Bhishma Kukreti

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Medical Tourism illustration in Charaka Samhita

History of Medical Tourism, Health and Wellness Tourism in Kushana Period (185-73 BCE) -7
History of Medical Tourism, Health and Wellness Tourism in India, South Asia- 98
(With Special mentions of History of Medicines in India)
 By: Bhishma Kukreti (Medical Tourism Historian)
 Charaka Samhita deals with Medicines and Health care .However, there are illustrations that offer us the glimpses of medical tourism in Atreya Punarvasu or Charaka or Dridhbal or later stages .
  We note the  glimpse of medical Tourism in First chapter of Sutrasthanam .
इति ह स्माह भगवानात्रयः II  C.S.2 II
Bhagvan Atreya said so II 1 II
दीर्घं जीवितमन्विच्छन वहरद्वाज उपागमत
इंद्रमुग्रतपा बुद्ध्वा शरण्यममरेश्वरम II C.S. 3 II
Tapshwi Bhardwaj visited the capable deity Lord Indra (King of Deities) for aiming long life (C.S 3)
Initially Brhma taught Daksha Prajapati the ayurveda and Prajapati learnt completely. Daksha taught Ayurveda to Ashwinikumar  Indra learnt Ayurveda from Ashwinikumar. Inspired by sages, Bhardwaja came to see Indra for learning Ayurveda or technique of long life . (C.S4, 5)
   In Sholka6, 7, 8, 9 to  19-in  first Chapter of Sthansutra of Charaka Samhita, there is description of sages having symposium/conferences  and discussion  in back of Himalaya for discussing getting knowledge for the remedies for diseases and found that Indra was the suitable teacher. Bhardwaj sage offered his services for visiting Indra and sages permitted Bhardwaj sage for visiting Indra and knowing the remedies of diseases.   
In sholkas from 19, Indra teaches Bhardwaj sage the Ayurveda or remedies for diseases. ( Charak Samhita Translation by Atrideva Gupta pages 4 to ..)
   The first chapter of Sthansutra of Charaka samhita offer us the glimpse of Medical tourism by following aspects-
1- Conferences , symposium for medical science knowledge sharing - Conference for healthcare by physicians and knowledgeable is part and partial of medical tourism
2- Bhardwaj sage visiting Indra for gaining knowledge of long life is nothing but medical tourism.   
References –
1-Mahrshi Agnivesh Pranit Charak Samhita Pratham Khand , 1948, ' Sutrasthana, Prathamo Adhyaya' ,  (Translation in Hindi by Kaviraj Atrideva, Gupta )  Bhargava Pushtkalaya Banarasa  , page    
 Copyright @  Bhishma Kukreti, //2019
  History of Medical Tourism, health Tourism and Wellness Tourism and History of Medicines in India will be continued in next chapter –

Medical Tourism in Charaka Samhita, History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical Tourism in Charaka Samhita, History of Medicines in India  , North India , South Asia; Medical Tourism in Charaka Samhita, History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical Tourism in Charaka Samhita, History of Medicines in India  , South India; South Asia,  Medical Tourism in Charaka Samhita, History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical Tourism in Charaka Samhita, History of Medicines in India , East India, , Medical Tourism in Charaka Samhita, History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical Tourism in Charaka Samhita, History of Medicines in India  , West India, South Asia; Medical Tourism in Charaka Samhita, History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical Tourism in Charaka Samhita, History of Medicines in India  , Central India, South Asia;    Medical Tourism in Charaka Samhita, History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical Tourism in Charaka Samhita, History of Medicines in India  , North East India , South Asia;   Medical Tourism in Charaka Samhita, History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical Tourism in Charaka Samhita, History of Medicines in India , Bangladesh , South Asia;  Medical Tourism in Charaka Samhita, History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical Tourism in Charaka Samhita, History of Medicines in India, Pakistan , South Asia;   Medical Tourism in Charaka Samhita, History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical Tourism in Charaka Samhita, History of Medicines in India  , Myanmar, South Asia;  Medical Tourism in Charaka Samhita, History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical Tourism in Charaka Samhita, History of Medicines in India  , Afghanistan , South Asia ; Medical Tourism in Charaka Samhita, History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical Tourism in Charaka Samhita, History of Medicines in India  , Baluchistan, South Asia, 

Bhishma Kukreti

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Medical Malpractices in Present Time Medical Tourism and Charaka Samhita

History of Medical Tourism, Health and Wellness Tourism in Kushana Period (185-73 BCE) -8
History of Medical Tourism, Health and Wellness Tourism in India, South Asia- 99
(With Special mentions of History of Medicines in India)
 By: Bhishma Kukreti (Medical Tourism Historian)
 Understanding Medical Tourism in India before and After British Rule
 Today, Medical tourism is defined that patients visit foreign territory for medical treatments. However, when there were no formal hospitals in India before British came in picture, the medical tourism was different than today's definitions and explanations by tourism scholars. This author is witness in Rural medical system in Pauri garhwal till 1980 . Till 1980, In Rural garhwal or Rural India as whole , Ayurveda medical practitioners used to treat citizens than Alopathic hospitals  hospitals. In Rural Garhwal and In India as whole , usually patients did not visit Ayurveda Vaidya or physicians or traditional surgeons or physicians but the Ayurveda medical practitioners used to visit patients . This practice was also there in Charaka or Atreya period .That was why those medical practitioners used to be called 'Charaka' or roamers  for treating patients.
            Malpractices in medical profession
  These days, there is always discussion about malpractices and unethical practices by fake medical practitioners (2) . However, in ancient India, our scholars pointed out the attentions on such fake or ill knowledgeable medical practitioners .

