Author Topic: Personalities of Uttarakhand/उत्तराखण्ड की प्रसिद्ध/महान विभूतियां  (Read 158589 times)


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उत्तराखण्ड के गांधी- स्व० इन्द्रमणि बडोनी जी

  EVEN as the people of Uttarakhand celebrate victory of their long-drawn struggle, they are missing one person very lovingly. He is the tallest leader of the Uttarakhand movement, Indramani Badoni, who had died at his residence in Rishkesh (Uttarakhand) on 18 August, 1999, after prolonged illness.
A simple and unassuming person, Badoni became a symbol of hope for more than one crore Uttarakhandi people, living in several parts of the country and abroad, during the peak of Uttarakhand movement in 1994. A man of principles, he came to be called as Gandhi of Uttarakhand for leading a historical movement for the creation of Uttarakhand state which remained thoroughly nonviolent despite provocation from several quarters.

     On 2nd August, 1994, he started an indefinite fast unto death at Pauri, headquarters of Garhwal division, to press for the demand of a separate state. On August 7, 1999, he was forcibly sent to the Meerut jail and later shifted to the AIIMS in New Delhi for treatment, where he was forcibly discharged. "The people of Uttarakhand must not feel defeated and keep on the flag of their cause flying high till they achieve their goal," he had said in his last message to the people whom he loved the most.

     Ever since his political career, Badoni not only was among the pioneers who played a vital role in politically awakening the masses in Garhwal, but also tried to make them understand that their future lied in a separate state. Born in 1914 in the Akhaurhi village of Jakholi block of Tehri district (now in Rudraprayag district) in a modest family, Badoni passed his intermediate examination from Tehri and graduated from the DAV College in Dehradun in 1949. He was just 27 when his father passed away and burden of the whole family fell on his shoulders. Being eldest among the male children of his parents, he even had to raise a herd of goats to support his family and send one of his younger brothers to pursue higher studies in Ayurveda, a subject in which Badoni himself took a great interest. In 1971, he lost his mother also.

     Soon after the CPI leader comrade PC Joshi espoused the cause of a separate state for the people of Uttarakhand during early 1950s, Badoni realized that the people in the hills were never given their due. He went to jail several times during the freedom struggle. The Congress being in the foreground of the struggle, Badoni had little choice but to join that party. It was only in the late Sixties that he lost faith in the Congress and came to the conclusion that the national parties only served the superficial objectives and they had nothing to do with the aspirations and hopes of the people in several parts of the country that were languishing for a long time.

     A simple person but a political animal, Badoni fought Deoprayag assembly seat three times in 1967, 1969 and 1977. He contested the 1967 assembly election from Deoprayag as an independent candidate against the Congress party's official candidate and won. He fought the assembly election not because he was denied a Congress ticket, but because the then Congress stalwart HN Bahuguna had tried to convince him that no one can win an election minus a Congress ticket. It is believed that Bahuguna told Badoni that even a dog would win the election on the Congress ticket. This made Badoni furious and he decided to prove Bahuguna wrong.

     Around the time he contested the Uttar Pradesh assembly election as an independent candidate in 1967, he restarted espousing the cause of a separate hill state comprising the mountainous districts of Uttar Pradesh. In 1971, he fought the Lok Sabha election on the same issue against erstwhile Raja of Tehri principality, Manabendra Shah. But the time was not ripe for the demand he ad raised. Larger sections of the Uttarakhand people used to see the Uttarakhand supporters as anti-nationals at that time. Consequently, the election result was on the expected lines and he lost the election to the erstwhile Raja.

      In 1973, he was behind those who organized a massive rally in Bageshwar on the day of Makar Samkranti, where all participants pledged to take the Uttarakhand movement to its logical conclusion. He rejoined the Congress soon after and in 1969 contested the election on the Congress ticket winning again. In 1977, he fought as an independent and won the seat defeating the Janata Party candidate. He was the only candidate who could withstand the Janata Party tornado. After being vice chairman of the hill development corporation in 1980, he joined the UKD in the same year during party's Rishikesh convention and till death remained its most important leader.

     His decision to switch over to the regional politics was prompted by the fact that he always believed that only a regional force could sincerely fight for the cause of Uttarakhand and regional aspirations hardly found an adequate place in the scheme of things of the national parties. Perhaps this was one reason which aggravated his disillusionment with the Congress. In 1989, he contested for the Lok Sabha from Tehri constituency on the UKD ticket and lost very narrowly (only about 1400 votes) to the Congress candidate Brahm Dutt.

