Author Topic: Tourism Related News - पर्यटन से संबंधित समाचार  (Read 67648 times)


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विदेशियों को लुभा रहे देवभूमि के जंगल (Jagran) Feb 03, 01:35 am

देहरादून। उत्तराखंड के जंगल विदेशी सैलानियों को अब ज्यादा लुभा रहे हैं। राज्य बनने के बाद जंगल घूमने वाले विदेशी पर्यटकों की संख्या में तीन गुना इजाफा हुआ है। देशी पर्यटकों की संख्या में भी चार गुना बढ़ोतरी हुई है।

राज्य में वन विभाग के नियंत्रण में वन्यजीवों के लिए संरक्षित 4915 वर्ग किमी. वन क्षेत्र में छह राष्ट्रीय पार्क व छह वन्यजीव विहार हैं। इनमेंनियंत्रित सीमा तक इको पर्यटन की अनुमति है। इससे वन विभाग को राजस्व मिलता है। पर्यटन के लिहाज से राष्ट्रीय पार्को में कार्बेट, राजाजी, गंगोत्री, फूलों की घाटी व नंदादेवी तथा वन्यजीव विहारों में सोनानदी, बिंसर, केदारनाथ और गोविंद लोकप्रिय हैं। वर्ष 2000-01 में आए 67,776 पर्यटकों में से 4336 विदेशी थे। गत वर्ष 07-08 मेंभम्रण पर आने वाले पर्यटकों की संख्या 2,47,838 हो गई। इनमें 16,463 विदेशी थे। जहां सात वर्ष पूर्व वन विभाग को 85 लाख की आय हुई। अब वहीं बीते वर्ष 3.42 करोड़ की आय हुई। पर्यटकों के बीच हिमालय के आंचल में आबाद राज्य की पर्वतीय भौगोलिक संरचना का आकर्षण तो है ही। यहां के जंगल व जंगल में रहने वाले जानवरों को उनके प्राकृतिक परिवेश में देख पाने काभी एक अलग ही आकर्षण है। वन्यजीव गणना के मुताबिक राज्य के जंगलों में 241 बाघ, 2105 तेंदुआ, 1346 हाथी, 1678 काले भालू, 10888 सांभर, 53,386 चीतल, 10555 कांकड़ व 32613 सुअर हैं।

Dinesh Bijalwan

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Dost hum log to pahad chod kar aa gaye  aub jaanvar hi wahan pale phoolenge

पंकज सिंह महर

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ऋषिकेश, जागरण कार्यालय : उत्तराखंड की वादियों में आराम फरमाने के बाद सिने जगत में मिस्टर परफेक्शनिस्ट के नाम से विख्यात अभिनेता आमिर खान देवभूमि को अलविदा कह गए। जाते-जाते वह उत्तराखंड की खूबसूरती और यहां के लोगों की तारीफ करना नहीं भूले। पांच दिनों से मीडिया व प्रशंसकों से दूरियां बनाकर उत्तराखंड की खूबसूरती को निहार रहे आमिर ने सपत्नी किरण राव समेत जौलीग्रांट एयरपोर्ट से मंुबई के लिए उड़ान भरी। वह रविवार आठ फरवरी को नरेंद्रनगर आनंदा होटल में पहुंचे थे, जहां तीन दिन लंबे विश्राम के बाद वह बुधवार को एलबीएस प्रशासनिक अकादमी मसूरी में लेक्चर देने पहंुचे थे, जहां से देर रात वह वापस नरेंद्रनगर होटल आनंदा पहुंचे। गुरुवार को उनकी वापसी की सूचना को लेकर प्रशंसकों में कई तरह के कयास लगाए जा रहे थे। सुबह से ही उनके प्रशंसक लगातार उनकी लोकेशन व वापस जाने की राह को लेकर जानकारी जुटाते रहे। आखिर में जब पता चला कि आमिर जौलीग्रांट एयरपोर्ट से वापसी करेंगे तो वहां मीडिया व प्रशंसकों का जमावड़ा लग गया। एक बार तो यहां भी प्रशंसक तब मायूस हो गए, जब उन्हें पता चला कि दिल्ली से आने वाले दोनों विमानों की उड़ानें रद्द हो गई हैं। लिहाजा वह किसी अन्य साधन से वापस जाएंगे, लेकिन प्रशंसकों ने धैर्य का परिचय देते हुए एयरपोर्ट परिसर को नहीं छोड़ा। आखिर सायं करीब साढ़े चार बजे आमिर का काफिला एयरपोर्ट पहुंचा। यहां भी उन्होंने मीडिया व प्रशंसकों से बचने की पूरी कोशिश की, मगर वाहन को भीतर जाने की इजाजत न मिलने के बाद मजबूरन उन्हें मीडिया से रूबरू होना पड़ा। उन्होंने बताया कि वह उत्तराखंड में आराम करने आए थे। उन्हें उत्तराखंड की वादियां बेहद पसंद आईं। उन्होंने कहा कि उत्तराखंड व यहां के लोग बेहद खूबसूरत हैं। देर सायं आमिर खान ने अपनी पत्नी किरण राव सहित निजी विमान से मुंबई के लिए उड़ान भरी।