      Mal-practicing Medical Practitioners in Charaka Samhita

   Charaka Samhita (Sutrasthanam ekonatrisho Adhyaya prose 8) differentiates between Right medical practioner and fake medical practitioners (1) . Chraka samhita names the Right Physician as Pranbhisar or that brings back life and Fake Physician as Rogbhisak or that brings diseases or illness.
  After explaining characteristics of Right physician , Atrideva explains to Agnivesha the characteristics of Fake Medical Practitioners as (3) -
    " Opposite of Pranbhisak the Rogbhisak takes away the life and brings the illness. These physicians in the form (deceptive form) of physician are fake physicians and are painful as spikes in the society, they mangled, anti society, anti righteous acts and roam in the nation due to laziness of the King ( Means-  lawlessness , weak administration). Followings are specific characteristics of such fake physicians -
Putting on the dress of  right physician, these fake visit street or houses of the ill man for curing in greed.  Hearing the illness of a persons they surround the ill one from all corners and boosts his qualities. These fake physicians criticize repeatedly the current physician of ill person. These fake physicians make  the relatives of patient on their sides by serving , luring , by flattering and or by backbiting. They shows their desire very less. Getting medical job, they see here and there. Cunningly, they hide their ill knowledge. If they are unable for curing, they blame the patient by telling him or her "You don;t have resources, servants, medicines, " They escape other territories in case of death of patient. They deceive ignorant patient by dramatizing them very ignorant person and before a stable man they talk loudly. They ran away from learned person as if there is fear in the jungle. They don't have any knowledge of Ayurveda and by getting thread of Ayurveda they treat the patient at any time by that thread whether necessary or not. They neither ask anything to others nor they like to be asked. Getting questions they run away as if there is death. Neithe they have any teacher nor pupil or classmate."

Charaka Samhita names such fake physician as Chidimar or brid hunter that spread net for catching birds in jungle, Charaka sanhita names them as servant of death, snakes etc  (C.S. same chapter 9, 10, 11, 12)
 Today too, the malpracticing physicians do practice in other countries. Fr example, Mid day a daily (date April 18 , 2018) reports that Maharashtra Medical Concil (MMC) sent summon for 53 doctors showing fake degree certificates for getting additional degree courses. Mid Day,  on the above issue informs that MMC suspended 20 doctors after finding their fake certificates.
References –
1-Mahrshi Agnivesh Pranit Charak Samhita Pratham Khand , 1948, ' Sutrasthana, Prathamo Adhyaya' ,  (Translation in Hindi by Kaviraj Atrideva, Gupta )  Bhargava Pushtkalaya Banarasa  , India ,page    387  -391   
2-Philips M.Singer (2007), Medical Malpractice Overseas : The Legal Uncertainty Surrounding Medical Tourism, Duke Law Scholarship Repository Journals LCP , vol 70 no 2 (2007) page 211-232
2-Mahrshi Agnivesh Pranit Charak Samhita Pratham Khand , 1948, ' Sutrasthana, Prathamo Adhyaya' ,  (Translation in Hindi by Kaviraj Atrideva, Gupta )  Bhargava Pushtkalaya Banarasa  ,India  page    389 -390

 Copyright @  Bhishma Kukreti, //2019
  History of Medical Tourism, health Tourism and Wellness Tourism and History of Medicines in India will be continued in next chapter –

Medical malpractices in Charaka samhita, History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical malpractices in Charaka samhita, History of Medicines in India  , North India , South Asia; Medical malpractices in Charaka samhita, History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical malpractices in Charaka samhita, History of Medicines in India  , South India; South Asia,  Medical malpractices in Charaka samhita, History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical malpractices in Charaka samhita, History of Medicines in India , East India, , Medical malpractices in Charaka samhita, History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical malpractices in Charaka samhita, History of Medicines in India  , West India, South Asia; Medical malpractices in Charaka samhita, History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical malpractices in Charaka samhita, History of Medicines in India  , Central India, South Asia;    Medical malpractices in Charaka samhita, History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical malpractices in Charaka samhita, History of Medicines in India  , North East India , South Asia;   Medical malpractices in Charaka samhita, History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical malpractices in Charaka samhita, History of Medicines in India , Bangladesh , South Asia;  Medical malpractices in Charaka samhita, History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical malpractices in Charaka samhita, History of Medicines in India, Pakistan , South Asia;   Medical malpractices in Charaka samhita, History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical malpractices in Charaka samhita, History of Medicines in India  , Myanmar, South Asia;  Medical malpractices in Charaka samhita, History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical malpractices in Charaka samhita, History of Medicines in India  , Afghanistan , South Asia ; Medical malpractices in Charaka samhita, History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical malpractices in Charaka samhita, History of Medicines in India  , Baluchistan, South Asia, 

