Author Topic: Personalities of Uttarakhand/उत्तराखण्ड की प्रसिद्ध/महान विभूतियां  (Read 186649 times)

पंकज सिंह महर

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Re: Personalities of Uttarakhand
« Reply #30 on: October 30, 2007, 10:50:22 AM »

Sridev Suman was the best known of a group of freedom fighters to operate in Tehri State. Born in 1916, Suman was largely self-taught. He became a key organizer and agitator for civil rights in Tehri while serving as an editor and writer for several underground presses. He was instrumental in the formation of several organizations, from the Himalaya Seva Sangh, to the Himalayan States People's Federation and Garhdesh Seva Sangh.

In 1942 at the height of tax protests, Suman and many other activists were jailed. Late in 1943, he was tried for treason and jailed again. The ghastly conditions of Tehri's infamous prisons led him to lead a fast unto death in protest. After 84 days, he died a martyr's death, inspiring a generation of activists to take up the banner of liberation that eventually toppled the princely state.

पंकज सिंह महर

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Re: Personalities of Uttarakhand
« Reply #31 on: October 30, 2007, 10:52:06 AM »

In 1962, when the Chinese Army invaded India from N.E.F.A., a company of Garhwal Rifles was posted somewhere on the Assam-Arunachal Pradesh border. They were ordered to vacate their post as soon as possible, but Jaswant Singh Rawat decided to stay back and for THREE DAYS, he kept the rampaging Chinese at bay almost single-handedly. He was helped by two local girls, Nuang and Sella. When the situation became hopeless and to avoid the humiliation at the hands of the enemy, he shot himself. When the Chinese came to know that the post was defended by a lone soldier, they were so enraged that they cut-off his head and took it away with them. Later, after the war subsided, a Chinese officer heard his story and impressed by his valour, returned his head to the Indian Government and also gave a brass bust in his honor. The brass bust is placed on the spot where he fought so valiantly and the place has been named JaswantGarh. The two girls who helped him were also given due credit and the pass was named after Sella and the highway named after Nuang.

पंकज सिंह महर

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Re: Personalities of Uttarakhand
« Reply #32 on: October 30, 2007, 10:54:28 AM »

As part of the Allied Spring Offensive of 1915, the Garhwal Rifles sacrificed their utmost to advance the front against the Germans. Rifleman Negi of the 2nd battalion answered the call at Neuve Chapelle. With no concern for his own safety, the short Himalayan warrior had the better of the tall and hefty Germans, leading his fellow hill men when their officer fell, and showing no regard for his own personal safety. He was later killed in the field of battle, but not before earning the highest honor of the British Empire, the Indian Army's third Victoria Cross

पंकज सिंह महर

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Re: Personalities of Uttarakhand
« Reply #33 on: October 30, 2007, 10:56:13 AM »

As the second Indian soldier to receive the Victoria Cross, Naik (corporal) Negi distinguished himself in the blood and horror of Flanders during the Great War. In the wet autumn months of 1914, the British lines were crumbling. The desperate situation called for the mobilization of the Indian brigades from India. The Garhwal Rifles were hastily rushed to the front. Near the town of Festubert, the regiment was ordered to recover a part of the line. In this battle, Naik Negi was the first to proceed around each traverse, discharging the enemy with dash and daring. With blood streaming from his head and arms, he carried on the fight, despite fierce machine gun resistance that strafed the attacking Allied troops. King-Emperor George V himself honored Negi's heroism on the field of battle.

पंकज सिंह महर

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Re: Personalities of Uttarakhand
« Reply #34 on: October 30, 2007, 10:57:37 AM »

Nain Singh was one the greatest explorers of the 19th century, travelling over 21,000 miles in his lifetime, across the inhospitable and often hostile terrain of Tibet and Central Asia. Hailing from Milam, present day Pithoragarh district, Nain Singh left home at a young age in 1851, venturing throughout Uttarakhand and Himachal, before accompanying Western explorers to Ladakh and Turkestan as a porter. He eventually returned home for a brief sojourn as a teacher before heading to Dehra Dun to learn surveying skills. In 1864 he was ordered to make maps of Tibet. His adventures took him to Kashmir and Nepal and his knowledge of Tibetan allowed him to pass as one. His accomplishments were extraordinary, and the scale of his discoveries were never truly repeated by his admiring successors.

Anubhav / अनुभव उपाध्याय

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Re: Personalities of Uttarakhand
« Reply #35 on: October 30, 2007, 10:59:43 AM »
Wah Mahar ji wah. Keep the information flow going.

