Bhishma Kukreti

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Snake Bite Doctor visiting patient in Mahabharata Epic
History of Medical Tourism, Health and Wellness Tourism in   Mahabharata  Period, India -10
History of Medical Tourism, Health and Wellness Tourism in India, South Asia   -19
 By: Bhishma Kukreti (Medical Tourism Historian)
 Medical Tourism is not limited to patients visiting doctor but doctor visiting to patient is medical tourism too.
     In Rural India, still the Mantric (Mantra Expert that offers herbs too) visits the patient bit by the snake. In Mahabharata too , there is description of Snake Bite Doctor (Mantric) visiting the patient bit by snake. (Adiparva , 50, 18-25
 The story is that a sage son cursed King Parikshit for dying by Takshak Snake . Parikshit arranged many protective methods for snake bite. Parikshit declared money for doctors who could save him from poisonous Takshak Snake . A Snake Bite Expert sage Kashyap started visiting Parikshit palace in hope of huge wealth . On the way, Sage Kashyap met Snake Takshak. After asking question, Kashyap told to Kashyap that he (sage) was an expert. Takshak bit a green tree and burnt  it by poison  and Kashyap made the ead tree alive by his Mantra . Takshak lured Kashyap by offering Kashyap more money and Kashyap returned back without visiting King Parikshit.
 स दष्ट मात्रो नागेन भस्मी भूतो अ भवन्नग:
काश्यपश्च ततो राजन्नजीवयत तं नगम  ( Adiparva 50, 23)
स एवमुक्तो नागेन काश्यपो द्विपदां वर :
लब्ध्वा वितं निववृते तक्ष्काद यावदीप्सितम ( Adiparva 50, 25)
The above story clearly is an example of medical tourism where doctor visiting the patient for money .
Copyright @ Bhishma Kukreti, //2018
  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India will be continued in –
History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , North India , South Asia;, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , South India; South Asia, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India , East India, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , West India, South Asia; History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Central India, South Asia; ;  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , North East India , South Asia;  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India , Bangladesh , South Asia; History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India, Pakistan , South Asia;  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Myanmar, South Asia; ;  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Afghanistan , South Asia ; ;  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Baluchistan, South Asia,  to be continued 

Bhishma Kukreti

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Other Examples of Sperm donation in Mahabharata Epic

History of Medical Tourism, Health and Wellness Tourism in Mahabharata Epic, India -11
History of Medical Tourism, Health and Wellness Tourism in India, South Asia   -20
 By: Bhishma Kukreti (Medical Tourism Historian)

  There are mentions of sperm donation a couple of stories in Mahabharata epic. All five Pandavas and Karna were born from Kunti though sperm donation.
   There are details of sperm donation story in 117- 123 Chapters of Sabhaparva. Prince Pandu was cursed by a sage for unable to had * with women. For repenting the curse Prince Pandu had to live in forest (Ganhmdhan, Garhwal) with his queens Kunti and Mdri  . Pandu was sa for not having sons for continuing his family tree. Pandu made Kunti understand for having sons from other man.
Pandu says
तस्मात् प्रहेष्याम्यद्य त्वां हीन प्रज्ञननात स्वयं
सदृशाच्छ्रेयसो वा त्वं विद्भयपत्यर यश्वनि (Sabhaparva , 120, 37)
“Therefore, O Kunti! I am unable for producing children. Therefore, I shall send you to other man You produce child from other man that is as good as me in character or better than me “