Bhishma Kukreti

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Medical geography in Charaka Samhita -1

History of Medical Tourism, Health and Wellness Tourism in Kushana Period (185-73 BCE) -
History of Medical Tourism, Health and Wellness Tourism in India, South Asia-
(With Special mentions of History of Medicines in India)
 By: Bhishma Kukreti (Medical Tourism Historian)
 Knowledge of Medical geography is important Part of Medical Tourism
 Medical geography is comparative study of the incidence of diseases and distribution of physiological traits in people belonging to different communities through  the world and the correlation of these traits with different aspects of environment.
       Charaka  : The father of Medical Geography
Usually medical historians wrongly  claim that Hypocrite is the Father of Medical Geography.However, Charaka Samhita created centuries before Hypocrite and Charaka Samhita discussed in details about medical geography of India (1)
   Importance of Medical geography in Medical Tourism
  Knowledge of Medical geography is essential in developing Medical Tourism (Bhishma Kukreti). . The knowledge of geographical factors effecting diseases and cures help medical practitioners managing medicines as per geographical needs. Know ledge of medical geography helps in stopping patients coming to a particular territory or patients visiting a particular territories. In old age, rich tuberculous patients used to visit hill stations.or in Mahabharata period, women were visiting Garhwal Himalaya for sperm donation because of strong and healthy men living in Garhwal Himalaya and were redy for sperm donation.
  Medical Geography knowledge incorporates geographical techniques for explaining  health  nd diseases and hence is essential aspect of Medical Tourism .
Medical Geography scholars study the effects of climate on health and situation. This is the reason doctors advise patients for visiting particular regions and not to visit particular regions in particular season. When doctors advise for visiting Jaspur village  (Dhangu Pauri Garhwal Himalaya ) for taking water from Ikar water springs for stomach problems. Here geographical ingredient knowledge plays arole in  developing medical tourism . Or in olad gae Ayurveda physicians used advising nearby villagers suffering from skin diseases for visting Chupda or Kalya Khyta region of Jaspur (Dhangu ,Pauri garhwal Himalaya) for mud bath in the said places. Traditional physicians advising patients fr visiting Sahastradhara Dehradun (Shivalik range) for taking bath in springs is nothing but is the role of medical geography in medical tourism growth .
  This author is witness of Dhangu Pauri garhwal, Himalaya region, where , old generation used to caution to younger ones not to take water from particular water source as those water resources were conducive for causing particular diseases.
 Knowledge of geographical medical vegetation also enhance medical tourism or medical tourism facilitation ( recognition, Collection, Trading of medical herbs).
      Physicians create a specific  perception for a particular area for a particular disease or disease cure. For example,Mahabharata , Kalidas ,Skandh Purana (Kedarkhand part)  Harsha Charita or even Ramayana created positive perception for medicinal herbs of Uttarakhand and still pave the herbs traders , Ayurveda medicines manufacturers for visiting Uttarakhand  for exclusive medicinal herbs.
  Charaka samhita deals with medical geography of North India and became accelerator for developing medical tourism in North India. Charak Samhita is still inspiring thousands of Indians and foreigners for medical tour for nature  therapy.
In following chapter, this author will deal with Medical Geography in Charaka samhita and its impact on medical tourism  in details.   

References –
1- K.R.Bhavna , Shreevathsa (2014) 'Medical Geography in Charaka Samhita '   Ayu 2014Octo-Dece.35(4) p371-377
 Copyright @  Bhishma Kukreti, //2019
  History of Medical Tourism, health Tourism and Wellness Tourism and History of Medicines in India will be continued in next chapter –

Medical geography in Charak Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical geography in Charak Samhita , History of Medicines in India  , North India , South Asia; Medical geography in Charak Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical geography in Charak Samhita , History of Medicines in India  , South India; South Asia,  Medical geography in Charak Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical geography in Charak Samhita , History of Medicines in India , East India, , Medical geography in Charak Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical geography in Charak Samhita , History of Medicines in India  , West India, South Asia; Medical geography in Charak Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical geography in Charak Samhita , History of Medicines in India  , Central India, South Asia;    Medical geography in Charak Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical geography in Charak Samhita , History of Medicines in India  , North East India , South Asia;   Medical geography in Charak Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical geography in Charak Samhita , History of Medicines in India , Bangladesh , South Asia;  Medical geography in Charak Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical geography in Charak Samhita , History of Medicines in India, Pakistan , South Asia;   Medical geography in Charak Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical geography in Charak Samhita , History of Medicines in India  , Myanmar, South Asia;  Medical geography in Charak Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical geography in Charak Samhita , History of Medicines in India  , Afghanistan , South Asia ; Medical geography in Charak Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical geography in Charak Samhita , History of Medicines in India  , Baluchistan, South Asia, 

Bhishma Kukreti

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Medical  Seminars , Conferences ,  Symposiums  in Charaka Samhita -1

