Judge (or CEO) must have Regional Culture Knowledge
Value of Regional or Community Traditions in Judiciary
Duties (Raj dharma) of the Chief Executive Officer -37
Judiciary System in the Organization /Country
Guidelines for Chief Officers (CEO) Series –446
Bhishma Kukreti (Marketing Strategist)
s= आधी –अ
देशजातिकुलानां च ये धर्मा: प्राक् प्रवार्तिता: II
तथैव ते पालनीया: प्रजा प्रभुभ्यतेsन्यथा I
अनेन कर्मणा नैते प्रायश्चित्तदमार्हकाः I
The duty bound King should execute its duty by carefully studying the customs followed in various regions as mentioned in Shastra (Here for this article, the Constitution) as well as those customs or traditions practiced by the caste, villages, corporations, and families or communities.
The traditions that already are in practice in a country, region, caste or community should be maintained in the same ways otherwise the citizens will get irritated.
For example, the Brahmins of the South marry the daughter of their maternal uncle but not the people of the North.
In Madhyadesa, the people are beef eaters, men eat flesh and women have intercourse with other men than their husbands too.
In the North, women take alcoholic drinks and are touchable (mating ) in the mensuration period
The Khas community has a tradition of marrying the widows of brothers or Kin.
The dutiful King should not punish those people because their customers demand as per their laws.
(Shukraniti, Raj dharma Nirupan or “The Duties of a King” –46-49 )
Shukraniti, Manoj Pocket Books, Delhi pp258
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 2021
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