With the consent of Pandu, Kunti called three different quality men one after one.  She born three sons Yudhishthar from Dharma, Bhima from Vayu and Arjun from Indira. Madri conceived two sons Nakul and Sahdev  by Ashini Kumar. (Sabhaparva 119-123). Those stories are clear case of Sperm donation a type of medical tourism. The story suggests that Gandhmadhan would be famous for sperm donation. Here, the donors visit the receivers and don’t demand money.
In 121chapter of Sabhaparva, there is another story of sperm donation . The donor donte sperms to queen Bhara ,
 In both the cases donors visited the receivers and both are good example of medical tourism concept.
Mahabharata was created before 3000 years back, however, the real compilation , addition , editing was completed in Gupta Era (4 00- 700 AD).  Therefore, it could be guessed that around Gupta Era, there was concept of Sperm Donation tourism.
Copyright @ Bhishma Kukreti, //2018
  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India will be continued in –
sperm donation , History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , North India , South Asia;, sperm donation , History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , South India; South Asia, sperm donation , History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India , East India, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , West India, South Asia; History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Central India, South Asia; ; sperm donation,  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , North East India , South Asia;  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India , Bangladesh , South Asia; History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India, Pakistan , South Asia;  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Myanmar, South Asia; ;  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Afghanistan , South Asia ; ;  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Baluchistan, South Asia,  to be continued 

Bhishma Kukreti

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                Importance of Hospitality in Mahabharata Epic
History of Medical Tourism, Health and Wellness Tourism in Mahabharata Epic , India -12
History of Medical Tourism, Health and Wellness Tourism in India, South Asia   -21
 By: Bhishma Kukreti (Medical Tourism Historian)
  Welcoming and caring the guests is very old tradition in India.  In Taittriya Upanishad there is a sholka as under
मातृदेवो भव: Mother is God
पित्रि देवो भव : Father is God
आचार्य देवो भव : Teacher is God
अतिथि देवो भव : Guest is God
(Taittriya Upanishad 1, 11.2)
Atithi means that does not have any date for arriving or that arrives  by without prior information  too.
 In Mahabharata, there are many instances wherein the treatment to guests is given the most than life itself.
  Dying Bhishma tells the importance of hospitality to Yudhishthira in Anushasan Parva chapter 649. Bhishma tell the story of  Sudarshn . Once , a guest came to his house and wife of Suarshan id not care for her husband but cared the Brahmin guest.  Brahmin aske wife of Sudarshn as Bhiksha. Suarshan became ready  for offering his wife. Guest was in fact the incarnated Dharma. Deities and goddesses threw flowers on Sudarshan for his devotion to the guest.
    Bhishma told to Yudhishthira that serving the guest is as good as serving the Almighty.  As per Mahabharata, the guest server wins the death. Serving guest is nothing but worshipping the God. it is said in this chapter that that serves the guest well gets heaven (Punya lok)  It is said in the above chapter of Mahabharata that that does not serve the guest is sin .

Copyright @ Bhishma Kukreti, //2018
  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India will be continued in – 22
Importance of Hospitality , History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , North India , South Asia;, Importance of Hospitality , History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , South India; South Asia, importance of guests , History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India , East India, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , West India, South Asia; History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Central India, South Asia; ; Importance of Hospitality History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , North East India , South Asia;  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India , Bangladesh , South Asia; History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India, Pakistan , South Asia;  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Myanmar, South Asia; ;  Importance of Hospitality , History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Afghanistan , South Asia ;  Importance of Hospitality,  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Baluchistan, South Asia,  to be continued 