History of Medical Tourism, Health and Wellness Tourism in Charaka samhita , Kushana Period (185-73 BCE) -10
History of Medical Tourism, Health and Wellness Tourism in India, South Asia- 101
(With Special mentions of History of Medicines in India)
 By: Bhishma Kukreti (Medical Tourism Historian)
  For medical tourism development, it requires medical experts. For medical exprtness, there must be is a sources of  educating pupil about various filds of medical science and sources of medicines.  Science developed by continous process and so the medical science or Ayurveda or Siddha in India. Sience or Ayurveda require  teaching , learning , experimenting, researches and sharing various knowledge of different medical science fields by scholars is must by ways of conferences, symposiums or seminars.  It is ture in case of Ayurveda that various scholrs got knowledge from nature and experiening or experimenting and then shared there knowledge through seminars, symposiums or one to one discussion too.
  In Charak Samhita or Sushruta Samhita  , symposium or  seminars or conferences for medical science discussion  are called as 'Tadvidy-Sambhasha' or geenral word  'Sambhashanam'
   There are  mentions of 7 such symposium in Charaka Samhita (1).
  Charaka samhita mentions such symposiums as follows-
             Ayurvedavatarana Parishad
Aim- Find out solution for the diseases that originated diseases also originate
In Sholka 6, 7, 8, 9 to  19-in  first Chapter of Sthansutra of Charaka Samhita translated by Atrideva , there is description of sages having symposium/conferences  and discussion  in back of Himalaya for discussing getting knowledge for the remedies for diseases and found that Indra was the suitable teacher. Bhardwaj sage offered his services for visiting Indra and sages permitted Bhardwaj sage for visiting Indra and knowing the remedies of diseases (2) .As per book by Atrideva (2),  the following is analysis of  medical scholars conference of Ayurvedaavtaran or Emergence of Ayurveda
Venue -Somewhere in Back of (parshwa) Himalaya
Participants- Number of Prominent Sages,  Rishis or  scholars -53 and many other sages or scholars. There are mentions of names of 53 Sages as Angira, Vashishtha , Vishwamitra, Sankhya , Pulatsya etc  in Charaka Samhita (2)
Subject of discussion- as mentioned in Aim .
  Hypothetical Analysis of above Medical Conference
    This author  imagines -how the conference would have been organized .The above conference would have been organized at the time of Atreya Punarvashu means 1000 BC. When there was least medium of communication. Atreya was the convener of that conference. Atreya is supposed to belonged to Punjab or nearby region. Atreya might have first discussed the matter with his close friends and disciples for organizing the conference in Himalaya. Then they all might have arranged the messengers for visiting various sages and conveying messages all over India (mostly, North and Central India including Magadha  dominates  Charaka Samhita)  Magdha.)  . Then the disciples or friends of Atreya would have trained messengers for conveying the messages for sages. Atreya and company might have used  their political connection for provision of transportation and safety of messengers.
  Atreya and company would have arranged political safety methods , path finders for sages for attending the conference in Himalaya. Definitely, Atreya and company might have arranges lodging and bordingfor all those sages.
       In the conference, the decision was for Bhardwaja visting Indra for knowing medical science. here, in  author's opinion, Bhardwaja might have learnt various facts from a sage (must be more learned one) and then would have told Ayurveda to Atreya and others. They must  have memorized and told to their disciples for memorizing and then those disciples would have roamed here and there and told Ayurveda to others .
           Medical Tour in every step
After analyzing the conference and various consequences of conference of Ayurvedavataranam , it is clear that many people toured not only for calling sages but after the conference too for spreading the knowledge. Since, writing was rare in those time, the sages used oral sharing methods for knowledge sharing among  sages and spreading . Knowledge was in Sanskrit , hence a special types of persons would have been selected by the Guru for making the persons Physicians.

References –
1-Sawant Varun M., Paliwal Murlidhar (2016) Tadvidya-Sambhasha in Brihattriya , Journal of Ayurveda and Herbal Medicines 2016 , 04 (04)   page 22-25
2-Mahrshi Agnivesh Pranit Charak Samhita Pratham Khand , 1948, ' Sutrasthana, Prathamo Adhyaya' ,  (Translation in Hindi by Kaviraj Atrideva, Gupta )  Bhargava Pushtkalaya Banarasa  , p 6 , 7 , 8
 Copyright @  Bhishma Kukreti, //2019
  History of Medical Tourism, health Tourism and Wellness Tourism and History of Medicines in India will be continued in next chapter –

Medical Seminars in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical Seminars in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India  , North India , South Asia; Medical Seminars in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical Seminars in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India  , South India; South Asia,  Medical Seminars in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical Seminars in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India , East India, , Medical Seminars in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical Seminars in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India  , West India, South Asia; Medical Seminars in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical Seminars in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India  , Central India, South Asia;    Medical Seminars in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical Seminars in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India  , North East India , South Asia;   Medical Seminars in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical Seminars in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India , Bangladesh , South Asia;  Medical Seminars in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical Seminars in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India, Pakistan , South Asia;   Medical Seminars in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical Seminars in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India  , Myanmar, South Asia;  Medical Seminars in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical Seminars in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India  , Afghanistan , South Asia ; Medical Seminars in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical Seminars in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India  , Baluchistan, South Asia, 

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Medical Experts Conference on Vata Dosha in Charaka Samhita (Vatakalakalaya Parishad )

