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D.N.Barola / डी एन बड़ोला

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« Reply #130 on: September 09, 2008, 01:35:26 PM »
Uttarakhand-Recharge yr pocket by Water recharging             
Water Harvesting is the current topic with Uttarakhand Government. But the Water recharging programme is more important in view of the fact that water recharging may be able to enhance the underground water table. Hence both the programmes need to be interlinked. The technique to recharge water is as old as the Indian civilization. I remember that there used to be ponds on the village tops or in the plain land during my childhood. The ponds, known as Khal, Pokhar, and Chuptyaul used to be maintained by the villagers. These ponds used to be found on soft and slippery red soil terrain.  Potters used to make resin pots and other utensils from this red soil. These ponds used to be the favourite dipping (plummeting plunging sinking) place for the buffaloes. In the meanwhile the Govt. under its Malaria Eradication Programme motivated the people to close down the ponds so that Malaria is eradicated completely. The reasoning was that Mosquitoes breed in still water. The Malaria Department publicized a Gandhian slogan – Machhar rehenga per Malaria nahin rahega. Mosquitoes will live, but malaria will not. Thus the ponds or pokhars were covered with soil thus became almost extinct.
            To recharge water contour trenches on hillside slopes below 45 degree may be useful. Above 45 degree trenches might cause soil erosion.  The length of the trenches may be 4-5 feet and 2,3 feet wide with a depth of 1-2 feet. The westerners have long back adopted ‘earning through water recharging’ concept. For the purpose Ponds or small lakes measuring 10 Meter or above with a width of 5 M and above and depth of l M to 1.5 M as per site conditions may be constructed. Fisheries production in these ponds may fetch at least 4 to 5,000 rupees per month. The Government may encourage the youth to cultivate fisheries by providing cheap loans or subsidy. Thus water conservation can recharge the purse or the pocket of the youth and side-by-side may provide sumptuous food to the family members.

D.N.Barola / डी एन बड़ोला

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« Reply #131 on: September 09, 2008, 01:50:49 PM »
Why we get irritated by similar actions of others.

            Why should we throw the garbage of our house on the road towards the neighbour’s house? If neighbuor does the same we get irritated why? Why should we have an eye on the Property and Land of others? Why this zealously and greed? If the neighbour does the same, we get irritated. We sometimes beg for a car or a scooter for a little, while then why do we think it our right to finish off the petrol in his vehicle and in case vehicle requires any repairs because of our mishandling, why do we park the vehicle without his knowledge at the owner’s house secretly. If he complains why do we get irritated? Why we take loan from others and do not want to repay the money. If he wants his money back; why do we consider him as our enemy No.1? Why we continue occupying the house of others even after the construction of our own house. If he wants his house back, why do we demand Pagri (money) to vacate his house? If there is any misunderstanding or quarrel in the neighbour’s house, why do we relish it and pleasantly discuss within our family members. If the same happens in our own house why do we get irritated? Why do we pluck flowers from the neighbour’s kitchen garden, when there are flowers in our kitchen garden? Why do we peep into the neighbours newspaper and want to read it before he reads it and if he is not ready to oblige, why do we scold him? Why should we park our vehicle in the neighbours’ shop? If he does the same, why do we get irritated? Why do we think our own self as the most intelligent man of the world, which we know we are not? If somebody points out this fact to you why do we get irritated? Why do we relish wicked talks about others and feel satisfaction in opening our mouth against any or everybody whom we know. Why should we be jealous in others’ promotion and happy in their demotion? While riding a car why do we speak against pedestrians? While we walk on foot, why should be speak against the car owners. Why should we blame the Government for the acts of indiscipline by our own self? Why do we not behave like an ideal citizen and do our duty. If someone points why do we get irritated with him? This is one side of the story. But when in trouble people cooperate with each other and want to help one another in every way, here again it is another thing that we start the same after the trouble is over.

