Author Topic: Volunteer Organisations In Uttarakhand - उत्तराखंड मे प्रयासरत स्वय सेवी संस्थाए  (Read 18460 times)


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Hello friends
Under this topic we will post information about various volunteer organizations active in uttarakhand


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Uttarakhand Forest Hospital Trust an independent, not-for-profit organisation providing an accessible, affordable and high quality comprehensive health care, education and socio-economic development system that meets the needs of people in Uttarakhand and beyond, through excellence in education, training, clinical medicine, research, extension and health-care leadership. Service to our patients and the health care needs of our community is our highest priority.

The Trust is trying to enhance the well being of the people in Uttarakhand by being the leader in providing high quality, innovative, cost-effective and sustainable health care, education, research and extension programmes that exceed stakeholder expectations. We seek to enrich and enhance self-esteem & learning of our constituents viz. students, patients and employees by responding to their mental, physical, cultural and spiritual needs.

We are targeting excellence in education, research, health-care and vocational extension programmes and by doing so hope to provide high quality and efficient service to our constituents who are our customers, patients, employees and the people of Uttarakhand. By doing so, we also expect to create and increase dignity and respect for our constituents and for each  other.

The services that we provide are of high quality, efficient and cost effective. These are collaborative and compassionate. We make a careful use of our resources and believe in doing so with honesty and integrity.

Office of the Secretary
Uttarakhand Forest Hospital Trust,
Rampur Road,
Haldwani (Nainital - 263129),
Uttarakhand. INDIA
Tele-(05946)- 234104, 234297
Fax-(05946)- 234423
Office of the Principal
Uttarakhand Forest Hospital Trust Medical College,
(Previously People's College Campus),
Rampur Road, Haldwani (Nainital - 263129)
Uttarakhand. INDIA
Tel: (05946)-228393
People's College Extension Institute
(Previously People's College Campus)
Rampur Road
Haldwani (Nainital - 263129),
Uttarakhand. INDIA
Tele-(05946) - 234104, 234387
Fax- (05946) - 234423

Other Important Email Address:


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Uttarakhand Seva Nidhi Paryavaran Shiksha Sansthan
Almora, Uttaranchal, India

About the organization

The Uttarakhand Seva Nidhi is a public charitable trust founded in 1967. In 1987 it was appointed a nodal agency by the Department of Education, Ministry of Human Resources Development, Government of India to undertake locale-specific environmental education programmes both in rural schools and villages in the hill districts of Uttar Pradesh, now Uttaranchal. Subsequently, a research and resource centre, the Uttarakhand Environmental Education Centre (UEEC), was set up in 1993, also with support from the Department of Education. As activities continued to increase, a separate organisation, the Uttarakhand Seva Nidhi Paryavaran Shiksha Sansthan (USNPSS), a registered society, was set up in 1999 to handle all the environmental activities of the Nidhi.
Our area and mode of working

Our office and training centre are located in Almora. We support the educational activities of rural schools, NGOs and community-based organisations throughout Uttaranchal. This support takes the form of training programmes, discussion meetings, supply of teaching/learning materials, village and school visits for on-the-spot guidance and problem solving, honoraria of pre-school teachers, and small project grants. The aim of these activities is to help people understand their surroundings from a broad ecological point of view and encourage them to organise themselves to deal with environmental problems that affect their daily lives, and to provide training in technical know-how and practical skills. Money inputs are purposely kept to a minimum in order to encourage an attitude of self-reliance. Procedural requirements are kept to a minimum; support is given largely on trust. About 75 per cent of the grants received by us is passed on to schools, NGOs, women's and other village groups in the form of materials and cash. All together, activities supported by us extend to about one third of the villages of Uttaranchal.
Our approach

Uttaranchal is a fragile ecological zone where human activities cause extensive land degradation (deforestation and soil erosion) if not carried out in an environmentally-sound manner. Our programmes focus on rural communities and the livelihood issues that arise out of village land degradation, i.e., water scarcity, falling crop yields, fuelwood and fodder scarcity, drudgery for women and children, poor nutrition and the forced migration of men and boys for employment.

