Author Topic: उत्तराखंड पर लिखी गयी विभन्न किताबे - VARIOUS BOOKS WRITTEN ON UTTARAKHAND !  (Read 130965 times)

Bhishma Kukreti

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                     Meri Agyal: Poetries Illustrating Uttarakhand Characteristics 
Critical Review of Garhwali Literature- 2273
Critical Review of Garhwali Poetry Collection ‘Meri Agyal’ (2013) by poetess Neeta Kukreti
                   Review: Bhishma Kukreti
             Neeta Kukreti is one of the famous Garhwali poets who read her poems with famous Hindi poets as ‘Neeraj’, Hari Om Panwar, Dr. Kunvae Baichain, Sunil Jogi, Ashok Chakrdhar, Surendra Sharma, Buddhinath Mishra, Dr. grija Shankar Trivedi in various Kvai Sammelan who appreciated the Garhwali lyric by Neeta.
     Neeta Kukreti (by birth Kala of Sumadi village) is one of the signatures of modern Garhwali poetry whose hundred of Garhwali poems are already published in magazines.
  ‘Meri Agyal’ is first Garhwali poetry collection by Neeta Kukreti (in law village-Gweel, Malla Dhangu).
  ‘Agyal’ means contribution for auspicious rituals and Neeta Kukreti fulfilled the aspects of title of the poetry collection. The purposes of poems by Neeta Kukreti are humanity and Uttarakhand. All the lyrics of this collection are lively and from real life.
 The present collection contains marvelous 66 Garhwali lyrics. The subject of poems are related to important issues of Uttarakhand (for subject of each poem –refer Appendix) as images, pride of region, environment, migration, woman problems and their importance, aspiration from Uttarakhand state at the time of Uttarakhand movement, present reality after new state Uttarakhand.  There are philosophical modern poetries too in this volume with simple words and phrases those are easily understandable.
 The poetess Neeta is successful in expressing her subject by using proper grammatical constructed words and phrases. The symbols are mostly old phrases but she does not hesitate in using contemporary symbols for creating desired images. Neeta Kukreti has used figure of speeches for clear expression and not to show her poetic intelligence.
 Her lyrics are emotional and melodious due to use of simple words. The lyrics are modern with contemporary meaning and each poem stands on its feet.
 By reading the poems/lyrics of Neeta Kukreti it may be said that her position in Garhwali poetic world is as An Carson, Anais Nin, Anna Akhmatova, Anna Piutti, Carol An Duffy, Cecilia Meireles, Chris Mansel, Juana de IbrabourouElizabeth Bishop, Emily Dickinson, Jo Shapkot, Judith Wright, Inqeborg Bachmann,Lisel Mueller,   Nuala Ni Dhomhnaill, Sylvia Path, Marina Tsvetaeva,  Sappho, for their respective language poetries.
Meri Agyal (Garhwali Poetry collection)
Poetess- Neeta Kukreti
Year of Publication- 2012
Samay Sakshy
15 Faltu Laine
Dehradun, Uttarakhand
Phone 0135-2658894

Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti 24/3/2013
Critical Review of Garhwali Literature to be continued… 2274
Critical Review of Garhwali Poetry Collection to be continued…
                           Appendix: Briefing about poems of ‘Meri Agyal’

