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Bhishma Kukreti:
In this topic,  Bhishma Kukreti will post history of medical tourism history of medicines , history of wellness tourism in Indian Subcontinents as-

History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , North India , South Asia; History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , South India; South Asia,  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India , East India, , History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , West India, South Asia; History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Central India, South Asia;    History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , North East India , South Asia;   History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India , Bangladesh , South Asia;  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India, Pakistan , South Asia;   History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Myanmar, South Asia;  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Afghanistan , South Asia ; History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Baluchistan, South Asia, 

Bhishma Kukreti:
   Defining Medical Tourism and Health and Wellness Tourism
History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India, South Asia   -1
 By: Bhishma Kukreti (Medical Tourism Historian)
  As far as Medical Tourism, Health and wellness Tourism is concern, the concept had been there ince human came in existence. However, it was not defined in past because people did not use medical services for earning, becoming rich  or attracting tourist for earning.
 Now days, when tourism and medical became major source of earning marketing fellows started defining medical tourism and health and wellness tourism as well.
    Hume and DeMicco (2007) define Medical tourism as “The process of travelling another country to for receive medical , dental and surgical care (1)” 
 Carrera and Bridges defined health and wellness tourism as “the organized travel outside one’s local environment for maintenance, enhancement or restoration of individual’s wellbeing in mind and body (2)” 
     Reddy et all (2010) define as “tourism (domestic or International) for the primary purpose of invasive, diagnostic and life style treatments (3)”
 For writing History of Medical, Health and Wellness tourism and wellness in India is concerned, the author will discuss following major aspects
History aspects of medicines, places, doctors, patient visiting medical centers, doctors visiting to patients, doctor visiting for teaching, doctor visiting getting medical knowledge, institution etc.
     This author will discuss periodical evolution of treatments for Body, Mind and paramedical aspects in India. 

1 , 2,o 3, Fredrick J. DeMicco, 2017,  Medical  Tourism and Wellness: Hospitality Bridging Healthcare ,(H2H), Apple Academic Press , Canada,   

Copyright @ Bhishma Kukreti , 21/5/2018
  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India will be continued in – 2
History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , North India , South Asia;, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , South India; South Asia, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India , East India, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , West India, South Asia; History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Central India, South Asia; ;  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , North East India , South Asia;  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India , Bangladesh , South Asia; History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India, Pakistan , South Asia;  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Myanmar, South Asia; ;  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Afghanistan , South Asia ; ;  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Baluchistan, South Asia,  to be continued 

Bhishma Kukreti:
Medical Tourism and Health and Wellness Tourism in Stone age in India
History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India, South Asia   -2

 By: Bhishma Kukreti (Medical Tourism Historian)
     Homo erectus lived on the upper Pathohar in Upper Punjab, Pakistan and during Pleistocene epoch, historians found sites in Shivalic region (Kennedy)
   Homo Sapiens lived in India before 75000 and 50000 years BCE (Chauhan et al ).
  Mehrgarh civilization and Medical tourism
   The Medical Tourism historians have to analyze medical tourism from the angles of those time people and not from today’s angle. Then the diseases, occupation, communication and administration style was totally different than the present.
     There was Mehargarh civilization in Baluchistan from 7000-2000 BCE. Mehrgarh civilization is thought precursor of Indus Valley civilization.
       The civilization was using mud utensils, houses, and copper utensils too. It was food growing civilization (barley) Pottery was common. Burial was individual and in mass too.
        Dentists and dental Drilling in Stone Age
   Historians and scientists found teeth drills . Amitabh Avashthi wrote for National geographic news (http://Http://nationalgeographic.com//news/2006/4//0405_060405 (site found on 22nd my 2018) that archeologists found and “9000 year old drilled teeth are works of stone age dentists”.  Amitabh further informed that Anthropologist Clark Spencer of Ohio University cleared that there were proofs of earlier people had knowledge of manipulation of dental hard tissues in living people. Scientists found 11 teeth in a grave yard that have been drilled and including one that  had gone to complex drilling procedure for hollowing out a cavity deep inside the teeth.
 Scientists suggested that it was sophisticated drilling and machines and was for medical pupose and not for any aesthetic purpose.
  Scientists suggested that the drill would have been of flint similar but  smaller than used for fire generation.  Scientists suggested that the teeth drilling fashion existed for 1500 and suddenly disappeared 7000  years ago. Perhaps due to pain in drilling for manipulation the hard tissue was one reasons for discontinuation of the technology.  Scientists of University of Poitiers made the discoveries.
   Sign of Medical tourism (Dental Drilling)
  The above discovery clearly suggests that the region was famous for dental clinics as the same fashioned drilled teeth were not found other places. The population was estimated 2500 around Mehargarh site at that time. There were expert (bead craftsmen) in making drill and bow and rope and dentists were sophisticated dentists in drilling the teeth cavity of living persons.  . Since, scientists did not get such bow drill elsewhere, it is evident (strong indication)  that Mehargarh of 7000 BCE  was dentary hub for patients visiting Mehrgarh from other places. The people from nearby area might be visiting the dentists for teeth cure.  Whether the teeth drillers were charging to patient or is not known. If at all dentists were charging to the patients it would be barter system nly. There are no indications that those teeth drillers were also expert for other dental problems. Since, Specialization in curing patients came in existence in the modern age , this author is of strong opinion that the teeth drillers of stone age in Baluchistan were also knowing other dental cure too and most probably herbal medicines.
  The Mehrgarh civilization showed the first evidence of Medical tourism in India.    Definitely, it was craft medical tourism industry from today’s point of view.         
Kennedy, A. R, 2000, God Apes and Fossils Men Paleoanthropology of South Asia Ann Arb , University of Michigan Press 
Copyright @ Bhishma Kukreti , 21/5/2018
  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India will be continued in – 2
History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in Stone age in India  , North India , South Asia;, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in Stone age in India  , South India; South Asia, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in Stone age in  India , East India, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in Stone age in  India  , West India, South Asia; History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in Stone age in India  , Central India, South Asia; ;  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , North East India , South Asia;  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India , Bangladesh , South Asia; History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in Stone age in India, Pakistan , South Asia;  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in Stone age in India  , Myanmar, South Asia; ;  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in Stone age in  India  , Afghanistan , South Asia ; ;  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in Stone age in India  , Baluchistan, South Asia,  to be continued 

