Author Topic: उत्तराखंड पर कवितायें : POEMS ON UTTARAKHAND ~!!!  (Read 289818 times)

Bhishma Kukreti

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खांसी चौमासी" (गढ़वाली व्यंग्य कविता, लोकगीत)
- Satirical Garhwali Poetry by  Sunil Bhatt

"खांसी चौमासी"
खांसी चौमासी,
झूठा सबूत
झणी कन कना,
रोगी छन रे।।
लाटा काऽला,
फूलों का ड्वाऽला
राज भ्वगणा,
भोगी छन रे।।
मनखी यू देव्ता,
रक्वैड़ी लग्यूँ चा
सीणू नी खाणू,
कर्मयोगी छन रे।।
सीखणा नी यूँसै,
द्यखणा नी यूँतैं
ठगणौं बैठ्याँन,
ढोंगी छन रे।।
स्वरचित/**सुनील भट्ट**

गढ़वाली आधुनिक लोकगीत , कविता,  लोकगीत, गढ़वाली व्यंग्य लोकगीतकविता/ , आधुनिक लोकगीत, व्यंग्य कविता , गढ़वाली व्यंग्य कविता  Satirical Garhwali poem by Garhwali Poet, Satirical Garhwali poem by Sunil Bhatt ,Folk Songs, Modern Garhwali folk Song

Bhishma Kukreti

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सुनील भट्ट की गढ़वाली कविताएं

Garhwali Verses by Sunil Bhatt

          "रूईं प्वीं फेर वी  छुईं"

कख लग्याँ तुम चक्कर मा, तुमरी बी छ्वीं ।

Bhishma Kukreti

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सुनील भट्ट की गढ़वाली कविताएं

Garhwali Verses by Sunil Bhatt

          "रूईं प्वीं फेर वी  छुईं"

कख लग्याँ तुम चक्कर मा, तुमरी बी छ्वीं ।

Bhishma Kukreti

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आज दिनांक 06/11/2016 सुप्रभात  सभी मित्रों को जी। इनै सुणा धौं....बल चुनौं नजदीक....
                           जरा सभंलीऽऽक.....
                           यूँ भावों की एक तुराक ..

         "पंच केदार पुजुणू छौं"

हम्म....अब ऐ गेनी चुनौ नजीक,
हे मेरी ब्वै! अब दिख्याँ तौंकी गिच्ची।
चिफऽली, पितऽली हाँ भै सच्ची,
रड़म रैड़ी खेल्या धौं रड़ागुसी।।

अब तौंथैं मेरू भारी ख्याल आण,
द्वी दिनौं मी हीरो बणाण ।
गपोड़्यौंन करड़ करड़ कैरि,
म्यरा कंदूड़ क्वरी खूबकै खाण।
चुनौ मा तुमुथैं खूब बखाण,
अर जीतै माऽला गौऽला डऽलैकी,
घिडुड़ै जन फुर्र ह्वै जाण ।।

मी "उत्तराखंड" छौं दगड़्यौं,
टुप्प बैठी तमाशु द्यखुणू छौं।
मिल्याँ सच्चा सेवादार ईं दाऽऽ,
हे देव्तौं, पंच केदार पुजुणू छौं।।

एक तुराक/स्वरचित
  सुनील भट्ट 06/11/2016

Bhishma Kukreti

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सुप्रभात सभी मित्रों को जी। 17/11/2016
पलायन से जोड़ी देखा।
       "मेरी तिमलै डाली"

मेरी तिमलै डाली, झणी कु लछैगे,
चुफ्फा तलैई बी, खूबकै चुगनैगे।।
मी त रैग्यौं बौण जयूँ
अर नौना गोर चरौणा,
सासु बिचरी त भितरै सैंईं रैग्ये।
मेरी तिमलै डाली झणी कु लछैगे ।।

सुख दुख मा कबरयौं
कै ध्वारों जाणू नी हुयेंदू ,
तमाशुगेर बणी बल, ऊ त द्यखदै रैगे।
मेरी तिमलै डाली झणी कु लछैगे ।।
अपणी अपणी खाणी पीणी
दुख दर्द बी अपणा अपणा छन,
हर्चीगे अब ऊ सारू भरोसू, बुरू जमानु ऐगे।
मेरी तिमलै डाली झणी कु लछैगे।।

