Author Topic: Let Us be Effective Manager (Mangament Guru)-By Bi  (Read 90174 times)

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Let Us be Effective Manager (Mangament Guru)-By Bi
« Reply #70 on: March 30, 2012, 09:45:34 AM »

Indian Mangement Guru- 54

भारतीय प्रबंधन गुरु - 54

                                 डा. राम चरण : ब्यापारिक गुरु

                                 Dr. Ram Charan :Business Guru                                                                                                     


Notes on indian General management Guru, , Indian Managemnt Thinkers and Bright Management Practices, Indian Management Gurus, Indian Marketing management Guru, Indian Human Resourse Development Management Guru, Indian Qaulity Mangement Guru, Operation Managemnt Guru, Indian Gurus

                                          Bhishma Kukreti


                       डा.राम चरण को जनम उत्तर प्रदेश मा १९३९ ई. मा ह्व़े छौ अर अबि तलक प्रोफ़ेसर राम चरण अणब्यव्या च .

मैनेजमेंट  गुरुओं मा राम चरण तैं फकीर बुले जांद .  ६७ कि उमर मा राम चरण न डालास अमेरिका मा घुर खरीद. वां से पैल

राम चरण होटल, दगड्यों ड़्यार इ रौंद थौ.

                डा.राम चरण न हार्वर्ड , कोल्लेग्ग मनेजमेंट अर बोस्टन मैनेजमेंट स्कुलूं मा मैनेजमेंट पढाई. राम चरण न कति व्यापारिक क्म्प्नीयुं

तैं सलाह दे .
 दुनिया क बड़ा बड़ा मैनेजमेंट गुरु राम चरण तैं मैनेजमेंट गुरु माणदन. अर बहुत सा जण्या मण्या  संस्थौं न राम चरण तैं पुरुस्कृत करी .

                                    Key Books by Indian Management Guru Dr.Ram Charan


1- Confronting Reality

2-Execution: The discipline of things getting done

3-What is the CEO wants You to know

4-Boards at work

5-Every Business is agrwoth Business and profitable growth
6-Profitable growth is every one business 

7-Know How:The 8 skills that separate people  who perform and Those who don't


Notes on Indian General Management Guru, , Notes on Indian Managemnt Thinkers and Indian Bright Management Practices,Indian Management Gurus, Indian Marketing Management Guru, Indian Qaulity Mangement Guru, Indian Operation Managemnt Guru,Indian Human Resourse Development Management Guru to be continued

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Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Let Us be Effective Manager (Mangament Guru)-By Bi
« Reply #71 on: April 03, 2012, 04:58:14 AM »

Indian Mangement Guru- 554

भारतीय प्रबंधन गुरु - 55

                            डा. प्रमोद बत्रा ; आत्म बोध से उत्साह                            

                              Pramod Batra: Self Improvement Guru                                                                       

Notes on indian General management Guru, , Indian Managemnt Thinkers and Bright Management Practices, Indian Management Gurus, Indian Marketing management Guru, Indian Human Resourse Development Management Guru, Indian Qaulity Mangement Guru, Operation Managemnt Guru, Indian Gurus

                                                      Bishma Kukreti

                     प्रमोद बत्रा कु जनम १९३६ मा पकिस्तान मा ह्व़े. डिल्ली बिटेन ग्रेजुएट ह्व़े फिर पी.एच. डी अर ड़ी फिल की डिग्री हासिल करीन

प्रमोद बत्रा मानव संसाधन को गुरु च. प्रमोद बत्रा लोगूँ तैं ट्रेनिंग दीन्दन
कथगा इ विसयुं पर  जन कि किताब मानव संसाधन अर मानव विकास पर छपी गेन. प्रमोद बत्रा हर बरस क्वी ना क्वी नयो नारा दींद. 