हेम पन्त

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Newsletter to promote tourism in the state
« Reply #93 on: February 13, 2009, 11:30:14 AM »
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To promote tourism in the state, Uttarakhand Tourism Development Board (UTDB) has decided to launch a quarterly newsletter by end of this month. It is planning to launch the newsletter prior to the announcement of elections in the state. According to K. P. Sharma, Chairman, IATO Uttarakhand Chapter, who is also the editorial member of the upcoming newsletter, the main objective of bringing out the newsletter is to promote tourism in the state. It will focus on revealing achievement of UTDB in the past and present, as well as information about various tourism products in the state. It will also introduce a new district and new destinations in Uttarakhand with every issue of the newsletter.

For active tourism promotion in the state, UTDB will send this newsletter to tour operators across the state and foreign missions in India. According to Sharma, currently in Uttarakhand, Kumaon Mandal Vikas Nigam (KMVN) is promoting Adhi Kailash in a big way. It is a trekking route located partly in the Kailash Mansarovar direction. This place is known with the name of legendary characters of Great Mahabharatha, Maharshi Vyas and Pandavas due to their visit to this place and stay in the locale in the olden times. It (a story on Adhi Kailash) will be one of the highlighted stories in the newsletter which will be published by the end of this month.

पंकज सिंह महर

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रामनगर: कार्बेट नेशनल पार्क को वर्ष 2007-08 का भारत सरकार के पर्यटन मंत्रालय द्वारा इंडिया बेस्ट मेंटेन टूरिस्ट फ्रेण्डली नेशनल पार्क एवार्ड से सम्मानित किया गया है। उत्तराखंड राज्य में किसी पार्क को मिलने वाला यह पहला राष्ट्रीय अवार्ड है। मंगलवार को यह पुरस्कार उत्तराखंड पर्यटन विकास परिषद के मुख्य कार्यकारी अधिकारी राजीव भरतरी ने केन्द्रीय गृह मंत्री पी चिदम्बरम द्वारा दिया गया। संसद भवन के अशोका हाल में मिले इस राष्ट्रीय एवार्ड से उत्तराखंड का नाम पूरे देश में कार्बेट नेशनल पार्क ने रोशन किया है। उल्लेखनीय है कि वर्ष 2007-08 में राजीव भरतरी ही इस पार्क के निदेशक थे। अब अपर सचिव उत्तराखंड पर्यटन विकास परिषद के पद पर होते हुए यह पुरस्कार लेने का गौरव भी उन्हें ही प्राप्त हुआ है। बेहतर रूप से पार्क व्यवस्था एवं पर्यटकों के लिए मित्रता पूर्ण व्यवहार के लिए मिलने वाले इस पुरस्कार से कार्बेट पार्क के अधिकारियों व र्कमचारियों में खुशी का माहौल है।

पंकज सिंह महर

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International yoga symposium attracts tourists in Uttarakhand
« Reply #95 on: March 05, 2009, 04:50:23 PM »

Rishikesh (Uttarakhand), Mar 5 (AI): More than 400 foreign yoga practitioners from over 35 countries are taking part in a weeklong international yoga symposium in Uttarakhand.

The seven-day long 8th annual International Yoga Festival has been jointly
organised by the Uttarakhand Tourism Development Board and the Parmarth Niketan Ashram in Rishikesh was kick started from March 1.

The ongoing festival is drawing a large number of foreign tourists especially from west.

‘The yoga festival has a very good mixture of teachers from all over the world. It also brings people to the Ganga (River) and puts them in touch with the whole spirit of India. So it’s a very wonderful feeling of bringing yoga students to the homeland of yoga,’ said Davis Frawler, a tourist from USA.

Large numbers of visitors and yoga practitioners are coming every year to attend the yoga sessions and perform yoga exercises. Most of them attend this festival to introduce the culture of their country to the people from rest of the world who are present here.

‘I am teaching Shinto Yoga in this festival. I want to introduce Japanese culture to the other countries’ people. I would also like to share the ancient wisdom of Japan, said Hikaru Hashimoto, a tourist from Japan.