     Apart from the hullabaloo of politics, he was a fine dancer of Kedar nritya, a folk dance of Garhwal. In fact, in 1956, he along with his troupe had participated in the Republic Day parades in the capital. Their troupe so enthralled Nehru that he also joined them and danced with them. Through his Madho Singh Bhandari folk ballet, Badoni had also tried to make the masses understand how important it was to make sacrifices for the people and their welfare. The explorer's soul in his body took him to the unknown places in the central Himalayas or Uttarakhand. It was he who discovered the Khatling glacier, the source of river Bhilangana. Since then, an annual festival is celebrated there to mark his discovery and with the purpose of encouraging tourism there.

uttarakhand ke gaandhi indarmani badoni ji ke gaan akhodi ki yaad main ye geet

!! रोंत्याली - अखोडी की याद म !!

मेरी सिय रोतेली कनि प्यारी अखोडी !!
नि सयेंदी खुद जब अंखियों म ओन्दा आंसू बोडी !!
जख छन सी नोऊ खम्बिया तिबारी,और सी बल्दू की जोड़ी !
जख छन बरोमास लेन्दि भेंसी और लेन्दि  गोडी !!

कनि रोतियाली छ सिय ताल की धार !
जख डंडियों बिटिन ओंदी सुर सुरिया भार !!
स्वाणु लगदु थोऊ कुल्दै म कु मौयार !
बुगियला म पस्रिक मन नि करदू जान का घर !!

परदेश वाला जब ओन्दा ढुमका बाज़ार !
चौ तरफी मौलीयार देखि मन म येज्नादु उलार !!
धन- २ भाग इन्द्रमणि जी तुमुक !
अखोडी म जन्म लीनी उत्तराखंड छोड़ी चली गईं हमुक !!

प्रेना छन इन्द्रमणि जी जन सूरज सी सबूक !
भगियान ओये गईं सी बिचारा . विकास करिगैन चौमुक !!
वे वीर पुरुष का जान सी अखोडी म पड़ेगी रुमक !
सत् -२ परणाम ये वीर पुरुष  तुमुक !!

जेठ दुपेर म होन्दु अखोडी म क्रिकेट कु खेल !
गेंहू - जो की दै म बेटी - ब्वारियो कु हुलेटू कु मेल !!
महादेव का खम्ब म लियोन म अखोडी सदनी रही अगाडी !
ताल और जंगल काटन म बेटी-ब्वारी नि रन्धि पिछ्वाडी !!

बोलिया म लेगी झंडा व्हेगी सुरु रामलीला !
रनभुत भी होए गें सुरु होंदी पांडव  लीला !!
य्गास -बग्वाल म बेटी-ब्वारी लागोदीन झुमेला !
जू  तोंका खुदेडू  गीत सुन्द्दु तोंका असू ये जाला !!

 चौ तरफी जख देवतों कु वासः छ अखोडी जख !
नर्सिंग, नगेला, नागराजा, घंडियाल देवता छन जख !!
सजी रन्धि ग्यहरा गाँव की डोली !

सोलह जातियों का पढिया लिखियाँ लीग जख !
हर जगह बिभागो म बतियाँ जख !!
कुटुम्ब्दारी याखुली अखोडी छोड़ी जोंकी !
परदेश म नौकरी कनि मज़बूरी छ तोंकि !!

अखोडी सी जनि स्वर्ग सी जगह नीं कखी !
मेरी सिय रोतेली कनि प्यारी अखोडी !!
शिल्गा,नौली.ग्वाड,दम्दरा का धारु कु सु ठण्डु पानी !
जब यु धारु की याद ओंदी परदेश म ता जुकडी झूरादी !!

गुयिर छोरा जब घंडियाल बिटिन बंसुली बजाला !
जवानी म रोन्श चढली,तभ प्रेम म गला भेटेलु !१
बणु  का बेर जब कन्दुलियो म सुनेड़ा!
दुदेरा छोरा भी घर म ग्वायिया लगोंडा !!

