Duties and Responsibilities of Chief Deputy and Secretary of Chief Executive Officer
Guidelines for Chief Executive Officers (CEO) series – 88
(Guiding Lessons for CEOs based on Shukra Niti)
(Refreshing notes for Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) based on Shukra Niti)
By: Bhishma Kukreti (Sales and Marketing Consultant)
सत्यं वा यदि असत्यं कार्यजातं ch यत्किल I
सर्वेषां राजकृतेषु प्रधानास्त द्विचिंतयेत् II 90
..सान्ग्रामिकश्च कत्यस्ति संभारस्तान्विचिंत्य च I
सचिवश्चापि तत्कार्य राज्ञे सम्यग् निवेदयेत II 95II (Shukra Niti Second ChapterYuvrajadi Lakshan 90-95 )
Translation the duties of chief deputy (Pradhan) of the King are –
Analyses about truth and non -truth in administration
While the duties of the secretary are –
That he gets knowledge on finger about elephants, horses, chariots, soldiers of infantry, strong camels, symbols of foreign languages, full knowledge of strategies, traveling employees, best employees, men having good knowledge of weapons and using them , and how many are available for state services , what is their present status, cavaliers and how many are suitable, war /weaponry items and the secretary informing such information time to time to the King.
(Shukra Niti Second ChapterYuvrajadi Lakshan 90-95 )
References -
1-Shukra Niti, Manoj Pocket Books Delhi, page 74
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 2020
Guidelines about duties of chief deputy and secretary for Chief Executive Officers; Guidelines about duties of chief deputy and secretary for Managing Directors; Guidelines about duties of chief deputy and secretary for Chief Operating officers (CEO); Guidelines about duties of chief deputy and secretary for General Mangers; Guidelines about duties of chief deputy and secretary for Chief Financial Officers (CFO) ; Guidelines about duties of chief deputy and secretary for Executive Directors ; Guidelines about duties of chief deputy and secretary for ; Refreshing Guidelines about duties of chief deputy and secretary for CEO; Refreshing Guidelines about duties of chief deputy and secretary for COO ; Refreshing Guidelines about duties of chief deputy and secretary for CFO ; Refreshing Guidelines about duties of chief deputy and secretary for Managers; Refreshing Guidelines about duties of chief deputy and secretary for Executive Directors; Refreshing Guidelines about duties of chief deputy and secretary for MD ; Refreshing Guidelines about duties of chief deputy and secretary for Chairman ; Refreshing Guidelines about duties of chief deputy and secretary for President