Medical  Seminars , Conferences ,  Symposiums  in Charaka Samhita -2

History of Medical Tourism, Health and Wellness Tourism in Charaka Samhita , Kushana Period (185-73 BC) -11
History of Medical Tourism, Health and Wellness Tourism in India, South Asia- 102
(With Special mentions of History of Medicines in India)
 By: Bhishma Kukreti (Medical Tourism Historian)
  Medical Expert Conferences are important factors of Medical Tourism or Medical facilities development. Charaka samhita mentions such 7 medical conferences.
         2- Vatakathakalaya or Vatkalakaliya  Smbhashna (1)
In 12th Chapter of Sutrasthanam of Charaka Samhita, there is discussion among Sages on vata Dosha and later on other two doshas (total Tridosha (1). The analysis of the said conference is as under -
Aim- The chapter opens as
Athato Vatkalakaliyandhyayam vyakhyasyam II 1 II
Means now we shall discuss the study on Vata (Air Movement) dosha .
The main aim of discussion was to know the good and bad properties and functions of Tridosha (Vat,Pitta, Kapha ).
Venue - In this chapter , there is no mention of exact place of medical experts conference.
Participating Sages 8 Sages or experts as -
Acharya Punarvashu Atreya -Presiding speaker
Other participants - Sage Kusha Sankrutyayan , Sage Kumar Shira Bhardwaja, Sage Kankayan or Physician of Balakh (Kankayano Bahweekbhishgu), Sage Vadisho Dhamargava, Rajarshi Bayorvida, Bhagvan Marichi , Sage Kapya .
    The sages asked the good and bad properties of Vata dosha .
 The discussion proceeded further and one by one sages either asked the question or satisfied the doubts or elaborated the subject. At the end of conference, The presiding speaker Acharya Punarvashu Atreya offred presidential remark and all sages appreciated the same (2)   .
 As per old Sanskrit literature, the above mentioned sages belonged different locations. That means they gathered by touring from one place to a fixed place for discussion. The chapter deals with Vata and that suggests that the agenda was fixed prior to visits of the sages at that particular place. 12th Chapter of Sutrasthana suggest the tour by experts for sharing the medical knowledge and tour of sharing medical knowledge is part and partial of medical tourism.
References –
1-Kaviraj Atridevajigupta , Charaka Samhita Pratham Khand vol 1, 12th  chapter of Sutrasthanam ( Hindi Translation)  , Bhargava Pushtakalaya Banaras , page 148-155
2- -Sawant Varun M., Paliwal Murlidhar (2016) Tadvidya-Sambhasha in Brihattriya , Journal of Ayurveda and Herbal Medicines 2016 , 04 (04)   page 22-25
 Copyright @  Bhishma Kukreti, //2019
  History of Medical Tourism, health Tourism and Wellness Tourism and History of Medicines in India will be continued in next chapter –

Medical Expert Conference on Vata dosha in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical Expert Conference on Vata dosha in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India  , North India , South Asia; Medical Expert Conference on Vata dosha in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical Expert Conference on Vata dosha in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India  , South India; South Asia,  Medical Expert Conference on Vata dosha in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical Expert Conference on Vata dosha in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India , East India, , Medical Expert Conference on Vata dosha in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical Expert Conference on Vata dosha in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India  , West India, South Asia; Medical Expert Conference on Vata dosha in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical Expert Conference on Vata dosha in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India  , Central India, South Asia;    Medical Expert Conference on Vata dosha in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical Expert Conference on Vata dosha in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India  , North East India , South Asia;   Medical Expert Conference on Vata dosha in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical Expert Conference on Vata dosha in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India , Bangladesh , South Asia;  Medical Expert Conference on Vata dosha in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical Expert Conference on Vata dosha in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India, Pakistan , South Asia;   Medical Expert Conference on Vata dosha in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical Expert Conference on Vata dosha in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India  , Myanmar, South Asia;  Medical Expert Conference on Vata dosha in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical Expert Conference on Vata dosha in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India  , Afghanistan , South Asia ; Medical Expert Conference on Vata dosha in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Medical Expert Conference on Vata dosha in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India  , Baluchistan, South Asia, 

Bhishma Kukreti

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Medical Experts Conference on Rashipurush evam Rogottpativishyaka or Origin of Disease  in Charaka Samhita 

Medical  Seminars , Conferences ,  Symposiums  in Charaka Samhita -3

History of Medical Tourism, Health and Wellness Tourism in Charaka Samhita , Kushana Period (185-73 BC) -12
History of Medical Tourism, Health and Wellness Tourism in India, South Asia- 103
(With Special mentions of History of Medicines in India)