Bhishma Kukreti

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  Migration for Passing Retirement Life in Mahabharata Epic
History of Medical Tourism, Health and Wellness Tourism in   Mahabharata Epic , India -13
History of Medical Tourism, Health and Wellness Tourism in India, South Asia   -22
 By: Bhishma Kukreti (Medical Tourism Historian)
   From the early time, people have been conscious passing retired life peacefully and practicing spiritual activities. Today, too, people make strategies for retirement life.
 There is a separate chapter in Mahabharata for describing four main period of common human being – brahmchary ashram, grihasth ashram, baanprasth ashram and sanyas ashram. I Mahabharata’s Anushashan parva , there is description of activities for passing the last retirement life (SanyasAshram ) ( Sankhipt Mahbharata , Part II, page 1381-1386, Geeta Press India,)
 Mahabharata suggests the human being for migrating elsewhere as soon as he/she enters in last phase of life . It is essential to migrate away from home in Sanyas Ashram.
 Mahabharata suggests  many acts for passing Sanyas Ashram or retired life as –
 Simple food, less food, yama, Cleanliness, truthful life, Contently life, not to be afraid of long ife or death, . On the whole the person should be away from home and family and pass life with spiritual activities rather family life. The Sanyasi was suggested to get food by begging (means touring for food).
 After Kurukshetra war,  King Dhritarashtra, his wife gandhari, queen Kunti and Minister Vidur migrated from Kurukshetra to bank of Bhagirathi (Garhwal Uttarakhand) for passing their retired life (Sanyas Ashram) ( Ibid pages 1933). The story tells that there were other King too those were passing retired life as Sages.
   Migration from one place to peaceful place for retired life is nothing but a kind of  tour under medical tourism /wellness tourism.
Copyright @ Bhishma Kukreti, //2018
  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India will be continued in –
History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , North India , South Asia;, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , South India; South Asia, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India , East India, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , West India, South Asia; History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Central India, South Asia; ;  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , North East India , South Asia;  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India , Bangladesh , South Asia; History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India, Pakistan , South Asia;  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Myanmar, South Asia; ;  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Afghanistan , South Asia ; ;  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Baluchistan, South Asia,  to be continued 

Bhishma Kukreti

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Mahabharata Popularizing Garhwal, Uttarakhand for Religious and Medical Tourism
History of Medical Tourism, Health and Wellness Tourism in Mahabharata Epic, India – 15
History of Medical Tourism, Health and Wellness Tourism in India, South Asia   -
 By: Bhishma Kukreti (Medical Tourism Historian)
   Each Medical or Religious Tourist destination requires propaganda from sayings or old scripts. Mahabharata had been an inspiring source for each Indians of all religious sects.  Mahabharata still inspires Indians.  The T.V serial by B.R. Chopra on Doordarshan Channel is the proof of attracting Indian psych of all religions.
 Garhwal is one of important regions of Uttarakhand attached to Tibetan border , Himachal , and Saharanpur , Pilibhit, Bareli of Uttar Pradesh . Badrinath, Kedarnath, Gangotri and Ymaunotri are main religious centers of Garhwal.
       Barring Kurukshetra region (Haryana and West Uttar Pradesh) , Mahabharata detailed Garhwal the most. It is the detailing about Garhwal by Mahabharata that Garhwal, Uttarakhand I perceived real dev Bhumi by Indians and foreigners. Every Hindu wishes for visiting Garhwal at least once in her/his life. Garhwal is King of Religious places in India because Mahabharata detailed Garhwal.
   Mahabharata described Garhwal, Kumaon regions Uttarakhand as follows –
Shantiparva (19/1-9) describes about Prithu taking gold from Sumeru Hill and his capital was in Mayapur.
Shalyaparva (18/28-29) describes about capital of Daksha at Kankhal, Gangadwar (Haridwar).
Vanparva (100/66-69) of Mahabharata details about Sagar and hi descent King Bhagiratha story and Emerging of Ganga from Gangotri , Garhwal.
There is story of Vishwamitra – Menka Nymph and their daughter Shakuntala marrying with King Dushyant in Adiparva (174). There is good amount of description of Ajmer, Bhabhar and part of Bijnor in those stanzas. Son of Shakuntala and Dushyant was Bharat and Jambudweep got name Bharata after King Bharata that was born in Malini River Bank Bhabhar Garhwal. Later on kalidas made that region famous by his Drama Abhigyan Shakutalam.
 Duryodhan sending Pandava at Vranavrat is in Jaunsar Bhabhr (Dehradun) as wellness tourst place for  Pandavas.
Pandavas spent their hiding time in Garhwal and Vanprva is  full of description of Garhwal in Mahabharata.
The family priest of Pandavas belonged to Garhwal, Dabral)
Dr. Dabral offers  full details of Mahabharata describing Garhwal and making the region famous for Religious tourist destination in India in his book Uttarakhand ka Itihas part II pages 304 -398.
 Dr. Dabral minutely describes Garhwal description in Mahabharata.
 Mahbharata is first book describing Garhwal (its people, culture religious places , dresses, medicinal plants, faunas cities , sosal systems importance of places from relgion point of views, Ashramas and habitats that made Garhwal the King of Religious Tourist destination of India.