Manglacharan: the poem is about prayer from various deities and forefathers for human kinds.
Jay Dev Bhumi The poem appreciates the history, geographical and social construction of Uttarakhand.
Jay Uttaranchal: The poem tells about cultural heritage of Uttarakhand.
Chaumasi: The poem portrays the four season of lovely rural Garhwal and Garhwali life.
Basant: The poem successfully details the geographical beauty of Garhwal around spring season.
Holi: Holi verse depicts the illustrations of Holi in rural Uttarakhand and the eagerness of people for Holi festival.
Khauri: The verse illustrates the painful struggle of a Garhwali woman in hills and the indifferent attitude of migrated Garhwalis for their motherland.     
Chal Dagdya: Chal Dagdya poem is about aspiration of lovers and also demonstrates the images of hills of Garhwal. 
Mi Khudedu chhaun: the poem brilliantly reveals the beauty of rainy season of Garhwal at the time of paddy plantation in the field. 
Kafal: the poem portrays marvelously the images of hills of Uttarakhand at the time of Kafal ripening and plucking of Kafal.
Kuyedi: Kuyedi poem takes readers to Garhwal in rainy season and at the same time poetess shows the sadness of a girl remembering her brothers and sisters.
Kisan: The poetess provides message for innovative way of agriculture in Garhwal. And new way od development that protects environment too.
Ukal Undhar: the verse gives a picture of hills and its tough life and the people winning over the hassles.
Kauthig: The poem takes the readers to the fair and creates spectacular images of fair in rural Garhwal. The said poem also demonstrates the finer points of love.
Bachpan: the poet memorizes her childhood in hills of Garhwal.
Khud: The poem portrays the sad emotion of a married woman remembering her Mayka (parental family). The poetess uses kuyedi(Fog) for explaining the  sad state of mind. 
Ek Saval: The poem discusses the strategies and duties for separate Uttarakhand state and calls for speedy movement.
Jan t hamtai Padige: The poem reminds the people about sacrifices by martyrs of Uttarakhand movement, their objectives for movement and now the duties of Uttarakhandis.
Apno Rajy: the poem shows happiness after getting separate state Uttarakhand and the poetess hopes the development of hills.
As: The poem shows the enthusiasm and hope of people of Uttarakhand after getting Uttarakhand state.
Uttarakhand ki Dhai: The poem by poetess Neeta cautions Uttarakhandis not to indulge into petty politics of reservation but create a different identity of Uttarakhand by hard and smart works.
Hamaru Uttaranchal: The poem shows happiness about new state creation and now the poetess calls for developing the state.
Dindali: the poem shows depression for migration from rural Garhwal and long term repercussion of mass migration.
Dhai: Dhai poem talks differently about loss by migration and calls to migrated Garhwalis to return their villages.
Khardi Kanthi: The poem seriously talks about worsening position of environmental losses in hills of Uttarakhand. 
Na Kata na katan Dya: The poetess is sensitive to trees and calls not to cut tress as tress are essential for our lives.
Katan: The poem shows unhappiness about unthinkable cutting of trees and creating environment problem. The poem also talks about forest mafia destructing dense forest.
Dandyun ma Ag: The poem shows pain for fire in the forest of hills of Uttarakhand that fire destroys the environment. The poetess encourages people to act upon putting off the forest fire.
Kakhi Harchi gaye Jog: the poetry shows pain of non development in rural Uttarakhand and the consequences of mass migration from Uttarakhand hills. 
Apan Log: The poem cautions people of Uttarakhand about their indifferent attitude for their languages, ignoring attitude about development.
Swagat; the poem calls for Uttarakhandi being tourist conscious. 
Supina: the poem cautions Uttarakhandis be active and advices for leaving non productive practices.
Vu laddu rai: Garhwal is the land of army men. The poetesses Neeta illustrates the bravery of Garhwali army man fighting till death for his country.
Chet Ja: Chet ja poem calls for people not to accept the repression and crook characters in the society and take action.