                     Books by Indian management Guru Pramod Batra
1- Simple ways to  Manage stress

2-Quotation for Happiness

3-Full Circle for friendship
4-Full Circle for Love


Notes on Indian General Management Guru, , Notes on Indian Managemnt Thinkers and Indian Bright Management Practices,Indian Management Gurus, Indian Marketing Management Guru, Indian Qaulity Mangement Guru, Indian Operation Managemnt Guru,Indian Human Resourse Development Management Guru to be continued


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Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Let Us be Effective Manager (Mangament Guru)-By Bi
« Reply #72 on: April 04, 2012, 11:36:42 AM »
Indian Mangement Guru- 56

भारतीय प्रबंधन गुरु - 56


                                              अरिंधम  चौधरी : प्रबंधन मा नई सोच को धड्वे 
                            Arindham  Chaudhari : Non-Convenstional Management Thinker

Notes on Asian Management Gurus, South Asian Management gurus , Indian Sub Continet Gurus, SARC countries Management gurus Indian General management Guru, , Indian Managemnt Thinkers and Bright Management Practices, Indian Management Gurus, Indian Marketing management Guru, Indian Human Resourse Development Management Guru, Indian Qaulity Mangement Guru, Operation Managemnt Guru, Indian Gurus

                                                        Bishma Kukreti

                       अरिंधम चौधरी आज भारतीय प्रबंध संसार मा चमकदो गैणा  / सितारा च.  अरिंधम चौधरी मणण च बल  भारत आर्थिक दौड़ मा अमेरिका तैं पछाड़ सकदो. अरिंधम चौधरी की -थ्योरी -इ-मैनेजमेंट की प्रबंधन संसार मा बडी छ्वीं लगदन ..

       अरिंधम चौधरी प्रबंधन मा नी सोच लाणो छ्वीं लगान्दो .अरिंधम चौधरी तै भौत  संस्थानो  न  पुरुस्कृत कार. विल्टन पार्क संस्था न अरिंधम चौधरी तै दक्षिण एशिया को महान प्रबंध विचारक बताई.

         अरिंधम चौधरी  की किताब लाखों संख्या मा बिकी गेन     

                          Key Books by Arindham  Chaudhari

1- count Your Chicken before they hatch

 2- The Great Indian dream

3- Discover dimonds in you

4-Thorns to competition

Notes on Asian Management Gurus, Indian Sub Continet Gurus, SARC countries Management gurus,  Indian General Management Guru, , Notes on Indian Managemnt Thinkers and Indian Bright Management Practices,Indian Management Gurus, Indian Marketing Management Guru, Indian Qaulity Mangement Guru, Indian Operation Managemnt Guru,Indian Human Resourse Development Management Guru to be continued

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Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Let Us be Effective Manager (Mangament Guru)-By Bi
« Reply #73 on: April 06, 2012, 05:14:40 AM »

भारतीय प्रबंधन गुरु - 57


                                           महर्षि शुक्राचार्य : एकमात्र गुरु जैन सी.ई.ओ विज्ञान का सिद्धांत देन


                                              Maharshi  Shukracharya : The Greatest Guru for CEO Science

Notes on Asian Management Gurus, South Asian Management gurus , Indian Sub Continet Gurus, SARC countries Management gurus Indian General management Guru, , Indian Managemnt Thinkers and Bright Management Practices, Indian Management Gurus, Indian Marketing management Guru, Indian Human Resourse Development Management Guru, Indian Qaulity Mangement Guru, Indian Operation Managemnt Guru, Indian Gurus

                                                    Bishma Kukreti

                      आज तक प्रबंधन विज्ञान या कला मा क्वी इन नि ह्व़े जैन समग्र ढंग से चीफ एक्जिक्युटिव ऑफिसर का वास्ता सफल अर व्यवहारिक सिद्धांत दे ह्व्वावन. मीन चीफ एक्जिक्युटिव ऑफिसर बान इक्हीं कती किताब बांचिन पण