ठठा मजाक बणौण मा कै
हैंके कुछ नी ख्वयेंदू,
देल्यौं देल्यौं जै जैकी झणी कु छ्वीं सरकैगे।
मेरी तिमलै डाली झणी कु लछैगे।।
हम स्वचणा रा कि ऊ ऐ जाला
ऊ त ब्वना  तुम अफी लीजा,
छौंदा हथ्यौं खुट्यौं बल तू डूंडी किलै ह्वैगे।
मेरी तिमलै डाली झणी कु लछैगे।।

स्वरचित/**सुनील भट्ट**

Bhishma Kukreti

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सुप्रभात भैं बन्दौं। आज 19/12/2016
दिदौं दुख विपदा अपणौ मा ही त लगौदन है न?....
अर सारू भ्वरोसू भी....
एक आह्वान  दगड़ी उत्तराखंड का बड़ा बड़ा औदौं (औहदा) पर विराजमान समस्त उत्तराखंड्यौ थैं समर्पित मेरी या रचना।।
पंच केदार पुजणू छौं" भाग-2

यनु सी लगणु अब
मेरी खैरी का दिन,
कटेई गेनी दिदौं।
गाती का दुखदा,
मौऽली सी गेनी दिदौं।।

म्यरा सैत्याँ, म्यरा पऽल्याँ
म्यरा अपड़ा आज जब देखुदू ऊँथैं
औऽऽ मत्थी टुक्कु मा बैठ्यूँ,
त मेरी वा सुखीं डाली,
हैरी भैरी  द्यखेंदी दिदौं।
अर वींका फाक्यौं कु खुशी मा नचणू,
म्यरा दिलै झैल बुझौंदी दिदौं।।

खूब ह्वुयाँ , खूब रयाँ
गौं गल्या, दगड़ी कुटुंब परिवार
अर अपणा भै बंदौं बी खूब ख्याल रख्याँ।
सदनी सुपन्यूऽऽई  द्यखणू ह्वै मीकुणै
अर अजी बी सुपन्या द्यखुणू छौं,
मी उत्तराखंड छौं दगड़्यौं,
पंच केदार पुजणू छौं ।।

स्वरचित/**सुनील भट्ट**

Bhishma Kukreti

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  "रूईं प्वीं फेर वी  छुईं"
कख लग्याँ तुम चक्कर मा, तुमरी बी छ्वीं ।

Bhishma Kukreti

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     "मेरी बेटुली" (Modern Garhwali Folk Songs)


बाबा जा जरा चा बणै दे,
लाड़ी जा तौं भांडौं मजै दे।
उठ छोरी तड़तड़ू घाम ऐ गेई, 
गौड़ी रामणी जरा पींडु खलै दे।।

तेरी ब्वैई मुंडारू, मुंडु दबै दे,
हे छोरी दादी कु, मुंडु कंघै दे।
पाणी कु बंठा, चम भ्वरी तैं घौर ऐई
पिस्यूँ निमड़ीगेई, तौ ग्यौं पिसै दे।।

जनि बोला टुप्प टुप्प लगीं रैंदी,
तेरी चिंता मेरी लाड़ी सुखी तू चैंदी।
घुट गौऽली लगनी मेरी बटुली,
सौरास मा झणी कनी तू ह्वोली।
मेरी बेटुली, मेरी लाडुली
मेरी लाडुली, मेरी बेटुली।।

स्वरचित/**सुनील भट्ट**

आधुनिक लोकगीत/कविताएं , नज्म ;  , उत्तरकाशी गढ़वाल से आधुनिक लोकगीत कविताएं , नज्म;  टिहरी गढ़वाल से आधुनिक लोकगीत कविताएं , नज्म; रुद्रप्रयाग गढ़वाल से आधुनिक लोकगीत कविताएं , नज्म, चमोली गढ़वाल से आधुनिक लोकगीत कविताएं , नज्म, , सलाण से गढ़वाल से आधुनिक लोकगीत; पौड़ी तहसील से  गढ़वाल से आधुनिक लोकगीत कविताएं , नज्म, ; लैंसडौन तहसील  गढ़वाल से आधुनिक लोकगीत , कविताएं , नज्म

