Author Topic: Chief Executive Officer Guidelines, CEO Refreshing Guidelines  (Read 67850 times)

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Chief Executive Officer Guidelines, CEO Refreshing Guidelines
« Reply #60 on: May 12, 2020, 10:08:46 AM »
CEO must understand the importance of Sweet words

Guidelines for Chief Executive Officers (CEO) series – 62
(Guiding Lessons for CEOs based on Shukra Niti)
(Refreshing notes for Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) based on Shukra Niti)
By: Bhishma Kukreti (Sales and Marketing Consultant)

 नित्यं  मनोपहरिणया वाचा   प्रहलादयेज्जग्त I
उद्वेजयति भूतानि क्रूर वाग्धनदोअपि सन्न   II(  Shukra Niti  Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan,166  ) 
The person should make all happy by sweet words. Even if the donor is Kuber (Wealth God) and uses harsh words, he makes people unhappy by those harsh words. (  Shukra Niti   Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan,166  ) 
  CEOs should always remember that words spoken or written affect the more than beating the persons.
CEO must follow a best proverb in Sanskrit – सत्यं ब्रूयात प्रियं ब्रूयात, न ब्रूयात सत्त्यम अप्रियम, प्रियं च नानृतम् ब्रूयात .  (The universal truth is that speak truth and speak sweet words, However, don’t speak truth those are harsh and don’t speak sweet words if those are lies . )
CEOs should keep always in mind the words of Rachel Wolchin,“ Be mindful when it comes to your words. A string of some that don’t mean much to you may stick with someone for a lifetime”
Perhaps Rumi reminded CEOs only by saying,“  Raise your words not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers and not thunders.”
CEO must keep in mind a Hindi saying (   वाणी से निकला शब्द व बाण से निकला तीर वापस नही आता) before speaking. The saying means that the words from tongue and arrow from bow once leave don’t return.
Pearl Strachan Hurd rightly defines the words,  “ Handle them carefully , for words have more power than atom bomb”
Mother Teresa rightly said , “ Kind words can be short and easy to speak but their echoes are truly endless.”.
CEO whether speaks with r  colleagues , employees, stakeholders and or competitors should speak sweet words as sweet words are positive characters for CEO.
1-Shukra Niti, Manoj Pocket Books Delhi, page 39
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 2020
Guidelines for speaking sweet words for Chief Executive Officers; Guidelines for speaking sweet words for Managing Directors; Guidelines for speaking sweet words for Chief Operating officers (CEO); Guidelines for speaking sweet words for  General Mangers; Guidelines for speaking sweet words for Chief Financial Officers (CFO) ; Guidelines for speaking sweet words for Executive Directors ; Guidelines for speaking sweet words for ; Refreshing Guidelines for speaking sweet words for  CEO; Refreshing Guidelines for speaking sweet words for COO ; Refreshing Guidelines for speaking sweet words for CFO ; Refreshing Guidelines for speaking sweet words for  Managers; Refreshing Guidelines for speaking sweet words for  Executive Directors; Refreshing Guidelines for speaking sweet words for MD ; Refreshing Guidelines for speaking sweet words for Chairman ; Refreshing Guidelines for speaking sweet words for President

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Chief Executive Officer Guidelines, CEO Refreshing Guidelines
« Reply #61 on: May 13, 2020, 03:57:25 PM »
CEO should never use hurtful Words

Guidelines for Chief Executive Officers (CEO) series – 63
(Guiding Lessons for CEOs based on Shukra Niti)
(Refreshing notes for Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) based on Shukra Niti)   

By: Bhishma Kukreti (Sales and Marketing Consultant)

