Author Topic: History of Plant Science , History of Botany , Botanical Researches In India  (Read 21282 times)

Bhishma Kukreti

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Krishi Parashar: An Early Sanskrit Writing on Agriculture in India

Applied Botany in Smriti, Niti Shastra, Samhita, Dharma Shastra and Purana
Botany History in Smriti, Niti Shastra, Samhita Dharma Shastra, Purana etc. 10 
BOTANY History of Indian Subcontinent –789

By: Bhishma Kukreti M.Sc. {(Botany), B.Sc. (Honours in Botany), Medical Tourism Historian)
        India has been fortunate for having rich agriculture heritage from the time of creating Vedas and even developed agriculture science in Indus Valley period.
There is a book that is oldest in agriculture in Sanskrit is Krishi Parashar.  Krishi Parashara traces back to the evolution of agriculture science through literary records to Arthashastra of Kautilya (400 BC). 
There is debate about   Parashara the author of Krishi Parashara is still on. The name Parashara sage appears in many ages as individual, family (gotra) or as institution. Parashara had been related to many sciences as astrology, medicines etc..
  Nalini Sadhale, H.V. Balakundi and Y .L. Nene translate the original Sanskrit text into English (1) also discussed the date of creation of Krishi-Parashara.  Majumdar in Ancient India states that the author of Krishi Parashara was perhaps earlier than 6th century AD but not later than 11th century AD.  Varahamihira was there in around or early 6th century (2) , Varahmihira described about Parashara as authority on agriculture , astronomy, astrology and metrology. That means the starting point on the period of Krishi Parashara starts.  Nalini et al referred Kane (History of Dharmashastra 1930) and stated that  the date of Parashar Smriti or Krishi Parashar would be between 1st and 5th Century. Sadhale et all referred Upendra Singh  ( A history of Ancient and Early Medieval India  (1971) , states that the date of Krishi –Parashara is after Kautilya’s Arthashastra and not more than 4th century AD.
     The ancient text Krishi Parashara is constructed in Anustambha Chhanda (meter) style in Sanskrit verses. There are two hundred and forty three verses in Krishi Parashara.
The book Krishi Parashara deals with applied agriculture, there is farmer’s almanac containing astronomical and metrological data of geographical and climatic condition.
Parashara describes various aspects of agriculture (Applied Botany)   as manure, seeds and storing seed, cattle management  ,  agro appliances as  construction of plough, sowing, plantation, raising , irrigation, cropping , harvesting, measuring yields,  The crop described in present Krishi Parashar is rice and that means the text has relation with East part of India.
Professor Pandeya divided Krishi Parashara into following main parts in his Hindi Translation (3) –
Prastavikam or preface
Vrishti Khand  (Raining )
Krishi Khand (agriculture) 
 1-Sadhale Nalini, H.V . Balakundi and Y .L. Nene (Tr.) Krishi Parashara (Agriculture by Parashara)   Bulletin no 2 of Asian Agri-History, Foundation, Secundrabad, and Telangana
2 – O Connor, J.J Robertson Edmund F . Varahamihira, (2015) Mac Tutor History of Mathematics Archives, Universities of St Andrews 
Pandeya, R. 2002, Krishi Parashara, Motilal Banarasi Das , Delhi
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, , Mumbai India,
History of Plant Science / Indian Botany in Smriti, Niti Shastra, Krishi Parashar, Krishi Kashaypa  and Purana , Applied Botany in Krishi Parashara will be continued, agriculture  science in Krishi Parashara will be continued in next chapter

Bhishma Kukreti

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Importance of Agriculture and Food mentioned in Krishi Parashar