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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« Reply #132 on: September 09, 2008, 04:46:11 PM »
Uttarakhand-Recharge yr pocket by Water recharging             
Water Harvesting is the current topic with Uttarakhand Government. But the Water recharging programme is more important in view of the fact that water recharging may be able to enhance the underground water table. Hence both the programmes need to be interlinked. The technique to recharge water is as old as the Indian civilization. I remember that there used to be ponds on the village tops or in the plain land during my childhood. The ponds, known as Khal, Pokhar, and Chuptyaul used to be maintained by the villagers. These ponds used to be found on soft and slippery red soil terrain.  Potters used to make resin pots and other utensils from this red soil. These ponds used to be the favourite dipping (plummeting plunging sinking) place for the buffaloes. In the meanwhile the Govt. under its Malaria Eradication Programme motivated the people to close down the ponds so that Malaria is eradicated completely. The reasoning was that Mosquitoes breed in still water. The Malaria Department publicized a Gandhian slogan – Machhar rehenga per Malaria nahin rahega. Mosquitoes will live, but malaria will not. Thus the ponds or pokhars were covered with soil thus became almost extinct.
            To recharge water contour trenches on hillside slopes below 45 degree may be useful. Above 45 degree trenches might cause soil erosion.  The length of the trenches may be 4-5 feet and 2,3 feet wide with a depth of 1-2 feet. The westerners have long back adopted ‘earning through water recharging’ concept. For the purpose Ponds or small lakes measuring 10 Meter or above with a width of 5 M and above and depth of l M to 1.5 M as per site conditions may be constructed. Fisheries production in these ponds may fetch at least 4 to 5,000 rupees per month. The Government may encourage the youth to cultivate fisheries by providing cheap loans or subsidy. Thus water conservation can recharge the purse or the pocket of the youth and side-by-side may provide sumptuous food to the family members.

Very good information sir about water harvesting.

D.N.Barola / डी एन बड़ोला

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« Reply #133 on: September 10, 2008, 09:51:08 AM »
We marry to love, you love to marry

            Once a foreign National put a question to Swami Vivekanand that in India a boy marries a girl whom he does not know, without any love affairs, how after all such marriage succeeds?  He said that as per his knowledge, boys simply obey the orders of their parents and on their suggestion they marry the girl of the choice of parents, yet the marriage is successful and cases of divorce are negligible. How and why?
Swami replied: We in India marry a girl to love her. Whereas you people love the girl and then  marry her. In our country marriage is a socio-religious companionship valid for seven births. They take oath to remain as husband and wife for seven births. It is not only a marriage between the young couple; it is the marriage of an entire family with another family. It has socio-religious sanction. The marriage is solemnized with Barties as witness by lighting the sacred fire amidst the pronunciations of Vedic Mantras. The marriage is more a social and religious act than a legal act. And hence the question of divorce does not come to anybody’s conscious or unconscious mind.  We are psychologically prepared to love the girl whom we marry, because she becomes the Dharma Patni, the Ardhangani after marriage. They become the companions in sorrow or comfort- sukh, dukh, ke shathi. This is the reason the marriages are successful in India. After marriage, the personal safety of the girl is ensured while she is young and in the old age the family members look after her. Similarly she looks after the older generation while she is young and when she becomes old she is looked after by the younger generation i.e. by her children.  Love and affection of the woman towards the family members plays the most dominant role in the institution of marriage. Hence the saying marriages are decided in Heaven and arranged in the earth. This is India and no other place can be like India. We all should be proud of the socio-religious bonds, which is the exclusive privilege of sus Indians.