  हृदि विद्ध  इत्वात्यर्थ यथा संतप्यते जन: I
  पीडितोअपि हि मेधावी न तां वाचमुदरयेत II (  Shukra Niti  Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan,167  ) 
Translation:- Even in painful situation, the wise and learned persons should never use hurtful words those give pain to others as  painful as arrows hurt .. 
(  Shukra Niti  Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan,167  ) 
CEo must understand the damaging effects of hurtful, slurry or negative words. 
If complimentary words affect the persons same way hurtful, surly words, nasty or negative spoken purposely or carelessly are dangerous too.
The hurtful words told even carelessly or unintentionally affect as acid hurts.
Negative, slurry hurtful words are so powerful that the hurtled person does not forget for years to come.
The negative, slurry or hurtful words are more painful than the physical insult.
Speaking negative words or slurry words is type of cruelty. The CEO must know that the cruelty breeds cruelty.
 The use of slurry, negative words is nothing but a self-defeating behaviour.
There is proverb  now, stone and stick break the  bones and  bad words, hurtful words or slurry words hurt the brain.
The bad words, slurry words, negative words or hurtful words activate the pain matrix in brain (brain’s storage place for past memories of painful experiences).
The above explanations are from modern world but Shukra Niti created around 1st century or so advised mankind long back that bad words or hurtful words are dangerous for all. .
1-Shukra Niti, Manoj Pocket Books Delhi, page 39
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 2020

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Chief Executive Officer Guidelines, CEO Refreshing Guidelines
« Reply #62 on: May 14, 2020, 10:03:07 AM »
CEO must know that Sweet Talk is powerful tool

Guidelines for Chief Executive Officers (CEO) series – 64
(Guiding Lessons for CEOs based on Shukra Niti)
(Refreshing notes for Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) based on Shukra Niti)   

By: Bhishma Kukreti (Sales and Marketing Consultant)

प्रियमेवाभिधातव्यं  नित्यं  सत्सु  द्विषत्सु वा  I
शिखीव कैकां मधुरां वाचं ब्रूते जनप्रिय:  II168II
  मदरक्तस्य हंसस्य  कोकिलस्य शिखंडिन::  I
 हरन्ति  न तथा वाचो यथा वाचो विपश्चिताम्  II 169II (  Shukra Niti  Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan,168. 169) 
 The sweet talker is always liked by all as a peacock. Therefore, the person should speak sweet words with gentleman as well with crocked or wicked men. Of course! The speech of scholars cannot be compared with call of swan , peacock or quale .(  Shukra Niti  Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan,168, 169) 
 The CEOs should make sure that they speak sweet words and take following lesion for speaking sweet words always –
 Respecting Others:- If person  respects  other it means the person will speak sweet words only.
Being Sympathetic: The person must be sympathetic to other for speaking sweet tone or sweet words 
Being Confident: - if a person is confident mostly that person does not use harsh words because coward speaks in harsh language.
Being humorous:- using humorous words in speech make person speaking sweet words but humour does not mean sarcastic or acidic words.
Using flattery words: - For using sweet words, the person should speak a few flattery words too.
1-Shukra Niti, Manoj Pocket Books Delhi, page 40
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 2020
Guidelines for Respecting  Others ,  Chief Executive Officers using sweet words ; Guidelines for Being Sympathetic  for Managing Directors using sweet words ; Guidelines for being Confident for Chief Operating officers (CEO ) using sweet words ; Guidelines Being humorous for  General Managers for using sweet words  ; Guidelines for Chief Financial Officers (CFO) ; Guidelines for Executive Directors ; Guidelines for ; Refreshing Guidelines for  CEO; Refreshing Guidelines for COO ; Refreshing Guidelines for Using flattery words for CFO  using sweet words ; Refreshing Guidelines for  Managers; Refreshing Guidelines for  Executive Directors; Refreshing Guidelines for MD ; Refreshing Guidelines for Chairman ; Refreshing Guidelines for President

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Chief Executive Officer Guidelines, CEO Refreshing Guidelines
« Reply #63 on: May 15, 2020, 07:53:33 AM »
Benefits by helping the well-wishers and Sweet Talks 