Applied Botany in Smriti, Niti Shastra, Samhita, Dharma Shastra and Purana
Botany History in Smriti, Niti Shastra, Samhita Dharma Shastra, Purana etc. 11 
BOTANY History of Indian Subcontinent –80
By: Bhishma Kukreti M.Sc. {(Botany), B.Sc. (Honours in Botany), Medical Tourism Historian)
  A Sanskrit text Krishi Parashar is all about rain, irrigation and agriculture. Krishi Parashar mentions the importance of food and agriculture as follows (1)-
 There is only one profession that you don’t need to be beggar and that is agriculture. The farmer could be King in this earth. (Krishi Parashar, Prastavika -3)
Even having ample of Silver, gold and gems, the person has to request famers for getting food, (Krishi Parashar, Prastavika -4)
Having full or gold ornament’s in ear, neck and hands without food items the person has to fast without food . (Krishi Parashar, Prastavika -5)
Food is life and food is necessary for all acts. Even Deities, demons and humans have to depend on food for life. (Krishi Parashar, Prastavika -6)
Crops create food and farming creates crops. Therefore, leaving everything, persons should engage in farming or agriculture acts. (Krishi Parashar, Prastavika -7)

1-Pandeya, R. 2002, Krishi Parashara, Motilal Banarasi Das , Delhi page 17 -18
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, , Mumbai India,
History of Plant Science / Indian Botany in Smriti, Niti Shastra, Krishi Parashar, Krishi Kashaypa and Purana , Applied Botany in Krishi Parashara will be continued, agriculture  science in Krishi Parashara will be continued in next chapter

Bhishma Kukreti

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Seeds and Seed Storage Management in Krishi Parashara:

Applied Botany in Krishi Parashara: 3
Applied Botany in Smriti, Niti Shastra, Samhita, Dharma Shastra and Purana
Botany History in Smriti, Niti Shastra, Samhita Dharma Shastra, Purana etc. 12 
BOTANY History of Indian Subcontinent –81
By: Bhishma Kukreti M.Sc. {(Botany), B.Sc. (Honours in Botany), Medical Tourism Historian)
    There are three major parts of Krishi Parashara: 1- Preface(importance of food and Agriculture) 2- Vrishtikhand (Formulas about rain and rain forecasting, , Soil management  3- Krishikhand ( Ploughing etc. Seeds , Sowing etc.)
 Krishikhand is second important part of Krishi Parashara important for Botanists and historians interested in.
              Importance of Agriculture management in Krishi Parashara: (KP)

In Krishikhand:, Parashara  starts stating that the crop is looked after well by farmer generate wealth and if there is no look after management the farming brings poverty (KP 3.1) .
From 2nd verse to 76th verse is about domestic animals and their management; compost and generating compost manure and manure management;  ploughing , construction of plough , ploughing  management and Soil , Soil Health Management .
  From verse number 77th of Krishi Khand:  of Krishi Parashara: it is about Seeds and Seed management,
The 77th verse states that Seeds should be collected in Magha and Falguna (November December) and should be dried well on sun; and should not be kept on ground .
The seeds should be kept in bag (Thaili) with  husk, without husk the seeds will degenerate. (KP, 3.78)
The equal sized seeds give better result in cropping (germination), Therefore, equal sized seeds should be store sin a bag or store (KP 3.79)
Seeds should not be stores in where White Ant are found, where women deliver the children, cow yard, and where childless woman lives. (KP 3.81)
The women experiencing mensuration period, pregnant and mother of newly born child should not touch the seeds (KP 3. 82)
The farmer by any chance should not put Ghee, oil, butter milk (curd), salt and earthen lamp on seeds (not even by mistake) (KP 3.83)
 The seeds spoiled by earthen lamp flame , fire, smoke, and spoiled by rain and by keeping in diytch should not be sown at all (KP 3.84)
Even by  mistake , the farmer should not sow the seeds kept in ditches (inside earth)  as those seeds are equal to  infertile ones or as good as  husk (KP.3..85)
If seeds become sterile//infertile, the manure, farmer, field, bulls, and rain can’t bring cropping or germination. Or they all become failure.(KP 3.86)
All crops come by seeds only there, attention should be paid on  seeds and seed storing (KP3 87)
 The above stanzas are good enough to tell that at that period and before (Krishi Parashara: creation), Indian were  having good knowledge of applied botany.
1-Pandeya, R. 2002, Krishi Parashara, Motilal Banarasi Das , Delhi page 48- 50
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, , Mumbai India,
History of Plant Science / Indian Botany in Smriti, Niti Shastra, Krishi Parashar, Krishi Kashaypa and Purana , Applied Botany in Krishi Parashara will be continued, agriculture  science in Krishi Parashara will be continued in next chapter