सौब का सौब अधूरा छन  अर सिद्धांत अधूरा छन

 म्यरो दिखण मा अबि बि दुनिया मा चीफ एक्जिक्युटिव ऑफिसर को बान एकी किताब च अर वा च शुक्रनीति

                                       शुक्रनीति मा क्या च ?
१- राजक्रित्याधिकार निरूपण

२- युवराजदी लक्षण

३- राजा-राष्ट्र व सामान्य लक्षण

४-मित्रों अर दुश्मनू पछ्याणक

५- कोष/भंडारों इंतजाम

६-राज-प्रजा सम्बन्ध

७-विद्या, कला, ज्ञान  मा भेद

८-लोक धर्म सिद्धांत
९-राज धर्म सिधांत

१०-दुर्ग निरूपण

११-सैन्य निरूपण




                  Before, Mahabharata, Shukracharay developed peinciples for  successful running the adminsitration of a Kingdom by a king. There are following chapters in Shukraneeti


                                Main Chapters of Shukraneeti about Art, Science and Philosophy for Chief executive officer (CEO)

1-Rights and duties of a King (CEO)

2-Characteristics of Prince or Successor of a CEO

3-The Characteristics (Right &Duties) of King-Nationa- Subject (Responsibilities of CEO and staff)

4- Associates of King or CEO

5-Resource management by king or CEO

6-Education, Qualification, Training for all


8-Relationship management for King or CEO

9-Responsibilities, duties for higher management

10-Defence management

11-Offence management

12-Behavioural Art, Science and philosophy

Notes on Asian Management Gurus, South Asian Management gurus , Indian Sub Continet Gurus, SARC countries Management gurus Indian General management Guru, , Indian Managemnt Thinkers and Bright Management Practices, Indian Management Gurus, Indian Marketing management Guru, Indian Human Resourse Development Management Guru, Indian Qaulity Mangement Guru, Indian Operation Managemnt Guru, Indian Gurus

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Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Let Us be Effective Manager (Mangament Guru)-By Bi
« Reply #74 on: April 10, 2012, 01:32:28 AM »
Indian Mangement Guru- 58
भारतीय प्रबंधन गुरु - 58


                                                     चाणक्य: कूटनीति ,  राजनीति अर सामान्य प्रबंधन को महान गुरु

                                                     Chanyaka: The Ultimate Guru for Diplomacy Management and Statesmanship

Notes on Asian Management Gurus, South Asian Management gurus , Indian Sub Continet Gurus, SARC countries Management gurus Indian General management Guru, , Indian Managemnt Thinkers and Bright Management Practices, Indian Management Gurus, Indian Marketing management Guru, Indian Human Resourse Development Management Guru, Indian Qaulity Mangement Guru, Indian Operation Managemnt Guru, Indian Gurus, Indian political management gurus, Indian diplomacy management guru 


                                                          Bishma Kukreti

             चाणक्य: कूटनीति , राजनीति अर सामान्य प्रबंधन को महान गुरु छ. चाणक्य न मौर्य  शाशन कि नींव रख अर अपण च्याला चन्द्र गुप्त तैं राजा बणाई.

     चाणक्यक शास्त्रीय अर्थशास्त्र क नीति आज बि अर्थशास्त्र मा काम आन्द . उनी चाणक्यक सामान्य प्रबंधन का सूत्र आज बि उथगा कि काम का छन जथगा

    चाणक्यौ  समौ पर छया . चाणक्यक शास्त्रीय अर्थशास्त्र क नीति अर सामान्य प्रबंधन का सुत्रों पर महाभारत को पूरो असर च अर अदा से जादा सामान्य प्रबंधन सूत्र

विदुर नीति से लियां छन. य़ी सूत्र हरेक मनिखौ कुण कामक छन.