बुदेन्दि बगत बे-बाबु अखोडी छोड़ीया छन !
आश - उम्मीद सी छोरो की दीन कटना छन !!
मेरी सिय रोतेली कनि प्यारी अखोडी !!
नि सयेंदी खुद जब अंखियों म ओन्दा आंसू बोडी !


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Sridev Suman was the best known of a group of freedom fighters to operate in Tehri State. Born in 1916, Suman was largely self-taught. He became a key organizer and agitator for civil rights in Tehri while serving as an editor and writer for several underground presses. He was instrumental in the formation of several organizations, from the Himalaya Seva Sangh, to the Himalayan States People's Federation and Garhdesh Seva Sangh.

In 1942 at the height of tax protests, Suman and many other activists were jailed. Late in 1943, he was tried for treason and jailed again. The ghastly conditions of Tehri's infamous prisons led him to lead a fast unto death in protest. After 84 days, he died a martyr's death, inspiring a generation of activists to take up the banner of liberation that eventually toppled the princely state.

यह वीर है उस पुण्य भूमि का, जिसको मानसखंड , केदारखंड, उत्तराखंड कहा जाता है, स्वतंत्रता संग्रामी श्री देब सुमन किसी परिचय के मोहताज़ नही हैं, पर आज की नई पीड़ी को उनके बारे में, उनके अमर बलिदान के बारे में पता होना चाहिए, जिससे उन्हें फक्र हो इस बात पर की हमारी देवभूमि में सुमन सरीखे देशभक्त हुए हैं।

सुमन जी का जनम १५ मई १९१५ या १६ में टिहरी के पट्टी बमुंड, जौल्ली गाँव में हुआ था, जो ऋषिकेश से कुछ दूरी पर स्थित है। पिता का नाम श्री हरी दत्त बडोनी और माँ का नाम श्रीमती तारा देवी था, उनके पिता इलाके के प्रख्यात वैद्य थे। सुमन का असली नाम श्री दत्त बडोनी था। बाद में सुमन के नाम से विख्यात हुए।

 पर्ख्यात गाँधी- वादी नेता, हमेशा सत्याग्रह के सिधान्तों पर चले। पूरे भारत एकजुट होकर स्वतंत्रता की लडाई लड़ रहा था, उस लडाई को लोग दो तरह से लड़ रहे थे कुछ लोग क्रांतिकारी थे, तो कुछ अहिंसा के मानकों पर चलकर लडाई में बाद चढ़ कर भाग ले रहे थे, सुमन ने भी गाँधी के सिधान्तों पर आकर लडाई में बद्चाद कर भाग लिया।

श्रीदेव सुमन जी की गाथा के ऊपर गजेन्द्र राणा ने अपनी एल्बम एक गाना भी गया है एल्बम का नाम है राजमती !!


पंकज सिंह महर

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भारत वर्ष में भले ही ग्रिगेरियन कैलेण्डर लोकप्रिय है, लेकिन हर क्षेत्र या सभ्यता के लोग अपने-अपने पंचांग के अनुसार ही शुभ कार्य सम्पन्न करवाते हैं। इसी प्रकार उत्तराखण्ड के कुमाऊं क्षेत्र में सबसे प्रचलित और मान्य पंचांग है “श्री गणेश मार्तण्ड सौरपक्षीय पन्चांग” इसके रचयिता थे स्व० राम दत्त जोशी जी, जिन्होंने आज से १०४ साल पहले इन पंचांग का प्रतिपादन किया था। पेश है इस महान ज्योतिर्विद का परिचय-