Bhishma Kukreti

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Seed Sowing formulas in Krishi -Parashara:
Applied Botany in Krishi Parashara: 4
Applied Botany in Smriti, Niti Shastra, Samhita, Dharma Shastra and Purana
Botany History in Smriti, Niti Shastra, Samhita Dharma Shastra, Purana etc. 13 
BOTANY History of Indian Subcontinent –82
By: Bhishma Kukreti M.Sc. {(Botany), B.Sc. (Honours in Botany), Medical Tourism Historian)
  Parashara describes sowing principles too in Krishi- Parashara (KP) : too as follows-
     Sowing seeds in Baishakha (April 14 to 15 may) is the best way for sowing. Jeth (16th May to 15 the June) month is middle grade for sowing, sowing seeds in Ashadha (16th June to 15th July) and Savan (16th July to 15th August) month for sowing is the worst month (KP 3.88).
  Sowing the seeds for planting the young plants in Jeth or Ashadh is the best and sowing those seeds in Ashadh is not bad but sowing seeds for planning the young plant is worst month. (KP 3.89)
  Sowing in Nakshatra as Uttarafalguni, Uttaraashhadhi ,uttarabhadrapada, Mool, Jyeshtha, Magha, Mrigshira, Rohani, Hasta and Revati are best time. (KP390)
  By sowing seeds in Nakshatra as Purvafalguni, Purvaashadha, Purvabhadrapada, Bishakha, Bharani , Ardra, Swati, and Ashlesha  is not good for getting productive harvesting . (KP 3.91)
  The seeds should not be sown or plantation should not be performed on Tuesday and Saturday as sowing on Tuesday sowing is bad for mouse attack on seeds and Saturday sowing is bad for insect attack. (KP3.92)
The farmers should not sow the seeds on weak moon time (Chaturthi, Navami, and Chaturdashi).(KP 3 .93)
The farmers should not sow seeds on last three and half days of Jestha, first three and half days of Ashadh (KP 94)
 The farmers should not sow seeds on end of Mrigshira Nakshatra  and initial  of Ardra nakshatra as productivity will not come from sowing on those days (KP 96)
From 97 to 101 verses, there are ritual performing  practices in seed sowing .
The above narration from Krishi Parashara is clear indication that Indians had got full practical knowledge of agriculture (Applied Botany) and there was satisfactory level of media for exchanging the experiences among farmers and from farmers to  intellectuals  and there was tradition of intellectuals recording the farmer’s experiences  and then  distrusting knowledge  here and there through oral means mainly
1-Pandeya, R. 2002, Krishi Parashara, Motilal Banarasi Das , Delhi page 48- 50
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, , Mumbai India,
History of Plant Science / Indian Botany in Smriti, Niti Shastra, Krishi Parashar, Krishi Kashaypa and Purana , Applied Botany in Krishi Parashara will be continued, agriculture  science in Krishi Parashara will be continued in next chapter

Bhishma Kukreti

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Plant Plantation processes described in Krishi Parashara:

Applied Botany in Krishi Parashara: 5
Applied Botany in Smriti, Niti Shastra, Samhita, Dharma Shastra and Purana
Botany History in Smriti, Niti Shastra, Samhita Dharma Shastra, Purana etc. 14 
BOTANY History of Indian Subcontinent –83

