Author Topic: Articles by Scientist Balbir Singh Rawat on Agriculture issues-बलबीर सिंह रावत ज  (Read 28712 times)

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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In, we have invited Scientist Balbir Singh Rawat ji who is a retired Principal Scientist of the ARS (Agri. research Service) of the GOI. His speciality  is in Agro Industrial management Dairy Economics). He did his Msc (Ag) AH&Dairying degree from BR College Agra in 1953. Worked with Dev deptt. Bhopal, got GOI scholarship and took my doctorte degree from Belgrade in 1966. Worked with National Dairy Res.Institute, (ICAR) from where retired in 1988.

He belongs to village Gorli (near Satpuli) Pauri Garhwal. Presently settled in Dehradun.He writes for  newspapers on various socio-political issues. My experience of hill agril, rural dev.,agro-industrial management, and refined views on socio-econo-political matters have been liked by the editors. He  a bit different from the common  popular values prevailing in today's development practices in UK and the country.

Mr Balbir Singh Rawat JI will be writing article on above in this topic.

M S Mehta

Dr. Balbir Singh Rawat

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Agriculture in Uttarakhand
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2012, 08:24:50 AM »
Traditional agriculture in Uttarakhand was devised for subsistence, food for the family, done on levelled strips of land carved out of hill slopes. Migration of able bodied man power, unattended fields damaged by soil erosion, changing ecology resulting in excessive growth of crop damaging animals like monkeys, pigs, rabbits, etc has almost destroyed the traditional farming system of UK. What is now needed is to use the land for commercial farming of locality based  most-fit crops-mix in a scientific way using modern farm management methods , specific to the sub himalayan topography and varying altitudes climate.
How to do it? It requires new and conducive agricultural policy change, it requires new farm ownership? land lease and rental laws, it requires willing and trained manpower, it requires economy of scale sizes of business enterprises, it requires producer friendly marketing organisation and it requires various sizes of  mechanised agril tools , different sizes of  packging, transport, grading, storage and cold storage facilities and thorough knowledge of related consumer markets.
I invite readers to please let me know the areas of their interest so that I can serialise my advices in a systematic manner.
Thanks, BSR.

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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Dr Sab,

First of all, a very warm welcome to merapahad community. Today, we find one of the major factors of migration from hill areas is conventional method of agriculture and very low outcome. People toil day in & day out but they get very less at the time harvesting.

I think now time has come to think seriously to the agriculture pattern of UK specially for staircase type fields farming. Uttarakhand should also adopt HP farming method which can definitely produce employment & livelihood.

We would like to know your views on this sir?

Bhishma Kukreti

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Dr Balbeer Singh rawat is one of five movement activists who started separate state Uttarakhand movement  in Mumbai. Other first  four initial Uttarakhand movement activists are  Bhishma Kukreti, Girish Dhoundiyal, Jagdish Kapri and late Arjun Singh Gusain

Dr. Balbir Singh Rawat

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Terrace farming is unique to hill agriculture. Due to large scale migration of the youth, the terraced strips created by our industrious forefathers, fell prey to erosion and slides of the walls. It fell upon women with small children and old men to cultivate these fields under so many insurmountable odds. The degeneration continues.
The remedy is to restore these terraces, first at places where damage is less and production is profitable. Covert the traditional  farm production for family to production for income.This commercialisation of farm production in Uttarakhand, is THE ONLY SOLUTION to stall migration.
The sterling question is how to do it? Here a question pops up: Why do we have governments? Obviously to plan, provide, promote and to guide all encompassing development. So pressurise the government to start A to Z devlopment of Hill Agriculture in a well planned systematic and dynamic manner that shows results from day one. The traditional, lethargic non productive ways of bureaucracy have to be burried deep. our Ministers should search for experts who can contribute to rejuvenation of Hill Agriculture. The Generalist Administrator has played his role  (solo - not allowing outsiders to interfere), with negative results . So please pester your political representatives with demands for PROMPT ACTIONS.

Dr. Balbir Singh Rawat

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Public's suggestions to the UK Govt.
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2012, 08:11:12 AM »
Uttarakhand is full of intellectuals, social thinkers, retire experts of a varied spectrum of enterprises. They write in different fora, I am told majority of their suggestions are sent to the Government of UK and the authors get no response.
They do not care?  They copy and use with out acknowledgement?  Some one uses the suggestions else where?  think, some thing of every reason is there.
What's needed?
A Forum of Uttarakhand's Wlwishers should be put in place that will spearhead the process that good suggestions are sent to the right persons/places and will follow the actions taken on.
This Forum can lobby for setting up Advisory Cells in every Ministry and it's Departments. These Cells can function only when legally rcognised .
If you like the idea please contact me or Mera Pahad..... 