पंकज सिंह महर

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तेज सिंह गुंज्याल, धारचूला: तहसील मुख्यालय से लगभग 35 किमी दूर स्थित खार उडियार यानि मौत की गुफा इन दिनों खासी चर्चा में है। गुफा के भीतर तथा उसके आसपास क्षेत्र में जहरीली गैस और बहने वाला तरल पदार्थ अभी भी रहस्य बना हुआ है। प्रशासन ने भू- वैज्ञानिकों से जांच कराने के बाद ही रहस्य से परदा हटने की सम्भावना जताई है। तहसील के तल्ला दारमा क्षेत्र के सुवा गांव के निकट स्थित रहस्यमयी गुफा एक बार फिर सुर्खियों में आ गयी है। अतीत में इस गुफा से हुए नुकसान को देखते हुए ग्रामीणों ने इसे बंद कर दिया था। इस बीच गुफा के प्रवेश द्वार पर बनाई गयी दीवार क्षतिग्रस्त हो गयी। गुफा का मुंह खुलने से जंगल में गये कुछ जानवर इसकी चपेट में आकर मरने लगे। एक सप्ताह पूर्व ग्रामीणों को इसका पता चला तो उन्होंने इसकी सूचना पटवारी को दी। पटवारी ने गुफा तक पहुंच कर अपनी रिपोर्ट तहसील प्रशासन को सौंपी। पटवारी की रिपोर्ट पर तहसीलदार ने गुफा के पास स्थिति का जायजा लिया। उन्होंने यहां जहरीली गैस या किसी पदार्थ के होने की आशंका जताते हुए जिलाधिकारी से इसकी भू- वैज्ञानिकों से जांच कराने की संस्तुति की है। जिला प्रशासन ने भू-वैज्ञानिक जांच के लिए शासन को लिखा है। इधर गुफा के पास पहुंचने वाले पशु- पक्षियों के मरने का सिलसिला जारी है। लोग यहां पहुंच कर अपने स्तर से परीक्षण कर रहे हैं। गुफा के पास मशाल जलाते ही बुझ जा रही है। गुफा से लेकर धौलीगंगा नदी किनारे तक लाल रंग का चमकदार तरल पदार्थ बह रहा है, जिससे किसी भी समय हादसे की आशंका बनी हुई है। स्थानीय ग्रामीणों ने तत्काल इसकी जांच कर गुफा को बंद कराने की मांग की है।  

Parashar Gaur

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« Reply #135 on: September 11, 2008, 03:46:55 AM »
   उद्घाटन की परम्परा
   हमारा देश महान है हर बात के लिए !  खास कर नेतागिरी में तो पूछो नही ! वहा का बासिन्दा बिना इसके ना तो जी सकता है और नही मर सकता है. !  हिंदू रीत को अनुसार अगर कोई मर रहा हो तो मरने वाली की यही अन्तिम इच्हा होती थी या होती है की उसे गाया माता की पूंछ पकडवा दी जाय ताकि वो उसे के सहारे
बैतेरनी पार कर सीधे स्वर्ग जा सके , लेकिम अब ये काम बिना नेताजी के असंभव हो गाया है !  गाय तो अब 
ढूंड ने से भी नही मिलती अगर नेताओं को खोजो तो एक नही हजारो में  ...गलियो में ,  चौराहों में , बाजारों में
थोक की भाव में मिल जायेगे  !  हां देखने में भी आया है की बिना इसके उसे मरने वाले की ना तो गती ही संभव है और ना ही मुक्ती ही !  मरने वाली के दम तबतक नही जा सकते जब तक की नेता वहा पर आकर उसे व्यक्ती की बारे में मरने से पहले अपना भासन न दे  दे ! जैसे ही नेताजी का भाषण समाप्त हुवा नही  और तालियों की गडगडाहट हुई नही की  समझलो उसे ब्यक्ती को भी मुक्ती मिलगई या मिलचुकी है !

    मित्रो आपने अक्सर सुना या देखा होगा जब किसी दुकान माकन या कोई भी फंगसन होता है तो उस कार्यक्रम का उद्घाटन या तो कोई वडा आदमी .., वडे का मेरा मतलब पैसे वाले से है या फिर कोई नेताजी करते है !  वडे भी इन नेताओ के आगे अक्सर दुम हिलाते नजर आते है या देखे जा सकते है !