राम दत्त जोशी जी का जन्म नैनीताल जिले के भीमताल इलाके के शिलौटी गांव में कुमाऊं के राजा के ज्योतिर्विद पं० हरिदत्त जोशी जी के घर में १८८४ में हुआ था। इनकी प्रारम्भिक शिक्षा घर पर ही हुई, कुछ समय हल्द्वानी बेलेजली लाज में चलने वाले मिशन स्कूल में भी इनकी शिक्षा हुई। इसके पश्चात आप पीलीभीत स्थित ललित हरि संस्कृत विद्यालय में अध्ययनार्थ पहुंचे। यहां अध्ययन काल में आप पं० द्वारिका प्रसाद चतुर्वेदी और पं० सोमेश्वर दत्त शुक्ल जी के संपर्क में आये। ये विद्वान पुरुष सनातन धर्म के व्याख्याता और प्रचारक थे, आपका भी इस ओर रुझान बढ़ता चला गया। आपने अपने संपर्क पं० ज्वाला प्रसाद मिश्र, स्वामी हंस स्वरुप, पं० गणेश दत्त, पं० दीनदयाल शर्मा जी से भी बढ़ाये, ये लोग सनातन धर्म महासभा के पदाधिकारी थे। इसी दौरान आप आर्य समाज के संस्थापक स्वामी दयानन्द सरस्वती, पं० गिरधर शर्मा और पं० अखिलानन्द शर्मा के भी संपर्क में आये और लाहौर, अमृतसर, अलवर, जयपुर सहित पंजाब और राजस्थान के कई छोटे-बड़े शहरों में सम्पन्न शर्म सम्मेलनों को सम्बोधित कर सनातन धर्म का प्रचार-प्रसार किया। विक्रमी संवत १९६४ में भारत धर्म महामंडल ने आपको “धर्मोपदेशक” की उपाधि से विभूषित किया। सम्वत १९७३ और १९८३ में इसी संस्था ने आपको “ज्योर्तिभूषण”  और महोपदेशक” की उपाधियों से विभूषित किया।

जोशी जी ज्योतिष के सशक्त एवं सिद्धहस्त लेखक थे। अपने जीवन काल में इन्होंने ७ पुस्तकों का प्रणयन किया था, यथा- ज्योतिष चमत्कार समीक्षा, महोपदेशक चरितावली, नवग्रह समीक्षा, प्राचीन हिन्दू रसायन शास्त्र, समय दर्पण, ठन-ठन बाबू और पाखण्ड मत चपेटिये। कुछ काल के लिये अवरुद्ध अपनी कुल परम्परा में पंचांग गणना को स्थिर रखते हुये आपने फिर से विक्रमी संवत १९६३ में “श्री गणेश मार्तण्ड पंचांग” मुंबई से प्रकाशित करवाया। उसके बाद इनका पंचांग कुमाऊं भर में लोकप्रिय हो गया आज भी इनके द्वारा बनाये पंचांग को आम भाषा में “राम दत्त पंचांग”  कहा जाता है। इनके बाद इनके भतीजे स्व० पं० विपिन चन्द्र जोशी द्वारा इस पंचांग को परिवर्धित किया गया और आज १०४ साल बाद भी इनकी पीढी इस पंचांग को प्रतिवर्ष प्रकाशित कराती आ रही है।

कुमाऊं केसरी स्व० बद्री दत्त पाण्डे जी को आपने "”कुमाऊं का इतिहास” लिखने में विशेष सहयोग दिया था, जिसका वर्णन श्री पाण्डे जी ने अपनी पुस्तक में भी किया है। संगीत और रामचरित मानस में आपकी विशेष रुचि थी, १९०६ में आपने भीमताल में रामलीला कमेटी बनाकर वहां पर रामलीला मंचन का कार्य प्रारम्भ करवाया। १९३८ में हल्द्वानी में आपने सनातन धर्म सभा की स्थापना की तथा इस सभा से माध्यम से सनातन धर्म संस्कृत विद्यालय की स्थापना करवाई।

आप घुड़सवारी में भी सिद्धहस्त थे तथा अपने जीवन में नियमितता, अनुशासन, स्वाध्याय और देवार्चन को बहुत महत्व देते थे। फलित ज्योतिष की घोषणाओं के कारण आपको तत्कालीन कई रजवाड़ों और वरिष्ठ प्रशासनिक अधिकारियों ने समय-समय पर सम्मानित भी किया। १९६२ में आपका देहान्त हो गया।

स्रोत- श्री शक्ति प्रसाद सकलानी द्वारा लिखित “उत्तराखण्ड की विभूतियां”

राम दत्त जोशी जी द्वारा प्रतिपादित पंचांग



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शैलेश मटियानी जी की एक कुमाउनी कविता:
(चीन के द्वारा भारत के साथ एक और दोस्ती का हाथ बढ़ने और दूसरी और बिस्वासघात करने पर)

शिव हरी कैलाश बटी ऐगेछ पुकार हो
उठो ज्वानो हुई आओ लड़े हूँ तैयार हो
जो चीन हम हुणी भाई भाई कोंछ रे
कि हमरी छाती मणी बन्दूक धरनौछ रे 
हिमाल में घुसी गेछ दुश्मन की फ़ौज रे
शांति शांति कून कुनै यस जुलम भौछ रे
हाथ में थामुन पड़ी गया हथियार हो,
शिव हरी कैलाश ......