 By: Bhishma Kukreti (Medical Tourism Historian)
  Medical Expert Conferences are important factors of Medical Tourism or Medical facilities development. Charaka samhita mentions such 7 medical conferences (1).
   Sawant et. all offer us the detail of each conference of Charaka samhita . There was a conference on origin of diseases wherein medical expertizing  sages participated in the conference. The third above  conference  was 'Rashipurush evam Rogottpativishyaka'(1).
Aim- The aim of above cited conference was for determining man -an aggregate of soul, senses, mind and objects and his diseases.
Place of Medical Conference - Unknown or not mentioned in Charaka Samhita
Participating Medical expert Sages - Sawant et. all offer the following sages those participated in 'Rashipurush evam Rogottpativishyaka 'samhashana (symposium)-
1- Kashiraj Vamka
2-Parikshi  a  decedent of Mudgla
10-Punarvashu Atreya - was presiding speaker concluded the conference and concluded that one should not enter into such a controversy because it  was difficult for arriving at truth by taking sides with its partial aspects.
     The discussion mentioned in Sutrasthan of Charaka Samhita (2) suggest that those experts were called by Atreya and he organized and managed the conference as an  organization  organizes medical conference or medical tourism conference today time. It is necessary to imagine the hurdles of that  time when facilities were in shortage and experts were far from each other. Experts had to memorize each sentence and tell to  his disciples or fellows for memorizing  for further educating to pupils or up coming physicians.   
References -
1-Sawant varun M, Paliwal Murlidhar, Tadvidya-Samhashana In Brihattrayi , Unique Journal of Ayurvedic and Herbal Medicines 2016 , 4 (4) page 22-25
2- Charak- samhita Surtrasthana,(25/03-28), Dr. Ram Karan Sharma, Vaidya Bhagwan Das In, Agnivesha's Charak-samhita, English Translation and Critical exposition vol. 1,  first edition Varanasi , Chaukhamba Sanskrit series office, 2002   

Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti ,
 Origin of Disease Conference in Charaka samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and  Origin of Disease Conference in Charaka samhita , History of Medicines in India  , North India , South Asia;  Origin of Disease Conference in Charaka samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and  Origin of Disease Conference in Charaka samhita , History of Medicines in India  , South India; South Asia,   Origin of Disease Conference in Charaka samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and  Origin of Disease Conference in Charaka samhita , History of Medicines in India , East India, ,  Origin of Disease Conference in Charaka samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and  Origin of Disease Conference in Charaka samhita , History of Medicines in India  , West India, South Asia;  Origin of Disease Conference in Charaka samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and  Origin of Disease Conference in Charaka samhita , History of Medicines in India  , Central India, South Asia;     Origin of Disease Conference in Charaka samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and  Origin of Disease Conference in Charaka samhita , History of Medicines in India  , North East India , South Asia;    Origin of Disease Conference in Charaka samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and  Origin of Disease Conference in Charaka samhita , History of Medicines in India , Bangladesh , South Asia;   Origin of Disease Conference in Charaka samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and  Origin of Disease Conference in Charaka samhita , History of Medicines in India, Pakistan , South Asia;    Origin of Disease Conference in Charaka samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and  Origin of Disease Conference in Charaka samhita , History of Medicines in India  , Myanmar, South Asia;   Origin of Disease Conference in Charaka samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and  Origin of Disease Conference in Charaka samhita , History of Medicines in India  , Afghanistan , South Asia ;  Origin of Disease Conference in Charaka samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and  Origin of Disease Conference in Charaka samhita , History of Medicines in India  , Baluchistan, South Asia, 

Bhishma Kukreti

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Medical Conferences on Rasa , Diet or Rasa-ahara-vinischsysrths Parishad in Charak Samhita

Medical  Seminars , Conferences ,  Symposiums  in Charaka Samhita -4

History of Medical Tourism, Health and Wellness Tourism in Charaka Samhita , Kushana Period 13
History of Medical Tourism, Health and Wellness Tourism in India, South Asia- 104
(With Special mentions of History of Medicines in India)
 By: Bhishma Kukreti (Medical Tourism Historian)
  Medical Expert Conferences are important factors of Medical Tourism or Medical facilities development. Charaka samhita mentions such 7 medical conferences (1).
            In charaka Samhita , there is mention of medical scholars conference on rasa or juices or taste and diet for medical benefits. The following details of the Ahara rasa Parishand are important for medical tourism purposes-
Aim or subject of discussion - Some of Vital Problems regarding  rasa and diet. Dividing the rasa or taste
Place- Pleasant forest of Chaitraratha (The forest usually related to Gandarbhas)
Participating medical scholars  -
Poornaksha Mudgalya
Kumarshira Bhardvaja
King Varyovida
Videha King Nimi
Kankyana (best Physician of Balkh)
There was discussion on types of rasa or taste and there was discussion what should not be taken with a particular food too.
 Acharya Atreya concluded that there are six rasa sweet, sour, saline, pungent, bitter and astringent and he explained the concept of virodhanna or what not to eat with or after particular food.
  The said chapter also revealed that the Kings were interested in eradicating the diseases and at that time, many Kings were medical scholars too. The conference suggests that Kings either were  participating in medical conferences or they were facilitating the medical conferences.