Danu Saril: The poem talks about the unfulfilled dream of an old human. Poetess uses very fine uses of Figure of speeches.
Bata ma Baithi: The poem again discusses the unfulfilled desire of a person in search of love.
Aakhar: The poem discusses about the luck and talks about the inner voice.
Vidhata ki Lakeer: The poem reminds the discussion happened in Upnishads about who is running the galaxy.
Aj bhi  unni: Though the physical properties change but our life is same. The poetry is philosophical.
Syani ni Kaur: the poem is philosophical and talks the human being may aspire and act for many things but nobody can stop the happening.
Mania bat: the poetry is a philosophical poem and talks that happening is not in the hand of human being.
China Dani: the philosophical poem is about aspiration and actual happening.
Nakhru lagad and Bhali  lagd poems: These two poems show two sides of our life that is a brighter side and sad or irritating side of life. 
Jindgi: the poem is philosophical as Aakhar and discusses about the search of real objectives of life. The poem compels the readers for searching the reality.
Yun Bataun tain: the poem is a philosophical poem effectively differentiates between human and humanity.
Jyu Bold: The philosophical poetry shows the differences between desire and reality.
Timla: rational poem states about the difference between real friend and friend for taking benefits of opportunity.
Jindagi ka gantha: the verse reminds us the complexity of our life, mind and changes happening.
Dhar ma Sukhilosurij ayun ch: The verse discusses changing culture and civilization.
Javani ku Umal: The verse splendidly explains the pride of youngness,   not looking at future and the reality in old age. The poet provides message too. 
Rumak: The rhyme is sad poem and describes the dilemma of a poor rural woman.
Pahad ki Nari: The poem discloses effectively the sacrifice of rural Garhwali women.
Ansdhari; a very pathos oriented poem talks about the struggle and pain of Bal vidhava (child widow).
Khuded geet; the lyrist Neeta Kukreti talks about the pain of a married woman that is away from her parents.
Meri Ladi; the poem is about a girl leaving her home at the time of her marriage and the parental message to her.
Sya Cha Meri Pahad Bwai: the poem illustrates the struggle of women from Hills.
Nari ku Jeewan: the verse points up the non-selfish ambitions and acts of women.
Chitthi: Chitthi poem is about a rural Garhwali woman facing pain of separation from her husband working I cities and struggling to look after children and her ailing in laws.
Sadak: The poem brings a question of development. The development brings social problems with ti. For example the road brings theft in rural villages where the doors were never locked in past. 
Na Vas Hilans: The verse depicts the pain of separation when love and soothing signals more pain.
Saunli si Kamar: the poem reminds us the famous Garhwali song ‘Tu holi beera’ by Jeet Singh Negi . The poetess uses very good symbols for husband remembering his love far away from him.



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Ukal Undhar: The First Garhwali poetry collection book published in foreign country.
Ukal Undhar: The Garhwali Poetry collection by Parashar Gaur with varied Subjects and colors

                           Review by: Bhishma Kukreti

  Ukal undhar is the first Garhwali Poetry collection by Parashar Gaur published in foreign land.
Kamna a Hindi poem is prayer to God for happiness and prosperous human societies.
Khushi- Khushi poem describes various images of hills
Tess- the Tess poem shows the emotional sadness of Uttarakhandis for changing the name of Uttaranchal for Uttarakhand state by Bhartiya Janta party government.