Guidelines for Chief Executive Officers (CEO) series – 65
(Guiding Lessons for CEOs based on Shukra Niti)
(Refreshing notes for Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) based on Shukra Niti)   
By: Bhishma Kukreti (Sales and Marketing Consultant)
ये  प्रियाणि प्रभाषन्ते प्रियामिच्छंति सत्कृतम्  I
श्रीमंतो बन्द्चरिता देवास्ते नरविग्रहा: II(  Shukra Niti  Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan,168. 170) 
 The persons those speak sweet and always wish to benefit the well-wishers and act as that those are as deities.
(  Shukra Niti  Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan,168. 170) 
 Well-wisher means that one who wishes well to another.
CEO must see that he/she helps his/her well- wishers and hears them too.
  The sweet talk mannerism has many benefits as already listed in last chapter.
CEO must know that well-wishers are always looking out best for you and the CEO must know those well-wishers.
CEO must be aware that well-wisher are always concerned selflessly about your happiness and taking care of well-wisher is nothing but taking care of self.
CEO must know that well-wishers are not hypocrite at all. Therefore, CEO must hear what her/his well-wishers are saying.
CEO must make a note that the well-wisher does not sugar-coat the things in saying.
CEO should be aware that well-wisher is not afraid of being rude.
CEO must know that well-wisher criticises for the benefits only.
There is a saying that well-wisher not only hears you but listens to you .
The well-wisher enthusiasts you to try again after failures
 CEO must be aware that having well-wishers around you will have positives vibes
Therefore, CEO must recognize the well-wishers and should keep around her or him
1-Shukra Niti, Manoj Pocket Books Delhi, page 40
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 2020

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Chief Executive Officer Guidelines, CEO Refreshing Guidelines
« Reply #64 on: May 16, 2020, 12:21:34 PM »
Four  4    Immutable Rules for Winning people‘s Heart 
Guidelines for Chief Executive Officers (CEO) series – 65
(Guiding Lessons for CEOs based on Shukra Niti)
(Refreshing notes for Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) based on Shukra Niti)   

By: Bhishma Kukreti (Sales and Marketing Consultant)

नहीदूशं संवननं त्रिषु   लोकेषु   विद्यते   I
दया मैत्री च भूतेषु  दानं च धुर च वाक्   II171II  (  Shukra Niti  Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan,171) 
You can control positively people by kindness to all living organism;, showing love for them;  offering them that they desire and talking sweet words .this si subjugation . Because everybody is subjugate by such person.
(  Shukra Niti  Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan,171) 
  CEO must know following Immutable rules for winning People’s heart-
1-Non Violence and Kindness to all living organism
2-Loving all Living organism
3-Donating desired thing to those persons 
4-Sweet talks to all
1-Shukra Niti, Manoj Pocket Books Delhi, page 40
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 2020
Immutable rules of Winning People’s hearts ; Guidelines for Chief Executive Officers; Immutable rules of Winning People’s hearts ; Guidelines for Managing Directors; Immutable rules of Winning People’s hearts ; Guidelines for Chief Operating officers (CEO); Immutable rules of Winning People’s hearts ; Guidelines for  General Mangers; Immutable rules of Winning People’s hearts ; Guidelines for Chief Financial Officers (CFO) ; Immutable rules of Winning People’s hearts ; Guidelines for Executive Directors ; Immutable rules of Winning People’s hearts ; Guidelines for ; Refreshing Immutable rules of Winning People’s hearts ; Guidelines for  CEO; Refreshing Immutable rules of Winning People’s hearts ; Guidelines for COO ; Refreshing Immutable rules of Winning People’s hearts ; Guidelines for CFO ; Refreshing Immutable rules of Winning People’s hearts ; Guidelines for  Managers; Refreshing Immutable rules of Winning People’s hearts ; Guidelines for  Executive Directors; Refreshing Immutable rules of Winning People’s hearts ; Guidelines for MD ; Refreshing Immutable rules of Winning People’s hearts ; Guidelines for Chairman ; Refreshing Immutable rules of Winning People’s hearts ; Guidelines for President

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Chief Executive Officer Guidelines, CEO Refreshing Guidelines
« Reply #65 on: May 17, 2020, 12:41:42 PM »
CEO Understanding the meaning of Prayer and respecting scholars and gentlemen/gentlewomen
Guidlines for Chief Executive Officers (CEO) series – 67
(Guiding Lessons for CEOs based on Shukra Niti)
(Refreshing notes for Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) based on Shukra Niti)   

By: Bhishma Kukreti (Sales and Marketing Consultant)