References -
1-Sawant varun M, Paliwal Murlidhar, Tadvidya-Samhashana In Brihattrayi , Unique Journal of Ayurvedic and Herbal Medicines 2016 , 4 (4) page 22-25
2- Charak- samhita Surtrasthana,(26/03-09), Dr. Ram Karan Sharma, Vaidya Bhagwan das In, Agnivesha's Charak-samhita, English Translation and Critical exposition vol. 1 first edition Varanasi , Chaukhamba Sanskrit series office, 2002   
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti ,
Rasa , Diet Conference in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Rasa , Diet Conference in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India  , North India , South Asia; Rasa , Diet Conference in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Rasa , Diet Conference in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India  , South India; South Asia,  Rasa , Diet Conference in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Rasa , Diet Conference in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India , East India, , Rasa , Diet Conference in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Rasa , Diet Conference in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India  , West India, South Asia; Rasa , Diet Conference in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Rasa , Diet Conference in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India  , Central India, South Asia;    Rasa , Diet Conference in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Rasa , Diet Conference in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India  , North East India , South Asia;   Rasa , Diet Conference in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Rasa , Diet Conference in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India , Bangladesh , South Asia;  Rasa , Diet Conference in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Rasa , Diet Conference in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India, Pakistan , South Asia;   Rasa , Diet Conference in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Rasa , Diet Conference in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India  , Myanmar, South Asia;  Rasa , Diet Conference in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Rasa , Diet Conference in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India  , Afghanistan , South Asia ; Rasa , Diet Conference in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Rasa , Diet Conference in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India  , Baluchistan, South Asia, 

Bhishma Kukreti

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Medical Conferences on Human Embryology Parishad in Charak Samhita

Medical Seminars, Conferences,  Symposiums  in Charaka Samhita -5

History of Medical Tourism, Health and Wellness Tourism in Charaka Samhita, Kushana Period  -14
History of Medical Tourism, Health and Wellness Tourism in India, South Asia- 105
(With Special mentions of History of Medicines in India)
 By: Bhishma Kukreti (Medical Tourism Historian)
Medical Expert Conferences are important factors of Medical Tourism or Medical facilities development. Charaka Samhita mentions such 7 medical conferences (1).
One of important conferences was for knowing the facts about Embryology in Charaka Samhita or Garbhakrantivishayak Parishad (2). The details of the Garbhakrantivishayak Parishad are as follows –
Venue – Unknown
Aim- Process of formation of foetus and other embryological development process
Participating Medical Scholar Sages – Atreya presiding speaker and opener the discussion , Bhardvaja .
   First Atreya opened the subject and Bhardvaja showed his doubts and then Atreya explained and satisfied the queries of Bhardvaja .
    The culture on the time of Charaka or Atreya was that Viadyas used to roam for gaining and meeting other scholars and spreading the gained knowledge by roaming only. That type of tourism was specific and related to Medical science development

References -
1-Sawant Varun M, Paliwal Murlidhar, Tadvidya-Samhashana In Brihattrayi , Unique Journal of Ayurvedic and Herbal Medicines 2016 , 4 (4) page 22-25
2- Charak- samhita Surtrasthana,3/03-14, Dr. Ram Karan Sharma, Vaidya Bhagwan das In, Agnivesha's Charak-samhita, English Translation and Critical exposition vol. 1 first edition Varanasi , Chaukhamba Sanskrit series office, 2002   
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti,
Embryology in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Embryology in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India  , North India , South Asia; Embryology in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Embryology in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India  , South India; South Asia,  Embryology in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Embryology in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India , East India, , Embryology in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Embryology in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India  , West India, South Asia; Embryology in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Embryology in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India  , Central India, South Asia;    Embryology in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Embryology in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India  , North East India , South Asia;   Embryology in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Embryology in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India , Bangladesh , South Asia;  Embryology in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Embryology in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India, Pakistan , South Asia;   Embryology in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Embryology in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India  , Myanmar, South Asia;  Embryology in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Embryology in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India  , Afghanistan , South Asia ; Embryology in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Embryology in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India  , Baluchistan, South Asia, 

Bhishma Kukreti

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Medical Conferences on Human Embryology  in Charaka Samhita

Medical Seminars, Conferences, Symposiums in Charaka Samhita -6

History of Medical Tourism, Health and Wellness Tourism in Charaka Samhita, Kushana Period -15
History of Medical Tourism, Health and Wellness Tourism in India, South Asia- 106
(With Special mentions of History of Medicines in India)
 By: Bhishma Kukreti (Medical Tourism Historian)
   There are mentions of 7 medical conferences in Charaka Samhita. In one medical experts conference, there was discussion on how the organs formed and formation of their sequences. The details are as under (1)-
Name- Garbha Angpratyanga nirvrittivishayak Parishad in chapter sharirsthan of C.S. (2)
Aim- Organ formation and their sequences in Foetus
Place or Venue – Unknown
Participating Rishi or Medical Experts  -
Punarvashu Atreya (Presiding Speaker)
Acharya Atreya offered many theories of various experts as Bhardvaja, Janka, Kankanya, Bhadrashaunka, Marichi Kashyapa, Dhanvantari. At the end Atreya concluded that the theory of Dhanvantari was correct that all the organs as hearts etc. are formed at the same time.
   The above discussion was between Punarvashu Atreya and his disciple Agnivesha .

