Author Topic: History of Plant Science , History of Botany , Botanical Researches In India  (Read 20347 times)

Bhishma Kukreti

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Botanical Knowledge in Smriti & Purana: An Introduction

Botany History in Smriti, Purana etc. -1
BOTANY History of Indian Subcontinent –69
By: Bhishma Kukreti M.Sc. {(Botany), B.Sc. (Honours in Botany), Medical Tourism Historian)
Smriti – The literal meaning of Smriti is the Hindu text that is remembered. Smritis are next step of Shruti (Vadanga). Smriti is derivative is secondary works. The base of Smriti is Shruti (oral)
Smriti is corpus of diverse varied text.
Srmriti are not Vedanta. Bu Root of Smritis are Vedas. Though John Mitchiner mentions that the creation period of Smritis is 600 – 200 .However, the editing works was finished in Gupta period only (Dr Dabral  in Uttarakhand ka Itihas Bhag 2 )   and Ayurveda ka Vrihat Itihas writer Vidyalankar Atrideva (1960, Hindi Samiti Banaras) too states that the creation period of Smritis is after 1st Century AD (page 121)
 There are following main Smritis or Dharma Smriti rules –
Manusmriti (famous in North India )
Yagvalkya Smriti   became popular in South and West India )
Narada Smriti  (definitely very late than Gupta period)
Vishnu Smriti (mostly Gupta period )
Barring Vishnu Smriti, all other Smritis are in Shlokas
1-John E Mitchiner (2000), Tradition of seven Risis, Motilal Banarasidas , Delhi page   XVIII
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, , Mumbai India, 2020 

Bhishma Kukreti

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Plant Classification  in Manusmriti/Manusmruti 

Botany History in Smriti, Purana etc. 2
BOTANY History of Indian Subcontinent –70

By: Bhishma Kukreti M.Sc. {(Botany), B.Sc. (Honours in Botany), Medical Tourism Historian)
 Manusmriti or Manusmruti is a Dharmashastra (laws for code of Conducts) and was more famous in North India, East India and Far East India s Myanmar etc.   than south India. Yagvalkyamsriti was more famous in South and West India
   A Sanskrit Classic Manusmriti or Manusmriti states that without plants human life is impossible. There is mention of classification of Plants in Manusmriti or Manusmruti (MS1.46-49) –
Manusmriti classified plants as Aushadhi (herbs), Vanspati , Vriksha and Valli .
According to Manusmriti (1)–
Asuhadhi (medical plants) means the plants perish after ripening fruits and bear flowers and fruits abundantly (MS1.46)
Vanaspati don’t bear flowers but fruits (MS1.47)
Those bear flowers and fruits are called Vriksha (MS1.47)
Grass or tendrils are many and are called Valli (MS1/47)
Manusmriti states that the plants also bear bark and offer us many benefits to us (1.49)

References -
1-Goel, S.L., (2008) Environment health Education and Value , Deep and deep Pub New Delhi ( page 115
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, , Mumbai India, 2500 Shlokas (verses)   

Bhishma Kukreti

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Life  Consciousness in Plants , Trees

Botany History in Smriti, Purana etc. 3
BOTANY History of Indian Subcontinent –71

By: Bhishma Kukreti M.Sc. {(Botany), B.Sc. (Honours in Botany), Medical Tourism Historian)
 At early stage of History, the Indian researchers knew that there was life in plants or trees. Mahabharata and other classics stated various time.
  Manusmriti a Hindu law or Hindi constitutional book or Human purpose book of its time, states that there is life in plants or trees.
 The 49 Shloka of first Discourse / book /chapter of Manusmriti states –
तमसा बहुरूपेण वेष्टिता:  कर्महेतुना I
अन्तस्संज्ञा भवन्त्येते सुखदु: खसमन्विता II (MS 1.49, Translation by Gnagadhar Jha , 1920, Published by Calcutta University)
The mewing of above Shloka is as under (Gangadhar Jha ) –
All these (vegetables) are invested manifold darkness (inertia)., the results of their  acts; and possessing inner consciousness ,they are affected by pleasure and pain )
It is clear that there was concept before Manu created Manusmriti, there was clear concept of plants being living organism and having consciousness

Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, , Mumbai India, 2500 Shlokas (verses)   

Bhishma Kukreti

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Herbal Tooth Brushes mentioned in Vishnu Smriti