श्रुतिरास्तिक्य पूतात्मा पूजयेत  देवतां   सदा I
देवतावद्   गुरुजनमात्मवच  सुहृज्जनम्    II(172)  Shukra Niti  Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan,172) 
The person should perform prayer   of deity with complete faith and without any doubt or confusion. Same way, the person should respect the Gurus (scholars) and gentlemen with complete faith, devotion  and belief. (  Shukra Niti  Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan,172) 
CEO might be of any sect or religion, she /he should perform prayer with compete devotion , faith and doubtless logic.
  While, praying or discussing about God, she or he should not doubt on his existence at all. If anybody does not believe in God then she or he should believe hundred per cent that there is no God. In bth the cases hundred per cent devotion is must.
 The CEO always should respect the learned persons of the industry or out of industry. The CEO should respect experienced persons as she /he respects God.
1-Shukra Niti, Manoj Pocket Books Delhi

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Chief Executive Officer Guidelines, CEO Refreshing Guidelines
« Reply #66 on: May 18, 2020, 01:03:34 PM »
CEO must respect to knowledgeable, gurus, gentlemen , gentlewomen and deities
Guidlines for Chief Executive Officers (CEO) series – 68
(Guiding Lessons for CEOs based on Shukra Niti)
(Refreshing notes for Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) based on Shukra Niti)   

By: Bhishma Kukreti (Sales and Marketing Consultant)

प्राणिपातेन ही गुरून सतो अनुचान   चेष्टितै: I
कुर्विताभिमुखान्देवान् भूत्यै सुकृत कर्माणाम्   II 173 II(Shukra Niti Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan, 173) 
Translation;- The King should get blessing by saluting to Veda Knowledgeable Brahman , Gurus , gentlemen –gentlewomen and deities. By doing so the King becomes happy.
(Shukra Niti Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan, 173) 
1-Shukra Niti, Manoj Pocket Books Delhi, page 40
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 2020
Guidlines for Chief Executive Officers (CEO) to be continued …

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Chief Executive Officer Guidelines, CEO Refreshing Guidelines
« Reply #67 on: May 19, 2020, 11:39:14 AM »
CEO must know the Immutable Rules for Winning people
Guidlines for Chief Executive Officers (CEO) series – 69
(Guiding Lessons for CEOs based on Shukra Niti)
(Refreshing notes for Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) based on Shukra Niti)   
By: Bhishma Kukreti (Sales and Marketing Consultant)
सद्भावेन हरेन्मित्रं  सद्भावेन च बान्धवानन् I
स्त्रीभृत्यौ प्रेममानाभ्यां दाक्षिणयेनेतरं जनम् II (Shukra Niti Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan, 174) 
Translation – By Goodwill the person win over friends and family members. By love and respects a man wins over wife and servants and by acting as per other’s desire the person wins foolish people too.
(Shukra Niti Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan, 174) 
The CEO must make a note that following are immutable rules for winning different people –
1 -Good will wins friends and family members
2- Love and Respect win wife and employees
3- Performing desirable acts  win the od people
1-Shukra Niti, Manoj Pocket Books Delhi, page 40
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 2020
Guidlines for Chief Executive Officers (CEO) to be continued …
Immutable laws for winning people will be further discussed in coming  chapters of CEO guidelines

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Chief Executive Officer Guidelines, CEO Refreshing Guidelines
« Reply #68 on: May 20, 2020, 01:28:08 PM »
Four  Most Important Qualities of Successful CEO

Guidlines for Chief Executive Officers (CEO) series – 70

(Guiding Lessons for CEOs based on Shukra Niti)

(Refreshing notes for Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) based on Shukra Niti)   

By: Bhishma Kukreti (Sales and Marketing Consultant)

 बलवान् बुद्धिमान् शूरो यो हि युक्त पराक्रमी  I

  वित्तपूर्णा महीं भुंक्ते स भूयो भूपतिर्भवेत्    II (Shukra Niti Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan, 175)


In fact, the King is that that is strong, intelligent, gallant and that who can exhibit courage at important time.

(Shukra Niti Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan, 175)
The CEO should have following Four Qualities for success -

 Strong: - from all angles, the CEO must be of strong personality

Intelligent: - The person aiming to be CEO should be intelligent from all angles.

Gallant: - The CEO must be brave enough for taking decision.

Courageous:- The person should be courageous especially when the time is crucial. 


