Author Topic: Chief Executive Officer Guidelines, CEO Refreshing Guidelines  (Read 61378 times)

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Chief Executive Officer Guidelines, CEO Refreshing Guidelines
« Reply #40 on: April 21, 2020, 04:40:18 PM »
Job responsibilities of  Chief Executive officer (CEO )

Guidelines for Chief Executive Officers (CEO) series – 40 
(Guiding Lessons for CEOs based on Shukraneeti)
(Refreshing notes for Chief Executive Officers based on Shukra Niti)   

By: Bhishma Kukreti (Sales and Marketing Consultant)
करदीकरणम राज्ञां रिपूर्णाम परिमर्दनम् I
भुमेरूपार्जनं भूयो राजवृत्तं तु चाष्टधा II (Shukra Niti Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan . 124)
Translation –
The King should have eight important behaviour or qualities as punish the cruel /culprit; donate (social causes); raise the subjects; expand the Kingdom; increase wealth /treasury through judiciary means; bring kings under the Kingdom and take tributes; supress the proudly enemies; expand the state.
  Same way, The CEO should have following personal traits too –
1-There should be punishment system along with rewards system in organization ( discipline in organization ) 
2-The organization should work for social causes too or CEO / organization should donate for social causes  (community and public relation)
3- CEO should work for all round development of employees and associates (Human resource management)
4- CEO should always go for expanding the organizational reach  (Organisational reach)
5- CEO should see that organization increases its wealth or assets through ethical  means.(fund raising and fund control)
6- CEO should create associates those  work for the organization ( taking care associates ) 
7- The CEO should see that the organization is competitive enough for tackling competition
8- CEO must see that organization is towards globalization or the organization becomes acquires competitive enough for becoming global brand (comptativeness for becoming global brand)
1-Shukra Niti, Manoj Pocket Books Delhi, page 34
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 2020 

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Chief Executive Officer Guidelines, CEO Refreshing Guidelines
« Reply #41 on: April 22, 2020, 05:22:57 PM »
‘People Before’ strategy by Chief Executive Officer

Guidelines for Chief Executive Officers (CEO) series – 41 
(Guiding Lessons for CEOs based on Shukraneeti)
(Refreshing notes for Chief Executive Officers based on Shukra Niti)   

By: Bhishma Kukreti (Sales and Marketing Consultant)
प्रज्ञा सुद्धिजते यस्माद्यत्कर्म परिनिन्दित I
त्यजते धनिकैर्यस्तु गुणिभिस्तु नृपाधम: II (Shukra Niti ,Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan 126 )
The citizens (subjects) are unhappy with the king, the citizens criticize the king, the intellectuals/talented person and wealthy persons leave the king that means that that King is unworthy. (Shukra Niti, Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan 126)
 The Chief Executive Officer should adopt ’People Before’ strategy for the organization achieving the success.  The Human capital is always a biggest challenge for the CEO and other top officers.  The Chief Human Resources Officers should help the CEO that the talent is being uses with their worth and the talent and competent employees don’t leave the organization  due to dissatisfaction with the CEO and unhappy with CEO .
           The Chief Human Resource officer (assisting to CEO) should be competent enough to diagnose the problems of present and future and correct them so that employees are happy with the organization and the talent don’t leave organization without any sound reasons.
  Though without reading Shukra Niti,  Modern Management  Gurus also  advise CEO  to run the organization  as  Shukra Niti advises in 1.126 Verse. Gurus Ram Charan,   Dominic Barton and Denis Carey  suggest following actions for Human Resource management officers for retaining the talent and making them happy and energetic too (2)–
The CEO should have dedicated CHRO
The CHRO (assisting directly to CEO) should predict the future and then training the human capital of the organization accordingly.
CHRO should diagnose the problems that whether the present team is capable of achieving set goals or not and with complete details.
The CEO should provide fund budget on Human capitals keeping mind that the organization should move the capital where opportunities are and should shift the thinking budgeting  inertia  (You gat same budget of last year , 5% plus and or minus).
CEO with the help of CHRO should see that the human capital  create value addition.
 CEO should make strategic groups of top executives for   discussion and making strategies and reviewing strategies and execution too. 
1-Shukra Niti, Manoj Pocket Books Delhi, page 34
2- Ram Charan,   Dominic Barton and Denis Carey, 2015, People before Strategy: A New role for the CHRO, Harvard Business Review   (July August 2015 issue) pp 62- 71
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 2020 