हाथ जै मिला धै कौछी चुली थमें देछ रे
चाऊ की चंडाल चानी यसी फूटी रैछ रे
बानर कें ठेकि देछी खै ले या मैं दै छ रे
दै ले फोको ठेकि ले फोड़ी यो जै भली भै छ रे
दुश्मन को जोर जुलम कब तक चलल रे
जब तक हामारी भूमि में है नी हटल रे
संकट को यो आन्यार तब जै हटल रे
बीरन को खून जब दी जस हलल रे
मिटे दियो माट मणी चीन को हंकार हो
शिव हरी कैलाश बटी ऐगेछ पुकार हो |


एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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Professor Trilok Singh Papola is a development economist with over three and half decades of experience in teaching, research and advisory assignments. Born in Papoli village of Bageshwar district of Uttaranchal, he specialises in the areas of labour and employment, development planning, industrial economics, regional development and enterprise development.

Papola has taught at the Universities of Lucknow and Bombay, the Indian Institute of Management (Ahmedabad), and Cambridge University. He was Director, Giri Institute of Development Studies, Lucknow for ten years (1977-1987) and an Advisor with Planning Commission, Government of India for eight years (1987-1995). He worked as Head, Mountain Enterprise and Infrastructure Division at International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), Kathmandu for six and half years (1996-2002) where he was responsible for developing and carrying out a programme of studies and documentation, consultation and advisory services in enterprise development in the mountain areas of Bhutan, China, India, Nepal and Pakistan. He was then the director of the Institute for Studies in Industrial Development, New Delhi (2003 -2007). His most recent assignment was the Delhi Chair Professor at the Institute for Human Development, New Delhi.

Papola has written extensively in the areas of his specialisation. He has published 14 books and over six dozen research papers in reputed journals. Books authored and edited by him include Locational Diversification of Industries, Rural Industrialisation, Wage Structure and Labour Mobility in a Local Labour Market, Informal Sector in a Developing Economy, Gender and Employment in India and Growth, Poverty Alleviation and Sustainable Resource Management in the mountain areas of South Asia.

Papola has been Chairman/Member of several State and national level bodies including Chairman of U.P Taxation Enquiry Committee (1983-84), Member, State Planning Board, U.P. (1980-86) and Member, Indian Council for Social Science Research, New Delhi(1982-1988).

He has worked in consultative and advisory capacities with international organisations such as ILO, UNCTAD, UNIDO, UNICEF and UNDP and has been on advisory missions and assignments in Bangladesh, Indonesia, The Gambia and the Philippines.

Papola was also President, Indian Society of Labour Economics (1994-2008), an association of teachers, researchers and practitioners in the field of labour in India. He was elected President of the Indian Economic Association in its Annual Conference held at BHU, Varanasi in December 2004


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Devika Chauhan was the first girl to graduate from Jaunsar hills in 1954. She, again was the first woman to become a Block Development Officer in the entire state of Uttar Pradesh. She later rose to the level of Asst.

Director - tribal welfare. Played an important part in the survey of tribal communities in the UP hills and securing privileges from Government for them. Retired but comitted to women's cause, She is still working with voluntary agencies in Jaunsar Bawar. Currently lives in Dehradun with a number of children.

Her Biography

हेम पन्त

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M.M. LAKHERA: Governor of Mizoram
« Reply #156 on: July 01, 2010, 12:28:15 PM »

