haridwar (Uttarakhand, India) to be continued… Part -401
(The History of Garhwal, Kumaon, Haridwar write up is aimed for general readers)
History of Garhwal from 1223-1804 to be continued in next chapter ….
Notes on South Asian Medieval History of Garhwal;  SouthAsian Medieval History of Pauri Garhwal;  Medieval History of Chamoli Garhwal;  South Asian Medieval History of Rudraprayag Garhwal;  South Asian Medieval History of Tehri Garhwal;  Medieval History of Uttarkashi Garhwal;  South Asian Medieval History of Dehradun, Garhwal;  Medieval History of Haridwar ;  South Asian Medieval History of Manglaur, Haridwar;  South Asian Medieval History of Rurkee Haridwar ;  South Asian Medieval History of Bahadarpur Haridwar ; South Asian History of Haridwar district to be continued

Bhishma Kukreti

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                History of Guru Ram Rai Darbar Dehradun
             History of Garhwal King Fateh Shah part-2

History of Garhwal including Haridwar (1223- 1804 AD) –part -154     

   History of Uttarakhand (Garhwal, Kumaon and Haridwar) -401
                       By: Bhishma Kukreti (A History Research Student)
    According to Munshi Maikulal a devotee of Guru Ram Rai, Guru Ram Rai arrived in Dehradun in 1675 with a letter of Aurungzeb for Garhwal King.  A web site of Guru Ram Rai Institute of Medical and Health Science states that Guru Ram Rai reached at Dehradun in 1667. Before, Guru Ram Rai came and established Dera or stayed here, the land was called Doon or a valley. Now, the city is called Dehradun or Dyaradun.
     Ram Rai was deprived from Guru Gaddi of Sikh Sangh
             From the time of fourth Guru of Sikh panth  Ram Das, the Guru Gaddi became ancestral based Gaddi.
 Guru Arjun the son of Guru Ram Das was fifth Sikh Guru. Guru Har Govind the son of Guru Arjun became sixth Guru and Guru Har Rai was seventh Sikh Guru. Guru Har Rai was friend of Dara Shikoh. After coronation, Aurungzeb called Guru Har Rai to his court. Since, fifth and sixt Guru were insulted and punished by Jahangir and Shah Jahan, Har Rai sent a apagogical letter for Aurungzeb and sent his elder son Ram Rai to Aurungzeb court. Aurangzeb arranged for education for Ram Rai. Once, Ram Rai changed a stanza of Guru Granth Sahib. His father was annoyed by the act of Ram Rai.
            Aurangzeb was admirer of Guru Ram Rai but he got displeasure of Emperor Aurungzeb and Aurungzeb made Ram Rai hostage till 1659.
 When Har Rai was to die he declared his heir to his younger son Har Krishna and not elder son Ram Rai.
Historians provide following reasons for Guru Har Rai depriving Ram Rai as his heir as  eigth Guru of  Sikh Panth .-
1-Mother of Ram Rai was a handmaiden or Keep (Rakhailan) of Guru Har Rai and not authorized wife. However, this argument is wrong as mother of Ram Rai was own sister of his other step mothers. Four wives of Har Rai were daughters of a Khatri of Anoopshahar.
2- Ram Rai was a free thinkers and he made his own philosophical followers even when his father Har Rai was alive.
3-He showed miracles in Mughal Court though his father ordered him not to do so.
4- Guru Har Rai was furious when Ram Rai changed the stanza of Guru Granth Sahib.
             However, Guru Har Rai declared his younger son Har Krishn as his successor for Guru Gaddi. Guru har Krsihna was only six years old when he was declared Guru. Aurangzeb called Har Krishna to his court. Guru Har Krishna died there due to small pox in Delhi in that year. Gur Tegbahadur (son of sixth Guru Har Govind) was declared ninth Guru. Aurangzeb killed Guru Teg Bahadun cruelly.
 Ram Rai wanted to take Guru Position with force and Aurungzeb did not like it. Aurangzeb asked Ram Rai to go to Garhwal. Ram Rai came to Doon valley in 1675 or 1676. Aurangzeb directed Garhwal king (Fateh Shah) to grant villages to Ram Rai. Garhwal King granted Khurbura, Rajpur and Chamsari villages. Guru Ram Rai established his ‘Dera’ in Khurbura. Fateh Shah also granted a Math in Shrinagar for Guru Ram Rai. Guru also spent time there. Later on Pradip Shah the grandson of Fateh Shah granted other four villages Dhamawala, Dhurtawala, Minyawala and Panditwadi to Guru Ram Rai Darbar. Guru shifted from Khurbura to Dhamawala where present Darbar is there.
 It is said that Guru Ram Rai had acquired the power of dying and reviving at will. One day he shut himself in his ‘Dera’ warning his inmates not to open the door. On third day, his followers opened the door and found that Guru is dead on his bed.  The bed on which Guru Ram Rai breathed his last breath is an object of veneration for followers.
  After the death of Guru Ram Rai in 1787, his youngest widow Mata Punjab Kaur held the management of ‘Dera’. Aud Das the foster son of Guru Ram Rai used to help Mata Punjab Kaur in managing Ram Rai Darbar Sahib. Mata declared him Mahant of Guru Ram Rai Darbar. However, after a couple of years Mahant Aud Das was debarred as Mahant. Har Prasad a trusted follower and close associate of Mata Punjab Kaur was declared next Mahant of Guru Ram Rai Durbar. However, web site of Guru Ram Rai Darbar states that Guru Aud das was Mahant from 1787-1741.
                 Construction of Guru ka Dera or Jhanda Saheb 

  After the death of Guru Ram Rai, a sprawling Guru Ka Dera was built later on. Aurungzeb also paid financial help in building Guru ka Dera.  Mata Punjab Kaur supervised the construction work of Guru ka Dera. The central part of Guru ka Dera was completed by 1699 (twelve years after death of Guru). Most probably, Guru ka Dera was completed between 1703-06.
                              Mahant Har Prasad (1741-1766)
Har Prasad was born in Malwa (Punjab) and came to Dehradun due to attraction of Guru Ram Rai.
                 Mahant Har Sewak Das (1766-1818)
 The time period of Mahant Har Sewak was the time of disturbances in Garhwal and India. The income of Dera dipped due to fall of Mughal Empire, Gorkha invasion and division of Garhwal Kingdom, British entry.
                Mahant Swarup Das (1818-1842)
Mahant Swarup Das was from Saharanpur and was colleague of Mahant Har Sewak too. 
                           Mahant Pritam Das (1842-1854)

Mahant Pritam das belong to Patwal family of Saklana, Tehri Garhwal. Mahant Pritam Das had knowledge of Arabic and Hindi too. He purchased properties and two villages –Baman Vala and Gujrada for Guru ka Dera.
  Mahant Pritam das did leave Mahnat Giri in his life time. Mahant Pritam Das died in 1872.
                      Mahant Narayan Das (1854-1885)
 Mahant Narayan Das was installed in Gaddi in his Guru time only. Mahant Narayan Das was from a Patwal family from Saklana Tehri Garhwal. He was devotee of Goddess Surkanda Devi. Mahant Narayan Das constructed a Devi temple at Rajpur and carved many pictures of Hindu deities on wall of Guru Dera. He laid an idol of Nar Singh in western gate of Darbar Sahib.
                   Mahant Prayag Das (1885-1896)
   Mahant Prayag Das belonged to a Rajput family of Jaunpur region of Tehri Garhwal. He came to Dehradun in search of job.

                     Mahant Lakshaman Das (1886- 1945)
     Born in 1873, Lakshman das belonged to a Belwal , Brahmin family of Tehri Garhwal.
             Mahant Indiresh Charan Das (1945-2000)
 Mahant Indiresh Charan Das belonged to Kukreti family of Khaman, Dhangu, Pauri Garhwal. Indiresh Charan Das had to face adversary on taking education. He was also a freedom fighter and was in jail with Lal Bahadur Shastri.
 Mahant Indiresh Charan Das would be remembered for opening up more than 100 schools and colleges in Dehradun, Garhwal, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh. His name was famous more for spreading education than a Mahant of Guru ram Rai Darbar.
                          Mahant Devendra Das (2000-present)
  Mahant Devendra Das belonged to a Bahuguna family of Adi Badri Chamoli Garhwal. He is also carrying education spread work started by his predecessor Mahant Indiresh Das

Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti Mumbai, India, 10/8/2014
History of Garhwal – Kumaon-Haridwar (Uttarakhand, India) to be continued… Part -402
(The History of Garhwal, Kumaon, Haridwar write up is aimed for general readers)
History of Garhwal from 1223-1804 to be continued in next chapter ….
Notes on South Asian Medieval History of Garhwal;  SouthAsian Medieval History of Pauri Garhwal;  Medieval History of Chamoli Garhwal;  South Asian Medieval History of Rudraprayag Garhwal;  South Asian Medieval History of Tehri Garhwal;  Medieval History of Uttarkashi Garhwal;  South Asian Medieval History of Dehradun, Garhwal;  Medieval History of Haridwar ;  South Asian Medieval History of Manglaur, Haridwar;  South Asian Medieval History of Rurkee Haridwar ;  South Asian Medieval History of Bahadarpur Haridwar ; South Asian History of Haridwar district to be continued
History of Guru Ram Rai Darbar Dehradun; History of Guru Ram Rai Darbar Dehradun in context History of Dehradun Garhwal; History of Guru Ram Rai Darbar Dehradun in context History of Uttarkashi Garhwal; History of Guru Ram Rai Darbar Dehradun in context History of Tehri Garhwal; History of Guru Ram Rai Darbar Dehradun in context History of Rudraprayag Garhwal; History of Guru Ram Rai Darbar Dehradun in context History of Chamoli Garhwal;  History of Guru Ram Rai Darbar Dehradun in context History of Pauri Garhwal; History of Guru Ram Rai Darbar Dehradun in context History of Haridwar Garhwal; 

Bhishma Kukreti

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 History of Garhwal King Fateh Shah and his relation with Sikh Guru Govind Singh 