Village forest comprises a major part of the total village land area, and is shared by the entire community. This forest land is seen as the crucial area in which a beginning may be made to halt and then reverse land degradation. This work can only be done by community effort. As a result of colonial forest policy and now, after independence, modernisation and development in general, the village community has, however, been weakened and its capacity to undertake such tasks seriously impaired. Our primary aim, therefore, is to help village communities, and particularly women, organise to tackle land degradation and the problems that arise from it. Our work with children in schools and pre-school centres emphasises the importance of community and provides the concepts, knowledge, and skills they will need to tackle the job of land restoration and sustainable management. There are considerable overlaps between these two areas of work.
School course

An environmental education course, focusing on village land rehabilitation and sustainable management, has been designed and introduced into the regular school curriculum in classes 6,7, and 8, with the co-operation of the state Department of Education. This programme was begun in 1988 and gradually expanded to cover some 500 schools and Intermediate colleges; approximately 65,000 students and 1000 teachers were involved in the programme by the year 2000. In 2002, the State Education department introduced the course in the regular school curriculum.

The course reflects the environmental and livelihood issues that have been raised by women's groups in Uttaranchal. Local community participation in the course is a major feature; village residents are requested to narrate village history and share with students their traditional knowledge of land, forest, water, and animal management. Students learn appropriate, ecologically-sound techniques in the classroom. All this information is organised and interpreted within a framework of ecological concepts, notably those of the villages as an ecosystem and sustainable ecosystem management. Together with village residents students the formulate village ecosystem management plans. Practical work is emphasised. Students also learn about community organisation and functioning.

Biodiversity and its relationship to ecosystem productivity is highlighted in the course. Students enumerate species of tress, shrubs, and grasses in the village forest, crop plants and weeds in cultivated land, and domestic animals of the village. The vital role of wild flora and fauna in maintaining high productivity and stability of the village ecosystem is covered. The children undertake a project to protect and rehabilitate a part of the village forest, measuring and documenting the natural increase in biodiversity and productivity that occur over the years.

We train in-service teachers for the course, supply workbooks and tools to the students, and undertake school visits to give on-the-spot guidance and to evaluate progress. Orientation programmes are also conducted for school principals and Education Department officials and supervisory staff.

To the best of our knowledge this is the only experiment in the country of a separate environmental education course in the school curriculum. Our experience confirms us in our view that to achieve an effective focus on local environmental problems, and adequately to equip students to tackle them, a specific course is needed rather than the 'infusion' approach which is the national policy to date. We also suggest that this course could serve as a general model for environmental education all over the country.
Pre-school Centres (Balwadis)

The USNPSSS supports, as of the year 2004, twenty eight NGOs in running 355 balwadis in villages all over Uttaranchal. This support takes the form of on-the-spot guidance and evaluation, teacher training, supply of teaching materials and honoraria of teachers. There are about 8000 children, majority girls, enrolled in these balwadis. More than 1500 balwadi teachers have been trained.

The special features of the balwadis are:

    * The village community manages the centre and provides a room and land for it.
    * The teacher, usually a girl or young woman of the village or of a nearby village, is appointed by the village community.
    * Environmental education activities are given a prominent place in the balwadi programme with the aim of helping the child relate to his/her immediate environment.
    * The annual calendar and the daily timings of the balwadis are decided by the community in accordance with the seasonal workload and convenience of the residents.
    * Free mid-day meals are not provided in the balwadis. Instead, parents are request to send tiffins with their children which are then shared at mealtime. This is in keeping with our policy of minimum money inputs. Also, the sharing of food amongst the children helps break down caste barriers.
    * The balwadi teachers are mostly young and not highly educated. Often they come out of their villages for the first time to attend a teacher-training course. by participating in the balwadi programme, they gain confidence and develop into environmentally-aware and knowledgeable adults. They are motivated to do socially-useful work and in many villages they are instrumental in the formation of women's groups.