पंकज सिंह महर

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Re: Personalities of Uttarakhand
« Reply #36 on: October 30, 2007, 12:18:11 PM »
P. C. Joshi : Father of communism in india

Puran Chand Joshi, one of the early leaders of the communist movement in India was born on April 14, 1907, in a Brahmin family of Almora, in Uttar Pradesh. In 1929, at the age of 22, the British Government arrested him as one of the suspects of the Meerut Conspiracy Case. The other early communist leaders who were arrested along with him included Shaukat Usmani, Muzaffar Ahmed, S.A. Dange and G.V. Ghate.
      Joshi was given six years of transportation to the penal settlement of Andaman Islands.Considering his age, the punishment was later reduced to three. After his release in 1933, Joshi worked towards bringing a number of groups under the banner of the Communist Party of India (CPI). In 1934 the CPI was admitted to the Third International or Comintern. After the sudden arrest of then Somnath Lahiri, Secretary of CPI, during end-1935, Joshi became the new General Secretary. He thus became the first general secretary of Communist Party of India, for a period from 1935 to 1947.

At that time the left movement was steadily growing and the British government banned communist activities from 1934 to 1938. The Raj re-banned the CPI in 1939, for its initial anti-War stance. When, in 1941,Hitler attacked the Soviet Union, the CPI proclaimed that the nature of the war has changed to a people's war against fascism.

In the post- freedom period, the Communist Party of India, after the second congress in Calcutta (new spelling: Kolkatta) adopted a path of taking up arms. Joshi was advocating unity with Indian National Congress under the leadership of Jawaharlal Nehru. He was severely criticized in the Calcutta congress of the CPI and was removed from the general secretaryship. Gradually he was sidelined, though rehabilitated through making him the editor of the Party weekly, New Age. After the Communist Party of India split, he was with the CPI. Though he explained the policy of the CPI in the 7th congress in 1964, he was never brought in the leadership directly. In his last days, he kept himself busy in research and publication works in Jawaharlal Nehru University to establish an archive on the Indian communist movement.

He was married to Kalpana Dutt.

Anubhav / अनुभव उपाध्याय

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Re: Personalities of Uttarakhand
« Reply #37 on: October 30, 2007, 12:35:39 PM »
+1 karma Sir is badhiya information ke liye.

पंकज सिंह महर

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Re: Personalities of Uttarakhand
« Reply #38 on: October 30, 2007, 12:53:09 PM »
मनोहर श्याम जोशी : भारतीय धारावाहिकों के जनक

मनोहर श्याम जोशी (देहांत: मार्च ३०, २००६) हिन्दी भाषा के एक प्रसिद्ध लेखक थे। उनके लिखे हुए नाटक "हम लोग" और "बुनियाद" हिन्दी टेलिविज़न पर सीरियल के रूप में दिखाये गये और बेहद लोकप्रिय हुए। १९८२ में जब पहला नाटक "हम लोग" प्रसारित होना आरम्भ हुआ तब अधिकतर भारतीयों के लिये टेलिविज़न एक विलास की वस्तु के जैसा था। मनोहर श्याम जोशी ने यह नाटक एक आम भारतीय की रोज़मर्रा की ज़िन्दगी को छूते हुए लिखा था -इस लिये लोग इससे अपने को जुडा हुआ अनुभव करने लगे। इस नाटक के किरदार जैसे कि लाजो जी, बडकी, छुटकी, बसेसर राम का नाम तो जन-जन की ज़ुबान पर था।

साहित्यिक रचनायें

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हिन्दी फ़िल्में
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पंकज सिंह महर

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Re: Personalities of Uttarakhand
« Reply #39 on: October 30, 2007, 05:22:08 PM »

Parashar Gaur was born on May 3rd 1947 in a small village Mirchora, Aswal Syun Garhwal (formerly in the state of UP) now in Uttranchal. His father late Pt. Tika Ram Gaur was a well-known astrologer and was settled in Delhi. Later Mr. Parashar Gaur created "Garhwali Shahitya Purshkar" in memory of his father, a first ever award for literature in Garhwali dialect.

His Basic education was held in Retholi, sola and Mandaneshar in Garhwal. After Passing Middle his father called him to Delhi for higher education. He was admitted In Mata Sundari Higher Secondary School at Rouse Av., in Delhi, but he quit Day school to support his family by working day and educating himself at night as a private candidate. He did his 10th and 12th standard as a private candidate and got his BA degree from Lala Lajpat Rai Degree College Shahibabad, U.P.

At the age of 10 he made his theatre debut as a child actor "Rohtash" in a play called "Raja Harish Chander" organized by his village folk at his village. During his school days he participated in various cultural programs.

In 1967 when he was 20 years old he wrote his first Garhwali Full length Drama called "Aunsi Ki Raat" which was staged on theatre for the first time On 28th February 1969 under the banner "Pushpanjali Rangshala" . Since than he has written more than a dozens plays among them such as Choli, Gaway, Rehershal, Timla ka timla Khtya and were repeated more than 10 times in theatres in and around Delhi.

As a poet he has written more than 60 songs which were broadcast by AIR, Delhi. His has also written more 300 Garhwali poems which have been published in different newspapers and magazines.

After a Long wait , Finally he produced the first Garhwali Feature film "Jagwal" in 1983.


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