History of Garhwal including Haridwar (1223- 1804 AD) –part -155     

   History of Uttarakhand (Garhwal, Kumaon and Haridwar) -402
                       By: Bhishma Kukreti (A History Research Student)

                        History of War against Sirmaur, Himachal
  Fate /Fatte /Fateh Shah was engaged warring against neighboring countries. Sirmaur King helped Mughal Army when Mughal attacked on Garhwal. Therefore, Garhwal and Sirmaur were called born enemies. Just after coronation, Fateh Shah attacked on Sirmaur and captured Bairat Garh and Kalsi Garh. Fateh Shah tried to capture Panwta (west of Yamuna). There was port at Paonta .
 According to Bhakta Darshan, in 1693, Fateh Shah demarked Bairatgarh as boundary between Sirmaur and Garhwal. Bhakta Darshan states that still, there are folklore about Fateh Shah as ‘Fateshahi Pratha’. Fateh Shah arrested Sirmaur King Rudra Prakash and brought him to Dehradun. When Rudraprakash accepted to pay tribute to Garhwal for Rs. 3000/- annually, Garhwal King freed Rudraprakash. However, Sirmaur history does nout vouch such incident and there is no Ruadra Prakash as Sirmaur king in List of Sirmaur Kings. Sirmaur Gazette states that Medniprakash was Sirmaur King at the time of Fateh Shah.
   Sirmaur King Medni Prakash (Jograj Matprakash) requested help from Mughal Empire for capturing parts of Garhwal in 1686. Aurungzeb sent Mughal battalion to help Matprakash or Medni Prakash the Sirmaur King. Fate Shah called back his army from captured places –Bairat Garh and Kalsi Garh.
  Encouraged by taking out army from Bairat Garh and Kalsi Garh by Garhwal King, Siramur King attacked on other parts of Dehradun Garhwal. Garhwal King complained to Mughal Emperor and Aurangzeb (1688) sent a ‘Farman’ (order) to Sirmaur King for restraining interfering or attacking on Garhwal.

                                Terror of Sikh Guru Govind Singh

      Guru Govind Singh was tenth and last Guru of Sikh Panth. Son of Guru Teg Bahadur , Guru Govind Singh was born in Patna. He was made Guru in Anandpur Sahib at the age of seven. He fought many battles for twenty years.
            At the time of Fateh Shah, Gur Govind Singh was a strong without any specific territory. It is sadi that in his last birth, he did Tapsya in Hemkund Garhwal.
  Guru Govind Singh used to reside in Vilaspur (Kehlur) as Badshah. His disciples from Afghanistan, India used to offer him precious gifts. One devotee Duni Chand sent a gift of woolen camp that was embroidered by figured of silver and gold wires. Gur Govind Singh had devoted army of 80000 soldiers and he was capable to get army at his wish. Guru Govind Singh used to take great Ranjit Nagara (War Drum) while hunting. Guru Govind Singh used to call poets too.
                  Bad Relation of Guru Govind Singh with Kehlur King
          The Kehloor King and other neighboring rulers were terrified by the strength of Guru Govind Singh. The Khalsa were free to loot. Once, even in the presence of Guru Govind Singh, a Khals looted aslun village of Kehlur. Therefore, there were cracks in the relation between Kehlur King Bhim Chand and Guru Govind Singh.
              Invitation to Guru Govind Singh by the Sirmaur King Medni Prakash
               Sirmaur king was always anxious to insult and harm Garhwal King. The daughter of Garhwal King was engaged with son of Kehlur King Bhim Singh. By this new relation, the strength and honor of Garhwal Kingdom enhanced with speed.
       Sirmaur ruler Medni Prakash (Mat Prakash) invited Guru Govind Singh for creating cordial relation with Guru Govind Singh.
   Guru Govind Singh came to Sirmaur. One day, Mat Prakash took Guru Govind Singh for hunting at Paonta. Mat Prakash told to Guru Govind Singh that Fateh Shah had attacked on Paonta many times and Mat Prakash suggested Guru Govind Singh to construct a Fort in Paonta. Guru Govind Singh started constructing fort at Paonta (Ponta). Guru Govind Singh started appointing soldiers from all communities including Muslim in Paonta (Ponta).
          Fort Construction in Paonta by Guru Govind Singh
   Guru Govind Singh started constructing Fort at Paonta. He increased his armed force there.
              Guru Ram Rai Meeting with Guru Govind Singh

  Historian Chhabda informed in his book Advanced History of the Punjab that Guru Ram Rai had some apprehension about Guru Govind Singh staying in Paonta. Through a conman friend both Guru met somewhere either in Sirmaur or in Dehradun. Both created cordial relation.

                                Fate Shah in Paonta

            The residence of Guru Govind Singh was just opposite of south west Garhwal boundary Garhwal at Yamuna Cross. Taking advice from Guru Ram Rai, Garhwal King Fateh Shah reached to Paonta for meeting Guru Govind Singh. Guru Govind Singh welcomed Fate Shah. Guru Govind Singh filled the gap between Garhwal King and Sirmaur King Mat Prakash (Medni Prakash). The relations between both the Kings became normal.

                      Marriage of Daughter of Fateh Shah

    Fate Shah’s daughter was engaged with son of Kehlur King Bhim Chand. Fate Shah sent invitation to Guru Govind Singh for attending his daughter marriage. Since, Kehlur King did not have cordial relation with Guru Govind Singh, he did not visit Shrinagar. He sent his representative to Shrinagar with gifts for bride.
            It is said that when Bhim Chand was taking his son marriage procession to Shri Nagar he had more soldiers than the customs. It was necessary to cross Yamuna at Paonta Port. Guru Govind Singh allowed the bride and a couple of servants to cross Yamuna from Paonta but denied soldiers of Bhim Chand to cross Yamuna. Bhim Chand was annoyed by this behavior from Guru Govind Singh.
             Garhwal King Non Accepting Gifts from Guru Govind Singh 
  Sikh writers wrote exaggerated accounts that in Shrinagar, as per advice of Bhim Chand, Garhwal King did not accept gifts of Guru Govind Singh from his representative Nand Chand. Nand Chand and his Khalsa soldiers disturbed the marriage process and killed many soldiers of Garhwal and Kehlur. However, Guru Govind Singh did not mention any thing about this event in his Vichitra Natak. Guru Govind Singh commented about Bhangani war as ‘Fate Shah kopa tabi raja. Loh para ham saun binu kaja’.

                    Bhangani Battle

          The Sikh devotees wrote about Bhangani battle with extreme exaggeration. The hills kings who attended the marriage of son of Kehlur King Bhim Chand decided to teach lesion to Guru Govind Singh.  Guru Govind Sing came to Bhangani six miles away from Paonta with his army. Kripal Chand Katoch  Gul King Gopal, Haldur King Harichand King of Jaswal were with Kehlur King for warring with Guru Govind Singh including fate Shah. There is description of Bhangani battle in ‘Vichitra Natak’ by Guru Govind Singh. The battle ran for three days and all the kings including Fate Shah were killed. It is written that eight queens of Fate Shah became Sati and Satimath are there in Bhangani. This information is wrong as Fate Shah lived for longer than Bhangani battle. Surprisingly, Guru Govind Singh did not mention the name of Bhim Chand anywhere in ‘Vichitra Natak’.
             Guru Govind Singh wrote about fate Shah and not about Bhim Chand. Fate Shah was defeated nad he escaped to Shrinagar.
           Results of Bhangani Battle- No doubt, Fate Shah and his associates lost battle and army but Guru Govind Singh also lost soldiers and many his armed forces left Guru Govind Singh. Guru Govind Singh got many captured properties. Sikh writers wrote that Guru Govind Singh and soldiers were pleased by the win and they wanted to attack on Shrinagar. However, the reality is just opposite. Guru Govind Singh had to leave Paonta in hurry and he settled Anandpur. That shows that the result of Bhangani battle was not favorable for Guru Govind Singh.
                  Time of Bhangani Battle
          It is said that Guru Govind Singh was twenty years old at the time of Bhangani battle. That means Bhangani battle happened in 1689.

             Looting of Doon Region
  Sikh writers wrote that Husain a servant of Mughal Commander Dilawar Khan attacked on Doon and looted Dehradun.Hasan was sent to suppress Guru Govind Singh in Anandpur. Hasan also looted Himachal regions.

                Khalsa as Cruel as Muslim Looters

  Guru Govind Singh was increasing his position by appointing Khalsas. However, Khalsa were acting same as Muslim looter. Khalsa used to loot villagers of hills of Kehlur and other Kingdoms of Himachal Pradesh for food and other articles.

                 Battles of Himachal Hill Kings with Guru Govind Singh
  Initially Sirmaur King Mat Prakash or Medni Prakash was devotee of Guru Govind Singh. However, at later stage Mat Prakash was afraid of increase of Power of Guru Govind Singh.
First Battle of Anandpur- The combined armies of Himachal Kings as Sirmaur King Mat Prakash, Kehlur King Bhim Chand, Jaswal King Veer Singh fought with the army of Guru Govind Singh at Anandpur. Guru Govind Singh army defeated armies of Himachal Kings.
Second Battle of Anandpur- Bhim Chand again called all Himachal Kings now including Kings of Mandi, Kullu, Kaithal, Nurpur, Katoch, Jammu , Busher, Dhadwal and Shrinagar Garhwal to attack on Guru Govind Singh. This time Gujjar and Raghad people were also with Himachal Kings. Himachal King surrounded Anandpur and stopped food and water supply for Anandpur fort. Guru Govind Singh ran to Nirmoh.
Battle of Nirmoh- Muslim army led by Vajir Khan also reached to help Hill Kings. There is no mention of Garhwal King in the record of Nirmoh battle. There was fierce battle for one day. The armed forces of Hill Kings was far more than Guru Govind Singh. Guru Govind Singh had to take shelter in Basali Kingdom.
Sikh writers mentioned that there were battles in Basali and Chamkaur between forces of Guru Govind Singh and Hill Kings of Himachal.
Fifth Battle of Nandpur-
The Mughal Empire army led by Vajir Khan along with armies of Sirmaur, Kehlur, Kangda, Jaswal, Mandi, Kullu, Nalagarh, Kaithal (Kyonthal), Nurpur, Chamba, Jammu, Busher, Dhadwal, Darauli, Bijarwal and Shri Nagar Garhwal attacked on Guru Govind Singh at Anandpur. The above armies surrounded Anandpur for seven months. At last, Guru Govind Singh left Anandpur with his mother, wives, and four sons. Guru Govind Singh had to shift from Anandpur to Sarsa.
There is no history records when Garhwal Army returned from Anandpur.

Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti Mumbai, India, 13/8/2014
History of Garhwal – Kumaon-Haridwar (Uttarakhand, India) to be continued… Part -403
(The History of Garhwal, Kumaon, Haridwar write up is aimed for general readers)
History of Garhwal from 1223-1804 to be continued in next chapter ….
Notes on South Asian Medieval History of Garhwal;  SouthAsian Medieval History of Pauri Garhwal;  Medieval History of Chamoli Garhwal;  South Asian Medieval History of Rudraprayag Garhwal;  South Asian Medieval History of Tehri Garhwal;  Medieval History of Uttarkashi Garhwal;  South Asian Medieval History of Dehradun, Garhwal;  Medieval History of Haridwar ;  South Asian Medieval History of Manglaur, Haridwar;  South Asian Medieval History of Rurkee Haridwar ;  South Asian Medieval History of Bahadarpur Haridwar ; South Asian History of Haridwar district to be continued
History of Garhwal King Fateh Shah and his relation with Sikh Guru Govind Singh; History of Garhwal King Fateh Shah and his relation with Sikh Guru Govind Singh in context History of Himachal; History of Garhwal King Fateh Shah and his relation with Sikh Guru Govind Singh in context History of Pauri Garhwal; History of Garhwal King Fateh Shah and his relation with Sikh Guru Govind Singh in context History of Chamoli Garhwal; History of Garhwal King Fateh Shah and his relation with Sikh Guru Govind Singh in context History of Rudraprayag Garhwal; History of Garhwal King Fateh Shah and his relation with Sikh Guru Govind Singh in context History of Tehri Garhwal; History of Garhwal King Fateh Shah and his relation with Sikh Guru Govind Singh in context History of Uttarkashi Garhwal; History of Garhwal King Fateh Shah and his relation with Sikh Guru Govind Singh in context History of Dehradun Garhwal; History of Garhwal King Fateh Shah and his relation with Sikh Guru Govind Singh in context History of Haridwar Garhwal; History of Garhwal King Fateh Shah and his relation with Sikh Guru Govind Singh in context History of Sirmaur Himachal;     

Bhishma Kukreti

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            History of Garhwal King Fateh Shah –part 4
History of Garhwal including Haridwar (1223- 1804 AD) –part -156     

   History of Uttarakhand (Garhwal, Kumaon and Haridwar) -403
                       By: Bhishma Kukreti (A History Research Student)
                  Fateh Shah Attacking on Saharanpur
       According to Muslim writers (Williams –Memoir of Dehradun), Fate Shah attacked on Saharanpur a region of Mughal Empire. Mughal regional commanders were habitual of looting territories of Garhwal or Himachal. A Pundir was commander of Mughal region of Saharanpur. His name was said to be Jagat Singh. He was stationed at border of Saharanpur and Garhwal Shivalik Hills.
Perhaps his soldiers used to loot Dehradun region regularly. Fate Shah attacked on Jagat Singh in Saharanpur. Fate Singh army pushed back Jagat Singh. Jagat Singh ran away towards Delhi.
 Fate Shah remained camped in Saharanpur. A Sayyed commander pushed back fate Shah army towards Dehradun.
                  Managing Dehradun
      Fate Shah dealt Sirmaur and Saharanpur commanders very well. Guru Govind Singh was involved with various battles and Khalsa did not get opportunity to loot in Dehradun. 
The Gujjar and other Rajput families were established in Dehradun.
 The farm produces were increased. There was increase in irrigated land in Dehradun due to canal construction. Guru Ram Rai Darbar also increase agriculture produces of its villages. The numbers of villages and population increase in fate Shah Period.
              Relationship with Daba King, Tibet

    Daba King stop sending tribute to Garhwal Kingdom. Garhwal King Fate Shah attacked on Daba Kingdom though Neeti border. Fate Shah defeated Daba Kingdom and collected tribute from Daba King.
           Non Cordial Relation with Kumaon King

 The Contemporary of Fate Shah was Kumaon King Udyotchand (1678-1698). Fate Shah was busy battling with Gur Govind Singh and Sirmaur King. Kumaon King was busy with battling Doti Kingdom (now Nepal). 
 According to Pande, a woman friend of Garhwal king in Kumaon King palace informed Garhwal King about last stage of Kumaon King Udyot Chand (1998). She advised Garhwal King to attack on Kumaon Kingdom. Garhwal King Fate Shah attacked on Kumaon. With difficulty Kumaon army pushed back Garhwal army by any means.
 Twelve Years wars between Garhwal and Kumaon- After the death of Kumaon King Udyot Chand, his son Gyan Chand ascended on crown in 1698. In past, new Chand king used to attack on Doti or Katyurs as symbol of Chand King Crowning. However, in 1699, Gyan Chand attacked on Garhwal and won up to Gharali of Pindar valley. According to Pande, Gyan Chand army looted Badhan region too and Gyan Chand looted temples too. Gyan Chand brought Gold sculpture of Nanda Devi and established it in temple at Almora in 1700.
 Next year in 1700, Gyan Chand attacked on Malla Salan of present south east Pauri Garhwal and looted Sabli, Khatli and Saindhar region of Malla Salan.
In 1701, Garhwal King attacked Pali region of Kumaon and destroyed and looted Ginvad, Chakaut there. 
 For next decade, there were attacks and counter attacks between Garhwal and Kumaon Kingdoms. The farmers of bordering region left the region. Farming was in standstill position for that period.
   In 1703, Kumaon King Gyan Chand attacked Dudhauli regin via Mehalchauri and captured Dudhauli. Garhwal army was defeated. Kumaon King looted Dudhauli region.
 In 1707, again Kumaon King attacked on Garhwal region of Juniyar Garh, Bichhla Chaukot. Kumaon army captured Juniyar Garh. Kumaon army reached up to Chandpur via Panduvakhal and Divali Khal. Kumaon army destroyed Chand Pur Garh.
                 Kumaon King Capturing Shrinagar and Donating

 Gyan Chand expired in 1708. His son Jagat Chand ascended on the Kumaon Kingdom crown. Jagat Chand also initiated attacking Garhwal campaign after his crowning. He looted Lohaba region and put his army in Lohab Garh of Garhwal.
 In 1709, Kumaon King sent his two battalions for looting Garhwal. One battalion marched from Badhan region and other through Lohaba. Both battalions met at Simli near by the confluence of Pindar and Alaknanda Rivers. From Simly, Kumaon army marched towards Shrinagar via Alaknanda bank. Kumaon army reached to Shrinagar.
  Kumaon army defeated Garhwal army and Garhwal King Fate Shah ran to Dehradun for arranging sufficient army for tackling Kumaon army. Gyan Chand captured Shrinagar the capital of Garhwal. However, it was not possible for Gyan Chand to have rule over Shrinagar for long. Tactfully, Gyan Chand donated Shrinagar to a Brahmin. Gyan Chand donated looted materials to his soldiers and beggars. It is said that Kumaon King sent some precious materials to Delhi -Mughal Emperor Muhammad Badshah.
  Manik Gainda Bisht from Garhwal supported Kumaon King in Garhwal winning campaign. Manik Gainda Bisht shifted to Almora and got prestigious position in Kumaon court.

      Donation of Garsar village to Badrinath Temple by Garhwal King
   Fate Shah retirned to Shrinagr immediately. He recaptured his lost territory. In 1710, Garhwal King attacked on Kumaon through Badhan. Garhwal King captured a region near Vaijnath Katyur of Kumaon. He donated a village Garsar to Badrinath temple and put it in order and that inscription was shown to British Regime too in later stage as witness. Garhwal King put order that neither Garhwal army nor Kumaon army should attack on Garsar village as the village was the property of Badrinath temple.

                        Arrival of Banda Bahadur of Sikh Panth
  After the death of Aurangzeb at Ahmadnagar Maharashtra, there was war among his sons. His two sons and three grandsons were killed for the crown. His son Muajjam Bahadur Shah ascended on Mughal crown in 1707.
 Guru Govind Singh was in south. Before his death Guru Govind Singh declared that Banda Bahadur (Lachaman Das ) would protect Hindus. Banda Bahadur came to Punjab. Hindus and Sikh got attached to Banda Bahadur in numbers. In 1710,He defeated and killed Sonipat commander of Mughal Empire. Muslim became afraid of suppressive methods of Banda Bahadur.

                    Attack on Banda Bahadur from Mughal Army

           Khalsas under Banda Bahadur started looting from Lahore to Saharanpur. Getting information about looting and repression by Banda Bahadur and his soldiers, Mughal Emperor ordered the regional heads of Awadh, Allahabad, Moradabad and Delhi to suppress the looting of Banda Bahadur. Mughal Emperor also marched to restrain and curb the power of Banda Bahadur. Mughal Army defeated Sikh soldiers at many places. Mughal Army destroyed the military power of Sikhs in Sadhora, Mukhlispur and Dabar.  Banda Bahadur was at Fort of Loh Garh. On 10th December, 1710, Bajir Munim Khan attacked on Lohgarh. Mughal Emperor was also camping near Loh Garh.
                           Escape by Banda Bahadur
   Mughal Army attacked on Milatry camps of Banda Bahadur. Mughal Army was successful in destroying the Khalsa camps. Banda Bahadur escaped from Loh Garh. Munim Khan was under wrong impression that Banda Bahadur would be captured shortly. Munim Khan informed the knowledge of surrounding of Banda Bahadur.  Muslim soldiers dug the fort of Loh Garh. Muslim Bajir got rupees twenty lakhs and gold coins from the underground of Fort.
    When Munim and Mughal Emperor came to know about escape of Banda Bahadur, Mughal Emperor became angry. He ordered Munim Khan to capture Banda Bahadur at any cost. Munir Khan went after Banda Bahadur. After some time, Munim Khan died.