Garhwali verses, Garhwali Folk Songs, Garhwali Poems

Garhwali Verses by Sunil Bhatt

Bhishma Kukreti

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Palayan Yug
भै बन्दौं, दिदी भुल्यौ ....
क्य कन दिल मा छुपै नी सकदू,
मन औंदू जु वैतैं  लिखदू
दगड़यौं  जन बी होलु तब

"कु छै रै तू "

माँजी तेरू थुल्या,
चुलख्यांदौ प्वड़्यू चा।
माँजी तामौ बंठा,
लटै मा धर्यूँ चा।

काठौ बक्सा दीमक लैगे,
दूध दै का ठ्यका औफार सड़ीगे।
द्यवथान पितरों की फोटो खराब,
जलोठा मिली एक पुरणी किताब
जैमा कर्यूँ तेरू झणी क्या हिसाब।

आमै डाली, खूब झपन्याली
नींब्वा लग्यान मोरी अग्वाड़ी।
डाला बूटा, पाणी धारू,
चखुला प्वतला, बैठ्यान सारू,
टक्क लगैई...म्यरा जनै।
द्याखणान मीतैं, पुछणान मीतैं....कि
हे मनखी कु छै रै तू ...
हे दगड़्या रै कु छै रै तू ।।

स्वरचित/**सुनील भट्ट**

Bhishma Kukreti

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Krishan Kumar Mamgain : A Garhwali Poet  of Spiritual  poems and famous for Couplets  and Kundliyan
(Chronological History of Garhwali Poetry )

Present Address:   House No. 43, Block - C4F, Janak Puri, New Delhi-110058.
Place of Birth & Village:     Village – Molthi, Patti Paidul Syun, Pauri Garhwal.
Education:   Post Graduate (Economics)
Date of Birth :   22.04.1953
Occupation :   Retired Govt. Officer from Min. of Health & FW.

After retirement in April, 2013, worked as Consultant through USAID in MoHFW from May, 2013 till about end of 2015 and then left the job on health ground.   
Creating poetry :

The inspiration for traditional and spiritual attempts for such poetry was my Mother. She used to tell us the traditional and religious stories – the local as well as the puranic.      Started in 70s in Hindi. Wrote an Aarati of Shri Bhairav Nath in Hindi. This Aaratee is presently recited in the temple functions/Annual Pooja in the village temple at Molthi. Published an Aarati Calander for the same in 1980/81.

   The first Garhwali poetry was also attempted by me during this period and it was Shri Satyanarayan Vrat Katha. A booklet was published on this during early eighties. A copy of this Katha has been sent to you  and the same was also posted on Face book post.

   Based on the traditional Ghadelas, that were recorded by me for a number of years, attempted to complete a booklet on Bhairav Chalisa relating to my Bhairav nath jee. This was published in 80s and was containing some keertan bhajans also. This Bhairav Chalisa was in Hindi.

    During 2008/09 published a booklet “Shri Nadbud Bhairav Kripa” -  This relates to Daint Shanghar and besides the Wartas recited by the Dhamies in Ghadelas, it includes the gist of Durga Sapatasati. This also includes the regional gatha of my Eesht Bhairav as is prayed by the Dhamies during Ghadelas. This was in Garhwali. The Satyanarayan Vrat Katha was also included in this booklet besides some bhajan and keertans.  A copy of the Booklet has been sent to you.

   Again in 2013/14, published a new Calander of the Aartee of Bhairav Naath. A copy of this has also been posted on Face book.

   This all was Charitable and for free distribution.   

    Since 70s, I was keeping track of knowing different Garhwali pakhanas/sayings. Then I started making DOHAS for each Garhwali pakhana that was known to me.  As of now, I have a lot of such Garhwali DOHAs  with the title “GARHWALI PAKHANO KA BUKHANA”  . About 190 such DOHAS have been posted on Face book posts . One such Doha is posted every day . This is ongoing process and will continue.