1-Shukra Niti, Manoj Pocket Books Delhi, page 40

Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 2020

Guidelines for knowing four Important Qualities for  Chief Executive Officers; Guidelines for knowing four Important Qualities  for Managing Directors; Guidelines for knowing four Important Qualities  for Chief Operating officers (CEO);  Guidelines for knowing four Important Qualities  for  General Mangers; Guidelines for knowing four Important Qualities  for Chief Financial Officers (CFO) ; Guidelines for knowing four Important Qualities  for Executive Directors ; Guidelines for knowing four Important Qualities  for ; Refreshing Guidelines for knowing four Important Qualities  for  CEO; Refreshing Guidelines for knowing four Important Qualities  for COO ; Refreshing Guidelines for knowing four Important Qualities  for CFO ; Refreshing Guidelines for knowing four Important Qualities  for  Managers; Refreshing Guidelines for knowing four Important Qualities  for  Executive Directors; Refreshing Guidelines for knowing four Important Qualities  for MD ; Refreshing Guidelines for knowing four Important Qualities  for Chairman ; Refreshing Guidelines for knowing four Important Qualities for  President

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Chief Executive Officer Guidelines, CEO Refreshing Guidelines
« Reply #69 on: May 21, 2020, 12:54:48 PM »
CEO must acquire 4 Essential Qualities
Guidlines for Chief Executive Officers (CEO) series – 71
(Guiding Lessons for CEOs based on Shukra Niti)
(Refreshing notes for Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) based on Shukra Niti)
By: Bhishma Kukreti (Sales and Marketing Consultant)

पराक्रमो बलं बुद्धि: शौर्यमते वरा गुणाः   I
एभिर्हीनोन्यगुणयुग्महीभुक सधनोअपि च II 176II
महीं स्वल्पां नैव भुंक्ते  दूतं राज्याद्विनश्यति
महाधनाच्च नृपतेर्विभात्यल्पोअपि पार्थिव:    II 177 II
अव्याहृताज्ञस्तेजस्वी एभिरेव गुण: भवेत् I
राज्ञ: साधारणास्त्वन्ये न शक्ता भूप्रसाधने II 178II (Shukra Niti Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan, 1761-178) 
Translation –
 Industriousness (efforts); strength, intellect, brevity are the best qualities of a person. The King without those qualities or having opposite qualities does not get a small land. If that person who does not have those properties becomes King that king will not survive and diminish. It means that Best quality person is the Best king even of small land. That King is famous, people follow him. Without those properties or opposite properties that king cannot raise the people and cannot rule.
(Shukra Niti Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan, 1761-178) 
 The CEO must acquire following qualities if does not present –
1-Industriousness: (working energetically and devotedly, because Industriousness has following benefits –
Achieve gaols and face adversity smoothly
Increases enjoyment by increasing creativity
Improves skill and resourcefulness
Persistent is the key of success in life
2- Strength means strong enough physically and mentally that means the CEO must be first bodily healthy for being mentally healthy.
3-Bravest or Courageousness –both the characteristic means the person can take adversity smoothly and can take tough critical decision on that time and other normal time too.
4-Intelligence or logical thinking – by Logical thinking, the CEO can take unbiased decision and can examine the matter without prejudice,
1-Shukra Niti, Manoj Pocket Books Delhi, page 40
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 2020
Guidelines for acquiring the     most important qualities Chief Executive Officers; Guidelines for acquiring the     most important qualities Managing Directors; Guidelines for acquiring the     most important qualities Chief Operating officers (CEO); Guidelines for acquiring the     most important qualities  General Mangers; Guidelines for acquiring the     most important qualities Chief Financial Officers (CFO) ; Guidelines for acquiring the     most important qualities Executive Directors ; Guidelines for acquiring the     most important qualities ; Refreshing Guidelines for acquiring the     most important qualities  CEO; Refreshing Guidelines for acquiring the     most important qualities COO ; Refreshing Guidelines for acquiring the     most important qualities CFO ; Refreshing Guidelines for acquiring the     most important qualities  Managers; Refreshing Guidelines for acquiring the     most important qualities  Executive Directors; Refreshing Guidelines for acquiring the     most important qualities MD ; Refreshing Guidelines for acquiring the     most important qualities Chairman ; Refreshing Guidelines for acquiring the     most important qualities President


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