Author Topic: Hari Dutt Pant: A Great Freedom Fighter from Kumaon (Uttarakhand)  (Read 7813 times)

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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Hari Dutt Pant: A Great Freedom Fighter from Kumaon


We are are information about a great Freedom Fighter Hari Dutt Pant, a Great Freedom Fighter from Kumaon Uttarakhand here.

He Joined National movement in his early student life and took active part in the freedom movement in Benaras, Agra, Saharanpur, Hardwar, Almora; and Pithoragarh. He left his studies and joined Gandhiji led Quit India Movement in 1942. He was initially sentenced to death on charges of Sedition; but later, on Appeal by the Congress, he was sentenced
to 29 years of RI under various IPC’s as a political prisoner. He was acquitted in 1946 along with other political prisoners, pursuant to the agreement on independence with the national leaders.

Hari Dutt Pant ji played a great role during the Freedom Struggle.

We will provide here more detail Pant ji.


M S Mehta

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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Re: Hari Dutt Pant: A Great Freedom Fighter from Kumaon (Uttarakhand)
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2010, 10:04:32 PM »

हरी दत्त प्रसाद, प्रसिद्ध स्वंत्रता सेनानी
Hari Dutt Pant, born in 1914, was a veteran freedom fighter, man of wisdom; and social worker. He passed away on 20th October 2008.

He Joined National movement in his early student life and took active part in the freedom movement in Benaras, Agra, Saharanpur, Hardwar, Almora; and Pithoragarh. He left his studies and joined Gandhiji led Quit India Movement in 1942. He was initially sentenced to death on charges of Sedition; but later, on Appeal by the Congress, he was sentenced to 29 years of RI under various IPC’s as a political prisoner. He was acquitted in 1946  along with other political prisoners, pursuant to the agreement on independence with the national leaders.

Some of the prominent nationalists Shri Pant worked with were Acharya Kishoridas
Vajpai, Sriprakash, Beni Prasad, Acharya Kripalani, Ram Manohar Lohia, Jai Prakash Narayan, Pandit Govind Ballabh Pant, Pandit Har Govind Pant, Badri Datt Pande,

Vinoba Bhave. He also took keen interest in the development works and literacy

He worked for development and empowerment of the people throughout his life.

Early Signs of Independent Thinking

He was the eldest son of Ganga Datt Pant and Bishuli Devi. Their ancestral village
was Barsayat near Berinag; but his father shifted to Lezam with his maternal uncle
after losing his parents at the age of five. Ever since the family retained Lezam as their home. His father was a respected person of high morals and religion. He wanted Hari Dutt to study English after primary school; but Hari Datt was interested in Indian systems and Sanskrit that he always used to admire when the family elders would chant or recite Sanskrit mantras and hymns.

He left home early after his primary education and went to his maternal village Pokhari. Later went to Benaras and then Hardwar for higher education in Sanskrit (Shashtri).

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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Re: Hari Dutt Pant: A Great Freedom Fighter from Kumaon (Uttarakhand)
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2010, 10:08:23 PM »
A Great Freedom Fighter :

In Hardwar, while he was studying he read Gandhi’s articles in news papers and
got inspirited for fight for freedom. In late 1930’s he became a leader of a group of
freedom fighter in Hardwar and Kankhal (“We sung patriotic songs and shouted slogans against British Rulers” said Mr. Pant while answering a question). He described India’s population, “in very poor condition, where few people were in petty Government services; while most others were living in the conditions of abject poverty and slavery. It was important to have our own rulers to help them”. We thought, “Bharat maata gulami ka dard sah rahi hai, hamein sab sukh chhodkar apani jawani maa ke liye kurbaan karani hai”. “

“WE had never imagined that India could get freedom in the year 1947; but it was
Gandhiji’s power that British left India so early”, he often said. He remembered 15th
August an important day in his life, and this was the day he was put in Jail by British government. His Jail certificate indicates that he was imprisoned for six and half years (running concurrently) sentence to jail under different IPC’s/Acts. One day I ask him what was the reason behind in the sentence. He said to me, ‘You know even a whisper against government was dangerous; while doing so if any of government officer had heard you, he would pass it on to police and then police man of our own country would take any action they liked.’

