Author Topic: History of Discovery of places in UK-उत्तराखंड के कई जगहों के खोज का इतिहास  (Read 5872 times)

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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 उत्तराखंड में कई पर्यटन एव धार्मिक स्थल है जिनके बारे में मत है की जिनकी खोज किसी पूर्व में रहे राजाओ या अंग्रेज शाशन में अग्रेजो के द्वारा की गयी हो! जैसे की नैनीताल के बारे में खोज की यह सूचना है!
 Historical records confirm that in 1839, Mr. P. Barron, from Rosa, an English business man in sugar trade, on a hunting expedition accidentally coming across the lake at Nainital was so captivated that he decided to build a European Colony on shores of the lake. The news magazine, the Englishman Calcutta, reported in 1841 discovery of this lake near Almora.
Another Version

There are two legends of the creation of Nainital Lake.[4][5]
The first legend is recorded in the chapter ‘manas khand’ of the ‘Skanda Purana’ in which it states that the Nainital Lake was known as ‘Tri-Rishi-Sarovar’, meaning the lake of the three sages. The three sages Atri, Pulastya and Pulaha, (three of the Saptarshis), seven great sages-of the first Manvantara, the Hindu progenitor of mankind) while on their repentant pilgrimage chanced to be in Naintal, and not finding water to drink, burrowed into the ground at the present day location of the lake and did tapas (meditation) there, which it is believed resulted in filling up of the burrowed hole with subterranean water drawn from the sacred Mansarovar Lake in Tibet.[4] Hence, the folk lore belief is that a dip in this lake is meritorious.
The second legend pertains to Nainital, which is one of the 64 'Shakti Peethas' (holy places of cosmic power) in India. The story goes that when Lord Shiva in his grief on the death of his consort sati's or Dākshāyani (a Hindu goddess of marital felicity and longevity who was the first wife of Shiva) carried her half charred dead body all over the earth, the left eye fell at Nainital and thus emerged the compound name Nainital (a word formed by naina and tal meaning 'eye' and 'lake' respectively), the sanctified home of the Goddess Naina Devi. It is claimed that the lake is also in emerald eye shape. As a Shkathisthal, the temple of Naina Devi is located at the northern end of the lake.

 हम इस टोपिक में कुछ खोज सम्बंधित जानकारी पोस्ट करंगे!
 एम् एस मेहता

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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Raja Kalyan Chand Discovered Almora

Almora is a hill station in Uttarakhand State. Almora was the seat of power of the Chand Dynasty who ruled the land of Kumaon for almost one thousand years. An interesting fact about the discovery of Almora is that unlike other hill stations, it was not discovered and developed by the British. The Katyuri Dynasty ruled the region around Almora from the 9th century AD, till it made way for the Chand dynasty. Raja Balo Kalyan Chand made Almora as his new capital in 1560 AD, when he transferred his capital from Champawat to Almora. The Chands occupied Almora till the 19th century AD. The rivers Kosi and Suyal flow around Almora providing a natural barrier. There is an interesting local legend about the discovery of Almora. Raja Kalyan Chand, the ruler of the Chand Dynasty was riding on the horseshoe shaped ridge in the pursuit of a prey. The hunted quarry protected its life by taking refuge behind the thick bushes of Kilmora, a local wild barberry bush and revealed the place to the king. The story might not be corroborated by any literary or archaeological evidences but continues to be told by the locals. The Gorkhas captured Almora in 1790 AD and finally British took it over from the Gorkhas after the Gorkha wars of 1814-1815.

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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Captain Young Discovered Mussoorie

The first permanent building in all of Mussoorie-Landour was also built in Landour in 1825. The house was built by Captain Young, the "discoverer" of Mussoorie, who was also the Commandant of the first Gurkha (or Gorkha) battalion raised by the British after prevailing in the Gurkha War. Young's house, "Mullingar" (hinting at his Irish blood), was the family home during the hot summers in the plains. Young's Dehradun-based battalion, then called the Sirmour (or Sirmoor) Rifles, was initially raised in a Gurkha POW camp in Paonta Sahib in Sirmour District - hence the name. The huge L-shaped building, with an outsized courtyard inside the bend of the "L", sits prominently atop Mullingar Hill in Landour Cantonment.

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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Ranikhet was Discovered by Lord Mayo in 1869

Discovered by Lord Mayo in 1869 and developed as a cantonment for the Imperial Soldiers, Ranikhet is perched at an altitude of 1829 meters. Even today it boasts as the home of the Kumaon regiment

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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Patal Bhuvaneshwar Cave was discovered by Sun Dynasty King Rituparna

According to belief King Rituparna of the Sun dynasty (Surya Vansha) discovered the cave in ‘Treta yug’. It has been described in the ‘MANAS KHAND’ of ‘SKAND PURAN’. Adi Shankaracharya visited this cave in 1191 AD. That was the beginning of the modern pilgrimage history, at Patal Bhuvaneshwar[

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मैं इन तर्कों से सहमत नहीं हूं, क्योंकि यह क्षेत्र हमारे लोगों की नजर में पहले से थे और उनका मानना था कि यह सुन्दर स्थान है, इसे देवता के लिये छोड़ दिया जाना चाहिये। नैना देवी का मन्दिर नैनीताल में पहले से ही था, वहां पर पूजा-पाठ करने आते रहते थे, लेकिन इसे उन्होंने नैना देवी का स्थान जाना और माना, इसलिये इसे आम आदमी के लिये निषिद्ध घोषित कर इस स्थान का अस्तित्व बचाने की कोशिश की गई। लेकिन अंग्रेजों ने जबरन इन जगहों पर कब्जा किया और यहां के प्राकृतिक संशाधनों की लूट की, सभी को मालूम है कि जब नैनीताल के थोकदार नूर सिंह जी ने नैनीताल को बेचने से मना कर दिया तो बैरन उनको धोखे से नैनीझील के बीच में ले गया और कहा कि यदि तुमने मना किया तो तुम्हें झील में फेंक दूंगा, इस प्रकार धोखे से नैनीताल को बैरन ने लूट लिया और हम इसी झूठे इतिहास को पढ़ तथा पढ़ा रहे हैं, जो कि गलत है।

मेरा तो अनुरोध है कि मल्लीताल में पम्प हाउस के पास थोकदार नूर सिंह की प्रतिमा लगाई जाय, ताकि लोग सही इतिहास भी जान सकें।


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