Some thin new...
Fayaaov: Thin wooden doors.. A group of these is used to close Goth(Cattles residing place)
Rishyaa: A imaginary line around the Chulhaa where no one is allowed to enter except brahmin in single cloth....
The Rishyaar(who deals with cooking) has to wear only single clothes.
Raun: A chulha used to generally prepare chapaaties.(No rules as such in Rishyaa)
Chaani ro: Be silent.. e.g: "Kye bulaa ro se iduk, channi ro"("Why are u speaking so much, be silent")
Bandhaar: A wild cat("Jungli Bilaaw")
Also bandhaar is reffered as the water coming through the edge of PAAKH(Terrace).
Chuthrow: Fox(Lomdii)..