He was framed by the conspiring British officers in murdering a DSP during mass
movement in Hardwar in 1942. The Magistrate LG Light himself gave a false witness for this. And he was sentenced to death on charges of murder and sedition. Later on appeal the witness of the Magistrate LG Light, was proved as false in the higher court, by barristers Puri and Suri (brought by Congress from Lahore). Only a notional reprimand was issued to the magistrate and charges of Sedition (all freedom fighters meant to be indulging a war against the State) were proved by the police, to which Hari Dutt happily agreed that he did led the movement for freedom from the British!

“ Ravi rapi na dahati yadrik dahati baluka nigrah” (Even the sun won’t burn our body as do the sand particles heated by the sun in the desert). He suffered much in jail but continued his association with the national movement without any fear. He was a fearless fighter.

He refused to eat the husk mixed chapattis, and demanded the regular diet of wheat chapattis, ghee and dal, prescribed for the prisoners awarded the death sentence. The Jailor would sarcastically tell him that the ‘wheat chapattis are meant for those who were facing the bullets in the front of Aracan’ (at that time the INA has reached the India’s border and fierce war was being fought by the British India against the INA.

He had launched agitation inside the Agra Central Jail to protest against inhuman and illegal treatment given to the political and common prisoners. Afterwards, the Prison Chief had allowed them to have a daily Prathana Sabha (Prayer Meetings) within the Jail premises. The Jailor was a British; who also became an admirer of Hari Dutt. When the Jailor asked him ‘if he is not scared of the ghosts in the cell that he was confined to’ (most prisoners used to complain about this); he replied, ‘I’m my self a ghost for the British Empire, so ghosts are my natural collaborators and friends’! Later the Jailor even allowed Hari Dutt to maintain his diary that he had earlier confiscated and used to have log chat sessions with him on spirituality, humanism and India ethos! He even used to ignore knowingly the act of an Indian Muslim policeman in the Jail, who used to bring newspaper for Hari Datt daily, hidden in his stockings.

Among his admirers in the Jail were eminent people like Ram Manohar Lohia, Jai
Prakash Narayan, Sri Praksha, Beni Prasad; and many more from United Provinces. Ram Manohar Lohia used to tell him that he would have his teeth, lost in the struggle, refixed in Germany, soon after the independence!

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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Re: Hari Dutt Pant: A Great Freedom Fighter from Kumaon (Uttarakhand)
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2010, 10:09:14 PM »
A Loving Father: A large family, he always managed happily. He gave his whole
hearted love to all children equally. He only talked and taught which he could practice. I often wondered this strong built man of courage and power, how he could manage a big family with such calm and peacefully. He taught us to be self-reliant and respect the dignity of labor. In his house, all of us had to wash our dishes and clothes and also lend helping hand in household activity. It was never left to the women of the family to cook for everyone, unlike most Indian families. This he would call the “Ashram Dharma”, where each one cooperates and works in the household for self and others.

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Re: Hari Dutt Pant: A Great Freedom Fighter from Kumaon (Uttarakhand)
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2010, 10:10:18 PM »
Secular and Positive Thinker

He was a positive thinker and always gave positive advice and treatment to events and people. It is almost difficult to find any negativity in his entire life; such was his behaviour. He never got a tremble in adverse conditions, he had full faith in God and he left on him to do needful in adverse circumstances.

He firmly believed that whatever happening is the Gods wish. All the creations of the Universe are creations of God; and he is responsible to take care of them; he believed. He told us all are Gods children and so are others, live simply don’t show off (simple living, high thinking) was the slogan for children. Wisdom and enlightenment are different terms, when you get perfect knowledge and get enlightened, you become as the light is.
Find light from within and enlighten others!

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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Re: Hari Dutt Pant: A Great Freedom Fighter from Kumaon (Uttarakhand)
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2010, 10:12:20 PM »

A Great Supporter of Indian System of Education & Health : He had a firm belief  in India’s customs, practices; and culture. He studied in Sanskrit in the period when education was aimed to develop people morally, spiritually, physically in gurukuls. He was a brilliant student and was a favorite pupil of gurus. He had learnt all the formulas “Navya Vyakaran” and remembered them through out of his life. He could define any word according to grammar from the tip of his tongue.