Copyright @ Bhishma Kukreti, //2018
  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India will be continued in –
History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , North India , South Asia;, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , South India; South Asia, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India , East India, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , West India, South Asia; History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Central India, South Asia; ;  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , North East India , South Asia;  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India , Bangladesh , South Asia; History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India, Pakistan , South Asia;  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Myanmar, South Asia; ;  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Afghanistan , South Asia ; ;  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Baluchistan, South Asia,  to be continued 

Bhishma Kukreti

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Medicinal trees and Plants of Ashtadhyayi of Panini
Glimpses of Medical Tourism in Ashtadhyayi of Panini -1

History of Medical Tourism, Health and Wellness Tourism in Panini   Period, India -1
History of Medical Tourism, Health and Wellness Tourism in India, South Asia   -25
 By: Bhishma Kukreti (Medical Tourism Historian)
   From the beginning human being had been following medical tourism in small scale or unorganized ways and not in organized way as being followed these days. Perhaps medical tourism word was not coined in past especially around 5th century AD. Therefore, less is written about tour for medical aids. The historians have to find glimpses of medical tourism from old script by its mentions about medicinal plants , medicines, illness, diseases,  names of medicinal practitioners, hospitals  and modes of transportation
 Panini a Sanskrit philologist an grammarian offer us many glimpse of medical tourism in his time about North India. His time is considered from 400 BC to 500 BCE.  Panini is famous for his Sanskrit Grammar Ashtadhyayi a sutra styled treatise on Sanskrit grammar (3959 verses). Panini mentions medicinal plants, medicines and medical practitioners too.
    Oshadhi and Vanaspati

 Panini classified on the basis of their produces – Aushadhivana-forest tracts producing herbs, durvana – forest producing fodders and Vanaspativana forest producing trees . Panini classified plants into Aushadhi (herbs)  and Vanaspati (trees).
 Agarwala cited names of various medicinal value trees, grasses, medicinal herbs in his article
Trees in Panini– There are following trees (those had and have medicinal values ) mentioned in Ashtadhyayi of Panini (Agarwala) –
Ashvattha (Ficus relgiosa), Nyagrodha (Ficus bengalansis), Plaksha (Ficus infectoria), Amra (mango), Palasa (Butea species) Bilva (Wood apple tree) , Khadira (catechu tree), Simsapa (seas am) Varana, Sami, Pilu, Karsya (Sal), Piyuksha, Tala, Jamla, Haritaki (Yellow Myrobalan ) , Vamsa (bamboo), Sidhraka) Vishtara,
 There are names of Aushadhi or medicinal herbs, and grasses and weeds, fruits  in Ashtahyayi Panini .

V.S. Agarwala, Ancient Flora in the Ashtadhyayi of Panini ( Archeological  Survey of India, ), The Palaeobotanist pages 61 -69.
Copyright @ Bhishma Kukreti, //2018
  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India will be continued in –
Ashtadhyayi of Panini, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , North India , South Asia;, Ashtadhyayi of Panini, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , South India; South Asia, Ashtadhyayi of Panini, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India , East India, Ashtadhyayi of Panini, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , West India, South Asia; Ashtadhyayi of Panini, Ashtadhyayi of Panini, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Central India, South Asia; ; Ashtadhyayi of Panini,  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , North East India , South Asia;  Ashtadhyayi of Panini, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India , Bangladesh , South Asia; Ashtadhyayi of Panini, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India, Pakistan , South Asia;  Ashtadhyayi of Panini, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Myanmar, South Asia; ;  Ashtadhyayi of Panini, Ashtadhyayi of Panini, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Afghanistan , South Asia ; ;  Ashtadhyayi of Panini, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Baluchistan, South Asia,  to be continued 