Bhishma Kukreti:
Medical, Wellness Tourism in Indus Valley Civilization part -1
History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India, South Asia   -3
 By: Bhishma Kukreti (Medical Tourism Historian)

   Indus Civilization developed and flourished in Afghanistan, Pakistan and North West India from Gujrat to Rajasthan to Meerut near Saharanpur Uttar Pradesh. The Archeology Survey of India Head  started excavation at Harappa site and still researches and excavation is going on . The following sites are in the map of Indus valley civilization (3300-1300 BCE and mature age 2600-1900 BCE)
 As per Frankfort , (Foulies de Shortughai page 75, Vol 7) , by 22008, there were 1000 Indus Valley civilization sites discovered of which 406 are in Pakistan and 616 in India .
   Most of historians divide Indus valley Civilization into four eras  (1)–
 Early Food producing Era – 7000-5500 BCE Mehargarh era belongs to this era.
The Regionalization Era-4000-2300 BCE or Early Harappa Civilization
Integration era or late Era

    Major Characteristics of Indus Valley Civilization
(Summarized from Mahajan)
  The people were agriculturists.
The very important characteristics are road planning, hygiene and cleanliness that even lacking today in Indian subcontinent, constructing building by burnt bricks, ceramics , metal extraction, metal forging, producing cotton and textiles.
Mohenjo-Daro remains prove that people used bathrooms, drainage and believed in personal hygiene.
There was occasional warfare therefore, people were conscious plant medicines.
There was homogenous indigenous culture.
 The deities were Shiva, Brahma, Pashupati.
Nakshtra name are of  Indus Valley Civlization  time.
The seal are very important
Decimal system was used in weight and measures.
 They had knowledge of Lunar astrology.
Their rectangular bath suggest religious society  and a religion .
 Harappa people could make painted potteries glazed potteries, burnt clay, terracotta .
 The archeologists found  planned shipyard at Kalibangan and Lothal sites . It means the society had trade and export relation with other civilization as with Sumerian civilization , Mesopotamia  and Egypt
 Archeologists found Certain Medicated and contemplative postures of people available among terracotta figurines That suggest that people developed Physical and mental l science with high degree.

1-Cunningham and Young  , Archeology of South Asia: from Indus to Asoka 6500 BCE-200CE, Cambridge press)
2- V.D.  Mahajan , 1998Ancient India pages from 54-95, S. Chand & Company

Copyright @ Bhishma Kukreti, 21/5/2018
  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India will be continued in –4
History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , North India , South Asia;, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , South India; South Asia, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India , East India, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , West India, South Asia; History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Central India, South Asia; ;  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , North East India , South Asia;  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India , Bangladesh , South Asia; History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India, Pakistan , South Asia;  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Myanmar, South Asia; ;  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Afghanistan , South Asia ; ;  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Baluchistan, South Asia,  to be continued 

Bhishma Kukreti:

Presumptions for Medical practices in Indus Valley Civilization
History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India, South Asia   -1
 By: Bhishma Kukreti (Medical Tourism Historian)
    The Indus Valley civilization was well aware about the importance of health care. That is the reason,  people built  baths and well planned water drainages in the township. However, historians, archeologists or anthropologists did not mention or search much anything related to medical practices at the time of Indus River Civilization.
   T Pullalah stated referring Piggot (1950)  that Indus Valley civilization people used mainly rituals, magic etc for health care. This author argues that if a Shilpkar (Scheduled caste) does not have any history documentation or evidence that does not mean that Shilpkar did not have forefathers or that Shilpkar is history less. Same way, it is ridiculous to state that Indus Valley civilization wholly depended on Rituals and Magic for health care. Nobody should believe that with so much building works, industries, trade tours to Egypt, Sameria and Mesopotamian region,   It is unbelievable that Society  had capacity of building Shipyard butt such society survived only on religious medical practices. No society can build such township, shipyards, building without physical medicines and survive for so many years on only ritualistic medical practices.
 Second important aspect about herbal or animal part based medicines is that, Mehrgarh civilization had some knowledge of dental care and other body part care, Indus Valley traders were regularly visiting Sumer and Mesopotamia regions, Egypt for  trading. All those contemporary civilizations had physical medical practices. If Indus Valley civilization did not have knowledge for physical medical practices definitely the Indus people might have taken knowledge from other civilizations. it is just impossible a society believed in sanitation and its value  and could not innovate physical medicines from nature.
 The later successive civilization as Rigveda and other Veda civilizations proved that they took clues for many medical practices (Ayurveda) definitely from predecessor- Indus Civilization.
   From Medical Tourism point of view, this author will discuss medical practices in contemporary civilizations and later on the civilization after Indus valley. There might be missing link of evidences for physical medical practices in Indus Valley civilization but cant rely on the theory that Indus people were only practicing rituals and magic for medical purposes. If a road or house building labor gets injured and bleeding starts , in that case, the magic never works but some physical methods work for stopping bleeding etc, No doubt,  the evidences show that rituals and magic medium were used by Indus people more  .
     Disease in Indus Civilization
 Shug, R.( 2013) reveals that later Indus Civilization (around 1900 BCE) suffered because of many diseases and violence . Shug discovered tuberculosis and     infectious disease even leprosy too. However, those evidences do not show any diseases at initial stages and mid stages (peak) of Indus civilization.
     Sumerian, Mesopotamian, Egypt Civilizations medical practices
  Sumerian civilization (4000-1700 BCE) -the Contemporary civilization of Indus Valley had already developed the medical practices by professional practitioners and archeologists found a tablet of medical prescriptions too from Sumer (Kramer). Sumerian people also invented medical ethics too. Same way Egypt was advance in medical practices. Indus Valley people had contacts with those societies. It is surprise that Indus did not apply medical practices og the above socities even after trade relationship. Might be we did not get the records.
 We have to presume following theories for medical tourism in Indus Valley time.
   Presumption -1 – Traders used to get medical facilities from Mesopotamia, Sumer or Egypt but every sick person was unable to visit those territories. Traders definitely used to get health care services from all three regions whenever they toured foreign countries.
Presumption -2 - Since cities were having big bath small area persons used to visit for Big bath (that was thought to be spiritual healers) or used to visit spiritual centers for healing.
  Presumption 3- Though, there is no proof but this author assumes that spiritual or physical medical practitioners or healers would have been touring (Today’s moving hospitals) the patients.
     Biologically all humans and animals are always conscious about their health and take conscious or unconscious measures. It can’t be possible that such an advance civilization was without physical medical practices. There were medical practices but those were banished.
    After hundreds of years, Vedas came in existence and Vedas has all types of medical senses. Might be they took clues from earlier civilization and that proofs that there were medical practices in Indus or Harappa era.
   Be it premature period of medical practices or advance one or spiritual medical practices (Sankhya Yoga or auto suggestion type) , all types of medical practices create Medical Tourism or tour for medical aids.
 The preceding chapters will open the medical practices after Indus valley civilization and will proof that there was no vacuum for medical practices in Indus Valley civilization

  T Pullalah et all, (Ethnobotany of India Vol 5, page Part 3,5)
Piggot s, 1950, prehistoric India , Penguine Books, London.
 Shung R, Infection ,disease and Biosocial Process at the end of Indus Civlization. Plos One
Kramer S.N., 1963 The Sumerians : Their History, culture and Character page , The University of Chicago Press, 95
Copyright @ Bhishma Kukreti , 21/5/2018
  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India will be continued in – 2
History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , North India , South Asia;, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , South India; South Asia, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India , East India, History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , West India, South Asia; History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Central India, South Asia; ;  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , North East India , South Asia;  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India , Bangladesh , South Asia; History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India, Pakistan , South Asia;  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Myanmar, South Asia; ;  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Afghanistan , South Asia ; ;  History of Medical, health and Wellness Tourism in India  , Baluchistan, South Asia,  to be continued 


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