Applied Botany in Smriti and Purana
Botany History in Smriti, Purana etc. 4
BOTANY History of Indian Subcontinent –72
By: Bhishma Kukret
i M.Sc. {(Botany), B.Sc. (Honours in Botany), Medical Tourism Historian)
 Vishnu Smriti is very latest Dharmashastra (Code of Conducts) or Smriti among Smritis and the Vishnu Smriti creation period goes beyond Gupta era too, might be 8th or 9th century. Vishnu Smriti follows Manusmriti and Yajnavalkya Smriti. (1)
 There are four chapters related to herbal medicines and diseases in Vishnu Smriti (chapter 60, 61, 63 and 64). 
   There are mentions of plants /trees suitable for tooth brushes or not suitable.
Vishnu Srmriti suggests that following herbs /trees should not be used for making tooth brushes –
Lasura  (Cordia myxa)
Reetha (Sapindus mukorossi)
Bahra (* myrobalan-Terminalia ballerina)
Dhava (Anogeissus latifolia)
Tendul  (Bahunia species)
 Vishnu Puran suggests that following tress /plants are suitable for tooth brushing (1)-
Banyan (Ficus)
Neem (Azadirachta indica)
Khadir a Kattha )acacia catchue )
Arka milkweed
Sarja (Vateria indica)
Apamarga (Achyranthes aspera)
Malti (Combretum indicum)
1-Vidyalankar, Atrideva, (1960) Ayurveda ka Vrihad Itihas, Hindi Samiti  Banaras , p 119
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, , Mumbai India, 2500 Shlokas (verses)   

Bhishma Kukreti

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Flora mentioned in Yajnavalkyas Smriti

Applied Botany in Smriti and Purana
Botany History in Smriti, Purana etc. 4
BOTANY History of Indian Subcontinent –72
By: Bhishma Kukreti M.Sc. {(Botany), B.Sc. (Honours in Botany), Medical Tourism Historian)
 Yajnavalkya Smriti is one of important Hindu Dharma Shastra books.  Manu Smriti was more famous in North India but Yajnavalkya Smriti was famous in South and West.
Scholars state that Yajnavalkya Smriti was created after Manu Smriti. Patrick states that most likely dates of Gupta period roughly 3rd and 5th century. (100. The author is not same Yajnavalkya that is discussed much in Upnishadas or Vedanta but the creator is named after  Yajnavalkya as respect .
Yajnavalkya Smriti has three books (Adhyaya) –Achara, Vyavahara and Prayschita.
 Since, Yajnavalkya Smriti is about code of conducts it is  less possibility that Yajnavalkya deals with plants and animals. 
 As expected , there is least mentions of  flora in Yajnavalkya Smriti.
 In 302 Stanza of Yajnavalkya Smriti mentions nine plants /trees as fuel /sacrificial plants  of nine Planets (Navagraha).
अक: पलाश: खदिर अपामागोंअथ पिप्पल: I
उदंबर: शमी द्वां  कशास्च समिधि: क्रमात II (Yajnavalkya Smriti 302 )
The nine Planet fuels /plants are in Yajnavalkya Smriti –
Arka fuel tree for  Ravi Sun 
Palsa  for Soma or Moon
Khadir for Mangal or Marsh
Apamarga for Budha or Mercury
Pippla for Vrihaspati or Jupitor
Udumbar for Shukra or Venus
Shami for Shani or Saturn
Durva for Rahu
Patrick Olivelle (2006) Between the Empires: Society in India 300 BCE to 400 CE, notes, Oxford University Press,- 24
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, , Mumbai India,

Bhishma Kukreti

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Plant Science (Botany) aspects in Shukra Niti -1

Applied Botany in Smriti and Purana
Botany History in Smriti, Niti Shastra , Dharamshastra, Purana etc. 4
BOTANY History of Indian Subcontinent –72