Dr. Balbir Singh Rawat

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terraced fields
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2012, 11:31:46 PM »
पर्वतीय खेती के लिए हमारे पूर्वजों ने पहाड़ी ढलानों में सीढ़ी नुमा समतल खेत बनाए और अछि उपजें लेकर अपने अपने परिवारों का भरण पोषण किया.कालांतर में शिक्षा का प्रचार हुआ, आबादी बढ़ी, दीं दुनिया देख कर लौटे सैनिको ने, आज़ादी के आन्दोलन की जागरूकता ने प्रोत्साहन दिया की स्कूल  हर जगह खोलो. शिक्षा का प्रसार हुआ, आबादी भी बढ़ी. आवागमन के साधन भी बढे तो शिक्षित युवा रोजगार की तलाश में अन्य क्षेत्रों को बढ़ती संख्या में पलायन करने लगे. घटती मावन शक्ति और बढ़ती जंगली जानवरों की संख्या ने पारंपरिक खेती को चौपट कर दिया. इधर बढ़ते पलायन से मनीआर्डर पाने वाले परिवारों की संख्या भी बढती रही तो घरो में रहने वाले ब्रिद्धों और महिलाओं और बच्चों की सामर्थ से बाहर पर्वतीय खेती का हराश होता चला गया. खेतों से मिटटी बहाने लगी, दीवारें ढहने लगीं, जंगली जानवरों को मारने की पावंदी से उनकी संख्या बढ़ी और परतीय खेती पर सरकार का ध्यान भी नहीं रहा तो आज हम वहाँ पर आ पहुंचे जहा समस्या एक परिवार की नहीं, एक गाँव की नहीं किन्तु पुरे उत्तराखंड की हो गयी है की पर्वतीय खेती को केवल सरकार की मदद से ही संवारा जा सकता है. अगर जो बर्तमान कृषि मंत्री कह रहे हैं वह वे कर पाते हैं तो कुछ आशा जगती है. उन्हें जान कार विशेषज्ञों की सल्लाह भी लेनी चाहिए, नौकरशाही को परतीय कृषि की पेचीदगियों का शुन्य नौवाव है तो वे पुराणी ही लकीर पीटेंगे. जरूरत काया पलट की है. कैसे? मेद्रे से संपर्क कीजिये मेरा पहाड़ की मार्फ़त.  धन्यवाद...i     

Dr. Balbir Singh Rawat

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Skill Gap
« Reply #7 on: September 27, 2012, 06:50:38 AM »
It is strange that the Central Government has woken up so late that they have planned to cover 500 million youth under the new scheme of skill development by 2020. Naturally Uttarakhand government too woke when the boss got up. It has fixed a target training 600,000 youth in coming five years. Long awaited planning indeed. The streams they intend to enlkist are:Tourism,Urban development, Industry, Rural development, Social welfare,Labour and Employment, IT, It is palnned to upgrade 43 ITIs with the assistance of private sector Industries. All old meat.
Only one speaker mentioned the need to utilise local produces at local level. No elaboration was reported by the press. Since bureucracy is in charge of the scheme so naturally only traditional  and tried avenues will be taken up. Does any department  to development know what are the local produces and natural resources available, where and in what quantity? Do they have any authentic data on the total annual availability of the local resources that can be processed? How many trained manpower will be needed to process these and what income will they earn from these activities?
It is always proper to start building any thing from the foundation.
There are huge natural resources waiting to be exploited for generating employment. One example: Forest resources of Uttarakhand. What we do at present.  Award contracts to fell the trees and sell some logs and fire wood at the depos of the Forest Corporation. Cant we  start modern timber Industry and manufacture world class furniture out of seasoned wood? We have the internationally famous Forest Research Institute. And there is no wood technology training centre in Uttarakhand Why? Is it because no body even thought of doing so, or, because it is a new area so why bother? Or is it because the Central Government has not launched any such scheme? I am not ashamed of saying Shame to our planners to have ignored this FULL OF POTENTIAL AREA . Similarly our tourism can do wonders if it can attract more tourists and enchant them to stay here for longer spells of duration and go on a shopping binge?. This too is possible , HOW? Let us elaborate at a proper forum if provided. ANY ONE INTERESTED? Contact.YRWEEK 

Dr. Balbir Singh Rawat

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New trades in UK agricuture
« Reply #8 on: September 28, 2012, 12:09:01 AM »
The government of Uttrakhand is planning to fill the Skill Gap bygivng trining to about 600,000 persons within the next five years. What the press reports say is that most of the existing trades will be covered in all traditional occupations and farming today is not an important occupation. It can be made important if the natural potential of Uttarakhand is exploited innovatively. Some occupations are described here.
Commercial cultivation of off season vegetables for markets in the plains like peas, cauliflower, carrots, broccoli, and other high value crops. Training is large scale farming, and trading of the produce is a sure shot employment generator.
Among fruits straw berries, berries such as hinsaalu (hinssar),apples, apricots, pears etc on a commercial scale for fresh fruit and conserved-fruit industry. Industrial type skill training, production and processing technology is another attractive area.
Growing seeds and saplings of the above crops and plants is also an attractive occupation.
Agriculture University and its Vigyan Kendras can be developed as the hubs of such occupational traing and transfer of technology to growers.
Who will do it? Any takers? Come forward. We can march ahead together.

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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Mahi Singh Mehtaposted to  Agriculture of uttarakhand - how to change agriculture method. See exclusive article by  Articles by Scientist Balbir Singh Rawat on Agriculture issues-बलबीर सिंह रावत ज www.merapahadforum.comArticles by Scientist Balbir Singh Rawat on Agriculture issues-बलबीर सिंह रावत जLike ·   
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