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Chief Executive Officer Guidelines, CEO Refreshing Guidelines
« Reply #42 on: April 23, 2020, 12:09:55 PM »
Danger of Lustful CEO /CEO must avoid prostitute/call girls (Lustful lifestyle)

Guidelines for Chief Executive Officers (CEO) series – 43 
(Guiding Lessons for CEOs based on Shukraneeti)
(Refreshing notes for Chief Executive Officers based on Shukra Niti)   
By: Bhishma Kukreti (Sales and Marketing Consultant)
  नटगायक गणिकामल्ल षढाल्प जातिषु I
 योअतिसक्तो नृपो निंद्य: स हि शत्रुमुखे II (Shukra Niti ,Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan 127 )
 Translation –
  The king that takes more interest in prostitutes Dancers) , singers, wrestlers, eunuch and low category persons that king is criticized by all and is defeated by the enemies or is surrounded by the enemies. (Shukra Niti, Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan 127)

1-Shukra Niti, Manoj Pocket Books Delhi, page 34
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 2020 

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Chief Executive Officer Guidelines, CEO Refreshing Guidelines
« Reply #43 on: April 24, 2020, 04:17:57 PM »
The CEO should know his/her weaknesses and should not envy  wiser or intellectuals

Guidelines for Chief Executive Officers (CEO) series – 44 
(Guiding Lessons for CEOs based on Shukraneeti)
(Refreshing notes for Chief Executive Officers based on Shukra Niti)   
By: Bhishma Kukreti (Sales and Marketing Consultant)
बुद्धिमतं सदा द्वेष्टि मोदते वंचकै सह I
 स्वदुर्गुण म न वै वेत्ति  स्वात्मनाशाय सो नृप: II(Shukra Niti, Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan 128)
  The king that envies   with intellectuals; makes happy the crooks and does not pay attention on self-weaknesses that king becomes responsible for the self- destruction (Shukra Niti, Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan 128)
The CEO should know his/her weaknesses and should not envy  wiser or intellectuals
  There are always weaknesses with every person. There are three ways CEO looks at own weaknesses –
A-Ignore the weaknesses
B- Focus on weaknesses and turns them into strength. In speaking it is easy but practically it hard to turn weaknesses into strength.
C- Find ways around the weaknesses. This third option is the best alternate and hires wise and competent team under her or him. The CEO should build team of competent mangers for running the organization rather trying turning his/her weakness into strength.
  The CEO should never envy the wiser or intellectual /wiser subordinates or wiser /intellectual associates.
1-Shukra Niti, Manoj Pocket Books Delhi, page 34
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 2020 
How CEO turns weaknesses into strength; How Director turns weaknesses into strength; How Executive turns weaknesses into strength will be discussed in next chapters too

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Chief Executive Officer Guidelines, CEO Refreshing Guidelines
« Reply #44 on: April 25, 2020, 12:11:42 PM »
Importance of CEO‘s Reputation for Organization Reputation