Gussa- Gussa poem shows the rage of people for Mujjfarnagar Rampur Tirahakand.
Sawal- Sawal poem is philosophical verse that raises the question of birth and death.
Leesa Ped- Leesa Ped verse is my favorite most poems among poems of Parashar Gaur.  The poem is symbolic poem about exploitation.
Majburi- Majburi poem tells about the reality and compulsion of people migrating from village to cities.
Ukhel- Ukhel poem is again a symbolic poem that prays for weak people becoming strangers. 
Samsya – Samsya poem discusses about the consequences of human relocation from hill villages.
Kaid- Kaid poem discusses about the people dividing themselves into racism, castes and regionalism.
Pahad- Pahad poem talks about the hard life of hills.
Sweena- Sweena poem talks about the reality of hunger.
Anjam- The poem Anjan shows disguising situation of looting Indian wealth at various Ages.
Talas- The verse is about new types of looting the common men by new types of businessmen.
Upchar- the poem Upchar converses about the problems and solution of Uttarakhand hills.
Panpadu- Panpadu poem shows the pain of migrated hill villager who has to live in paradox.
Log Buldan- The poem Log Buldan shows that no doubt, the time heals the wound but time is unable to cover the sign of wound.
Swarth- Swarth verse shows depression for administration and politicians not paying tribute to Uttarakhand state activist who died in movement.
Uttarakhand- Uttarakhand poem shows the various dividing factors within societies of Uttarakhand.
Soch- The poem Soch lambasts politicians for their eagerness about temples and mosques protection but forgetting the development of places as Uttarakhand.
Khabar- Khabar rhyme is sorrow about riots in India and poem attacks on the selfish men those conspire for rioting.
Awaj Ghat- The poem Ghat cautions for protecting new generation (plant and human).
Shurbat- The verse is psychological poem and talks about social suppression of our feelings.
Vasiyat- Vasiyat poem is satirical poem and talks about politician politicizing the dead body for their benefits.
 Fir- Fir a satirical poem attacks on false assurances by politicians at the time of election.
Kismat- Kismat poem discusses about pain and hard life of rural Uttarakhandi women.
Badkismati- The poem ‘Badkismati’ talks about the hill development planners those don’t know the reality of Uttarakhand hills.
Abhishap- Abhishap a psychological and symbolic poem talks about useless life that never benefits or comforts to other.
Parinam- The poem Parinam discusses the pain of identity of immigrants in foreign country.
Kalam- Kalam poem is about the supremacy of writing over sword.
Lalbatti- lalbatti is reality of Uttarakhand government. Parashar gaur shows his anger on unnecessary expenses by state government.
Fanka- The poem Fanka is a figure of speech poem showing the false assurances by politicians.
Moh- Moha poem is about the greed of migrating to cities in search of future.
Boli ar baldi- Boli and Baldi discusses about importance of mother tongue.
Anu- Anu poem is a philosophical poem.
Mang- Mang poem is an inspirational poem written for Uttarakhand movement that sacrifice is the requirement.
Ag- Ag poem is anger on selfish politicians.
Mi jhut ni Boldu –The poem is praise for Garhwal and Himalaya.
Bhram- Bhram poem is a psychological poem but inspires the not haves community to ask their right.
  The style of all poems is non lyrical style. The poet uses Hindi and Garhwali proverbs for making his poems understandable.
Ukal undar: A Garhwali Poetry collection
Poet: Parashar Gaur
Year of publication: 2006
Sahitya Kunj Prakashan
Canada (North America)

Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 13/5/2013
Review of varied Subjects and colors poems; varied Subjects and colors Uttarakhandi poems; varied Subjects and colors Garhwali poems; varied Subjects and colors Mid Himalayan regional language poems; varied Subjects and colors Himalayan regional language poems;

Bhishma Kukreti

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Uttarakhand ki Lok Bhashayen:  Serious Linguistic, Phonological Discussion on Kumauni, Garhwali and Jaunsari languages

                   Review by: Bhishma Kukreti

                        It is positive sign by formation of separate state Uttarakhand that common men, intellectuals, politicians, social activists and scholars raising the issues of local languages of Uttarakhand. These languages-Garhwali, Kumaoni and Jaunsari are one of the oldest Indian languages.
            Dr. Guna Nand Juyal started scientifically comparing Kumaoni and Garhwali languages by in his research and book- Madhya Pahadi Bhasha (Garhwali-Kumaoni) ka anushilan aur uska Hindi se smabdnh (1966).
            Dr. Bhavani Datt Upreti provided comparison of Garhwali- and Kumaoni languages in his book ‘Kumaoni Bhasha ka Adhyayan’ (1976). Bhavani Datt Upreti paid attention on grammar for comparison.
                           The people of Uttarakhand are conscious about three languages of Uttarakhand. This consciousness is compelling the scholars for studying these three languages together for many angles.
Bharti Pandey (2011) compared Kumauni and Garhwali languages in her article ‘Uttarakhand ki Lok Bhashaon evam any Rajyon ki Bhashaon ka Tulnatmak Adhyan.Howvwer, less importance
              Recently, Bhishma Kukreti published grammatical exclusivity and differences of Kumauni, Garhwali and Nepali languages.
         Dr. Bihari Lal Jalandhari published a book Uttarakhandi Bhashaon ka Tulnatamak Adhyayan (Garhwali-Kumaoni par kendrit that shows the exclusivity and differences between Garhwali and Kumaoni languages.
      In the same line, the dictionary expert, prolific philologist and linguistic scholar Dr. Achala Nand Jakhmola (2013) published a book ‘Uttarakhand ki Lok Bhashayen’. Dr. Achala Nand is expert on languages and dictionary.  His book Garhwali Hindi- Angreji Shabdkosh ‘is ready for publishing.
     The said book ‘Uttarakhand ki Lok Bhashayen’ by Dr Achla Nand Jakhmola fills the gap of unawareness among Garhwalis, Kumaunis and Jaunsari about other local languages of Uttarakhand.   
 Dr Sher Singh Bisht wrote the forwarding notes.
       In the chapter ‘Garhwali Bhasha: Samrthya aur Pravriti’, Jakhmola discusses the origin of word Garhwal; Epic and historical basis for originating Garhwali language; peculiarity of Garhwali words and strength of Garhwali words; different philological aspects of Garhwali words; development of Garhwali language; phonetics of Garhwali language,; challenges before Garhwali language.
             In the chapter Kumaoni Bhasha aur Boliyon ka Parikshetr , Achla Nand talks about Kumaoni language development; phonetically properties of Kumaoni language; exclusive characteristics of Kumaoni language and challenges before Kumaoni language.
 Achla Nand discusses about the linguistic and cultural aspects of Jaunsari language. Jakhmola shows the special features of Jaunsari and Jaunsari facing various survival problems.   
         In the chapter Kumaoni and Garhwali Bhashayen, Dr Achla Nand illustrates the similarities and exclusivity between Garhwali and Kumaoni languages.
  Jakhmola shows his concern for endangered symptoms of Garhwali, Kumaoni and Jaunsari languages and culture too.
     In chapter ‘Garhwali-Kumaoni ka Mankikaran’, Dr Jakhmola describes historical background for works done in Standardization of Garhwali and Kumaoni languages separately and need for scientific standardization.
 Dr. Jakhmola clears that Devnagari script is only way for these languages and he proposes that there shouldn’t be any unnecessary discussion on the subject of script.
          Dr Jakhmola puts strong argument for getting constitutional recognition for Garhwali, Kumaoni and Jaunsari languages.

            Dr Jakhmola shows the difficulties and problems being faced by Garhwali, Kumaoni and Jaunsari languages. Along with telling difficulties and problems of these languages, Dr, Jakhmola shows the easy solutions too.
 Dr Jakhmola provides references for his each statement.
The language of book is simple and understandable for common men too.
 The book is important book for all three languages getting constitutional recognition.
Uttarakhand ki Lok Bhashayen: Garhwali: Kumaoni: Jaunsari
Year of Publication -2013
Writer- Dr. Achla Nand Jakhmola
Pages 160
Winsar Publishing Co
K.C. City Centre
Dispensary Road
Dehradun, India

Copyright @ Bhishma Kukreti 13/8/2013

Bhishma Kukreti

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Ek Lapang: Poetries showing Serious Concerns for People, hills, Rural Garhwal

(Critical review of Garhwali Poetry Collection ‘Ek Lapang’ by Sandeep Rawat)

                      Review by: Bhishma Kukreti

                  Modern Garhwali poetry world has rich history of more than hundred years.  Sandeep Rawat is multifarious talent in Garhwali literature. Sandeep writes critical history of Garhwali literature and culture as well. Sandeep also create modern poetries in Garhwali.
             The present Garhwali poetry collection has 63 poems. The poems are of three types –conventional poems, lyrics and small modern poems called Chitga or Kshanikayen. 
             The subjects of these poems are of varied nature.
          Ecological disturbances and environment are major concern for central Himalayan zones. Sandeep shows his great anxieties for geographical disturbances.  The poet clearly states that environment protection is life for Himalaya.
            There are poems showing beautiful images of hills and hill people of Garhwal. The poet is capable for making spiritual poems too. There are poems about showing concerns for migration from Garhwal and having unfaultable vacuum.
 The poet lost his mother a few years back and poem related to mother is a sorrowful poem. Sandeep tries his best to create desired emotions form such poems.
           From British period, there have been discussions and debates for suitable development programs for Garhwal-Kumaon hills. Even now, the local administration and local political bosses are governing the state but the desired development is a dream for Garhwalis and Kumaunis. Sandeep is successful for raising such questions and concerns. 
  Sandeep created small poems ‘Kshanikayen’ and those are very effective
  Sandeep is worried about the wrong happenings in the society as he dpicts that leech like worms are now stronger and are sucking the resources.
गंडेळो  का सिंग पैना ह्वेगैनी 
जूंका का हडका कटगड़ा ह्वेगैनी 
 Sandeep shows his concern for the strong coalition between politics and administration for  looting India.
नेता अर अफसरों हाथ बिंडी खज्याणा छन
सरकर्या खजानों की
यूँ बांठी लगै खाणा छन