    नेता कलयुगी भगवन है ! अनदात्ता है !  ब्रह्मांड की गती रुक सकती है इसकी नही !  इसलिए तो इसे को ईशवर से भी उप्पर का दर्ज्ज़ा दिया जाता है ! अब जब वो सबके नजरो में भगवन है तो आप ही बताये फिर इसके बिना कोई कम हो सकता ही क्या ?  ना ही ,  ना ......!  हर एक यही चायेगा ना की वो हमारे घर आए , हमारे कर्याकर्मो का उद्घाटन करे ! एसा करने से उस मोहले में उस आदमी की भी जरा ताडी से हो जाते ही ! रॉब पड़ता  है उनपर !

     एक  बात मै यहाँ पर सप्स्ट कर देना चाहूँगा की आम आदमी की नेताओ के प्रती अच्छी धरनाये नही होती
है वो उनकी तुलना सीधे अपनी गली में घूमते आवारा  ......... से  करते है  जो जब चाहे , जिसे चाहिए काट डाले
वो भी विना बाझे ! गाली का वो कभी कभी अपना होजाता है लेकिन ये ...   इसका कोई भरोसा नही !  खैर ये तो रही आम आदमी की बात हम तो यहाँ पर इन महापुरश की बात कर रहे थे की आज का हर वडे छोटे कामो में इनका होना जरुरी है !

   अरे साहब गजब तो तब होवा जब नेताजी को एक रनवे का उद्घाटन करना था नेताजी को इस पट्टी के उद्घाटन हेतु वडे आदर के साथ वहा पर लाया गया था !  सुरक्षा कड़े इन्ताज़माते थे !  ये सब होने के बाबजूद वो कुत्ता जाने कहा से वहा सेंध मार कर जा घुसा !  जबतक नेताजी वहा पहुँचते , उद्घाटन करते ,  नेताजी से पहले हमरी गली की घूमते आवारा कुते के एक रिश्तेदार ने देश के इस रनवे का उद्घाटन कर डाला !  येसा करके उस कुते ने अखबारों में बड़े सुर्खीय बटोली !   मरे खुसी के वो रनवे वे पर जा लगा दौड़ने ! याने उसने इन साहिब से पूरब ही  उस पट्टी उद्घाटन कर डाला  !  सब देखतेरहगये और वो पट्टा ..., ये दौडा वो दौडा और दौड़ता ही चला गाया  ! एक नयी प्रथा की सुरवात कर के !

D.N.Barola / डी एन बड़ोला

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« Reply #136 on: September 11, 2008, 10:17:21 AM »
‘Birth pangs’ of a new Car

   Today if we want to purchase a Car, we can simply visit a Car Show Room and walk out with a Car. But two decades back, it was not so. There was a time when the delivery of a Car or Scooter used to take months and sometimes years. In fact during the period when Vespa Scooter was floated in the market usually people jocularly used to ask whether the Scooter has been booked for the Son or the Grand-Son. The waiting period was in years. Even in 1995 when I wanted to purchase a Car, the waiting period was at least 6-7 months. I booked a Car after depositing the full cost of the Car. The delivery of my Car was delayed beyond 7 months. I wrote a letter to the Maruti dealer in light vein. The letter dated 9 October, 2008 did have some effect and I got the delivery of the Car in October, 1995 itself i.e. exactly after 9 months. I am reproducing the letter just to share the thoughts with Mera Pahar, as under:

   It was that fateful day that I got a Maruti Car 800 CC (red colour) booked with M/S Kavisa Udyog, Bareilly on the 28th January, 1995. The Booking No. 10059 coincided with the favourable numbers which so far I feel and take them to be lucky. My Car Number is 2059; Phone No. being 2259 and so on. I felt that I am the luckiest man of India to have the 59 suffix to the booking number. I was told that the delivery would take 6-7 months.

   Back to Ranikhet, I was pondering how the delivery period could be 6-7 months. A normal delivery means 9 months. My presumption, now I feel, was correct. Today exactly after 8 months and 12 days, i.e. in the ninth month, I am anxious of course my family members joining me, and we feel we have no option but to expect a delivery – a full time normal delivery. While going to the market, to the Club and to the brother Officers and Public, I was faced with one question – When do I expect the ‘delivery’ of my Car; and I had no option but to thank them for the concern which they are bestowing upon me on the delivery of the third car – the first being the Ambassador and the second being the Premier Padmini.