By: Bhishma Kukreti M.Sc. {(Botany), B.Sc. (Honours in Botany), Medical Tourism Historian)
 The 102 the verse of Krishi Khand: of Krishi Parashara: suggests the processes of making the field plan after seeds sowing acts are completed (Mayikadanam)
       Plant Plantation processes or Ropan Vidhi
Parashara describes the plantation processes from verse 103 t05 as follows
 There are two types of seeds one is for arid land (that can’t be planted or transplanted) and seeds suitable for plantation. The seeds suitable for arid region (not to be planted) are disease less and the seeds suitable for plantation or transplantation are usually disease porn.(KP 103)
 When the paddy takes mature size or become mature plant, the farmer should never uproot the matured plant for transplantation. It is not necessary that all seeds sown in land grow well or harvest up to their age (KP104).
 The 105 verse of Krishi Khand is about Nakshatra used for seed sowing. 
1-Pandeya, R. 2002, Krishi Parashara, Motilal Banarasi Das , Delhi page 53
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, , Mumbai India,
History of Plant Science / Indian Botany in Smriti, Niti Shastra, Krishi Parashar, Krishi Kashaypa and Purana , Applied Botany in Krishi Parashara will be continued, agriculture  science in Krishi Parashara will be continued in next chapter

Bhishma Kukreti

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Hoeing Processes described in Krishi Parashara:

Applied Botany in Krishi Parashara: 6
Applied Botany in Smriti, Niti Shastra, Samhita, Dharma Shastra and Purana
Botany History in Smriti, Niti Shastra, Samhita Dharma Shastra, Purana etc. 15 
BOTANY History of Indian Subcontinent –84

By: Bhishma Kukreti M.Sc. {(Botany), B.Sc. (Honours in Botany), Medical Tourism Historian)
 There is sub chapter Dhannyakattan in Krishi Parashara:  that describes the hoeing processes and timing fit for hoeing (from verses 106-108) –
  Wise persons should process hoeing in Ashadha (16th May to 15 June)  and Shravan  (16 June to 15 July) months in  paddy  fields. Without hoeing, the paddy would be as good as seeds. (KP106)
In no rainy days of Shravan, farmers should do hoeing, the harvesting would be half is hoeing is done in Bhadon (16h July to 15 August) and there will not be any harvesting if hoeing si done in Ashiwini month (16th August – 15 September) (KP 107)
There is no need of hoeing in low land for paddy and only weeding is sufficient (KP 108)

1-Pandeya, R. 2002, Krishi Parashara, Motilal Banarasi Das , Delhi page 53 -54
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, , Mumbai India,
History of Plant Science / Indian Botany in Smriti, Niti Shastra, Krishi Parashara, Krishi Kashaypa and Purana , Applied Botany in Krishi Parashara will be continued, agriculture  science in Krishi Parashara will be continued in next chapter

Bhishma Kukreti

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Suggestions about Weeding in Krishi Parashara:

Applied Botany in Krishi Parashara: 7
Applied Botany in Smriti, Niti Shastra, Samhita, Dharma Shastra and Purana
Botany History in Smriti, Niti Shastra, Samhita Dharma Shastra, Purana etc. 16 
BOTANY History of Indian Subcontinent –85

By: Bhishma Kukreti M.Sc. {(Botany), B.Sc. (Honours in Botany), Medical Tourism Historian)
 Krishi Parashara details about weeding in Dhanyanistikaranam chapter of Krishi Khand as follows -
  The good quality and well watered or manure paddy does not grow /harvest well if not weeded well. We get good harvesting of paddy if well weeded. (KP 3.109)
If weeds are taken out in Shravan and Bhadon months the paddy gives double production (KP3.110)
Weeding should also be done for paddy crop and by that Paddy gives good harvesting as Black gram. (KP3. 111)
By all means famers should remove unwanted plants and by weeding, the farmers get  crop of gold. (KP.3.112)
1-Pandeya, R. 2002, Krishi Parashara, Motilal Banarasi Das , Delhi page 54
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, , Mumbai India,
History of Plant Science / Indian Botany in Smriti, Niti Shastra, Krishi Parashara, Krishi Kashaypa and Purana , Applied Botany in Krishi Parashara will be continued, agriculture  science in Krishi Parashara will be continued in next chapter

Bhishma Kukreti

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Purana: An Introduction
Botany History in Purana etc. 1
BOTANY History of Indian Subcontinent –86