                            Chanakya, Vishnu Gupt or Kautilya (342-2893 B.C) is called ultimate guru of political science, diplomacy and general management. Chanakya was teacher at initial stage of great Indian king Chandra Gupt Maurya who ruled complete Indian subcontinent and later Chanakya was prime minister of his disciple.  his formulas in Neetishashtra are gem of formulas for all managers.

                                                               Books by Chanakya

1-Arth Shastra- is about classical principles of economics

2-Neetishashtram –is about formulas of general management

Notes on Asian Management Gurus, South Asian Management gurus , Indian Sub Continet Gurus, SARC countries Management gurus Indian General management Guru, , Indian Managemnt Thinkers and Bright Management Practices, Indian Management Gurus, Indian Marketing management Guru, Indian Human Resourse Development Management Guru, Indian Qaulity Mangement Guru, Indian Operation Managemnt Guru, Indian Gurus, Indian political management gurus, Indian diplomacy management guru  to be continued....

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Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Let Us be Effective Manager (Mangament Guru)-By Bi
« Reply #75 on: April 11, 2012, 07:48:43 AM »
Indian Mangement Guru- 59
भारतीय प्रबंधन गुरु - 59



                                              विदुर:  प्रबंधन अर मनुष्य विकास गुरु     
                                              Vidura: The Management Guru of Diplomacy and Personality Development


Notes on Asian Management Gurus, South Asian Management gurus , Indian Sub Continet Gurus, SARC countries Management gurus Indian General management Guru, , Indian Managemnt Thinkers and Bright Management Practices, Indian Management Gurus, Indian Marketing management Guru, Indian Human Resourse Development Management Guru, Indian Qaulity Mangement Guru, Indian Operation Managemnt Guru, Indian Gurus, Indian political management gurus, Indian diplomacy management guru


                                                                              Bhishma Kukreti



                      विदुर  (Vidura)महाभारत कु एक प्रमुख व्यक्तित्व  च. विदुर  (Vidura)धृतराष्ट्र   अर पांडु सौत्या भै छौ. विदुर (Vidura) राजा धृतराष्ट्र कु प्रधानमंत्री छौ.

महभारत मा उद्योगपर्व मा कई अध्याय विदुर नीति  (Vidura's statecraft) का छन. यूँ अध्याऊं मा विदुर धृतराष्ट्र तैं प्रबंधन, मनुष्य गुण , नीति, अनीति, पर्यावरण, युद्ध, सैन्य बल अर वास्तविक बल, अहिंसा, राजनीती, कूटनीति, राज्य , राज्य को असली मकसद आदि पर ज्ञान दींदु.

असल मा विदुर नीति इ चाणक्य नीति को मूल च.



Vidura was half brother of Pandu and Dhritrashtra of epic Mahabharata. Vidura was chief of the cabinet of king Dhrirashtra of Mahabharata epic. 

ViduraneetiI or Statecraft of Vidura is the origin of Chanakyneeti.

  A few important formulas of Vidura are as-

In Udyogparv of Mahabharata, Vidura states that non-cruelty, kindness, righteous behavior, truthfulness, and industriousness are the basic for peaceful life.

In Udyogparv of Mahabharata, Vidura says that real knowledge, efforts, to tolerate the pain/sad situation/adverse situation characters are the main features of Pundit.

In Udyogparv of Mahabharata, Vidura says to Dhritrashtra that Pundit is always away from anger, greed, unnecessary happiness, pride, embarrassment, shyness, notoriousness, and self praise.

In Udyogparv of Mahabharata, Vidura says to Dhritrashtra that Pundit is always believes in action, execution.

In Udyogparv of Mahabharata, Vidura says to Dhritrashtra that the king should believe in fruits to the kingdom.

In Udyogparv of Mahabharata, Vidura says to Dhritrashtra that the king should have capacity to control him and his ministers.

In Udyogparv of Mahabharata, Vidura says to Dhritrashtra that the king should control his sensational organs.

In Udyogparv of Mahabharata, Vidura says to Dhritrashtra that human being should not be envious on other’s prosperity, beauty, strength, luck, and honor.