The festival is held on the banks of the river Ganga, it offers a wide variety of yoga asans including Kundalini Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Reiki, Pranayama, Power Yoga, Yoga Nidra, Pranic Healing, Music Therapy, Yoga Therapy, Nada yoga, Meditation and special satsangs (prayer meetings).

The question-answer sessions with prominent exponents of Yoga are one of
the highlights of the Yoga Week.

‘Yoga is for all. It is beyond region and religion, beyond caste creed and colour. The motive of this festival is to make the people from both India and western countries realize the importance of Yoga,’ said Swami Chidanand Saraswati, President and Spiritual Head of the Parmarth Niketan, Rishikesh.

Yoga is helpful not just for physical health, but it also helps to overcome mental problems like stress, depression and frustration. First organised in 2001, the festival has since been held every year. (ANI)

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Uttarakhand Tourism, in order to promote the destination in the international and domestic market is taking a slew of initiatives by organising events and thereby positioning its product offerings to potential tourists. To boost Adventure Tourism in the state, the state tourism department is planning a Snow Carnival by the end of this year, creating an international standard skiing slope in the Auli hills, ice skating ring in Dehradun. “We are working on a string of events to promote the destination. The Snow Carnival is still at a very nascent stage whereas work on the skiing slope is under progress at the Nanda Devi Skiing Resort,” informed Rajiv Bhartari, Additional Secretary, Uttarakhand Tourism and Additional CEO, Uttarakhand State Tourism Board. The state is also gearing up for largest human gathering – 'Kumbh Mela' in January 2010 where four to five crore people are expected to gather.

The state along with positioning itself as an adventure tourist destination, it is also looking at promoting Rural Tourism clubbed with Adventure Tourism. It is currently in the process of developing 40 rural tourism projects, each of them would have some element of soft Adventure Tourism activities at the Rural Tourism villages. “Rural and Adventure Tourism are in way related to each other and hence we intend to promote both in the destination. We are also in the process of formulating a Rural Tourism Policy which will be announced soon.” stated Bhartari.

Anubhav / अनुभव उपाध्याय

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Bhai yeh planning main hi na rah jaae. Auli main Winter Games ka jo haal hua wahi na ho.

Uttarakhand Tourism, in order to promote the destination in the international and domestic market is taking a slew of initiatives by organising events and thereby positioning its product offerings to potential tourists. To boost Adventure Tourism in the state, the state tourism department is planning a Snow Carnival by the end of this year, creating an international standard skiing slope in the Auli hills, ice skating ring in Dehradun. “We are working on a string of events to promote the destination. The Snow Carnival is still at a very nascent stage whereas work on the skiing slope is under progress at the Nanda Devi Skiing Resort,” informed Rajiv Bhartari, Additional Secretary, Uttarakhand Tourism and Additional CEO, Uttarakhand State Tourism Board. The state is also gearing up for largest human gathering – 'Kumbh Mela' in January 2010 where four to five crore people are expected to gather.

The state along with positioning itself as an adventure tourist destination, it is also looking at promoting Rural Tourism clubbed with Adventure Tourism. It is currently in the process of developing 40 rural tourism projects, each of them would have some element of soft Adventure Tourism activities at the Rural Tourism villages. “Rural and Adventure Tourism are in way related to each other and hence we intend to promote both in the destination. We are also in the process of formulating a Rural Tourism Policy which will be announced soon.” stated Bhartari.

पंकज सिंह महर

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आज अक्षय तृतीया है, आज गंगोत्री और यमुनोत्री के कपाट खुलेंगे।

हेम पन्त

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Uttarakhand becomes the rock climber’s dream destination
« Reply #99 on: May 04, 2009, 05:50:14 PM »
Dehradun, May. 3 (ANI): With rock climbing gaining the stature of the state’s top outdoor activity, Uttarakhand is fast becoming the adventure sport enthusiast’s dream destination.

The Himalayas and the Shivalik ranges in Uttarakhand provide a wide opportunity of adventure sports like rock climbing.

Recently, a camp was organized by the Snot Adventure sports to motivate students in adventure sports, and also boost their confidence level.

“We have learnt many things like rappling and climbing. This helps me boost my confidence and also participated for enjoyment. I want to pursue it as my career,” said Anshuman, student.

A number of students from various states including India’s western Gujarat, Mumbai and northern Delhi participated in the seven-day camp.

“Students of the Birla School of Ranikhet and from Mumbai, Gujarat, Delhi and even from South India have come here. The youngsters are curious to know what is it all about. They have come here to participate in all the activities. It will not only help them learn rock climbing but also develop their personality and confidence,” said Pravin Upreti, instructor.

Besides rock climbing, training is also being imparted in bouldering, rappling and long pitch climbing. They are also being trained in map reading.

Uttarakhand also boasts of many other options for adventure sports like para gliding and river rafting.

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