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Medicinal Herbs in Ashtadhyayi of Panini
Glimpses of Medical Tourism in Ashtadhyayi of Panini -2

History of Medical Tourism, Health and Wellness Tourism in Panini   Period, India - 2
History of Medical Tourism, Health and Wellness Tourism in India, South Asia   -26
 By: Bhishma Kukreti (Medical Tourism Historian)
  Dr. V.S. Agarwal argued that Panini took Trina (grass) and Dhanya (cereals) separately than ‘vanspati Trees) due to Trina and Dhanya are aushadhi (medicines)
 The minor herbs are I Sutra IV 1 64 (paka –karna –parna-pushpa , mula –bal –uttara-padach-cha )  Dr Agarwal showed inability for informing names of medicinal plants as  he states – “Individual names of herbs cannot be cited from Panini  except on the basis of four accessory (Anantrgana )  sutras to the Ajadi group . It appears there are names Triphala, Saatparak kanda , Amula, Brahmi , etc   
 There are many medicinal values plants cited in Ashtadhyayi by Panini under flowers , grasses and fruits . 
V.S. Agarwala, Ancient Flora in the Ashtadhyayi of Panini ( Archeological  Survey of India, ), The Palaeobotanist pages 61 -69.
Copyright @ Bhishma Kukreti, //2018
  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India will be continued in –
Ashtadhyayi of Panini, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , North India , South Asia;, Ashtadhyayi of Panini, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , South India; South Asia, Ashtadhyayi of Panini, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India , East India, Ashtadhyayi of Panini, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , West India, South Asia; Ashtadhyayi of Panini, Ashtadhyayi of Panini, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Central India, South Asia; ; Ashtadhyayi of Panini,  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , North East India , South Asia;  Ashtadhyayi of Panini, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India , Bangladesh , South Asia; Ashtadhyayi of Panini, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India, Pakistan , South Asia;  Ashtadhyayi of Panini, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Myanmar, South Asia; ;  Ashtadhyayi of Panini, Ashtadhyayi of Panini, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Afghanistan , South Asia ; ;  Ashtadhyayi of Panini, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Baluchistan, South Asia,  to be continued 

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Explanation for Charaka name in Ashtadhyayi by  Panini
Glimpses of Medical Tourism in Ashtadhyayi of Panini -3

History of Medical Tourism, Health and Wellness Tourism in Panini   Period, India - 3
History of Medical Tourism, Health and Wellness Tourism in India, South Asia   -27
 By: Bhishma Kukreti (Medical Tourism Historian)
  There is mention of Charaka name in Ashtadhyayi by Panini. Charaka explanation offers glimpses of tourism for gaining education. Taking education for medical practices is one of ways of medical tourism.    
 In Panini period, the professional training (technical ) was called Janpadi Vidya or education of janpada or region  and Shastra education was named Bhayushi –
जानदीपु विद्यात पुरुषो भवति, पारोवर्यवित्सु तु खलु वेदित्रिपु भूयोविद्य प्रशस्यो भवति (यास्क )
(Reference ,  Atidev , 1960 Ayurved ka Vrihad Itihas   page 88 )
    In past ,  students were of three types – Mnav , Antevasi and Charak .  Panini put Manav and Chraka together. (माणवचरकाभ्याखल 5/11). The student that used to take education at one place was called Antevasi. The students those used to take education roaming from one Guru to other guru was called Charaka. It can be concluded that the Ayurveda student student that used to roam from on Ashram to another Ashram was called ‘Charaka’. Mahabharata compiler Vaisampayana was also called Charaka. Those students used stay for short period in Gurukul A Chinese tourist mentioned Panini as Charaka too.
 From Panini time till British period  usually a Brahmin student used to take education of Shastra along with Ayurveda and usually Karmakand Brahmin or Astrologer Brahmin used to be Ayurveda doctor too. It was a tradition for centuries. That means the medicine students that used to roam one Guru to another was Charaka - Ayurveda student.
Copyright @ Bhishma Kukreti, //2018
  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India will be continued in –
Ashtadhyayi of Panini, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , North India , South Asia;, Ashtadhyayi of Panini, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , South India; South Asia, Ashtadhyayi of Panini, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India , East India, Ashtadhyayi of Panini, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , West India, South Asia; Ashtadhyayi of Panini, Ashtadhyayi of Panini, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Central India, South Asia; ; Ashtadhyayi of Panini,  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , North East India , South Asia;  Ashtadhyayi of Panini, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India , Bangladesh , South Asia; Ashtadhyayi of Panini, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India, Pakistan , South Asia;  Ashtadhyayi of Panini, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Myanmar, South Asia; ;  Ashtadhyayi of Panini, Ashtadhyayi of Panini, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Afghanistan , South Asia ; ;  Ashtadhyayi of Panini, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Baluchistan, South Asia,  to be continued 