            Putting Sirmaur King Bhupprakash into Iron Cage

  Mughal spies informed Mughal Emperor that Banda Bahadur escaped either to Sirmaur or Garhwal. Mughal Emperor ordered (farman) on 13th December 1710 to Kings of Sirmaur and Garhwal to capture and hand over Guru (Banda Bahadur) to Mughal Emperor.
  It was sure that Banda escaped via Sirmaur territory. Mughal Emperor accused Sirmaur King for the escape of Banda Bahadur. Mughal Emperor sent Hamid Khan to catch Sirmaur King. Hamid Khan and his party captured Bhupprakash the son of Sirmaur King Hari Prakash. Mother of Bhupprakash sent thirty confidents with Bupprakash. Mughal army killed those confidents of Sirmaur.
 Mughal Emperor made an Iron cage for Banda Bahadur. Mughal Emperor put Bhupprakash into that cage. Bupprakash was sent to Salimgarh prison. Bhupprakash was freed in disturbing days of Mughal Emperor Jahandar Shah.
                   Fate Shah Offering Gifts to Mughal Emperor
            Knowing the consequences of Sirmaur Prince Bhupprakash, Garhwal King Fate Shah was disturbed. Shrinagar was far away from Mughal border and it was not easily possible to win Garhwal for Mughal. Fate Shah understood the sensitivity and he sent his representative with gift to Mughal Emperor. Garhwal representative attended Mughal court on 8th March 1711 and satisfied the confusion of Mughal Emperor.

                           Acts of Puriya Naithani
  According to folklore, Puriya Naithani was a diplomat in Garhwal court who represented Mughal Court many times. Puriya (Puran Mal Naithani from Naithana, Manyarsyun, Salan) Naithani was wise, clever in using diplomatic strategy. Most probably, Fate Shah sent Puriya Naithani to Mughal Emperor Court in Delhi.
 It is said that Puriya Naithani advised Fate Shah to go towards Dehradun at the time of Jagat Chand march towards Shrinagar.
 Puria Naithani looked after Pradip Shah the orphan son of Fate Shah.
            Honor of Poets by Fate Shah
  Fate Shah was found of poetry and arts. He used to donate gifts to poets and artists.
                             Arrival of Poet Bhushan
   According to Hindi literature historians Ram Chandra Shukla and Mishra brothers, Poet Bhushan (1613-1715) was great Braj poet. Bhushan mentioned Shrinagar King in his Shivrajbhushan and wrote poetries in appreciation of Shrinagar Garhwar Rajya King.It means Poet Bhushan visited Garhwal.
                Arrival of   Matiram Poet
          Poet Mati Ram took shelter in Garhwal Kingdom. Poet Matiram mentioned and appreciated Garhwal King Fate Shah in his Vritkaumudi (creating time 1715). Matiram visited Garhwal. Matiram dedicated his poetry collection to Mangatram (father of Maularam). Mangatram and Maulram created many drawings on the basis of poetries by Matiram.

It is also said that Matiram also visited Kumaon King Gyan Chand.

                  Arrival of Ratan Kavi or Kshemraj Kavi

 Ratan Kavi or Kshemraj created a poetry collection Fateprakash. Ratan Kavi dedicated Fateprakash to Garhwal King Fate Shah. Ratan Kavi wrote appreciating verses for Garhwal King Fate Shah, Shrinagar, and Badrinath etc.
 No record is available about birth place, birth time of Ratan Kavi. It is sure that he spent his last days in Shrinagar and died in Shrinagar region.

             Arrival of Sanskrit Scholar Jagnnath Mishra

   It is said that a Sanskrit Scholar Jagannath Mishra from Mithala visited Fate Shah Court in Shrinagar and he created astrology books. Now, those books are with Saint Petersburg Library.

        Nine Gems (Scholars) of Fate Shah Court
             There were nine scholars in Shrinagar Court of Fate Shah.
1-Sursha Nand Barthwal
2-Rewat Ram Dhashmana
3-Rudridatt Kimothi
4-Haridatt Nautiyal
5-Basvanand Bahuguna
6-Shasi Dhar Dangwal
7-Sahdev Chandola
8- Kirti Ram Kainthola
9- Hari datt Thapliyal
  There were many astrologers in Fate Shah Court-as Jata Shankar, Nilkanth and Sukhdev Mishra.
 Jata Dhar Mishra created an astrology book Fate Shahprakash karan. The manuscript is in Bhandarkar Institute Pune.
The court poet Ram Chandra Kandiyal created a Sanskrit book Fateshahyashovarnan (1685). The book deals with appreciation of Fate Shah.
                                     Encouraging Artists

           Fate Shah used to encourage and offer shelters to Artists. The confidents who came with Suleiman Shikoh Shyam Das and his son Keharidas were Artsts and lived in Garhwal after Suleiman was dispatched to Delhi. Mangat Ram the grandson of Shyam Das was eminent artists (drawing).  Garhwal King either Medni Shah or fate Shah created a new post Tasvirdar in Court. The successors (families) of Mangatram were Tasvirdar in coming Garhwal Kings court too.  Mangat Ram was court artesian of Fate Shah. Mangat Ram portrayed Personal drawings of Fate Shah too.  There are four portraits of Fate Shah available so far . One small portrait was available in personal collection of Vishwmbar Datt Chandola. One portrait is available with Shoor Beer Singh Panwar collection. Two portraits of Fate Shah are available with Revenues officer Girjakishor Joshi Bareli.
                 Love for Music by Fate Shah
  Garhwal King Fate Shah was a music lovers and he used to offer shelters to musicians. Fate Shah was famous as Pritam Shah among musicians.

                 Silver Coins of Fate Shah

   Historians have mentioned a silver coin of Fate Shah.  The coin is Octeangular. There is no figure of Fate Shah. On both the sides, the script is Dev Nagari Sanskrit.
Front side- Medanishah suno Shrifateshahavanipat -1757
                 Badarinathkripaya Mudrajaytirajte 1757
  Fate Shah was well versed with Sanskrit language and had Sanskrit scholars. When other rulers were copying Mughal culture of coin making, he opted Gupt period for making coins.
                                    Characteristics of Fate Shah

                Fate Shah was brave, enthusiastic, courageous, and was engaged in struggle to save his Kingdom. He had to take part in conflicts with neighboring countries including Mughal Empire and Mughal regional commanders. He spent his most of the time in battle camps. He reached most of parts of his kingdom including remote regions.
  His main mot had been to protect border villages from looters of neighboring countries. Doon region prospered in his rule in terms of villages, townships and population. He was able to have peace in Dehradun region though it was far away from capital.
  Ratan Kavi titled him Hindu protector. He mentioned that he was a proper judge in punishing culprits.
 Sukhdev Mishra titled Fate Shah as great battle strategist.
  Definitely, Fate Shah spent revenue got from taxes to scholars. His main expenditure was for army and battles.
There is no mention of social works took by Fate Shah. However, Garhwal people were not poorer than Kumaon and Himachal.
  Till the time of Medni Shah, there was no mention that Shah or Pal Kings were from Chandra Vans but first time poets as Jata Dhar Misra mentioned Fate Shah as Chandra Vanshi crown.
Poets as Bhushan, Matiram, Ratan Kavi, Ram Chandra Kandiyal did not mention him as Panwar King.

Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti Mumbai, India, 15/8/2014
History of Garhwal – Kumaon-Haridwar (Uttarakhand, India) to be continued… Part -404
(The History of Garhwal, Kumaon, Haridwar write up is aimed for general readers)
History of Garhwal from 1223-1804 to be continued in next chapter ….
Notes on South Asian Medieval History of Garhwal;  SouthAsian Medieval History of Pauri Garhwal;  Medieval History of Chamoli Garhwal;  South Asian Medieval History of Rudraprayag Garhwal;  South Asian Medieval History of Tehri Garhwal;  Medieval History of Uttarkashi Garhwal;  South Asian Medieval History of Dehradun, Garhwal;  Medieval History of Haridwar ;  South Asian Medieval History of Manglaur, Haridwar;  South Asian Medieval History of Rurkee Haridwar ;  South Asian Medieval History of Bahadarpur Haridwar ; South Asian History of Haridwar district to be continued

Bhishma Kukreti

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                 History Review of Garhwal King Upendra Shah

History of Garhwal including Haridwar (1223- 1804 AD) –part -157     

   History of Uttarakhand (Garhwal, Kumaon and Haridwar) -404
                       By: Bhishma Kukreti (A History Research Student)

          Upendra Shah is mentioned as successor of Garhwal King Fate Shah in the list of Maularam, Becket, Williams and Almora.
 The traveler Revar (1808) also mentioned Upendra Shah as Garhwal King. Hardwick did not mention Upendra shah as successor of Fate Shah.
  According Walton, after death of Fate Shah (1717), his son Dilip Shah ascended on the crown. However, Dilip Shah died within a couple of months. Upendra Shah got Kingdom after death of Dilip Shah. However, Upendra Shah lived only for nine –ten months after crowning. According to Bhakta Darshan, when Dilip Shah died he did not have any prince but his wife was pregnant. Puriya Naithani advised that till the successor becomes mature, Upendra Shah the younger brother of Dilip Shah should ascend on crown. 
  Maularam mentions that Dilip Shah was younger to Upendra Shah. Sons of Upendra Shah did die at early age. Pradip Shah the son of Dilip Shah ascended on crown after the death of Upendra Shah.
  The ruling period of Upendra shah has disagreement among historians. The different  ruling period of Upendra shah is as under  –
Becket – 1708-1709
Walton – 1717
Raturi – 1748-49
Walton is more right than others.
  Less is written about Upendra shah barring Maularam who describes him as able administrator, capable judge, religious, donor to scholars and Pundits.

Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti Mumbai, India, 15/8/2014
History of Garhwal – Kumaon-Haridwar (Uttarakhand, India) to be continued… Part -405
(The History of Garhwal, Kumaon, Haridwar write up is aimed for general readers)
History of Garhwal from 1223-1804 to be continued in next chapter ….
Notes on South Asian Medieval History of Garhwal;  SouthAsian Medieval History of Pauri Garhwal;  Medieval History of Chamoli Garhwal;  South Asian Medieval History of Rudraprayag Garhwal;  South Asian Medieval History of Tehri Garhwal;  Medieval History of Uttarkashi Garhwal;  South Asian Medieval History of Dehradun, Garhwal;  Medieval History of Haridwar ;  South Asian Medieval History of Manglaur, Haridwar;  South Asian Medieval History of Rurkee Haridwar ;  South Asian Medieval History of Bahadarpur Haridwar ; South Asian History of Haridwar district to be continued

Bhishma Kukreti

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 History of Katochgardi or Atrocity of Katoch in Garhwal King Pradip Shah period

History of Garhwal including Haridwar (1223- 1804 AD) –part -158     

   History of Uttarakhand (Garhwal, Kumaon and Haridwar) -405
                       By: Bhishma Kukreti (A History Research Student)

                          Names of Pradip Shah

   Hardwick mentions Pratitshah for Pradip Shah in his Garhwal King list. Reper was told Pratapshahi as Garhwal King. Maularam mentioned him as Pradip Shah. In other lists of Garhwal Kings, his name is Pradiptshah. In Ramayanpradip, Medhakar Bahuguna Shastri mentions him as Pradip Shah. In the copper inscription of Kumaon King Deepchand for Shiv Datt Joshi, the name of this king is written Pratipshahi.
        Source of Information about Pradip Shah

    There are copper inscriptions of Pradip Shah available. Those copper inscriptions are from 1717- 1772
The temple inscriptions are –
Jileshwar Mandir, Jilasu  - 1725
Kapilmuni Mandir , Shrinagar- 1734
Murlimanohar Mandir , Chandrapuri – 1745
The Rohila history books put light on Pradip Shah. Rohila attacked Garhwal and captured land too.
   Maularam was a court poet of Garhwal Kingdom. Maularam was 29 years old in 1717. He described Shrinagar Court events in details in the time of Pradip Shah and Gorkha Attack.Maularam did not mention about Rohila attacks in his Garhrajvanshkavya.
                         Ruling Period of Pradip Shah
 Hardwick – 1706-1741
Becket – 1709-1772
Raturi-   1750-1780
Walton – 1718-1772
The inscriptions suggest that the suggestion of Walton is more appropriate about ruling period of Pradip Shah.
                      Age of Pradip Shah at ascending on Crown
 Raturi suggests that the age of Pradip Shah was 33 at the time of crowning.
Reper suggests that Pradip Shah was child at the time of ascending on crown.
Maularam wrote that Pradip Shah was five years old at the time of crowning.
                                   Major Events
1-Queen Rule- Since Pradip Shah was child at the time of crowning his mother ruled Garhwal on his behalf.
2-King in his youth
3-Rohila rule in Bhabhar and Dehradun
                        Queen Rule
        Since, Pradip Shah was minor at the time of crowning; his mother started looking after court works. Maularam named this era as ‘Rani Raj’- राणी -राज भयो गढ़माही।  मंत्री नूतन चक्री चलाईं  (गढ़राजवंशकाव्य , पर्ण 21 ब ).
                Groups in Garhwal Court

    There were groups in Garhwal Kingdom court in every regime. At the time of Fate Shah and Pradip Shah, there were two major groups –Rajput Dal and Khasiya Dal and other smaller and effective groups. There was internal infighting among different groups for power.
                                       Rajput Group
  These Rajput were outsiders and came by many means into Garhwal. Many Rajput families came to take shelters due to defeats from Muslim attackers in Indian plains. Garhwal Kingdom used to appoint Rajputs of Indian plains to balance the power of Khas (old and original inhabitants of Garhwal) soldiers.  Garhwal Kings used to offer those Rajput soldiers and commanders land to stay in Garhwal.
    The army chief of Pradip Shah was Narpat Singh Guleriya who was from Guler, Kangda. There were soldiers and commanders from migrated Himachal region in Garhwal Army.
 Kathait, Katoch, Khunti Negi, Jambal Negi , Sipahi Negi , Bgdwal Bisht, Nakoti and Minya Rajput castes are said to be migrated from Himachal Pradesh into Garhwal .
 The Rajput from outside used to take Khas Rajput as inferior castes. The King family and outside Rajputs used to have girl from Khas Rajput for their son’s marriages but never marry their daughters with Khas boys.  The Garhwal King family used to pay more importance and honor to their wives from Himachal than Khas wives.
 The Himchal queens used to shelter men from Himachal and used to appoint them in important posts of Garhwal court. Those outside court officers used to take part in various conspiracies.
                          Khasiya Group
 The Khasiya group used to be original Brahmins, Rajput and Schudule Casts of Garhwal. Outsider Rajput and Brahmins used to treat those Khasiya as inferior. However, Khasiya groups in Garhwal had more numbers with them, had supports from common people and had their own army. Therefore, Garhwal Kings had to appoint them officers in Garhwal court.
 Garhwali Kings used to balance both the power centers effectively. However, the queen could not balance the two power centers. The completion among Rajput and Khasiya groups reached on peak and both the group were eager to catch the central power. Khasiya Dal and Rajput Dal started conspiracy against each other. They used to complain to the queen about each other.

              Five Katoch Brothers and Katochgardi

 Harak Singh Katoch came from Kangda, Himachal Pradesh to Shrinagar at the time of Medni Shah. Harak Singh Katoch got important position in Garhwal court. Due to his wise character and hard work he was promoted many times. He was given Land lordship. 
  Harak Singh had five sons –Bhagwat Singh, Alam Singh, Mahipat Singh, Dayal Singh, and Kalam Singh. They all were at high and influential position in Garhwal Court. The queen was also Katoch from Kangda and she had more confidence on Katoch officers than other caste officers. That queen’s behaviours made Kathoch brothers atrocities and authoritative.
    Five Katoch Brother levied many unheard taxes on subjects. The subject and Khas group were annoyed with Katoch Brothers. There were many Himachali commanders in Garhwal army. Katoch brothers convinced the queen that Garhwali Khasiya group is dangerous to Garhwal Kingdom. Therefore, queen had created distance from officers of original Garhwal castes. The fight between Khasiya group and Katoch or Himachal group was sure. However, Kumaon attack on Garhwal delayed the infighting. 

                      Kumaon Attacking on Garhwal

              Devi Chand ascended on Kumaon crown after death of his father king Jagat Chand in 1720. Devi Chand was aware about minor king, queen as guardian and groups among court officer of Garhwal Kingdom.
   In 1723, Devi Chand attacked on Garhwal and reached to Badhan. His army looted Garhwal territories.  Garhwal Kingdom army and officers kept aside their infighting and tried to push back Kumaon army from Badhan. Garhwal army pushed back Kumaon army to Katyur region. However, Kumaon army defeated Garhwal army at  Ranchula Fort.
   Kumaon army was in enthusiastic mood by the win. Devichand took a vow that he would take back Shrinagar that was donated to a Brahmin by his father Jagat Chand. Kumaoni Army followed Garhwal Army. In Ganai, the reserve force of Garhwal also reached and in a battle of Ganai, Garhwal Army defeated Kumaon Army.
  Garhwali Army pushed back Kumaon Army into Kumaon territory.
Though, Pande stated that Devi Chand captured Shrinagar but there is no logic in that statement.

           Drama by Kumaon King for Winning Shrinagar
    Devi Chand is called Muhammad Tughlak of Kumaon. When Kumaon Army could not win over Garhwal, Devi Chand created a false winning drama on a hill of Havalbag. He decorated the hill and celebrated the winning of Garhwal Kingdom. The Kumaon King named the place as Fatehpur (place of Win).
             Alignment of Devi Chand with Rohila Commander Daud Khan

  Devi Chand had an alignment with Mughal Empire rebellion Daud Khan. Daud Khan and Kumaon Army attacked on Mughal Army in south plains of Kumaon. Mughal commanders of Muradabad and Sambhal came with huge army and had battle at Rudrapur. Mughal army defeated aligned armies of Devi Chand  and Daud Khan.

             Garhwal and Doti Armies Attacking on Kumaon Kingdom
  Being aware about Mughal army defeating Devi Chand Army, Doti King from east of Kumaon and Garhwal King from west of Kumaon attacked on Kumaon around 1726. Devi Chand went for a treaty with Doti king and he sent his army towards Chandpur and Lohaba of Garhwal. Devi Chand was engaged in lust with women dancers in Devipur Vilasbhavan (Entertaining palace) in Kotdun. Puran mal Gainda Bisht killed Devi Chand with deceptive methods.  In past, Puran Gainda Bisht deceived Garhwal and helped Kumaon King against Garhwal Kingdom.

             Atrocities of Katoch Brothers

   Katoch commanders and commanders migrated from Himachal showed bravery in Kumaon attack.  The queen was pleased with Katoch brothers and paid more attention to Katoch advises. Five Katoch brothers got more and more power in Garhwal court. On the whole, they were ruling Garhwal kingdom.
 Five Katoch (Panchbahya Katoch) levied more types of taxes on people and following taxes were painful to the subject.
1-Syundi Suppa- Every married woman had to pay Kingdom tax of grains full of Suppa or winnowing basket.
2-Chulha Kar- Every family had to pay another tax.
3-Vitta Kar- Tax on income
Most of people everywhere were unhappy by new taxes. The Kingdom officers were cruel on collecting taxes too. Katoch brother created other atrocities too.
         . Khas group was displeased from Katoch brothers taking all the power in their hands.
 Ministers as Shankar Dobhal and Puriya Naithnai and many Sayana (local leaders) from many places met secretly in Shrinagar. They and Khas groups took a vow to kill Katoch brothers. The Khas commanders and other Sayana surrounded the house of Katoch brothers. Katoch Brother ran away from their houses. Khas commanders ran after Katoch brothers. Khas commanders caught Katoch at Bhattisera 10-12 miles away from Shrinagar. Khas or Prajadal group killed brutally Katoch brother there.  There is a terrace mad in memory of Katoch brothers in Bhattisea. The terrace is called Katochon ka Manda. The terrace is made of 6’x6 plain five stones as Ling.
   Khasiya group was not satisfied by death of Katoch brothers. They killed other Rajput officers. Many Rajput commanders ran away from Shrinagar. Dr. Dabral calculated the year of Killing of Katoch and Rajput officers in 1726.

Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti Mumbai, India, 17/8/2014
History of Garhwal – Kumaon-Haridwar (Uttarakhand, India) to be continued… Part -406
(The History of Garhwal, Kumaon, Haridwar write up is aimed for general readers)
History of Garhwal from 1223-1804 to be continued in next chapter ….
Notes on South Asian Medieval History of Garhwal;  SouthAsian Medieval History of Pauri Garhwal;  Medieval History of Chamoli Garhwal;  South Asian Medieval History of Rudraprayag Garhwal;  South Asian Medieval History of Tehri Garhwal;  Medieval History of Uttarkashi Garhwal;  South Asian Medieval History of Dehradun, Garhwal;  Medieval History of Haridwar ;  South Asian Medieval History of Manglaur, Haridwar;  South Asian Medieval History of Rurkee Haridwar ;  South Asian Medieval History of Bahadarpur Haridwar ; South Asian History of Haridwar district to be continued

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History of Kathaitgardi (Repression of Kathait) in Garhwal King Pradip Shah Period

History of Garhwal including Haridwar (1223- 1804 AD) –part -159     

   History of Uttarakhand (Garhwal, Kumaon and Haridwar) -406
                       By: Bhishma Kukreti (A History Research Student)

                    Regrouping in Garhwal Kingdom
  After the death of Five Katoch brothers, Khas group became powerful and their repression was also cruel and unbearable for subject. Khas group split   into major two groups. Minister Gaje Singh Bhandari and Minister Sankar Dobhal were leading the first group and influential ministers as Bhagu Saunthiyal, Puriya Naithani were supporting this group. Kathit brothers were leading another group. Kandari Gusain the maternal uncle of Kathit brothers, Bhim Singh Bartwal the brother in law of Kathait were supporting Kathait group. Bartwal was on top post in the court.
 Kathait brothers got more influence and they started putting their own men on top posts of court. Kathait brothers proved more oppressive than Katoch brothers. This oppression is still famous as proverb in Garhwal as Kathaitgardi.
 One brother Sadarsingh Kathit from Kathit brothers was Thokdar or commander of Raingarh (Rawain). He used to collect tax from subject but used to deposit the least in the treasury. His son Khadag Singh Kathait was also culprit in collecting taxes but did not deposit the same in treasury. Khadag Singh was in charge of Mundkar (head tax). Mundkar was levied on those people who did not shave after death of their kin (Swar).  Due to malpractice in tax collection Kathait became powerful in terms of money and supporters.
 Kathits started planning to eliminate ministers and prince from Garhwal Kingdom. Their intension was to become King. One evening when Minister Shankar Dobhal was busy in rituals Kathait killed him there at his house. Khadag Singh Kathait killed Minister Gaje Singh Bhandari while he was taking Dip into Ganga River. The queen appointed Madan Singh Bhandari as minister in place of Gaje Singh Bhandari.  Kathait also killed Bhagu Saunthiyal. Kathait brothers surrounded Puriya Naithani but wise Naithani escaped from conspiracy.
                            Killing of Kathait Group
Now, Kathait wanted to kill minor prince too. Their brother in law became against Kathait for the conspiracy in killing Prince Pradip Shah. The queen handed over Pradip Shah to Puriya Naithani to protect from Kathaits. The queen appointed a Khanduri as minister.
 The soldiers of Madan Singh Bhandari and Bhim Singh Bartwal surrounded Kathait brothers. They ran towards Dasauli. The soldiers killed all Kathait in between Dasauli and Shrinagar.

                 Characteristics of Administration under the Queen
   From the death of King Fate Shah till Pradip Shah took charge of Garhwal Kingdom, there was disturbances and unruly situation in Garhwal Kingdom. The ministers were free to levy tax on the subjects. The following defame taxes of Queen Period are now remembered as proverbs in Garhwal -
Syundi Kar (married woman tax)
Chulha Kar – By this families stopped splitting. Even brothers started having only one wife.
Hal Kar- There was tax on each plough appliance. Therefore, many families used only one plough to save tax.
Sauni Ser tax- Ghee tax was levied on each milk producing buffalo. Peaple stopped nurturing buffalos.
 The officers used to collect taxes cruelly but did not deposit the same amount in the treasury. Corruption was on its peak. Ministers and officers were increasing their wealth by collecting tax in the name of court.
 There was infighting among the ministers and administrators on Court. One group used to insult other group and were busy to eliminate opposite group.
 Shankar Dobhal recovered the situation and reduces many unusual taxes. He also started social works on behalf of court. Nitya Nand Khanduri became minister in place of Shankar Dobhal. Khanduri stopped the initiatives of Dobhal. Khanduri snatched Jagir of many Jagirdar (landlord) who got Jagir from previous Kings.
 There was no difference between capable and unable person.
The Queen rule period is called Black Period of Garhwal.

Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti Mumbai, India, 18/8/2014
History of Garhwal – Kumaon-Haridwar (Uttarakhand, India) to be continued… Part -407
(The History of Garhwal, Kumaon, Haridwar write up is aimed for general readers)
History of Garhwal from 1223-1804 to be continued in next chapter ….
Notes on South Asian Medieval History of Garhwal;  SouthAsian Medieval History of Pauri Garhwal;  Medieval History of Chamoli Garhwal;  South Asian Medieval History of Rudraprayag Garhwal;  South Asian Medieval History of Tehri Garhwal;  Medieval History of Uttarkashi Garhwal;  South Asian Medieval History of Dehradun, Garhwal;  Medieval History of Haridwar ;  South Asian Medieval History of Manglaur, Haridwar;  South Asian Medieval History of Rurkee Haridwar ;  South Asian Medieval History of Bahadarpur Haridwar ; South Asian History of Haridwar district to be continued
History of Kathaitgardi (Repression of Kathait) in Garhwal King Pradip Shah Period; History of Kathaitgardi (Repression of Kathait) in Garhwal King Pradip Shah Period in context History of Haridwar Garhwal; History of Kathaitgardi (Repression of Kathait) in Garhwal King Pradip Shah Period in context History of Dehradun Garhwal; History of Kathaitgardi (Repression of Kathait) in Garhwal King Pradip Shah Period in context History of Uttarkashi Garhwal; History of Kathaitgardi (Repression of Kathait) in Garhwal King Pradip Shah Period in context History of Tehri Garhwal; History of Kathaitgardi (Repression of Kathait) in Garhwal King Pradip Shah Period in context History of Chamoli Garhwal; History of Kathaitgardi (Repression of Kathait) in Garhwal King Pradip Shah Period in context History of Rudraprayag Garhwal; History of Kathaitgardi (Repression of Kathait) in Garhwal King Pradip Shah Period in context History of Pauri Garhwal;

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        History of Lustful Life of Garhwal King Young Pradip Shah

History of Garhwal including Haridwar (1223- 1804 AD) –part -160     

   History of Uttarakhand (Garhwal, Kumaon and Haridwar) -407
                       By: Bhishma Kukreti (A History Research Student)
                    Year of Pradip Shah Taking Administration
    Most probably, Pradip Shah was born in 1711 or 1712. He might have been declared King in 1717. It is believed that Panch Bhaya Katoch were killed in 1726 and then there was proxy rule  of Kathit and they were killed around 1727-28. Most probably Pradip Shah started administration of the Kingdom in 1728-29.
                   Administrative Officers of Pradip Shah
  The queen appointed Madan Singh Bhandari as minister in place of Gaje Singh Bhandari who was murdered by Kathait. There was a Khanduri as minister too.
 Dobhal Vanshvali mentions that Shankar Dobhal was Davtri, Vidyadhar Dobhal was Bakshi and Nityanand Dobhal was Lekhawar in Pradip Shah Court. Puriya Naithani had importance place in the Court.
  Kumaon historian Pande mentions that Narpati Singh Guleriya was Army Chief of Garhwal. According to Garhwal historian Raturi, Chandra Mani Dangwal was a minister in Pradip Shah Court.
 Bahuguan Vanshvali states that Bahugunas were also on important position in Garhwal Kingdom all the time.
Shribandhu Mishra and Leeladhar Ojha were also administrators in the court.

                     Improved Administration

  The new regime and new administrators improved the Garhwal administration. The new administration ended many taxes and reduced taxes in some cases. Due to peace and low taxation newer villages were established and people started cutting jungles for creating agriculture land. A Bahuguna Brahmin settled in Sumadi village. Kaudu Bahguna settled in Jhala village at this period.
 Pradip Shah was interested in lustful life and did not interfere in day today working of ministers.

                      Peace and Prosperity in Dehradun

  Williams (Memoir of Dehradun) provides information that there was peace and prosperity in Dehradun at the time of Pradip Shah. Agriculture rose at its new height. The numbers of villages reached up to 400. Villages as Azabpur, Karnpur, Kaulagarh, Kyarkuli, Bhatvir, Bhogpur, Sahaspur, Prithvipur, Kalyanpur, Nagal, Rajpur, Bhagvantpur, Thano became more prosperous than past.
Dehradun was divided into five Parganas and the Kingdom income (by low tax) was as under-
Pargana  -------------Income Rupees-----------Tax Relief and Expenditure ---Net Income
Sabalpur ---------------13595-------------------------4010----------------------------9585
Santaur------------------29715-------------------------12350 ----------------------17365
Saudi ----------------------4001-------------------------------------------------------4001
Total ----------------------97645---------------------42485-------------------------54800
 The Faujdar/Regional Commander of Saharanpur was impressed by the prosperity of Dehradun and he captured Dehradun.