Guidelines for Chief Executive Officers (CEO) series – 45
(Guiding Lessons for CEOs based on Shukraneeti)
(Refreshing notes for Chief Executive Officers based on Shukra Niti)
By: Bhishma Kukreti (Sales and Marketing Consultant)
न अपराध हि क्षमते प्रदंडो धन हारक I
स्वदुर्गुण श्रवणतो लोकानां परिपीडक: II(Shukra Niti, Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan 129)
नृपो यदा तदा लोक: क्षुभ्य्ते भिद्यते यत : I
गूढ़चारै श्रावयित्वा स्ववृत्तं दूषयति को II (Shukra Niti, Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan 130)
Translation -
The King that does not pardon the crime but punishes severely the culprit , loot the wealth, and insults that person who brings out his weaknesses , the subject is upset with such King and does not like such King. Therefore the King should send out the spies for finding about liking and disliking among people and ministers about his (King’s) behaviour.
(Shukra Niti, Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan 129, 130)
In Shukracharya time, the image of a King was important for ruling smoothly the Kingdom , today, it is important the reputation of a CEO for smooth running of an organization.
The reputation of chief executive effects on following areas of the company –
The reputation of CEO effects recruitment and retention.
The reputation of CEO is helpful in earning on the consumer’s trust (for example in Politics, the reputation of party present effects Vote share)
The reputation of the chief executive officer effects the market valuation of the company. The reputation of CEO is fundamental driver of company reputation.
 In a report The CEO Reputation Premium: Gaining Advantage in the Engagement Era, Webbers Sandwich  (2) found by extensive  survey in 2018, that the leader’s reputation is fourth important factors for company’s overall reputation .
Attribute ------------------------------------% effecting over all reputation of company
Product and Service quality ------------ 66
Financial performance -------------------57
Company Industry -------------------------50
Company leader Reputation -----------------49
Marketing and communication ---------------49
Company reputation related to innovation ---48
Views of News media about Company ----45
 The above research company also found country wise -% of company market value attributed to the reputation of CEO –
Asian Country ---------------------------% 
Hong Kong --------------------------------51
India -------------------------------------- 56
Japan --------------------------------------28
Malaysia ---------------------------------- 59
Singapore ------------------------------------- 45
South Korea ------------------------------- 28
The CEO has reputation inside the organization too that is usually different than outside. The executives of the organization judge the reputation of the CEO on following points (2)-
Clear vision for the company
Inspirational capabilities
Honesty and ethical
Good communicator internally
Cares for the company reputation
Has global out look
Good communicator externally
Focussed on customers
The CEO should watch on his/her reputation among employees, among executives and among outside the organization and should conduct survey/research for  finding out her/his reputation among stakeholders.   
1-Shukra Niti, Manoj Pocket Books Delhi, page 34
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 2020 

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Chief Executive Officer Guidelines, CEO Refreshing Guidelines
« Reply #45 on: April 26, 2020, 11:56:26 AM »
Reasons behind Employees, Associates, Stakeholders liking CEO

Guidelines for Chief Executive Officers (CEO) series – 46
(Guiding Lessons for CEOs based on Shukra Niti)
(Refreshing notes for Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) based on Shukra Niti)   

By: Bhishma Kukreti (Sales and Marketing Consultant)
  भूषयन्ति च       कैर्भावैर्मात्याद्याश्च  तद्विद: I
  मयि कीदूक च संप्रीति: केषामप्रीतिरेव  वा  II (Shukra Niti  Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan,131) 
 ममागुणऐर्वापि गूढं संश्रुत्य च अखिलम्  I
 चार: स्वदुर्गुणम ज्ञात्वा लोकत: सर्वदा नृप : II(Shukra Niti  Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan,132)
 The King also know what are his the positive characters being liked and negative characters being disliked by the citizens (subject) .  The spy should find the bad characters being disliked by citizens and the King should eradicate negative characters and never criticize /neglect the critical citizens
  (Shukra Niti  Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan 131 and 132)
 The reasons behind Employees Loving their Chief Executive Officer (CEO)-
 The following characteristics are important for CEO as those are liked the most by the employees-
Effective Leadership Character in CEO
Entrepreneurial Spirit /Qualities in CEO
CEO‘s role in creating the Company Culture
Down to earth Personality in CEO
 Confident CEO
Company’s Visible and non-visible reputation of company due to CEO
Elena et al, summarised their research that in totality, the stakeholders like CEO with flowing characteristics (2)-
Decisiveness and Speed
Engaging for Impact
Adapting Proactively
CEO delivers Reliability
 In conclusion for their research paper , Elena et al  cautioned that those four personality characteristics are not enough and do not suit each and every CEO but those characteristics are major important for a CEO . 
1-Shukra Niti, Manoj Pocket Books Delhi, page 
2-Elena L. Botelho,  Kim,  R.P., Stephen K., Wang, D., (2017) ‘What sets Successful CEOs Apart, Harvard Business Review  July –August 2017), pp 70-77
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 2020 
Guidelines for Chief Executive Officers; Guidelines for Managing Directors; Guidelines for Chief Operating officers (CEO); Guidelines for  General Mangers; Guidelines for Chief Financial Officers (CFO) ; Guidelines for Executive Directors ; Guidelines for ; Refreshing Guidelines for  CEO; Refreshing Guidelines for COO ; Refreshing Guidelines for CFO ; Refreshing Guidelines for  Managers; Refreshing Guidelines for  Executive Directors; Refreshing Guidelines for MD ; Refreshing Guidelines for Chairman ; Refreshing Guidelines for President , Reasons for employees liking CEO ; Reasons for Associates Like CEO, reasons for Shareholders liking CEO .