By: Bhishma Kukreti
M.Sc. {(Botany), B.Sc. (Honours in Botany), Medical Tourism Historian)
 Shukra Niti   is one of important political science or Dharmashastra among Hindu scriptures .Shukra Niti is definitely created after Arthashastra and Shukra Niti deals with King and administration by the King. There are fourteen chapters of Books in Shukra Niti related to code of conducts or Niti Shastra. There are 2000 Shlokas in Shukra Niti.
 Less is known about period of Shukra Niti creation and the real authorship. It seems that Shukra was preaching class those used to preach code of conducts to kings and ministers.  There is mention of Shukra Niti in Mahabharata (59th chapter of Shanti Parva). There are disputes among scholars when Shukra Niti was created. There is no dispute that it was created after Artha Shastra. Historian Kali Prasad Jayaswal proposes that Shukra Niti was created around 8th century CE.
  Shukra Niti also discusses some finer points of Botany too though not as plant science book but as needs of the society.
          Origin of Plants
 Shukra Niti states that plants comes by bifurcating soil or earth as follows (1)
  जरायुजान्डजा: स्वेदोद्भिजा जाति: सुसंग्रहात ( राष्ट्र  प्रजा निरूपण  शोल्क 13) 
  There are four types of living organisms in this earth. That takes birth by vagina as animals and humans. Those take birth from eggs as birds. Those take birth from sweat. There are organisms those come out (takes birth) by bifurcating the earth or tearing apart the earth as Plants (udbhij).
   Art related to Plants in Ayurveda (medical science)
Kala Nirupan 0f Shukra Niti chapter (Shloka 49 to 53 of Vidya Kala Nirupan Adhyaya) also discusses the art related to plants required for Ayurveda or herbal medical science (2) –
 There ten arts ( science ) of Ayurveda –
 1-The art /science of making flower extract /fragrance 
2-The art /science of making wine from plant parts or from other materials 
3- The art /science of taking out thorn from injured body parts without pain
4-The art /science of using salts, herbal salts items on breads etc
5- The art /science of plantation
6- The art /science of horticulture
7- The art /science of breaking stones
8- The art /science of making gold, silver Bhashma
9- The art /science of making Jiggery
10- The art /science of mixing metal bhashma/metal dust with medicines
 References –
1-Shukra Niti, Manoj Pocket Books, Delhi, page 211
20Shukra Niti, Manoj Pocket Books, Delhi, page 221
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, , Mumbai India,

Bhishma Kukreti

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Plant Raising and Plantation techniques described in Shukra Niti

Plant Science (Botany) aspects in Shukra Niti -2
Applied Botany in Smriti, Niti Shastra, Dharma Shastra and Purana
Botany History in Smriti, Niti Shastra, Dharma Shastra, Purana etc. 7
BOTANY History of Indian Subcontinent –75
By: Bhishma Kukreti M.Sc. {(Botany), B.Sc. (Honours in Botany), Medical Tourism Historian)
   Shukra Niti is not a biological or medicinal book. However, there is description of public gardens and some horticulture knowledge required for gardening and raising the plants.
 The Shlokas 46 and 47 (stanzas) of Chapter Lok Dharma Nirupan (1) of Shukra Niti discusses the responsibilities of King for raising gardens and raising Forests too as –
  The king should order for plantation of plants grown in villages should be grown in villages and the tress grown in forests should be grown in forest.  The king should also order that the top tress  are to be planted at the distance of 20 hand or feet; middle type of tress to be planted at the distances of 25 hand or feet; average tress to be planted at the distance of ten hand /feet and lower category of plants/trees to be planted at the distance of 5 hand (length of our hand) .  There should be direction (from king) to manure the trees/plants by compound manure of cows,  goat , sheep and meat and water.
 The above two stanzas give us indication that Shukra or the consultants of King used to suggest the King for nurturing public gardens  and public forests too .

References –   
1-Shukra Niti, Manoj Pocket Books, Delhi, page 230
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, , Mumbai India,

Bhishma Kukreti

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Trees/Plants suitable   for Village Gardens mentioned in Shukra Niti

Plant Science (Botany) aspects in Shukra Niti -3
Applied Botany in Smriti, Niti Shastra, Dharma Shastra and Purana
Botany History in Smriti, Niti Shastra, Dharma Shastra, Purana etc. 8
BOTANY History of Indian Subcontinent –76

By: Bhishma Kukreti M.Sc. {(Botany), B.Sc. (Honours in Botany), Medical Tourism Historian)
   Shukra Niti suggests that following  plants/trees to be planted in gardens near village  (8. 48,–51, Shlokas of Lok Dharma Nirupan Chapter) –
Religious Figs (Peepal)
Rough Lemon
Kadamb ,  Bur flower tree
Ashoka , Sorrow less tree
Bakul or  Bullet wood tree 
Bilva or Bael
Amra (Spondias pinnata)
Kaith tree
Rajadan or Khirni tree
Punnag  or Sultan Champa
Teak tree
Palm tree
Figs (anjir)
Simbhal or Semal
Amvala  or gooseberry
Supari or Pinang
Bijoura a citrus tree
Monky Fruits
References –   
1-Shukra Niti, Manoj Pocket Books, Delhi, page 231
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, , Mumbai India,