                      Great Indian regional language singer Narendra   Singh Negi appreciated the efforts of Sandeep Rawat.    Nathpanthi spirituality expert Dr. Vishnu Datt Kukreti, famous Himalayan poet Madan Duklan, well known central Himalayan regional language news paper Khabar Sar editor Vimal Negi and  Garhwali  lyricist and poet Girish Sundariyal appreciated the poems of young Sandeep Rawat.   
            The poems compel readers for concerning rural Garhwal and hills of Uttarakhand.       

Ek Lapang: A Garhwali language Poetry Collection
Poet- Sandeep Rawat
Publication year -2013
Publisher: Samaya Sakshya
15, Faltu Line

Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti 28/8/2013

Notes on Poetries showing Serious Concerns for People, hills, Rural Garhwal; Garhwali Poetries showing Serious Concerns for People, hills, Rural Garhwal; Uttarakhandi Poetries showing Serious Concerns for People, hills, Rural Garhwal; Mid Himalayan Poetries showing Serious Concerns for People, hills, Rural Garhwal; Himalayan Poetries showing Serious Concerns for People, hills, Rural Garhwal; North Indian regional language Poetries showing Serious Concerns for People, hills, Rural Garhwal; Indian regional language Poetries showing Serious Concerns for People, hills, Rural Garhwal; Indian subcontinent regional language Poetries showing Serious Concerns for People, hills, Rural Garhwal; SAARC countries regional language Poetries showing Serious Concerns for People, hills, Rural Garhwal; South Asian regional language Poetries showing Serious Concerns for People, hills, Rural Garhwal; Asian regional language Poetries showing Serious Concerns for People, hills, Rural Garhwal; Oriental regional language Poetries showing Serious Concerns for People, hills, Rural Garhwal

Bhishma Kukreti

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Dr. Sher Singh Bisht: One of Immutable Pillars of Kumaoni Literature and Language