In general, the balwadi is a means of bringing about positive changes in outlook and behaviour of all village residents.
Evening Centres (Sandhya Kendras)

An alternative approach to locally-relevant environmental education offers primary school children and dropouts a semi-formal learning opportunity in the shape of sandhya kendras. The curriculum has been developed by an NGO with inputs from a local school teacher, the village community and the USNPSS. Children of all ages learn together through projects. Special emphasis is given to environmental concerns. Running centres in the evening makes it possible for children to attend as well as do their household chores. Village women's groups oversee the operations of these centres. Other NGOs have, following this example, started similar programmes.
Women's groups

The UNSPSS supports the working of about 400 village women's groups, some directly and some through local NGOs. The gender and development programme has evolved through initiatives undertaken by four groups of workers--(a)The balwadi teachers and supervisors (b) Members of village women's groups (c) Women workers working in villages with local NGOs and (d) Women leaders who run voluntary agencies in villages. These groups engage in a variety of activities to improve general village welfare and specially women's status, including:

    * the rehabilitation, protection, and management of village community forest and water sources,
    * the establishment and management of village pre-school centres,
    * general village cleanliness and order (e.g., cleaning pathways, repair and maintenance of temples and community centres and curbing drunkenness),
    * ensuring mother's/children's timely vaccination,
    * women's health issues,
    * installation of sanitary latrines,
    * savings, and
    * small-scale commercial activities (e.g., organising training for sewing and knitting, angora wool production and basket weaving).

In many cases these groups actively campaign against the sale of liquor and malpractice in the Forest Department. They petition and also agitate, if necessary, for improved electricity and water supplies. The USNPSS supports these groups by organising training camps, awareness and discussion meetings and exposure tours, supporting pre-school centres, and the production and distribution of learning materials.
Environmental awareness programmes

Meetings, workshops, seminars, group discussions, slide shows, padyatras (walking tours), plays and puppet shows are organised by NGOs and schools. Since 1992 the USNPSS has acted as a regional resource agency for the NAtional Environmental Awareness Campaign sponsored by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India. Grants of about Rs. 5000 are given to NGOs and schools for specific awareness-generating programmes. Preliminary orientation workshops are held for participating NGOs.

The felt need for latrines on grounds of improved sanitation and convenience is increasing rapidly as a result of programmes mounted by local NGOs and women's groups supported by the USNPSS. The support for these programmes is limited to the supply of a latrine pan and a small grant to purchase building materials, the actual construction work being the responsibility of the beneficiary family itself with the support of the NGO and women's group. the usefulness of these latrines is so manifest that in many villages families are constructing them on their own with no assistance at all.
Health education

Our health programme is aimed particularly at children and women. Local NGOs are creating awareness of health problems through puppet shows, plays, songs, village meetings, exhibitions, and workshops. The girls and women engaged in this work require training which is provided by USNPSS.

In most cases, these activities represent the first-ever attempt to discuss health issues, particularly reproductive health issues, openly in a village forum. Finding appropriate ways of doing this has been a great challenge and much is being learned in this respect by the NGOs involved and by USNPSS workers. A survey of the health status of children (birth to 15 years of age) has been done, and some of the factors that affect children's growth identified. This has generated a lot of discussion in villages and has prompted parents of underweight children to take them to hospital. Health camps with the Government health department have also been organised.

Small grants of money (Rs 5,000 to 10,000) are made to NGOs and schools for specific environmentally related projects. Most popular are tree plantation in village common land and tree nurseries, rehabilitation of village water sources, digging pits, and trenches to increase ground-water recharge, plastic-lined water-storage tanks and polyhouses. The rationale for these projects is that they are first-time efforts by the village communities and therefore are invaluable learning experiences.
NGO meetings

Every year a two-day meeting of NGOs supported by USNPSS is organised. The purpose is to review progress, share experiences, and recommend future lines of work. General issues relating to effective rural development strategy are also discussed.