                   Lustful Life of Young Pradip Shah

  Due to wrong nurturing and training Pradip Shah became womanizer. Pradip Shah became gambler and prostitute lover. He started appointing pimps or agents to search new  women for him. Pimps started roaming here and there and were busy in getting beautiful women for the King. Pradip Shah became infamous for his bad behavior.

Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti Mumbai, India, 19/8/2014
History of Garhwal – Kumaon-Haridwar (Uttarakhand, India) to be continued… Part -408
(The History of Garhwal, Kumaon, Haridwar write up is aimed for general readers)
History of Garhwal from 1223-1804 to be continued in next chapter ….
Notes on South Asian Medieval History of Garhwal;  SouthAsian Medieval History of Pauri Garhwal;  Medieval History of Chamoli Garhwal;  South Asian Medieval History of Rudraprayag Garhwal;  South Asian Medieval History of Tehri Garhwal;  Medieval History of Uttarkashi Garhwal;  South Asian Medieval History of Dehradun, Garhwal;  Medieval History of Haridwar ;  South Asian Medieval History of Manglaur, Haridwar;  South Asian Medieval History of Rurkee Haridwar ;  South Asian Medieval History of Bahadarpur Haridwar ; South Asian History of Haridwar district to be continued
History of Lustful Life of Garhwal King Young Pradip Shah; History of Lustful Life of Garhwal King Young Pradip Shah in context History of Haridwar, Garhwal; History of Lustful Life of Garhwal King Young Pradip Shah in context History of Dehradun Garhwal; History of Lustful Life of Garhwal King Young Pradip Shah in context History of Uttarkashi Garhwal; History of Lustful Life of Garhwal King Young Pradip Shah in context History of Tehri Garhwal; History of Lustful Life of Garhwal King Young Pradip Shah in context History of Rudraprayag Garhwal; History of Lustful Life of Garhwal King Young Pradip Shah in context History of Chamoli Garhwal;  History of Lustful Life of Garhwal King Young Pradip Shah in context History of Pauri Garhwal; 


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 History of Relationship of Garhwal Kingdom with Neighboring Kingdoms in Pradip Shah Period

History of Garhwal including Haridwar (1223- 1804 AD) –part -161     

   History of Uttarakhand (Garhwal, Kumaon and Haridwar) -408
                       By: Bhishma Kukreti (A History Research Student)
                         Relationship with Chand Kumaon Kingdom
Friendship with Chand Kumaon – By in large, Pradip Shah was a peace loving King who believed on live and let live others too. 
         Due to continuous infighting between Chand Kumaon and Garhwal Kingdoms the boarding territories of Kumaon and Garhwal were in ruined conditions. The land became jungle there. Pradip Shah tried to have amicable relation with neighboring kingdoms.
        In 1723, Pradip Shah sent his representative with gifts his for attending the marriage of first daughter of Chand Kumaon King Kalyan Chandra. In 1739, the second daughter of Kalyan Chand was married with the prince of Sirmaur Kingdom. The road to go to Sirmaur from Kumaon was through Dehradun. The relation between Sirmaur and Garhwal were bitter and Kumaon King went with soldiers with marriage party.
 In 1739, Garhwal King deputed his advocate with gifts to Kumaon King in Almora for having friendly relation.
In this period the Kings of Rajasthan used to depute their advocates /representatives to Kumaon and Garhwal. N 1741, Garhwal and Kumaon Kings deputed their representatives with friendly letters and gifts to the court of King Jay Singh Swain of Jaipur. Jaipur King also sent letter and gifts for Garhwal and Kumaon Kings.
            Elimination of Chand Family administrators in Kumaon

  Kumaon Chand King Kalyan Chandra was cruel and suspicious with the family members of Chand clans (past King’s descended families). He was suspicious with Brahmins. He took out the eyes of hundreds of Brahmin and made them blind.
 Kalyan Chandra started killing descended family members (Chandele) of past Chand Kings. Hundreds of Chandele were killed. One Chandela Himmat Singh Rautela escaped to Badaun and took shelter under ruler of Anvala Nabab Ali Muhammad Khan. Kumaon King Kalyan Chandra sent his guards from Bhabhar to kill Himmat Singh Rautela. Guards from Bhabhar killed Himmat Singh Rautela. The Rhila clan Nawab Ali Muhammad Khan became angry on the killing of Himmat Singh Rautela. Nabab Ali Muhammad Khan attacked on Kumaon in 1742.
                       Nawab Ali Muhammad Khan Attacking on Kumaon
             In the winter of 1742, Rohilla (Afghan Highlanders) Nawab Ali Muhammad Khan sent his most powerful three commanders – Hafiz Rahmat Khan, Padan Khan and Bakshi Sradar Khan with huge army to capture Kumaon. Shiv Datt Joshi was Kumaon Kingdom governor in Bhabhar Tarai region of Kumaon Kingdom. Shiv Datt Joshi requested to send money for collecting force for defending Rohila attack on Kumaon. Kumaon King misunderstood the request of Shiv Datt Joshi as Joshi was convulsing Kumaon King for Joshi’s own benefits. Kumaon King was under illusion that Rohilas could not capture Kumaon hills.
 Shiv Datt Joshi tried his best to defend Rohilla Attack with small army. The Trio Rohila commanders were with ten thousand trained and professional soldiers. Rohila defeated Shiv Datt Joshi. Shiv Datt Joshi escaped and took shelter in Balkheri/Barakheri fort neat Kathgodam. Rohila captured Bilari and Sarbana regions of Tarai Kumaon. Regent Hafiz Rahmat Khan appointed regional commander for Rudrapur, Kumaon and followed Kumaon army. Old age Sradar Khan stayed back in Bilari. The army led by Rahmat Khan reached to Bhim Tal. Rahmat Khan captured Vijaypur of Chhakhata pargana below Bhim Tal.
                               Rohilla Capturing Almora 
   Kumaon King sent his army to stop the arrival of Rohila army but failed. Rohila captured the capital Almora. Kalyan Chand ran away towards Garhwal from Almora. Rohila looted Almora very cruelly and destroyed looted wealthy temples. Rohila destroyed Kingdom records and treasurer. Rohilla army made laksh of people as captive. The beheaded and broken sculptures in Almora temples are witness for cruelty and aggression of Rohillas.

              Kumaon King Kalyan Chand taking Shelter in Garhwal

   Kumaon King Kalyan Chandra took shelter at Gairmanda of Lohaba region of Garhwal. Shiv Datt Joshi also reached at Gairmanda.
 Pradip Shah was also worried man by aggression of Rohillas. He was aware that Rohillas would have attack on Garhwal too.
 Pradip Shah forgot past enmities between two Kingdoms and sent his army to Gairmanda. Kumaon King also collected army. Both Kings marched towards Almora with their armies. Garhwal and Kumaon armies captured Dunagiri and Dwarhat regions. Rohila army was camping at hills of Kaidaro and Bauraro. Rohila armies attacked on armies of Kumaon and Garhwal. Shisram Saklani was leading Garhwal army. Shish ram Saklani fought the battle with great bravery. People sing hi s folklore today too. However, Rohilla army defeated Hill Kingdom armies.
                         Treaty with Rohillas

  Rohilla soldiers were not habitual of hill winter and they were passing through adverse season. They had already captured slaves and wealth from Kumaon. There was no hope for Rohilas getting more wealth from Kumaon.
 Rohilla commander threatened Garhwal King not to support Kumaon King. At last there was treaty between Rohilas and Kumaon with Garhwal King.
The conditions for Kumaon King were put as follows-
1-Kumaon King had to pay three laksh as levy to Rohilas. Kumaon King did not have a penny as Rohillas already looted treasury. Garhwal King paid that money on behalf of Kumaon King.
2- Kumaon King would pay tribute of sixty thousand rupees annually to Rohilla commander Nawab Ali Muhammad Khan.
3- Kumaon King kalian Chand had to resign from throne and his relative would be new King
4-Garhwal King would not support Kumaon King.

                   Return of Rohillas

           With ample of wealth, thousand of slaves, animals, Rohila returned after seven months from Kumaon. Nawab Ali Muhammad Khan was more interested on rule over Kumaon and he was furious with his commander Hafiz Rahmat Khan. Nawab Ali Muhammad Khan did not leave his right on Rudrapur, Kashipur and south hills of Kumaon.
                 Treaty between Garhwal and Kumaon Kingdoms

  Pradip Shah reestablished rule of Kalyan Chand on Almora throne. Both hand a treaty letter exchange (Dharmpatra).
                           Rohillas Attacking on Garhwal?
  Historian Rahul mentions that Rohilas attacked and captured Agyastmuni, Guptkashi and Ukhimath. Rohilas destroyed sculptures and temples. Rohilas reached to neeti and Mana.
However, logic and other source do not vouch the statements of Rahul that Rohilas reached to Neeti, Mana, and Kedarnath. The contemporary history writers of that time Gulistan, Hadik, Abdul Karim , Shakir and Anandram did not mention anything that short that Rohilas attacked on Garhwal and looted upper Garhwal.
The statement of Rahul is totally imaginary.
 The date of Rohila attack on Kumaon is stated by historians differently.
Baiton – 1744
Williams – 1741
Shrivastava – 1741 and after
Sarkar – 1742

 Mughal Attack on Rohilla Commander Nawab Ali Muhammad Khan
  Rohilla returned from Kumaon. However, Rohilla came to know that capturing hills is not so hard and difficult as perceived by their predecessors and Mughal.
   Awadh ruler presented himself before Mughal Emperor to capture Rohillas. In 1745, Mughal army attacked on Rohillas. Rohilla Commander wanted to take shelter in Kumaon but was captured by Mughal alliance army.