Bhishma Kukreti

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Plants/Trees Suitable for Forest mentioned in Shukra Niti
Trees suitable for Forestation illustrated in Shukra Niti     
Plant Science (Botany) aspects in Shukra Niti -4
Applied Botany in Smriti, Niti Shastra, Dharma Shastra and Purana
Botany History in Smriti, Niti Shastra, Dharma Shastra, Purana etc. 9
BOTANY History of Indian Subcontinent –77

By: Bhishma Kukreti M.Sc. {(Botany), B.Sc. (Honours in Botany), Medical Tourism Historian)
    Shukra Niti in Shlokas /stanzas from 57 to 62 of Lokdharma Nirpana Chapter describes the tress or plants suitable for forest or trees are suitable for forestation (1)  as follows –
  Khadir (Catechu)
Ashmantak (Bidi leaf tree)
Sagaun (Teak)
Sonapatha (Broken Bones Tree)
Babul (Gum Arabic tree)
Tamal ( Indian Bay  leaf Tree)
Kutj (Conessi Tree)
Arjuna Tree
Palash (* Teak)
Saptaparna (White Cheesewood)
Shami (Indian Mesquite)
Tung ( a Himalayan hill shrub )
Devdaru( Cedar )
Vikakant Tree
Karaunda (Bengal Currant or Christ Thorn)
Ingudi ( Desert Date)
Bhoja Patra (Himalayan Birch)
Vishmushti (Strychnine trees ) 
Karir or Kair (Caparis decidua)
Shallakir ( Indian oil benum )
Kashmiri (Goomar Teak)
Padha (Butterfly tree or Mountain Ebony)
Tinduka (Gaub Tree)
Vijaysar (Indian Kino or Malabar Kino)
Hiritaki (Harad or Chebulic  myarobalan)
Bhallat (Marking nut tree)
Shampak (Drumstick?)
Pohakar (Blackboard Tree)
Durgandh Khair
Shalmali (red silk cotton tree or Semal)
Vibhitak (baheda , beleric )
Maha Vriksha or banyan
Mahua etc. and long creeping plants, flower bunch plants, should be planted in forest or jungle
References –   
1-Shukra Niti, Manoj Pocket Books, Delhi, page 231
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, , Mumbai India,
History of Plant Science / Indian Botany in Smriti, Niti Shastra and Purana will be continued

Bhishma Kukreti

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Advice for Gardening /Horticulture in Shukra Niti

Plant Science (Botany) aspects in Shukra Niti -4
Applied Botany in Smriti, Niti Shastra, Dharma Shastra and Purana
Botany History in Smriti, Niti Shastra, Dharma Shastra, Purana etc. 9
BOTANY History of Indian Subcontinent –77

By: Bhishma Kukreti M.Sc. {(Botany), B.Sc. (Honours in Botany), Medical Tourism Historian)
Shukra Niti is a Niti Shastra or political science book .However, there are advices for gardening in Shukra Niti. Shloka from 52 to 56 of Chapter Lokdharma Nirupan deals with advises for horticulture as (1)-
  The Garden should be on left of house or on boundaries only. Irrigation to plants /trees is must in morning and evening in summer; once in there days in winter and on fifth day in spring season. In rainy season, there is no need of irrigation (Shukra Niti Lokdharma Nirupan 52-53).
 For fruits protection,  boil  and them cool the  horse gram , black gram , barley , or sesame seeds and put that water into irrigating water  or irrigate plants by that water . Irrigate by fish washed water the flowering plants;. The compost of sheep, sesame seeds, red meat is also beneficial for raising the trees (Lokdharma Nirupan 55-56)
The above Shlokas are clear indicators that at the time Shukra Niti creation the horticulture was developed up to satisfactory  extent.

References –   
1-Shukra Niti, Manoj Pocket Books, Delhi, page 231
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, , Mumbai India,
History of Plant Science / Indian Botany in Smriti, Niti Shastra and Purana will be continued


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