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  Diseases mentioned in Ashtadhyayi by Panini
Glimpses of Medical Tourism in Ashtadhyayi of Panini -4
History of Medical Tourism, Health and Wellness Tourism in Panini   Period, India - 4
History of Medical Tourism, Health and Wellness Tourism in India, South Asia   -28
 By: Bhishma Kukreti (Medical Tourism Historian)
     Panini created treatise on Sanskrit Grammar by name Ashtadhyayi. Patanjali wrote commentary on Ashtadhyayi r Bhashya by name Mahbhashya  . Katyayana wrote commentary of Ashtadhyayi by name Varttika.
 Panini offers us many aspects regarding medical tourism. Panini offers names of diseases that mean at that period the medical science was grown well in advance stage. Medical scince growth is the base of medical tourism. Wherever, medical aid facilities are there the medical tourism starts growing. 
     Diseases mentioned in Ashtadhyayi by Panini
 The synonyms of disease Rog were ‘gad (गद)’  (6/3/70) and uptaap (उपताप) (7/3/61).
The name of contagious disease was Sparsh Rog  (3/3/16)
The Vaidya (doctor or medical practitioner) was called ‘Agadkar (अगदकार ) means that reverses diseases or gad or that makes diseases free.
The names of Medical herbs is Aushadhi  (औषधि )  and prepared medicine is  called  Aushadh (औषध ) in Ashtadhyayi . (aushdher  jatau , 5/4 /37 )
 Sidhmaadi Arshas words are Aushdhi  (5/2/97 and 5/2 /127 )
  Tas  (तस ) suffix was added  with Kri verb  (कृ धातु )with name of disease for noting a Medical treatment for a disease  as pravahikat kuru , प्रवाहिकात कुरु –प्रवाहिका की चिकित्सा करो or treat pravahiika disease .
 The fever arising on second or third days were called dwitiyak , tritiyak or fourth day’s fever chaturthak  in Ashtadhyayi .
 There was especial grammatical system for denoting disease oriented word  as prachhadika, pravahika ( Atidev  page 89-90 ).
   The name of ill man was announced by name of disease as  Kushthi (ill human of  leprosy ) , kilaasi , vaatiki etc (Atidev )
Weak but disease free person -  Glasnu (3/2/139 ) . Glasnu word is also found in Charak Samhita but with different meaning (Atidev)
Shardi mata – the disease of winter season or early winter (Shrada season )
Tridosha – Panini referred’ tridosha’ but Katyayan referred Kaf , Vat and pitta .
Vatki – the name of disease by cold (5/2/39)
pitt – disease of our liquid coming from stomach is named a couple of times (5/2/97 and 5/2/100) in Ashtadhyayi .
 There are other disease names in Mahbhashya by PataAnjali  as – Nadwalodak, Padrog, Dadhitra push  prataksho jwar (5/1/39).
Atisar (diarrhea )  is also cited in Ashtadhyayi .
Katyayan mentioned names of diseases as Vatik, Paittik, Shlaishmik, Sannipaatik (Atidev) .
 Kanjiv Lochan (2003  ) explains disease cited in Ashtadhyayi as -  Ashtadhyayi offers clear definition of diseases and refers to hemorrhoids (ashas 5/3/127) cough (khusru 3/3/25) , fever (sanjwara 3/2/142) leprocy (siddhma 5/2/97 ) blood dysentery (ashrva 3/1/141) heart disease (hrid roga  6/3/51), skin disease (5/2/100 )