He told us about the great poet Kalidas’; one of his verse in Abhigyan Shakuntalam which he had described about deer in distress and fear when Dushyanta aimed at him; “greeva bhanga viramah…………………..” When William Shakespeare read
its meaning, he said, “if I was given to describe about a deer in fear, I couldn’t do so beautifully as did Kalidas”. He regularly read Geeta and always found himself to be as a learner. In 2006, while Siddhi was at Hardwar he told him to bring for him the Tilak Bhashya on Geeta (which Tilak wrote during his Burma imprisonment).

Mr. Pant was truly spiritual and self- seeker of truth.

After the independence, he applied for a Panchayat Raj job in the UP. He was
interviewed by the board headed by Dr. S. Radhkrishanan (himself a great scholar of Sanskrit), who asked him, “You have read Sanskrit; what do you think that Sanskrit can do to develop a new India this scientific era?” “Please don’t call it scientific era alone. It’s atomic era and rather a space era. I read in the news paper that Russia has plans to launch Sputnik in the space. Our Amar Kosh in Sanskrit has all these scientific developments defined. Sanskrit is not just a language; it is the only perfect science related to development of human mind and character”; was the reply. After a few more questions and straight forward answers in reflex, Mr. Pant also enlightened the Board about rich knowledge in Indian Vedic texts, on the request from the Chairman and was selected as an officer of UP Panchayati Raj. He had also kept himself updated and learnt English (from Upendra Narayan Bajpai and others) in Agra Central Jail from

inmates and taught them Sanskrit in return.

He trusted ayurveda. He rarely took a course of modern medicines; he himself knew the rules for keep his body fit. I checked his general health few months back; his BP majored 110 – 80, his lungs were functioning very well, his eyes had no cataract. He could read smallest letters of Geeta without spectacles, his ears heard like of a young lad, and all other organs working perfect. He regularly used Abhayarisht to avoid constipation and Triphala for good systems. He liked massaging with Mayanarayan
Oil and took all preventions and precautions suggested in ayurveda for good health.Whenever somebody fell sick in the family, he would take him/her to government ayurveda dispensary. He himself knew the basic principles of ayurveda and treatment criteria. He often discussed about ayurveda with the doctors working in the PHC. He showed complete balance of mental, physical and spiritual health till his last breath.

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Re: Hari Dutt Pant: A Great Freedom Fighter from Kumaon (Uttarakhand)
« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2010, 10:15:11 PM »
His Routine :

He had a well set time table to work for himself and for others, it continued till his age. In all seasons he got up at 4 AM. After refreshing he never opened TV or read news paper but went in fresh air did exercise and meditated inside the worship place he had made at home. Than he always read ‘Geeta’. He had learnt lakhs of ‘mantras’ and ‘shlokas’ few out of them he would recite daily in the morning and evening before meal and after meal. He remembered “Amar Kosh”, the first thesaurus of the World; by heart; and so did most Sanskrit scriptures and literary works. He would quote “Bhartrihari Niti Shlokas” (the wisdom words in small verses in Sanskrit) so often that most of the family members and acquaintances would also remember them.

He knew that the food is ‘Brahma’ and ‘rasa’ the Vishnu. In the day time he worked hard
in the garden, fields for children, and society. He always walked 4 Km. in evening time
(till he had a footloose around the age of 86 years) and took his dinner fixed quantity and
fixed time. He prayed god for more than one hour daily in the morning and evening. He
usually slept at 9 PM and peacefully for eight hours.

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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Re: Hari Dutt Pant: A Great Freedom Fighter from Kumaon (Uttarakhand)
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2010, 10:16:14 PM »
The Last Day

Even on his last day of life he washed his clothes, did all his routine himself. He made sure that everyone had his dinner early; and left for his heavenly abode in peace and in a very calm and quite manner. The sip of holy Ganges water, so dear to him, of course he did take just before the last breath!

He still lives in the form of the millions of trees that he planted the words he spoke to us and in our eternal memory, in all his deeds that still enlighten us all; and in out hearts and souls. May God rest his soul in peace!

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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Re: Hari Dutt Pant: A Great Freedom Fighter from Kumaon (Uttarakhand)
« Reply #8 on: October 29, 2010, 11:11:40 PM »

Pant ji with Family.

Mr Udya Pant, Sr IAS Officer is son of H D Pant Ji.

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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Re: Hari Dutt Pant: A Great Freedom Fighter from Kumaon (Uttarakhand)
« Reply #9 on: October 29, 2010, 11:13:41 PM »

Playing HOli.


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