By: Bhishma Kukreti M.Sc. {(Botany), B.Sc. (Honours in Botany), Medical Tourism Historian)
 Purana means ‘the ancient’ and the literature is encyclopaedic.. There are 18 Puranas .Still, Purana are effective and important spiritual medium among Hindi. Pundits or Vyas perform rituals by narrating stories of Shlokas  of  Shri Mad Bhagvata , Garud Purana etc. in Hindi Houses. 
 There are 18 Purana. The characteristics of a Purana are (1) –
It should have history
There must be super power or miraculous incidents
There must be stories related to galaxy creation and destruction of galaxy .
There must be stories of sages and kings too
 There are following 18 Purana –
1-Brahma Purana
2-Vishnu Purana
3-Agni Purana
4-Vayu Purana
5-Matsya Purana
6- Skand Purana
7-Kurma Purana
8-Linga Purana
9- Bhavishya Purana
10-Padma Purana
11-Bhagvat Purana
12-Brahmand Purana
13- Garuda Purana
14-Markandeya Purana
15-Brahmavaivarta Purana
16- Vamana Purana
17- Varah Purana
18- Shiva Purana
Reference -
Vidyalankar , Atrideva , 1960, Ayurveda ka Vrihat Itihas , Hindi Samiti Banaras , pp
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, , Mumbai India,
History of Plant Science / Indian Botany in Smriti, Niti Shastra, Krishi Parashara, Krishi Kashaypa and Purana , Applied Botany in Krishi Parashara will be continued, agriculture  science in Krishi Parashara will be continued in next chapter

Bhishma Kukreti

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       Medicinal Plants mentioned in Garuda Purana

Botany History in Purana etc. 1
Economic or applied Botany aspects in Puranas -2
BOTANY History of Indian Subcontinent –87

By: Bhishma Kukreti M.Sc. {(Botany), B.Sc. (Honours in Botany), Medical Tourism Historian)
 Garuda Purana is a Vaishnanvi Purana and deals mainly with rituals after death of a Hindu and Hindus call Pundits to their house for reading Garuda Purana in case of death in the family. The Garuda Purana is questions by Garuda (The vulture) or transporter of Lord Vishnu. Vulture asks questions and Lord Vishnu answers.  Pintchman states that  the text was created around first milliner of common era but was  compiled and changed in later stages (800 -100 AD)  (1) . As believed by Hindus that Vyasa created   Garuda Purana.
Garuda Purana also deals with diseases and suggests herbal medicines for a few diseases.
Garuda Purana also discusses trees and plants related to herbal medicines as follows (2) –
Plants Sanskrit names -------- Common Name------------------ Botanical name
Priyangu ----------------------Black mustard seeds -----------Brassica nigra
Godhuma ----------------------- Wheat --------------------------Triticum aestivum
Pippali -------------------------- Long Pepper  ------------------ Piper longum
Bilva  -------------------------------------Bael ----------------------Aegle marmelos 
Eranda ----------------------------Castro Oil seeds ------------Ricinus communis 
Padam patra -----------------------Lotus ---------------------Nymphaea nelumbo
Kaksharah ---------------------lentil ------------------------------ Lythirus  sativus
Planka -----------------------  Spinach -------------------------- Spinacia pleracea
Daimba --------------------- Pomegranate ---------------------- Punica granatum
Keshara -----------------------  Saffron ------------------------- Autumn  crocus
Matulunga ---------------------- A lemon species ------------ Citrus medica
Haritaki ------------------------ Myrobalan ------------------ Terminalia chebula
Phanasa ------------------------- Jackfruit ------------------- Artocarpus heterophyllus
Draksha --------------------------- Grapes -------------------- Vitis venifera
Kharjura ------------------------------- Dates ---------------------Phoenix dactylifera
Ardarka ------------------------------- ---Ginger -------------------- Zingiber officinale
Maricha ------------------------------- -- Black pepper ------------- piper nigrum
Hingu ---------------------------------------- Asafoetida -------------- Farula narthex
Tita tailya --------------------------------- sesame oil -------------------- Sesamum indicum
Ikshu ---------------------------------- Sugar Cane ------------------- Saccharum officinarum
Yashtimadhu ----------------------------- Lico rice ------------------Glycyrrhiza gla
Bayada---------------------------------  ------------------------------- Terminalia bellerica
Anvala --------------------------------------Awala -------------------Phyllanthus embilica
Nil ----------------------------------------- Indigo ---------------Indigofera tinctoria
Ashwagnadha ------------------------- Indian ginseng-------------Withania somnifera
Harida ------------------------------------------ Turmeric ---------- Curcuma longa
Lehsun --------------------------------------Garlic ------------ Allium sativum
Musta ------------------------------------- Fenugreek ------------Trigonella foenum
Ila --------------------------------------------- Cardamom---- Elleteria cardamom
Shirisha ------------------------------------------ Memosa --------Memosa pudica
Chandanam ------------------------------- sandalwood ---------Santalum album
Devdaru -------------------------------------  Deodara  -------------Cedrus deodara
Palsa ------------------------------------Flame of Forest ---  Butea monosperma 
Tambula ----------------------------------Betel -----------------Piper betle