    Besides the inspiration from my Mother, one of my Cousin Brothers who was retired as an Air Force Officer, wrote about 6 to 8 version of Geeta in hindi poetry. Following him, I started transcribing Geeta in Garhwali Slokas. Slowly, slowly I attempted a lot of  the task. Unfortunately at a point of time some data was lost and for that reason It required more time to complete the same.  Ist Adhyay of Geeta has already been posted by me on Face book. The second spell post for another Adhyay(s) is due shortly.  However,  Garhwali verse (Slolk) of one Geeta Slok is being posted on Face book every day.  The transcribing work is going on.

   Also use to look for other religious / cultural material for transcribing in Garhwali language.

   On the instance of one of the advice of Sir Bhishm Kukreti through  Facebook Post; also trying to have an attempt for a poetic version in Garhwali  for History of Garhwal. Sample of the poetry on “Garhwal ka Itihas Garhwali me”  is given below for pleasure of Sir Kukareti Ji:

“”  ………………
ईं कथा म मि करदू छौं ब्याख्यान अब
सूंणां इतिहास गढ़वाल कू सब का सब ॥
शुरु करदां कथा हम पुरांणूं  बटी
थोड़ा इतिहास का छेत्र से कुछ हटी ॥

यू उई छेत्र च जक्ख शिबजी ब्यवैनि
पार्बत्या ब्वे-बबुन कन्या दान कनी ॥
शिवजि पार्वति का ब्यो थैं याद  करा
तिरजुगी नारैsण   जू अमर कैरि ग्या ॥
……………… “”
This may however, take time – particularly for want of supporting and relevant documents and study of the same.  Let’s hope good.

   Besides, I am also having stock of self made Garhwali Haikus which are based on our culture  and are related to our society and system.  One Haiku in Garhwali is being posted every day now for acquaintance of the readers.

   As best usage of retirement time, trying to present something from Hindi ambit to Garhwali language such as Dohas, Roalas, Chopayees, Kundalies etc. besides writing some description in English about the annual pooja of  village.  Also use to write kavitas often. Transcribing Sanskrit slokas in Garhwali is rather my pleasure by presenting the easier form of the same before the society.

Uses of foreign words as Hindi, Sanskrit, English:   Since we are not academicians, I feel that in order to open gates for development of any language and its followers particularly the Garhwali and the Garhwalies; we need to have an open mind to come forward and serve the language and the society. The importance of English can not be ignored. Knowledge of other foreign languages has become necessity of our growing children.  In no way, I feel, these languages hamper the Garhwali language. Rather Garhwali language may become associate with such languages in future with a friendly behavior.
We need to make our language operative.  लालच दे के भी गढ़वाली भाषा बचनी पड़ेगी साहब। अगर हम हिन्दी म रेल कु प्रयोग कैरी सकदा त शायद गढ़वाली म भी जादा मीन मेख नी कारां त मेरा हिसाब से उचित होलु ।
These are my personal views Sir.

Our prime responsibility becomes that in the changing scenario, we must ensure to prevent the deterioration of prevalence and usage of Garhwali language irrespective of need based use of other languages.  So, to me, instead of thinking for usage or non usage of words of other languages, I would prefer to start in making correspondence with local Government (Uttarakhand) in Garhwali language at least for the general issues that are not time bound – such as making request for roads, schools, water, electricity etc. etc.  This will pave a way ahead and will reflect the need for the language as well. 

Sir, you have a good following and vast area of your followers. It would be my personal request to persons/personalities like you to put a debate on this point that during January – April, 2017 how many requests/applications (individual or collective) were given to the local Government (Govt. of Uttarakhand) in Garhwali or Kumauni languages. I feel the response may be poor. So we need to start with this which is well in our hands Sir.  I think I talked too much, but this is only w.r.t. the query. Sir अगर हम out cast marriage करी सकदां त भाषा म परहेज न्याय संगत नि लगनू च। मोर्डेर्न जमनु च adjustment is advisable.   Regards.
   कुकरेती साहब नमस्कार। ई डिटेल्स मीन पैली भी आपका माँगना पर मैसेज करीना। ।
   ब्याली की पोस्ट्स मिन आपका वास्ता मेल करी यली छई।
   देंत संघर, सत्यनारायण बरत कथा  आदि की डिटेल्स जल्दी ही भ्यज्दू ।
आभार एवं नमस्कार ।
As told by Krishna Kumar himself for Him


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