Author Topic: उत्तराखंड पर लिखी गयी विभन्न किताबे - VARIOUS BOOKS WRITTEN ON UTTARAKHAND !  (Read 130972 times)


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« Reply #50 on: October 11, 2007, 11:07:43 AM »
Autobiographical book "The Boy from Lambata"by     Narain Singh Thapa is account of the his life and work
Book: The Boy from Lambata by N.S.Thapa
Publisher: PAHAR
Release Date: 28th september 2004
ISBN: 81-86246-24-X
First Edition :2004
Genre: Nonfiction - Biography - Celebrities
Edited by Ajay Rawat and Sekhar Pathak
Printed By Raghubir Chand for PAHAR,"Parikrama,Talla Danda ,Nainital - 263002


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« Reply #51 on: October 11, 2007, 11:16:22 AM »
About the book "The Boy from Lambata"    

Review By Kundan Goswami

Today I am going to tell you about one of the many able sons of mountains – the renowned combat cameraman and well-known documentary filmmaker – Shri Narain Singh Thapa (NST). He was born at the winter of 1924-25 at Lambata situated at a village called Marh-Marle in the Pithoragarh District of Uttaranchal. His parents Smt. Jasuli Devi and Shri Gajai Singh were peasants by profession and lived in abject poverty, as the barren land of the hills could not yield enough to feed the family. NST left Marh-Marle at a tender age of 10 and soon after completing his school education, joined Gorkha Regiment as a Sepoy. At the age of 19, he became a combat cameraman and fought World War-II with camera and at the same time taught his fellow army men as a teacher in uniform.

His autobiography ‘The Boy from Lambata’ presents an honest account of his life, successes and failures, difficulties and a host of challenges, which he faced in his life and career. I have had the privilege of reading this book published by PAHAR, Nainital recently. I randomly browsed through the book as a reconnaissance but when I found the pearls of wisdom strewn in each page, I really decided to have a thorough reading of the book and believe me I have read the book over and over again ever since I got it. Apart from exceptional writing skills and literary competence of Shri Thapaji, what impressed me most is the characteristic passion and panache with which he narrates his story. As an Uttarakhandi what made me more emotional about the book is the fact that it has a strong resemblance to the story of every PAHADI who has to venture out of the confines of hills to hammer out a living not only for himself but also for his parents back home. There cannot be a better source of inspiration for the young and aspiring Uttaranchali than NST himself who rose from a sepoy to the high office of Chief Producer of the Films Division. This book is not just an autobiography but a unique mix of knowledge, courage, adventure, grit and gumption of an individual who braved the freezing cold, snowy winds, landslides, blizzards and avalanches during his filming expeditions at a range of high altitude Himalayan mountains in Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, J&K and Garhwal & Kumaun regions. His daredevil attitude has proved more than once that courage is not just having strength to go on but going on when one does not have strength.

He has been witness to the pre and post independent India’s developmental history and was a constant companion of Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru during his gigantic task of building a new and resurgent India. He was there wherever the ‘Temples of Tomorrow’, as Nehru called them, were being built. His lunatic obsession with ‘duty-first’ drove him into taking life-threatening risks throughout his professional career. While covering Nehru’s USSR visit, he met with an accident and suffered injuries to his head. Pt. Nehru himself inspected his injuries and retorted ‘Shaheed Banana Chahte Ho Kya??’ When he was filming the havoc created by Brahmaputra in Assam, he was physically pulled away to safety by Pt. Nehru from a chunk of earth that sunk into the mighty river. He would climb onto the roof of speeding cars to take his favourite shots, which is why he was so successful as a newsreel cameraman.Pt. Nehru had a personal liking for this kumauni lad not merely for his professional competence but for his sheer dedication and determination in carrying out the assigned tasks. At times, he was so deeply engrossed in his work that he would forget his wife and son who would be waiting for him on the dining table. His simplicity and down-to-earth attitude only reflect the true character of a true Uttaranchali. This is amply evident from the fact that despite his close proximity with Pt. Nehru, he never pursued personal glory, power and position for himself. On the contrary, he faced many operational difficulties even as the Chief Producer of Films Division as he never fell prey to the tone and tenor of the ruthless and typical bureaucrats. His decisions, which won him laurels outside, were simply criticized within his own establishment. The envious people around him, perhaps for fear of their own failure and frustration,’ could not digest his unique ideas that were practical yet successful. Unperturbed by this coterie, he chose to be hated for what he was than to be loved for what he was not.
His super-natural film making attributes, workaholic lifestyle and an unassuming persona won him numerous laurels including many Gold Medals from former Presidents, Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, N. Sanjeeva Reddy, R. Venkataraman, and V.V. Giri. He was conferred ‘Padamshri’ by Giani Zail Singh in March, 1983 and IDPA Lifetime Achievement Award by Vilash Rao Deshmukh, former CM, Maharashtra in the year 2002 for his outstanding contribution in the field of documentary films.

To give you a real feel of the book, I will have to reproduce entire text herein which is neither feasible nor acceptable. The only option is to have the book and read it. I assure you, it will be an enlightening yet enjoyable reading.

