Critical History of Garhwali Satire Prose -11
Critical Review of Representative Satire Prose created by Bhishma Kukreti – 7
Reviewer- Bhishma Kukreti
[Critical history of Satire literature; Critical history of Garhwali Satire literature; Critical history of Satire Uttarakhandi literature; Critical history of Mid Himalayan local language Satire literature; Critical history of Himalayan local language Satire literature; Critical history of North Indian local language Satire literature; Critical history of Indian local language Satire literature; Critical history of SAARC Countries local language Satire literature; Critical history of Asian local language Satire literature]
Salesman ar Deli Allouns (Garh Aina 25/5/1989)—Bhishma Kukreti had been in sales and marketing profession. Therefore, he heard many stories about selling community. In this column, Kukreti tells about corrupt methods of salesman applying in tour plan and not going as per travel plan, desires of different mentalities, travelling bills et as when a salesman becomes a king of new territory and tells to his prime minister
सेल्समैन न महामंत्री क कंदुड़म ब्वाल," यार महाम्मंत्री जलूस मा मी पैदल चलि लीन्दु . हाँ ! खजाना बिटेन हाथी क खर्चा ल़े ल्योला. जु बि फैदा होलु आधा आधा बांटी ल्योला...”
Dyaradun ku Ghantghar (Garh Aina 16/5/1989) : there is a clock tower in Dehradun. Kukreti lived in Dehradun for many years. Bhishma Kukreti discusses the cultural and social importance of Clock tower of Dehradun humorously and satirically as
ड्याराडूण मा एक एक ठौ घंटाघर च . मतबल ड्याराडूण सचमुच मा एक शहर च. यू याँ से बि सिद्ध होंद कि सोलापुर, मेरठ , सहारन पुर, जलगाँव मा बि घंटाघर छन. गनीमत या च कि अबि तलक इथगा सालुं बिटेन यू खड्या खड़ी च . याँ से साफ़ पता चल्दु कि यू घंटाघर अन्ग्रेजू चिण्यु च
Number game (Garh Aina, 17/6/1989) – There was false, confusing or constitutionally right advertisements by various television brands as BPL, Crown and Weston television brands and every brand claiming for number one brand of India. Kukreti satirizes the mentality of television brands claiming their first position in television industry.
Pragati path Jatra in five parts (Garh Aina 30 June to 4 July 1989) - Providing examples of development of his village, Bhishma Kukreti shows that there is no practical development but the government files or sign bords boost about rural development as following lines speak about the false promises by political leaders of Garhwal-
मीन बौड़ (आश्वासन बट बृक्ष) क डाळ फर कर्क्रू नजार लगाई त भक्त दर्शन, हेमवती नंदन बहुगुणा , सुंदरियाल, भैरव दत्त धुलिया, जगमोहन सिंह नेगी , ..रौथाण, चन्द्र मोहन सिंग आदि कि नाम कि कुटरी टंग्याँ छया.
करै न समजाई, " सबसे बड़ी कुटरी भक्त दर्शन सिंह जीक च. बीसेक सेर कि कुटरी होली. बीस साल से वु गढ़वाल तै आश्वाशन दीणै रैन त उंकी कुटरी सबसे बडी कुटरी च
1-Abodh Bandhu Bahuguna, Kaunli Kiran
2-Dr Anil Dabral, 2007, Garhwali Gady Parampara
3- Hilans, Dhad, Garh Aina, Paraj publications.
Copyright @ Bhishma Kukreti, 14/8/2012
Critical history of Satire literature; Critical history of Garhwali Satire literature; Critical history of Satire Uttarakhandi literature; Critical history of Mid Himalayan local language Satire literature; Critical history of Himalayan local language Satire literature; Critical history of North Indian local language Satire literature; Critical history of Indian local language Satire literature; Critical history of SAARC Countries local language Satire literature; Critical history of Asian local language Satire literature to be continued…