References -
1-Sawant Varun M, Paliwal Murlidhar, Tadvidya-Samhashana In Brihattrayi , Unique Journal of Ayurvedic and Herbal Medicines 2016 , 4 (4) page 22-25
2- Charak- samhita Sharirasthana 6/21, Dr. Ram Karan Sharma, Vaidya Bhagwan Das In, Agnivesha's Charak-samhita, English Translation and Critical exposition vol. 1 first edition Varanasi , Chaukhamba Sanskrit series office, 2002   
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti ,
Embryology discussion in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Embryology discussion in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India  , North India , South Asia; Embryology discussion in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Embryology discussion in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India  , South India; South Asia,  Embryology discussion in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Embryology discussion in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India , East India, , Embryology discussion in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Embryology discussion in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India  , West India, South Asia; Embryology discussion in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Embryology discussion in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India  , Central India, South Asia;    Embryology discussion in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Embryology discussion in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India  , North East India , South Asia;   Embryology discussion in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Embryology discussion in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India , Bangladesh , South Asia;  Embryology discussion in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Embryology discussion in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India, Pakistan , South Asia;   Embryology discussion in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Embryology discussion in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India  , Myanmar, South Asia;  Embryology discussion in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Embryology discussion in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India  , Afghanistan , South Asia ; Embryology discussion in Charaka Samhita , History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Embryology discussion in Charaka Samhita , History of Medicines in India  , Baluchistan, South Asia, 

Bhishma Kukreti

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Medical Conferences on Excellence of Enema and Madan Phala in Charaka Samhita

Medical Seminars, Conferences, Symposiums in Charaka Samhita -7

History of Medical Tourism, Health and Wellness Tourism in Charaka Samhita, Kushana Period -16
History of Medical Tourism, Health and Wellness Tourism in India, South Asia- 107
(With Special mentions of History of Medicines in India)
 By: Bhishma Kukreti (Medical Tourism Historian)
  There was conference for discussion on Enema and importance of Madan Phala mentioned in Charaka Samhita (2).
 Varun Sawant et all describe about ‘Madanpahalaadivishayak Parishad as follows –
Venue of Symposium – Not mentioned
Aim- To resolve the dispute over the most useful ingredient from amongst Madanpahala etc  for Astahapana –basti and for determining the excellence of enema with Madanpahla and other fruits in specific ailments.
Visiting Participants – Bhrigu, Kaushika, Kapya, Shaunaka, Pulstya, Asita gautama
President – Punarvasu Atreya .
This cited text is not initial Charaka Samhita text but is added by Acharya Dridhabala(1)
There was serious discussion and debates for various fruits and their effects and benefits in various ailments in the symposium especially Madanphala.
Acharya Atreya delivered the concluding speech and was honored by all participants.
   This symposium is also one of best examples of Medical Tourism in old age India wherein medical experts used to roam for offering not only treatments but also experts used to  meet for exchanges of medical knowledge and spread the knowledge further to their disciples through oral system of education.

References -
1-Sawant Varun M, Paliwal Murlidhar, Tadvidya-Samhashana In Brihattrayi , Unique Journal of Ayurvedic and Herbal Medicines 2016 , 4 (4) page 22-25
2- Charak- Samhita Siddhisthana 11/03-14 , Dr. Ram Karan Sharma, Vaidya Bhagwan Das In, Agnivesha's Charak-samhita, English Translation and Critical exposition vol. 1 first edition Varanasi , Chaukhamba Sanskrit series office, 2002 
 Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti ,
Discussion on Madanpahla and fruits for various diseases in Charaka Samhita, History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Discussion on Madanpahla and fruits for various diseases in Charaka Samhita, History of Medicines in India  , North India , South Asia; Discussion on Madanpahla and fruits for various diseases in Charaka Samhita, History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Discussion on Madanpahla and fruits for various diseases in Charaka Samhita, History of Medicines in India  , South India; South Asia,  Discussion on Madanpahla and fruits for various diseases in Charaka Samhita, History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Discussion on Madanpahla and fruits for various diseases in Charaka Samhita, History of Medicines in India , East India, , Discussion on Madanpahla and fruits for various diseases in Charaka Samhita, History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Discussion on Madanpahla and fruits for various diseases in Charaka Samhita, History of Medicines in India  , West India, South Asia; Discussion on Madanpahla and fruits for various diseases in Charaka Samhita, History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Discussion on Madanpahla and fruits for various diseases in Charaka Samhita, History of Medicines in India  , Central India, South Asia;    Discussion on Madanpahla and fruits for various diseases in Charaka Samhita, History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Discussion on Madanpahla and fruits for various diseases in Charaka Samhita, History of Medicines in India  , North East India , South Asia;   Discussion on Madanpahla and fruits for various diseases in Charaka Samhita, History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Discussion on Madanpahla and fruits for various diseases in Charaka Samhita, History of Medicines in India , Bangladesh , South Asia;  Discussion on Madanpahla and fruits for various diseases in Charaka Samhita, History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Discussion on Madanpahla and fruits for various diseases in Charaka Samhita, History of Medicines in India, Pakistan , South Asia;   Discussion on Madanpahla and fruits for various diseases in Charaka Samhita, History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Discussion on Madanpahla and fruits for various diseases in Charaka Samhita, History of Medicines in India  , Myanmar, South Asia;  Discussion on Madanpahla and fruits for various diseases in Charaka Samhita, History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Discussion on Madanpahla and fruits for various diseases in Charaka Samhita, History of Medicines in India  , Afghanistan , South Asia ; Discussion on Madanpahla and fruits for various diseases in Charaka Samhita, History of Medical Tourism  , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism  and Discussion on Madanpahla and fruits for various diseases in Charaka Samhita, History of Medicines in India  , Baluchistan, South Asia, 


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