                                  Bhishma Kukreti

               The contribution of Dr Sher Singh Bisht for developing, preserving Kumaoni literature is always memorable. Dr Sher Singh Bisht contributed for Kumaoni literature by various means. 
            Dr Sher Singh Bisht was born in a remote village Dungra, Chaugarkha region of Almora, Uttarakhand on 10th March 1953.
  After passing post graduating in Hindi, Sher Singh got PhD in Vaishnav Dharm Sampradayon ke Darshanik Siddhant aur Krishna Bhakti kavya. Dr Bisht is D.Lit.
Dr Sher Singh Bisht is head of Hindi department Kumaon University , Almora.
              Dr Sher Singh Bisht is one of the renowned Hindi Literature creators.
However, his contribution for developing and preserving the Kumaon literature is immense. Dr Bisht published many Hindi books on Hindi poetry criticism.
 Dr Sher Singh Bisht published following books on Kumaoni literature-
1-Hindi-Kumaoni-English Shabdkosh (Dictionary Hindi-Kumaoni-English)
2-Bharat Mata (Modern Kumaoni poems
3-Ija (Modern Kumaoni Poems)
4-Uchain (Modern Kumaoni Poems)
5-Mankhi (Modern Kumaoni essays)
6- Kumaoni Kahavat kosh   (more than 7000 Kumaoni Proverbs)
The following books related to Kumaoni language are in Hindi
1-Kumaoni Kahvaton me Krishi Viashyak Gyan (co authored)
2-Uttranchal: Bhasha aur Sahtya Sandarbh
3-Kumaon Himalaya ki Boliyon ka Sarvekashan
4-Kumaoni Bhasha aur Sahity ka Udhbhava aur Vikas
 Dr Sher Singh Bisht is awarded by many institutions as Gold medal (1976), Acharya Narendr Dev Paritoshik (1991), Acharya Narendra dev Alankar (1993), UGC career Award (1993-1996), Sumitra Nandan pant Purushkar  (2001), Uttranchal ratna Award (2003), Acharya Hajari Prasad Dwivedi Rashtriy Sahitya Samman  and Arjun Singh Gusain award (2013).
         Language and Literature expert Dr Lakshman Singh Bisht appreciated Dr Sher Singh Bisht for his contribution in developing modern Kumaoni literature.
 Dr Bisht is supporter of Khaspurjia as standard Kumaoni language.
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti 11/11/2013
Notes on Kumaoni language literature creators; Kumaoni a Himalayan language literature creators; Kumaoni a North Indian language and literature creators; Kumaoni an Indian subcontinent regional language literature creators; Kumaoni language and literature creators; Kumaoni a SAARC regional language literature creators; Kumaoni a South Asian language literature creators; Kumaoni an Oriental Regional language literature creators; A writer who published Kumaoni a Himalayan regional language dictionary, A writer who published Kumaoni a North Indian regional language dictionary, A writer who published Kumaoni an Asian regional language dictionary, A writer who published Kumaoni a Indian subcontinent  regional language dictionary, A writer who collected more than 7000 Kumaoni proverbs; A writer who collected more than 7000 Kumaoni a regional language proverbs; A writer who collected more than 7000 Kumaoni a North Indian regional language proverbs; A writer who collected more than 7000 Kumaoni a South Asian regional language proverbs;

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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दादा जी की बताइ बतों तेन कबिता कु रूप दैणा कि कोसिस -

जीवन का बाटा सौंगा नि
तु हिटदि रै कबि रुकि न

बसंत ओण कु यक बक्त होंदु
बसंत ओण सि पैलि सुखि न

खैरी हजार मिललि त्वैसणि
खैर्यों द्याखी कबि लुकि न

बैरी त्वै मिटाण ताक मा रैला
मीटि जै पर कबि झुकि न

प्रभात सेमवाल (अजाण )सर्वाधिकार सुरक्षित

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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दुनियाँ मा खोजिन त्वेन

मै त तेरा पास रै!

बिराणु त्वेन माणी सदानि

मै त तेरु खास रै

छोड़ी त्वेन बिराणा बाटो मा

मेरी त फिरभि आस रै !

बोड़ी आई नि तू फिर कभि

मै त तेरी तलास रै !!

ख़ुशी त्वे हर बार मिलिन

मै त सदी उदास रै !

आख्यों आंसू खुशी का तेरा

मै त सदी निरास रै !!

मै त हिटी धरती मा सदी

तेरी नजर अगास रै !

दुन्याँ छोड़ी मैन तेरा बाना

त्वे तभिनि विश्वास एै !!

प्रभात सेमवाल ( अजाण )सर्वाधिकार सुरक्षित

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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हरीश भैजी रोमांटिक मूड मा अपडी मायादार की आँख्यूं मा आँखी डालिकी।

हरीश -: डार्लिंग तेरी आँखी झील जन छन लाटी। में थे डूब जाण दी।

बौल्या -: हा भैजी तेरी मायादार की आँखी झील ही छन, किनरौं मा जिलकंन्ड सिंवालू भि लग्यूं चा #पीप।
हा हा हा हा।

शुभ संध्या दगडयों।

खित खित हैंसा अर हैंसावा।


एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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कनु मन खुदाणु च आज ,बैरी ज्यु यनु झुराणु च आज
बोल्यां जन अफु मा बबराणु च बल , चल हिट डेरा पैटी जाला

तौं गौं -गौलियों गा बीच , उडदा ठंडा बथौं ग बीच
जख डांडी -कांठी हर्याली ह्वौ ,अर मनख्यात वखे मयाली ह्वौ