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Chief Executive Officer Guidelines, CEO Refreshing Guidelines
« Reply #46 on: April 27, 2020, 04:00:40 PM »
CEO Handling Criticism from inside and from Outside

Guidelines for Chief Executive Officers (CEO) series – 47
(Guiding Lessons for CEOs based on Shukra Niti)
(Refreshing notes for Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) based on Shukra Niti)   

By: Bhishma Kukreti (Sales and Marketing Consultant)
सकीर्त्यै सत्यंजेन्नित्यं नावमन्येत वै प्रजा: I
लोको निंदति राजंस्वतां चारै: संश्रावितो यदि  II(Shukra Niti  Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan,133) 
 कोपं करोति दौरात्म्यदात्म दुर्गुणलोपक: I
सीता साध्वपि रामेण त्यक्ता लोकपवादत: (Shukra Niti  Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan,134)
 शक्तेनापि हि धृतो दंडाअल्पो रजके  कचित्
If spies (a research or survey) inform to the king, “O King! The subject is criticizing you (for such mistakes or negative points).  The king that is incapable that king tries to hide his negative points and becomes angry but no other kings. Ramchandra was the strongest Kings but he left his wife Sita and did not punish that washer man that criticized Rama
(Shukra Niti  Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan,133, 134)
 CEO should know handling criticism –
 The CEO gets criticism from inside and outside too. CEO must be expert of handling criticism.
Jeff Wolf (7 Disciplines of a Leader Fame) suggests following ways for CEO handling criticism (2)  –
Most Critics are getting rise out of you so, don’t fire back.
The CEO should not let it get personalize 
The CEO should not get bitter
CEO should know that criticism comes with job.
CEO should avoid Knee –Jerk relationship
CEO should face the truth (if it reality)
CEO must rise above criticism and analyse objectively
Use sense of Humour for defusing your criticism
1-Shukra Niti, Manoj Pocket Books Delhi, page 
2- Jeff Wolf, 8.7.2015, How Effective Leaders Handle Criticism, 3049410/how-leaders-handle-criticism
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 2020 
Guidelines for Chief Executive Officers; Guidelines for Managing Directors; Guidelines for Chief Operating officers (CEO); Guidelines for  General Mangers; Guidelines for Chief Financial Officers (CFO) ; Guidelines for Executive Directors ; Guidelines for ; Refreshing Guidelines for  CEO; Refreshing Guidelines for COO ; Refreshing Guidelines for CFO ; Refreshing Guidelines for  Managers; Refreshing Guidelines for  Executive Directors; Refreshing Guidelines for MD ; Refreshing Guidelines for Chairman ; Refreshing Guidelines for President , CEO facing Criticism ; How CEO must handle criticism , How to avoid anger by criticism will be continues …

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Chief Executive Officer Guidelines, CEO Refreshing Guidelines
« Reply #47 on: April 28, 2020, 01:37:58 PM »

CEO must know the reasons for Customers and Employees don’t Complaint

Guidelines for Chief Executive Officers (CEO) series – 48
(Guiding Lessons for CEOs based on Shukra Niti)
(Refreshing notes for Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) based on Shukra Niti)   

By: Bhishma Kukreti (Sales and Marketing Consultant)
सक्षमं वक्ति न भयाद्राज्ञो गुर्वपि दूषणम्   I
स्तुति प्रिया हि वै देवा विष्णुमुख्या इति श्रुति: II (  Shukra Niti  Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan,136) 
Translation –
Even the knowledgeable King offers assurance of fearlessness, the person does not tell the negative points of the King before him because it is heard that  Lord Vishnu also like the  personal appreciation and appreciating person .   (  Shukra Niti  Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan,136)     
 CEO must know the psychology behind customers /employees not complaining –
There following main reasons for customers or employees not complaining about CEO’s negative points or about something critical about organization /product –
Employees /Customer don’t see any pints in complaining
Employees are afraid that CEO and higher authorities will take revenge today or after some time.
Customer /employees are busy in other important tasks and don’t see the complaint as priority.
Customers think that company will make things worse and same way employees think
Fear Retaliation fear from customer and employees
Many times, the CEO or higher management do not ask any suggestion or feedback from employees and same ways, companies don’t ask feedback  from customers an hence CEO and companies block the customer feedback.                       