Born at village JAKHAND, Patti BARJULA, tehri Garhawal on 21st OCT.1937. Father late Shri Jaya Nand Lakhera was a pioneer in education field in the princely State of Tehri Garhwal. Mother late Smt.Kalawati was a house wife. Initial education at the then Primary School at Jakhand. Early education at Rastriya Indian Military College (RIMC), Dehra Dun from 1949-54. Subsequently received training at National Defence Academy Khadakvasla, Pune and was commissioned in the Army from Indian Military College, Dehra Dun on 08 June 1958.
The early career in Defence: Took part in Goa operation 1961, Indo Pakistan war 1965 & 1971 in Jammy & Kahsmir Sector. Attended Defence Services Staff College at Wellington (South India) and Long Gunnery Staff Course at School of Artillery. Devlali. Also attended Senior Defence Management Course at College of Defence Management of Secundrabad. Was Instructor at School of Artillery 1967-70 and subsequently at School of Artillery 1967-81. Commanded 4th Battation of the Kumaon Regiment in Jammu & Kashmir from December 1975 to July 1978. Has vast experience in handling counter insurgency operation. Was Deputy Commander of a Brigade in Manipur in 1981-82.
Few early stage achievements: On promotion to Brigadier, took over command of a Brigade at Kanpur. The formation took part in operation ‘Blue Star’ in Punjab in 1984 as also provided effective aid to Civil authority at Kanpur during 1984 riots. For his successful handling of these operations, was awarded Chief of Army Staff Commendation Card twice i.e. on 15th January, 1985 and 15th August, 1985.
Kashmir experiences and award of VSM: Subsequently held the appointment of Sub Area Commander in Kashmir valley, where besides being responsible for logistic support to forward troops, was responsible for aid to civil authority in the sensitive Kashmir valley. For his efforts in performing multifarious tasks with sense of dedication, compassion and rare élan as also displaying drive, initiative, professional competence and devotion in discharging his duty, was awarded Vishisht Seva Medal by the President of India on 26th January,1990.

The award of AVSM: Promoted Major General in March 1990, was Chief of Staff of Kashmir valley based Corps Headquarters. Was actively involved in coordination of all counter insurgency operations including sealing of Line of Control in Kashmir Valley and Ladakh Sector. For his exceptional leadership and enthusiastic involvement towards his responsibilities beyond the call of duty, was awarded Ati Vishisht Seva Medal by the President of India on 26th January, 1991. Subsequently commanded an Infantry Division.

As Lt. General: Promoted Lt. General in September 1992, was initially posted as Chief of Staff of Headquarters Central Command. Besides other operational and administrative responsibilities; in the aftermath of Ayodhya incident in December 1992, was responsible for coordinating ‘aid to civil authority’ in the sensitive States of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and Orissa. Subsequently was posted as Chief of Staff of Headquarters Northern Command which was dealing with the volatile insurgency in the State of Jammu & Kashmir.

The award of PVSM: In June, 1993, took over Adjutant General of the Indian Army. Was actively involved with policy framing on all aspects of Manpower Planning & Management including Defence civilians. As Chairman of various Welfare Organizations of the Army, made significant contribution in enhancing the efficiency of the organizations. Was also Chairman of Principal Personnel Staff Officers’ Committee of the three services i.e. Army, Navy and Air Force. Coordinated proposal of three services for submission to the Fifth Pay Commission. Was also Colonel Commandant of Kumaon Regiment. For distinguished services of most exceptional order, was awarded Param Vishisht Seva Medal by the President of India on 26th January, 1995.

The better half: Wife Smt. Pushpa Lakhera, a social activist, who has taken very active part in resolving the problems of women specially Service and Ex-Servicemen family.

Post Retirement: He is the ONLY OFFICER from UTTRAKHAND to have been awarded PVSM, AVSM, VSM and Chief of Army Staff commendation twice. After retirement, was actively involved with welfare activities of the public in general and ex-servicemen in particular. Also was Chairman of Ex-servicemen Cell of All India Congress Committee.

As the Lt. Governor of Pondicherry: Took over as Lt. Governor and Administrator of Pondicherry on 07 July, 2004. He is the first person from Garhwal Division to hold a Governor’s appointment. As the Lt. Governor of Pondicherry, he carved a niche for himself by showing exceptional leadership and zealous involvement in gearing the Government machinery to come to the immediate aid of the Tsunami ravaged victims of Pondicherry region. He personally monitored the progress of relief & rehabilitation measures and took keen interest in bringing about a definite and positive change in the life of the Tsunami affected villagers.

Legislation for admission to Private Professional Colleges: Realising the importance of regulating admissions in Private Professional Colleges, he was the first person to raise the subject matter in the Governor’s Conference held in June 2005, bringing to the attention of the august gathering the obligation on the part of the Central Government to bring about a Central Legistation for regulating admissions in Private Professional Colleges much before it caught the attention of the entire Nation after the Judgement of the Supreme Court doing away with the State Quota in Private Professional Colleges.