References –
 Atidev, 1960 , Ayurveda ka Vrihad Itihas , Bhargava press Banaras, India page 87 -91)
Kanjiv Lochan , 2003, Medicines of Early India , Chaukhmba Sanskriti Bhawan , banras, India page 15

Copyright @ Bhishma Kukreti, //2018
  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India will be continued in – 29
Ashtadhyayi of Panini, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , North India , South Asia;, Ashtadhyayi of Panini, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , South India; South Asia, Ashtadhyayi of Panini, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India , East India, Ashtadhyayi of Panini, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , West India, South Asia; Ashtadhyayi of Panini, Ashtadhyayi of Panini, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Central India, South Asia; ; Ashtadhyayi of Panini,  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , North East India , South Asia;  Ashtadhyayi of Panini, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India , Bangladesh , South Asia; Ashtadhyayi of Panini, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India, Pakistan , South Asia;  Ashtadhyayi of Panini, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Myanmar, South Asia; ;  Ashtadhyayi of Panini, Ashtadhyayi of Panini, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Afghanistan , South Asia ; ;  Ashtadhyayi of Panini, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Baluchistan, South Asia,  to be continued 

Bhishma Kukreti

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  Physicians mentioned in Ashtadhyayi by Panini
Glimpses of Medical Tourism in Ashtadhyayi by Panini -5
History of Medical Tourism, Health and Wellness Tourism in Panini   Period, India - 5
History of Medical Tourism, Health and Wellness Tourism in India, South Asia (A special Reference of History of medicines in India )    -28
 By: Bhishma Kukreti (Medical Tourism Historian)
   Kanjiv Lochan (3 ) rightly stressed that the reference of Ayurveda in Panini and  Mahabharata rightly justifies that  the physicians of the latter half of the first millennium BC were no longer restricted for  curing diseases but  were also busy in exploring a complete science of health and medicines.
 In Aushadhi gana , there are mentions of Ayurveda Acharya as Bhardwaja and Atreya.
 There are mentions of physicians or medical practitioners or doctors in Gargadimyo gana (4/1/105) as
  The above three Ayurveda Acharya were disciples of Acharya Atreya .
Dr. Manasa states in an article Ayurveda of Sanskrit Grammar Text of Panini that there is a mention of Acharya Sushruta and his disciples in Ashtadhyayi (
References –
 1-Atidev, 1960 , Ayurveda ka Vrihad Itihas , Bhargava press Banaras, India page 87 -91)
2, 3 Kanjiv Lochan , 2003, Medicines of Early India , Chaukhmba Sanskriti Bhawan , banras, India page 15 and page 70 -71

Copyright @ Bhishma Kukreti, //2018
  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India will be continued in – 29

Physicians  in Ashtadhyayi of Panini, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , North India , South Asia;, Physicians  in Ashtadhyayi of Panini, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , South India; South Asia, Physicians  in Ashtadhyayi of Panini, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India , East India, Physicians  in Ashtadhyayi of Panini, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , West India, South Asia; Physicians  in Ashtadhyayi of Panini, Physicians  in Ashtadhyayi of Panini, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Central India, South Asia; ; Physicians  in Ashtadhyayi of Panini,  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , North East India , South Asia;  Physicians  in Ashtadhyayi of Panini, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India , Bangladesh , South Asia; Physicians  in Ashtadhyayi of Panini, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India, Pakistan , South Asia;  Physicians  in Ashtadhyayi of Panini, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Myanmar, South Asia; ;  Physicians  in Ashtadhyayi of Panini, Physicians  in Ashtadhyayi of Panini, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Afghanistan , South Asia ; ;  Physicians in Ashtadhyayi of Panini, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Baluchistan, South Asia,  to be continued 


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