                           Rohillas in Shivalik Hills
  In 1747, There was war between Nawab Safdar Jang of Awadh and Ahmad Khan Bangas the Nawab of Farukhabad.  Rohilla commanders as Saddulla Khan the son of Nawab Ali Muhammad Khan and Hafiz Khan helped Ahmadkhan Bangas. With the help of Marathas, Awadh ruler  Nawab Safdar Jang defeated Rohillas. Rohillas ran towards Kumaon hills. Rohillas crossed Rampur, Moradabad and Kashipur. They reached at the bottom a hill that was surrounded by one side by a River and three sides by dense forest. Rohillas camped at plain place in the centre of forest. Rohillas dug canal and terrace and established Guns there. Nawab of Awadh and Maratha tries to stop the food supply for Rohillas However, Kumaon King arranged food supply for Rohillas.  Maratha and Awadh Nawab asked Kumaon King to stop food supply for Rohillas but Kumaon King did not obey them. After two month due to Marathas, there was treaty between Rohillas and Safadar Jang of Awadh.
                           Camping Place of Rohillas
   Historians have disagreement for recognizing the place where Rohillas and Ahmad Khan Bangas took shelter of camped.
 Based on the description by Gulistan, Irvin, Sarkar and Shrivastava suggest the place as Chilkiya. However, Hadiktullakalin it was Laldhang.
It seems that the place was either Chilkhiya or Laldhang.


Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti Mumbai, India, 20/8/2014
History of Garhwal – Kumaon-Haridwar (Uttarakhand, India) to be continued… Part -409
(The History of Garhwal, Kumaon, Haridwar write up is aimed for general readers)
History of Garhwal from 1223-1804 to be continued in next chapter ….
Notes on South Asian Medieval History of Garhwal;  SouthAsian Medieval History of Pauri Garhwal;  Medieval History of Chamoli Garhwal;  South Asian Medieval History of Rudraprayag Garhwal;  South Asian Medieval History of Tehri Garhwal;  Medieval History of Uttarkashi Garhwal;  South Asian Medieval History of Dehradun, Garhwal;  Medieval History of Haridwar ;  South Asian Medieval History of Manglaur, Haridwar;  South Asian Medieval History of Rurkee Haridwar ;  South Asian Medieval History of Bahadarpur Haridwar ; South Asian History of Haridwar district to be continued
History of Relationship of Garhwal Kingdom with Neighboring Kingdoms in Pradip Shah Period

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History of Joshiyana in Kumaon and Effects on Garhwal

History of Garhwal including Haridwar (1223- 1804 AD) –part -162     

   History of Uttarakhand (Garhwal, Kumaon and Haridwar) -409
                       By: Bhishma Kukreti (A History Research Student)
                    Rise of Joshis in Kumaon
            The administrators and other Influencing Joshi of Chand Kingdom were with Mahar Group in Almora.
        Shiv Datt Joshi was commander of Bhabhar and later Kumaon King Kalyan Chandra Shifted Shiv Datt Joshi to Almora. Hari Ram Joshi became the governor of Bhabhar –Tarain.
      When Kalyan Chand was ailing and knew about his nearby death, Kalyan Chandra took oath from Shiv Datt Joshi to protect minor prince Deep Chandra. After death of kalian Chandra, Shiv Datt Joshi became guardian of Deep Chandra and was looking after Kingdom too. There was a friendly agreement between Kumaon King Kalyan Chandra and Garhwal King Pradip Shah that prince Deep Chandra would treat Pradip Shah as his uncle. However, Shiv Datt Joshi ignored Pradip Shah and Pradip Shah was annoyed with Shiv Datt Joshi.
  Shiv Datt Joshi dismissed Hari Ram Joshi from the post of Governor of Kahsipur (Bhabhar –Tarain). Hari Ram Joshi became annoyed with Shiv Datt Joshi and became part of Fartyal Group that was opposite of Mahar Group in Kumaon. Fartyal Group was totally against Shiv Datt Joshi. Atkinson mentioned the governor of Tarain as Jay Krishna Joshi while Maularam mentioned as Hari Ram Joshi.  Hariram Joshi or Jay Krishna Joshi was ambitious to take the place of Shiv Datt Joshi.
 A man called Jaya Nand Joshi of Kumaon was taking shelter under Pradip Shah in Shrinagar. Kalyan Chandra took eyes of Kantu Joshi of Jhinjhad. His son Jaya Nand Joshi escaped and came to Shrinagar.
 Jay Krishna or Hari Ram Joshi met Pradip Shah with jaya Nand Joshi in Shrinagar . Both the Joshis made Pradip Shah understand that since, Fartyal Group was against Shiv Datt Joshi Garhwal King should attack on Kumaon.
           Garhwal Attacking on Kumaon
  Joshis misled Garhwal King Pradip Shah that as soon he would reach the border of Kumaon, the Fartyal group (opposing Shiv Datt Joshi) would welcome Garhwal King along with subjects of Kumaon.
 Pradip Shah marched towards Kumaon for attack. Pradip Shah reached at Juniyagarh with one lakh soldiers. Kumaon King and Shiv Datt Joshi camped at Naithana of Palla Daura.
  Pradip Shah was waiting for many days for Fartyal group and elites of Kumaon. However, Fartyal group had treaty with Shiv Datt Joshi for the time being. Shiv Datt Joshi called Hari Ram Joshi and appointed him minister (Bakshi). Therefore he left Pradip shah and settled in Kumaon.
 According to Maularam, Shiv Datt adulterated the Garhwal minister (from Khas Group who were against commander Narpat Singh Guleriay ) by heavy gifts.
                         Treaty Discussion

  Shiv Datt sent his ambassador to Pradip Shah for knowing the reason of Garhwal King attacking Kumaon. Pradip Shah sent his advocate Dharni Dhar Ojha. Ojha explained that since Deep Chand is a nephew for Pradip Shah, Deep Chandra should have sent letter to Pradip Shah. Pradip Shah also kept a condition that Ram Ganga River would be permanent boundary for Kumaon and Garhwal.
    According to Atkinson, Shiv Datt accepted the condition for Ram Ganga as boundary for Garhwal and Kumaon but refused understanding Deep Chandra as nephew of Pradip Shah.
    According to Maularam, Shiv Datt Joshi accepted that Deep Chandra would be called nephew of Garhwal King. However, Shiv Datt refused Ram Ganga River as permanent boundary between Kumaon and Garhwal. Shiv Datt Joshi offered various gifts to Ojha. Ojha did not accept the gifts from Shiv Datt Joshi.
Ojha put the supporting points of Kumaon before Pradip Shah. Pradip Shah doubted that Ojha got gifts from Shiv Datt.
                          Betrayal by Garhwal Ministers

  Maularam wrote that Shiv Datt sent ample gifts for Garhwal ministers. They suggested Garhwal King Padip Shah to return back from Juniya Garh. Pradip Shah and Narpati Singh Gulariay were not ready to go back from Juniyagarh with any gain.
  Khas group was against commander Guleriya. Khas group sent message to Shiv Datt Joshi to attack on Garhwal and Khas group would help Kumaon army.
                                      Tamdhaundh Battle
  Shiv Datt Joshi sent his army to attack on Garhwal camp. Garhwal Army commander Narpat Singh Guleriya fought with Kumaon army and defeated Kumaon army. Kumaon army started running back. Narpat Guleriya followed them.Khas group took Garhwal King Pradip Shah towards Shrinagar. Khas group did not send food and ammunition for Guleriya. Kumaon army and Garhwal army had war in Tamdhaundh. Kumaon army defeated Garhwal army. Kumaon army killed Narpat Guleriya. 

                  Protection of Garhwal King
  Kumaon army followed Garhwal Army that was taking Pradip Shah back to Shrinagar. The elites of Garhwal ran away instead of protecting their King Pradip Shah. At one point Garhwal King was surrounded by Kumaon army. Tow Hudkiyas –father and son fought with Kumaon army to protect Garhwal King Pradip Shah. Kumaon army killed two Hudkiyas (drum players). However, in the mean time, Pradip Shah got chance to run away from the difficult position. By many difficulties Garhwal King reached to Shrinagar. Kumaon army looted the ammunition and food of Garhwal Kingdom.
 Later on Kumaon King Deep Chandra offered a copper inscription to Shiv Datt Joshi. Dep Chand wrote on inscription that Kumaon betrayed Kumaon and invited Pradip Shah to attack on Kumaon. Pradip Shah came with three and half (3.5) lakhs soldiers. Shiv Datt Joshi fought without any greed for Kumaon. Shiv Datt Joshi defeated Garhwal army.
 Jaya Nand or Jai Krishna Joshi was also captured in the battle by Kumaon army.
As far as numbers of Garhwal soldier are concerned the numbers would not be in lakhs as the total male population was not in lakhs in Garhwal.
 Deep Chandra offered copper inscription to Shiv Datt Joshi on June 1755. It means the Tamdhaundh battle would have happened before 1755. Bhaktdarshan suggested the date as 1748.

                          Result of Tamdhaundh Battle
  Pradip Shah was insulted in this battle. He was annoyed with his ministers who betrayed him. He put him into palace and had treaty with Kumaon and neighboring Kingdoms.
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti Mumbai, India, 22/8/2014
History of Garhwal – Kumaon-Haridwar (Uttarakhand, India) to be continued… Part -410
(The History of Garhwal, Kumaon, Haridwar write up is aimed for general readers)
History of Garhwal from 1223-1804 to be continued in next chapter ….
Notes on South Asian Medieval History of Garhwal;  SouthAsian Medieval History of Pauri Garhwal;  Medieval History of Chamoli Garhwal;  South Asian Medieval History of Rudraprayag Garhwal;  South Asian Medieval History of Tehri Garhwal;  Medieval History of Uttarkashi Garhwal;  South Asian Medieval History of Dehradun, Garhwal;  Medieval History of Haridwar ;  South Asian Medieval History of Manglaur, Haridwar;  South Asian Medieval History of Rurkee Haridwar ;  South Asian Medieval History of Bahadarpur Haridwar ; South Asian History of Haridwar district to be continued


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