As the Lt. Governor of A & N Islands: Was appointed as the Lt. Governor of Andaman & Nicober Islands on additional charge and was administered the Oath of Office and the Oath of Secrecy on 29th November, 2005 as the ninth Lt. Governor of the A & N Islands.

Soon after assuming Office of the Lt. Governor of A & N Islands, on additional charge basis, he made whirlwind tour to all Islands of the archipelago to gather first hand information on the progress of Tsunami rehabilitation & reconstruction works. He pursued the review of Tsunami Rehabilitation Works with the same vigour and vitality as was done in Pondicherry.

This apart, a series of meetings were held during each visit to the Islands with all concerned to accelerate the various developmental activities in the Islands. Emphasized the significance of improving the communication facilities between the Islands and the Mainland in the Plan Review Meeting with the Planning Commission.

The importance to infrastructure development: His personal intervention in expediting the clearances for a number of projects relating to Infrastructural Developments in U.T of Pondicherry and Andaman & Nicober Islands have borne fruit with a majority of the projects getting the approval of Govt. of India. These projects, once completed will put both Pondicherry and Andaman & Nicober Islands on the fast track path to economic prosperity.

Significant incidents during the tenure: His tenure in Pondicherry witnessed the conduct of Civic Elections after a span of 38 long years. The elections to the 12th Legislative Assembly of Pondicherry was also held during his tenure in a free & fair manner without any incident.

The accolades: His dedicated commitment to the cause of the welfare of people, his disciplined approach to work & governance and his proactive style of functioning has won him much accolades from Pondicherry as well as Andaman & Nicober Islands.

As Governor of Mizoram: Took over as Governor of Mizoram from 25th July 2006
source –


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                           महापुरुषों के प्रतिमाओं को पहुंचाया जा रहा है नुकसान

पौड़ी गढ़वाल। मुख्यालय में लगी प्रतिमाओं को पौड़ी में लगातार खंडित किया जा रहा है। बाबा साहब भीम राव अम्बेडकर व गोविन्द बल्लभ पंत की प्रतिमा के बाद अब महात्मा गांधी की प्रतिमा से भी छेड़छाड़ किया गया है।

शिल्पकार समिति ने प्रशासन से मांग की है कि ऐसे तत्वों के खिलाफ सख्त कार्रवाई की मांग की है। जिला पंचायत की ठीक सामने डा. भीम राव अम्बेडकर की प्रतिमा स्थापित है। शहर के बीचों-बीच स्थित इस मूर्ति को कई बार खंडित किया गया।

दांये हाथ की तर्जनी उंगली कई बार तोड़ी गई। नागरिकों के रोष के उंगली जोड़ दी जाती है। एजेंसी पार्क में गोविन्द बल्लभ पंत की प्रतिमा पर पत्थरों के कई घाव है। अभी कुछ महीनों पहले कंडोलिया वन विहार पार्क में महात्मा गांधी की प्रतिमा स्थापित की गई। प्रतिमा स्थापित होने बाद से लगातार प्रतिमा को तोड़ा जा रहा है।

शिल्पकार समिति ने इस पर नाराजगी व्यक्त करते हुए जिलाधिकारी को पत्र सौंपा। ज्ञापन में मांग की गई है कि प्रतिमा को नुकसान पहुंचाने वाले उपद्रवी तत्वों के खिलाफ सख्त कार्रवाई अमल में लाई जाए। शिल्पकार समिति के हीरालाल टम्टा के नेतृत्व में जिलाधिकारी को सौंपे गए ज्ञापन में प्रतिमाओं की सुरक्षा की मांग की गई है।


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मेहता जी
मेहता जी आप से एक निवेदन है कि कृपया कर के हो सके तो मुझे उत्तराखंड के महान विभूति व व्यक्तियो के नाम की लिस्ट जिनके कि जन्म दिवस व पुण्यतिथि मनायी जाती हो /
मैं आप का बड़ा आभारी रहूँगा
हेमंत सिंह गार्डिया

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nirmal pandit ko kya bhula diya....jitani kam umar main nirmal da ne jo kam karke dikhaya usko kya ham bhul jayen,  niraml da ne pahad ke liye apane pran tak de diya.... na to kisi ne esa kiya na hi koi karega..... nirmal da aj hote to apne pahad ki ijat in bhrasht netaon ke hath nahi lutati....


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