The UEEC library contains about 3000 books and subscribes to 18 journals and magazines on the subjects of environment, education, rural development, agriculture, women's issues, and health. A considerable collection on the history, as well as on the current situation of, the Garhwal and Kumaon Himalayas is maintained.

A large volume of learning materials is printed and distributed each year to support the school and other programmes. In addition, research and review papers are published in various national and international journals on environmental education, sustainable agriculture, and local forest management history. A major critique of environmental education in India with a suggested blueprint for the future was published by UEEC in 2000. An environmental atlas of Uttaranchal has been published.

Dr. Lalit Pande, Director
Uttarakhand Seva Nidhi Paryavaran Shiksha Sansthan
Jakhan Devi, Mall Road
ALMORA - 263 601, Uttaranchal, India
Tel: +91-5962-234430
Fax: +91-5962-231100

Anubhav / अनुभव उपाध्याय

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एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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Good topic Suchira Ji.

We will cover a lot of trust of UK based.


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The Himalaya Trust

The Himalaya Trust was set up in 1993 in response to the need expressed by a group of grassroots social workers and environmental professionals working in the Western Himalayan region, to join together under an umbrella organization to collectively address issues of environmental degradation and increasing impoverishment of mountain communities in the Himalaya. Inspired and supported in its endeavours by Swami Chidananda of the Sivananda Ashram, Rishikesh, the Trust's objectives are to fulfill the development aspiration of the small isolated mountain communities, while safeguarding their ecological resource base, and their cultural and spiritual heritage.

Head Office:
274/2 Vasant Vihar
Dehra Dun 248 006
Tel: 91.135.773081
Fax: 91.135.620334
Contact: Shri N.D. Jayal

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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The Uttarakhand Cultural Association (Canada) is a social organization dedicated to bringing together families and individuals with origins or a special fondness for the Uttarakhand region of India, also known as the Devbhumi "abode of the gods" for its Himalayan grandeur.

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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Welcome to the Uttaranchal Power Engineers Association (UPEA) Web Site!

 The Uttaranchal Power Engineers Association (UPEA) is a professional organization made up of Power Engineers from Uttaranchal Power Corporation Limited (UPCL), Power Transmission Corporation of Uttaranchal Limited (PTCUL) and Uttaranchal Jal Vidyut Nigam Limited (UJVNL)and people working in related fields.

The Uttaranchal Power Engineers Association (UPEA) - the premier one of its kind in Power Sector - is affiliated to various National level bodies in Power Sector. It was formed on 23rd Jan 2001 and has multifaceted activities.
Extensive promotional functions primarily focused on the progress of the nation and the industry through rapid development of Power sector and the welfare of its members are the core objectives of the Association.

The association was formed with the following objectives :
1. Protecting the interest of the country
2. Protecting the interests of power industry in Uttaranchal Region
3. Protecting the interests of the members of UPEA


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PAHAR (People's Association for Himalayan Area Research)

PAHAR is a non-profit organisation dedicated to raising awareness of the fragile Himalayan environment and bringing together scientists, social activists, and common people to save the Himalayas.

Parikrama, Talla Danda Tallital
Nainital 263 001
Tel: 91.05946.36191
Contact: Shri Dr. Shekhar Pathak


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SBMA (Shri Bhuvaneshwari Mahila Ashram)

SBMA is an independent organisation that works with the people of the Garhwal Himalayas. The Ashram evolved out of community struggle led by the late Swami Manmathan, a crusader from Kerala who formed a passionate commitment to the progress of Uttarakhand.

As the name suggests, the Ashram has always been a shelter or open house for women and children: a platform for the activist, a refuge for the destitute. It now works in more than three hundred villages in Garhwal, with national and international initiatives. Born out of the alchemy of activist fire and social concern, SBMA looks to be, above all, a force for change that is led by the community.

P.O. Anjanisain
Tehri Garhwal, Uttar Pradesh 249 121
Tel: 91.137.637417, 637448
Fax: 91.137.637449


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