तौं हरयां भरयां कठ्यों मा , फूलों गि तौं घाटियों मा
जख आँखा खुल्दी परडी स्येल , जन उकळी बाटा कि ठंडी छैल

तौं गाडी -गदन्यों का छछराट मा , ऊंचा डांडियों कि काखियों मा
जख निस्सा गंगा कि छै धारा , ऊँचो ह्यूं चलि पहाड़ा

तौं धार मा गा बथौं मा ,ठंडु बथौं सुर -सूर्यों मा
जख रात डांडा मा गा रांका , ऊँचा आगाश का गैणा

: हिमांशु पुरोहित "सुमाईयां "

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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क्या मी खुश छों ????????
कभी कभी यखुली बैठी की सोच्दु छों.....
.की क्या मेरु गों छुडणु कू फैसला ठीक रे होलू ???
यख शहर माँ त मैमा सभी धाणी छ भे टीवी वीडियो मोबेल लैपटॉप कार और सभी सुविदा अर् यक्हे जीवन यापन माँ मी बहुत खुश भी छों..
.रोज दफ्तर जांदू वख अलग अलग जगहों से आयां लोगु थे मिलदु बात करदू और महीनो लास्ट माँ एक अच्छी खासी रकम भी कमे ल्यांदु ...
.बच्चा भि अच्छा इस्कूलों माँ पढ़ना छीन सब कुछ ठीक चानू छ ,,एक अच्छी जिंदगी कू और क्या चियाणा ........सभी धाणी च मैमा छींच ....
पर एक सवाल हमेशा मेरा मन माँ आन्दु की इथ्गा सब होणु बाद भी क्या खुश छों......कुछ ना कुछ त में कमी महसूस करणु छों .....
क्या मैसे वा मनख्यात जू में गों छोड़ी की औं वा यख छींच ??? गदन्यो कू सरसराट अर् कलकल बगदू पाणी की भोंण भी क्या में बिसरी ग्यों ???
यक्हे एयर कांडीस्नारो क हवा हमारी डांडा बाटी रोंसुला देवदारु कू ठंडी हवा से बढ़िया छीन ???? सुबेर बिन्सिरी माँ पौन चाखुलों की चेह्चाट त में यक्हे गाडी मोटरों का घ्याल माँ बिसरी ग्यों ???? बीजदा ही सुबेर समणी हिंवाली चान्ठी थें दिख्यांद वख अर् यख त बड़ा बड़ा कारखाना अर् होटल दिख्याणा .... बांजा देवदार कुलये रिंगाल थें भूली की यक्हे बगीचों माँ लगया बनावटी डालों माँ सिमटे गयो,,,यक्हे कू मतलबी समाज त अपनाई मैन वा भली मनख्यात त बिसरी ग्यों.... पुराण लोग दीदी भूली सबी रिश्तों थें छोड़ी की मी यक्हे बज्रया लोगु सणी अप्डी खैरी किले छों बताणु??

क्या में सच माँ खुश छों .....

डांडी कांठी बिसरी की यख शहर माँ बस्युं छों
धारा मंगरों कू पाणी छोड़ी यख नाल्यों माँ सन्यु छों
छोड़ी की जू घर मैं यख आयूँ छों....क्या में खुश छों .......

रंत रेबार सभी छुटिनी यख कमाण माँ हरच्यूं ग्यों
माठु माठु हिटणु छुटी ,,मोटरों माँ कच्ले ग्यों
तोड़ी की जू नातू में यख ये ग्यों ....क्या मी खुश छों .......

वा भली मनख्यात वू मायालु समाज खोज्णु रों
वा ग्वाइ वू था लेणु वो हिटणु समल्नु रों
छोड़ी की जू बाटू कख बिरडी ग्यों .......क्या में खुश छों

नाज पुंगडी साग सगोडी चोक तिबारी कनमा जों
खुट अल्ज्यान यख मेरा छूटे की घोर कन माँ जों
ओढ़ी की आयूँ द्वार मोर, बंद खोल्युं माँ कन के जों......क्या मी खुश छों .......
क्या मी खुश छों .........

......दीपक नौटियाल,,,,,,,,,,,,


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