   Recently I posed a question to my Astro-palmist friend as to when should I expect the delivery of the Car? Is it definitely going to be a normal full time delivery, i.e. roughly 9 months, or it could be slightly pre-mature, so that D.N. Barola is ready for the ‘birth pangs’ and the resultant consequences. After all these days a delivery costs extra money and during this period the cost may escalate thereby justifying the pros and cons of a pre-mature or post-mature delivery.

   In the 56th year of D.N.Barola’s life history, an event, a rather somewhat risky (?) event is going to take place. My family friends join me in my thoughts and we all are expecting that Maruti Udyog will see to it that the risks are not grave. I am sure Maruti Udyog will rise to the occasion and will spare no stone unturned in granting an expeditious and smooth delivery of the ‘prized collection’ of the brand new ‘historical’ red Maruti Car, thereby sharing the moments of ecstasy with me and my friends.

D.N.Barola / डी एन बड़ोला

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« Reply #137 on: September 12, 2008, 10:28:23 AM »
Kaun chala raha hai Bharat ko?

             I wish to relate a story about the present state of the country. Once a Russian came to India and landed at Indira Gandhi International Airport. The Electronic Media reporters rushed towards him and put a question. Do you believe in God? The Russian promptly replied No, Not at all.  Disappointed the media persons vanished away from there.
            After 3 months the Russian was returning to Russia. At the Airport the same Media persons again put him the same question. Do you believe in God? He said Yes, definitely yes. The media people were elated and said: After all India is Dev Bhumi, the land of Gods. The Russian an Atheist, a non-believer in God is now returning to Russia after becoming a Theist, a believer in God. After all this is the greatness of Bharat Bhumi that an Atheist is today a Theist. They posed another question, how have you changed your faith on God? You were an Atheist. Is it that in this land of pious sages, hermits and ascetics, you have been influenced by their blessings? He said NO. It is definitely not so. In fact during my sojourn in India I saw that trains do not reach anywhere in time, still they run, carry a heavy load of people and reach the destination and are earning huge profits. In the Offices, I saw people reach late and sometimes they don’t at all go to Offices; still the work is going on. Government has been constituted with the support of so many parties, each threatening the Government from time to time to withdraw support, yet the Government is running smoothly and taking important decisions in the National interest fearlessly. Terrorist activities are at its peak. Policemen are killed or they kill innocent people, Match Fixing is common. Train reservation is through computer, yet you cannot get a ticket without the middleman at a price. There is a rampant corruption Sacred River like Ganga is highly polluted. Human excreta, dead bodies, dirty nalas all are submerged in Ganga. Yet Ganga water is pure. No Driver in the Buses, still buses are running and reach the destination. Slogans like Feel good, Feel Great, Indian Shining and Mera Bharat Mahan are being digested by the people. The question after all is how the country is running, on to the path of progress. India is a Nuclear power, now recognized by the International community. It is a country of more than 100 crore people. It’s a country of Gandhi and Nehru. This means there must be somebody who is running the show, it cannot be any other person but God, so while In India I believe in God. After delivering this lecture he rushed towards the Airplane leaving the electronic media personnel bewildered, hallucinated and hyped. For the first time media persons could not prevail upon a person and the Russian made them dumb..