1- Pintchman, Tracey, 2001,  Seeking Mahadevi : constructing the  Identities of Hindu  Great Goddess State University of NY press  , Pp 91-92 with notes
  2-Wood, Earnest, Subramanyum S.V., (Translation) (1911)  The Garuda Purana  , republished by Lakshmi Services , pp166

Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, , Mumbai India,
History of Plant Science / Indian Botany in Smriti, Niti Shastra, Krishi Parashara, Krishi Kahayan and Purana,   Plants  and Trees mentioned in Purana ; Applied Botany in Krishi Parashara will be continued, agriculture  science in Krishi Parashara will be continued in next chapter

Bhishma Kukreti

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Principles /Theories related the Origin of Plants /Tress in different Puranas

Botany History in Purana etc. 2

Economic or applied Botany aspects in Puranas -3

BOTANY History of Indian Subcontinent –88

By: Bhishma Kukreti M.Sc. {(Botany), B.Sc. (Honours in Botany), Medical Tourism Historian)


 Trees, herbs have been very important in Indian mythology and so are Purana. The mythological literature discusses always the principles of origin of plants and animal kingdom. There have been discussions on principles of origin of plants in various Puranas as follows (1)-

 As per Kurma Purana, Brahma created the trees (Vriksha), while, Virudha (herbs) and Aushadhi (herbs) were originated from dermal pours of Brahma.

   Vamana Purana (17/1-9) offers unique principle of divine origin of following plants-

Name of Plants ----------------------------------- Originated from (2)

All the Aushadhis --------------------------------- The dermal hairs of Supreme God

Padma (Lotus) -------------------------------------- The navel region of Prajapati

Kadmaba (Bur flower tree) --------------------  The palm of Kandarpa

Nyagrodha (Banyan) -----------------------------   the Hand of Manibhadra

Dhatura/Daturas----------------------------------- The Heart of Maheshwara

Khadira (catechu )  ------------------------------ The mid region of Brahma body

Kunda (Star Jamsine) ----------------------------- The Palm of Girja

Palasa (fire of Forest) --------------------------- Right side of yama body

Ashwatha (Sacred Fig) -------------------------- Ravi or Sun

Shami   ---------------------------------- --------from Katyayani

Bilva (Bael) --------------------------------- Palm of Lakshmi

Durva --------------------------------------- The Tail and back of Vasuka

 No doubt , today the above discussion looks as if the  Purana were absurd or  discussing illogical points .. However, it should be   kept in mind that from the beginning,  the learned Indians were in search of  various theories of origin of life in this earth.


 1-Hari Shankar Lal, Sanjay Singh, Mishra P.K.,  Trees in Indian Mythology, Discovery 2014, 12(29) pp 16-23

2- Dwivedi, Dhananjaya, Importance of Plants as  depicted in Puranas, Indian Journal of History of Science ,52(3) August 2017 pp 251-274

Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, , Mumbai India,

History of Pant Science / Indian Botany in Smriti, Niti Shastra, Krishi Parashara, Krishi Kahayan and Purana,   Plants and Trees mentioned in Purana ; Applied Botany in Krishi Parashara will be continued, agriculture  science in Krishi Parashara will be continued in next chapter


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