Shukra Niti, Manoj Pocket Books Delhi, page 35
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 2020 

Guidelines for Chief Executive  Officers knowing Complaint  psychology ; Guidelines for Managing Directors; Guidelines for Chief Operating  Officers knowing Complaint  psychology  (CEO); Guidelines for  General Mangers; Guidelines for Chief Financial  Officers knowing Complaint  psychology  (CFO) ; Guidelines for Executive Directors ; Guidelines for ; Refreshing Guidelines for  CEO knowing Complaint  psychology; Refreshing Guidelines for COO knowing Complaint  psychology; Refreshing Guidelines for CFO knowing Complaint  psychology ; Refreshing Guidelines for  Managers knowing Complaint  psychology ; Refreshing Guidelines for  Executive Directors; Refreshing Guidelines for MD knowing Complaint  psychology  ; Refreshing Guidelines for Chairman ; Refreshing Guidelines for President

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Chief Executive Officer Guidelines, CEO Refreshing Guidelines
« Reply #48 on: April 29, 2020, 03:48:00 PM »
      CEO should know handling anger especially when criticized 

Guidelines for Chief Executive Officers (CEO) series – 48
(Guiding Lessons for CEOs based on Shukra Niti)
(Refreshing notes for Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) based on Shukra Niti) 
By: Bhishma Kukreti (Sales and Marketing Consultant)
किं पुनर्मनुजा नित्यं निंदाज: क्रोध: इत्यत: I
राजा सुभागदंडी स्यात्सुक्षमी रंजक सदा II   (  Shukra Niti  Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan,137)     
Translation –
  This is well known fact (from centuries) that people get angry when they are criticized. That is why the King should pay attention on law and order and has to be tolerant or permissive and eradicator of pain of citizens. (  Shukra Niti  Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan,137)   
 This is a normal tendency that the people becoming angry when they are criticized or ignored.
 The CEO should know handling personal criticism and should know how to handle anger too. The permissive characteristic is the best way not to feel angry when criticized.
  Tackling anger is also personal management and becoming aware about anger is the best way to tackle anger. One should ask self the following questions when feel angry –
When and where the anger occurs
Why do you feel anger?
What kind of memories or images comes when you become angry?
What and how do you feel In mind, intellect and ego) when you are angry?
What is the thought process (in mind, intellect and ego) when you are angry?
What other people do when you become angry on them?
Are you comfortable or uncomfortable after anger is calmed down?
Shukra Niti, Manoj Pocket Books Delhi, page 35
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 2020 
Guidelines for Anger handling for Chief Executive Officers;  Guidelines for Anger handling for Managing Directors;  Guidelines for Anger handling for Chief Operating officers (CEO);  Guidelines for Anger handling for  General Mangers;  Guidelines for Anger handling for Chief Financial Officers (CFO) ;  Guidelines for Anger handling for Executive Directors ;  Guidelines for Anger handling for ; Refreshing  Guidelines for Anger handling for  CEO; Refreshing  Guidelines for Anger handling for COO ; Refreshing  Guidelines for Anger handling for CFO ; Refreshing  Guidelines for Anger handling for  Managers; Refreshing  Guidelines for Anger handling for  Executive Directors; Refreshing  Guidelines for Anger handling for MD ; Refreshing  Guidelines for Anger handling for Chairman ; Refreshing  Guidelines for Anger handling for President

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Chief Executive Officer Guidelines, CEO Refreshing Guidelines
« Reply #49 on: April 30, 2020, 01:01:27 PM »
Six things, those are not permanent 

Guidelines for Chief Executive Officers (CEO) series – 50
(Guiding Lessons for CEOs based on Shukra Niti)
(Refreshing notes for Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) based on Shukra Niti)   

By: Bhishma Kukreti (Sales and Marketing Consultant)
यौवनं जीवितं चित्तं छाया लक्ष्मीश्च I
चंचलानि षडेतानि ज्ञात्वा  धर्मरतो भेवेत् II(  Shukra Niti  Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan,138)   
Translation –
Youth, life, wealth, shade, Lakshmi, Sovereignty do not last forever and the King should make policies accordingly. (  Shukra Niti  Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan,138)   

Shukra Niti, Manoj Pocket Books Delhi, page 35
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 2020 


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