D.N.Barola / डी एन बड़ोला

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« Reply #138 on: September 12, 2008, 01:24:42 PM »


   The illustrious Kumaon Regiment neither had its home among the lush green hills of Kumaon nor was it known by this name till recent years. Some of its battalions have a history that goes back to the closing decades of the eighteenth century. Retracing that history we find that the Regiment was born far away in the Deccan, where some of its units were raised as part of the army of the Nizam of Hyderabad. Now Ranikhet, a small hill station located in the picturesque Himalayas, is the abode of the glorious Kumaon & Naga Regiment. The Regiment is a combination of one of the oldest, largest and youngest and one of the most decorated Battalions of the Indian Army. The Regiment has an enviable tally of gallantry awards bestowed upon the brave Offices and men of the Regiment in recognition of their selfless and dedicated service to the nation. India’s first Param Vir Chakra (PVC), the highest gallantry award was conferred upon Major Som Nath Sharma, posthumously, in 1947. Major Shaitan Singh was the second recipient of the PVC in 1962, against the Chinese aggression at Rezangla. Besides the two PVCs, the Regiment has to its credit four Ashok Chakras, l1 Maha Vir Chakras, one Padma Shri, eight Kirti Chakras, three Uttam Yudh Sewa Medals, one Arjuna Award besides a host of other awards.  Recently the Kumaon Regiment Centre hosted the 13th Re-Union of the Kumaon and 7th Re-Union of the Naga Regiment. The re-union is held in a cycle of four years along with Battalion Commander’s Conference. The Reunion has a special significance for any Regiment. It is an occasion wherein veterans of the Regiment get together to invigorate their ties with the Regiment.

   The Kumaon Regiment has its origin in the Nizam’s Contingent and its history dates back to the 18th Century. The Regiment thus has over two centuries of distinguished service in which eight generations of the British and at least ten generations of Indians have served this great family with utmost dedication and devotion. Before Independence, the units of the Regiment fought under the British in foreign and alien lands, which included Palestine, Egypt, Burma, Malaya, Hong Kong, Korea, Japan and Europe. In the post-independence period, our Battalions have operated in battlefields near and far such as J&K to include Ladakh and Siachen, Arunanchal Pradesh, Punjab Rajasthan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Korea, Congo, Gaza, South, Africa, Ethiopia and Eritrea. On the 27 October, 1945, in recognition of the heroic deeds, the Regiment’s designation was changed from XIX Hyderabad Regiment to the Kumaon Regiment.   

   History tells that it is from Mohammad Salabat Khan’s corps that the present 4th and 5th Battalions of the Kumaon Regiment descended. Though most of the infantry regiments of the Nizam had British Officers, their number was limited to one or two in each. Towards the end of 1812, there was mutiny in two of the regiments; and the pressure of these events, the Nizam’s government was induced by the Resident (Mr. Russell) to sanction raising of two battalions of regular infantryman, to be equipped and disciplined like the Sepoys of the Company’s army. The two battalions, which came to be known as the 4 Russell-Brigade, were formed in March, 1813. Both battalions formed part of the Kumaon Regiment till April 15, 1952, when the first Battalion left the fold to join the newly raised Parachute Regiment. The 2nd Battalion continues to be a part of the Regiment. From its inception in 1788 the Regiment completed 200 years of glorious service to the Nation in 1988. The oldest Battalion of the Regiment 4 Kumaon celebrated it’s Bicentenary on 17 and 18 February, 1988 and General K. Sunderji, took the salute at an impressive parade. A special stamp was also released to commemorate the historical occasion. 

   It may also be mentioned here that the Kumaon Regiment is the only Regiment which has the unique proud privilege and distinction of having three Chief of Army Staff, namely Gen SM Srinagesh, Gen KS Thimayya and Gen TN Raina. At present Lt. General Satya Vir Singh Yadav is the Colonel of the Regiment and Brig. Bhupinder Singh is the Commandant of the KRC.

   Dr. Rajendra Prasad, the first President of India presented Colours to the one of its Regiment, 4 Kumaon on 7 April, 1961, thus it became the first Regiment of the Indian Army to get colours for its glorious deeds and unique performance both during peace and war. Latter   V.V.Giri, the then President of India also gave colours to the 14th Battalion of this Regiment.