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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« Reply #52 on: October 11, 2007, 11:26:38 AM »

HIMALAYAN ADVENTURE: M.K. Ramachandran has written two books on his travels.[/color]

M.K. Ramachandran was unknown as a writer till he walked the Himalayas.

Before he won the State Sahitya Academy award in 2005 for `Uttarakhandilude Kailas Mansarovar Yatra,' his first book on a trek to Mount Kailas through the tricky Uttarakhand ranges, all that he remembers of his literary trials is a couple of short stories that have seen light only in college magazines.

Yet, Ramachandran, who now has two popular books to his credit - the one that won the Akademi award and the other, `Tapobhumi Uttarakhand' - says he had no idea that his travels would result in two books that would win him accolades.

His trek to the Himalayas was, in fact, to overcome his worries that bogged him from the time he returned from a 15-year banking career in the Gulf to settle in Kerala.

Now a familiar name in Malayalam literary circles, Ramachandran is planning his third book - on his journey to Eastern Himalayas and Adi Kailas - which he expects to be out on the stands by this time next year.

Excerpts from an interview with him:

The publication of your first book fetched you the State Sahitya Akademy award. What was that that journey like?

I have been travelling since 1997, after some personal problems forced me to take a break from social life. During that time, I was also immersed in the study of Sanskrit dramas and epics. Before the Himalayan trek, I made frequent trips to the temples of South India and studied them.

During the trips, I used to keep records and write about my travels in in-house publications. But, to me, that I could write a full-fledged book on travel and get such recognition for it is nothing short of a coincidence or rather a `divine intervention.'

Your books are more records of ancient epics and scriptures than travelogues, which is quite different from other such books in this genre.

Most of our dramas, especially those written by Kalidasa, are set in the Himalayan backdrop. Just as one tends to associate one's experiences with places and people, the chord between the Himalayan locations and the ancient texts naturally surfaces.

And when that happens, it is akin to being transported back to the era when the texts were written or rather you see the terrain through the eyes of the author.

This, along with the enigma of the ranges, prompts you to look for the underlying bond you share with the eerie silence of the Himalayas and panoramic view of the area.

At times, a few of your experiences narrated in the books edge on mysticism.

My experience is nothing when you compare it with those who have trekked the Himalayas, especially from other countries. I have received calls from my readers, most of whom have received the books well. The second book, on my sojourn in the Uttarakhand area, has undergone four impressions in a year's time. Some of my readers also advise me to refer to other books they have read on the topic.

There is much research on topography, lifestyle as well as history in the books? How do you plan the trips to get so much information?

There is a lot of effort that goes behind the making of a book. I stay at the place till I catch hold of the official records on the topic or interview relevant people. For just a paragraph in one of my travelogues, I had to make a 15-day trip to Dwaraka, where under-sea explorations were on.

And during the trips, I come across very interesting pieces of information like folk beliefs and even very ancient records on writing media other than paper. One such was during my trip to Adi Kalias, where I found a 90-year-old lady from the Kuti village, whose ancestors are believed to have inherited a leaf-inscription from none other than Veda Vyasa. Himalayas, thus, is a storehouse of information, some of which could be beliefs and others, well-founded facts.

The next journey?

I have covered 70 per cent of the Himalayan region. My next trip would be to the Panch Kailas region near the Himachal ranges. But before that, I need to work on the compilation of my third book, which is now being serialised in a magazine.

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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« Reply #53 on: October 11, 2007, 11:28:55 AM »
‘Yamuna’, a book on the condition of women of Uttarakhand 

 The book has been written by Trepan Singh Chauhan

Anubhav / अनुभव उपाध्याय

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« Reply #54 on: October 11, 2007, 11:46:07 AM »
Great going Mehta ji and Suchira ji.


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« Reply #55 on: October 14, 2007, 01:50:19 PM »
Oh kundan's review of Lambata boy is here. I hope anubhav must be remembering that this was shared in our group and the review is on our site. I had also written a review on the same.You can also add the same here.

Anubhav / अनुभव उपाध्याय

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« Reply #56 on: October 14, 2007, 04:19:09 PM »
Thik hai Kamal Da main woh review bhi daal dunga site se.

Oh kundan's review of Lambata boy is here. I hope anubhav must be remembering that this was shared in our group and the review is on our site. I had also written a review on the same.You can also add the same here.

हेम पन्त

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« Reply #57 on: October 16, 2007, 04:57:14 PM »
शेखर पाठक जी द्वारा संपादित "पहाड" के सभी विशेषांक संग्रहणीय हैं...... यह पहाडों से संबन्धित विषयों पर उपलब्ध साहित्य का संभवतः सबसे बडा भण्डार है. यह एक वार्षिक पत्रिका है......अब तक 14 विशेषांक प्रकाशित हो चुके हैं....

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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« Reply #58 on: October 18, 2007, 10:22:56 AM »

The Kingdom of Gods, Uttarakhand By Giriraj Shah

Published 1975
Abhinav Publications

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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« Reply #59 on: October 18, 2007, 11:08:24 AM »


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