.   It would be pertinent to mention that Indian Naval Ship (INS) Khanjar was affiliated with the Regiment in 1994.  These affiliations were formalised on 27 October 2007 with the signing of a charter between the Colonel Commandant of the Kumaon and Naga Regiments, Commandant of the Kumaon Regimental Centre, Brig Bhupinder Singh, Sqn Ldr Sahani of 7 Squadron and Lt cdr G Gurumurthy of INS Khanjar. This charter formalised the affiliation between the three institutions.  The charter lays down directives for training and interactions between the Kumaon Regiment, the 7 Squadron and INS Khanjar.   A Special Day Cover was also released on the occasion by the Army Postal Service. This in nut-shell is the story of the famous Kumaon Regiment.(D.N.Barola)

Gen Deepak Kapoor,
Army Chief

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उत्तराखंड में होने वाली बारिश की 50 फीसदी मात्रा से ही सूबे की न केवल 100 फीसदी प्यास बुझाई जा सकती है, बल्कि रोजाना की अन्य जरूरतों को भी पूरा किया जा सकता है। इसे समझकर ही नए नियम बनाए जा रहे हैं। सूबे में 'रूफ-टाप रेन वाटर हार्वेस्टिंग' की कवायद शुरू की गई है। वर्षा जल संग्रह का प्रावधान नए बनने वाले सरकारी व निजी भवनों के लिए अब अनिवार्य हो गया है।

गंगा-यमुना सहित अनेक नदियों का उद्गम स्थल इसी प्रदेश होने के बावजूद उत्तराखंड में जल संकट बढ़ता जा रहा है। एक तरफ भूजल स्तर गिर रहा है और जलस्त्रोत सूख रहे हैं तो दूसरी तरफ आबादी वृद्धि से पानी की मांग में लगातार बढ़ोतरी हो रही है। आलम यह है कि गर्मी में पर्वतीय गांवों में ही नहीं, राजधानी में भी पानी की कमी समस्या बनती जा रही है। वैज्ञानिक आगाह कर रहे हैं कि तेजी से बदल रहे पर्यावरण की वजह से एक दिन पानी बेहद नीचे चला जाएगा और आम जनता को आसानी से मयस्सर नहीं होगा। माना जा रहा है कि इस समस्या का निदान ही वर्षा जल संग्रह है। पानी का प्राकृतिक शास्त्र यह है कि पृथ्वी पर दो-तिहाई भाग में होने के बावजूद 97 फीसदी खारे समुद्र के रूप में है। पीने योग्य सिर्फ तीन फीसदी पानी है। इसमें से दो फीसदी हिमखंडों और एक फीसदी नदियों के रूप में है।

अब बात उत्तराखंड की, राज्य में औसतन 1250 मिलीमीटर वर्षा के हिसाब से 53483 वर्ग किमी क्षेत्र में सालभर में 6,68,537 करोड़ लीटर पानी बरसता है। सूबे की 90 लाख आबादी को प्रति दिन 100 लीटर के हिसाब से एक साल में 32850 करोड़ लीटर पानी चाहिए। अर्थात कुल वर्षा का महज 50 फीसदी। अगर इस पानी का संचय किया जाए तो इसके लिए 526 वर्ग किलोमीटर क्षेत्र की जरूरत होगी। बारिश के इस पानी का उपयोग करने को सरकार अब गंभीर नजर आ रही है। इस बारे में सचिव एमएच खान ने बताया कि सूबे में 'रूफ-टाप रेनवाटर हार्वेस्टिंग' को अनिवार्य कर दिया गया है। नए बनने वाले सभी सरकारी और निजी भवनों के लिए इस व्यवस्था को लागू करने का शासनादेश जारी कर दिया गया है। अब नए घर का मानचित्र वर्षा जल संग्रह के सुनिश्चित प्रबंध होने पर ही स्वीकृत किया जाएगा। इतना ही नहीं, पेयजल संकट क्षेत्र स्थित पुराने सरकारी भवनों में वर्षा जल संग्रह के निर्देश दिए गए हैं। पेयजल मंत्री मातबर सिंह कंडारी ने भी वर्षा जल संग्रह की सरकारी भवनों में संभावना व स्थिति पर रिपोर्ट तलब की है।


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