Notes on Asian Management Gurus, South Asian Management gurus , Indian Sub Continet Gurus, SARC countries Management gurus Indian General management Guru, , Indian Managemnt Thinkers and Bright Management Practices, Indian Management Gurus, Indian Marketing management Guru, Indian Human Resourse Development Management Guru, Indian Qaulity Mangement Guru, Indian Operation Managemnt Guru, Indian Gurus, Indian political management gurus, Indian diplomacy management guru to be Indian Management Guru Chapter 60 ...

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Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Let Us be Effective Manager (Mangament Guru)-By Bi
« Reply #76 on: April 12, 2012, 02:34:11 AM »
Indian Mangement Guru- 60
भारतीय प्रबंधन गुरु - 60

                                       महाभारत : जखमा ब्रैंड पोजिसनिंग का अटल नियम छन                                                                               
                                         Mahabharata: Teaching us 12 Immutable Laws of Brand Positioning                   

Notes on Asian Management Gurus, South Asian Management gurus , Indian Sub Continet Gurus, SARC countries Management gurus Indian General management Guru, , Indian Managemnt Thinkers and Bright Management Practices, Indian Management Gurus, Indian Marketing management Guru, Indian Human Resourse Development Management Guru, Indian Qaulity Mangement Guru, Indian Operation Managemnt Guru, Indian Gurus, Indian political management gurus, Indian diplomacy management guru

                                                       Bhishma Kukreti

              महाभारत प्रबंधन विज्ञान, प्रबंधन दर्शन या प्रबंधन कला बान अतुल भंडार च

आज सब जगा ब्रैंड पोजिसनिंग कि छ्वीं लगदन . महभारत का शांतिपर्व (२३६) मा योगी क वास्ता जो १२ सहयोगी आसन छन वो इ

ब्रैंड पोजिसनिंग का १२ अटल नियम बि छन

१- देश्योग









१०- संहारयोग



जौं ब्रैंड पोजिसनिंग गुरु अल रीज अर जक ट्राउट कि ब्रैंड पोजिसनिंग कि किताब या लेख बांची ह्वावन त वो बि ब्वालाल बल य़ी म्थ्याक १२ नियम इ ब्रैंड पोजिसनिंग का वास्ता अटल नियम छन   


             Mahabharata is the ultimate management knowledge store in this world. Every chapter and sub-chapter tells about management philosophy, art and science. Nothing is left in this greatest Indian epic about requirement in management science, management philosophy and management art.

                          For example, there is always talking about brand positioning in every marketing or advertising discussion in every company. The Yogic positioning and Brand positing have same principles.

         In Shantiparv of Mahabharata (236/1to 41), there is description of basic twelve principles of positioning and surprisingly those twelve principles are twelve immutable laws of brand positioning too.

                           12 Immutable Laws of Brand Positioning


              Mahabharata 9236/3&3.5) states the following 12 Immutable Laws of Brand Positioning:

1st Immutable Law of Brand Positioning is - Exclusive place of Brand slogan or byline in Chitta (mind, intellect and ego) of prospects (Deshyog)

2nd Immutable Law of Brand Positioning is-All Actions as per the Brand slogan or brand byline (Karmyog)

3rd Immutable Law of Brand Positioning is: Choosing brand slogan suitable for prospects

4rth Immutable Law of Brand Positioning is: Making prospects least dependent on references for other brand (Apayyog) or prospects should not be greedy for  other brands.

5th d Immutable Law of Brand Positioning is- Strong affection in taking brand slogan or brand byline to a position of brand becoming a generalize brand as customers say,’ give me Colgate’ instead of ‘give me toothpaste’ (AnuragYog).

6th Immutable Law of Brand Positioning is-- Spending the least in promotion (Arthyog)

7th Immutable Law of Brand Positioning is –firm believe on taking Brand to generalized brand stage (NischayYog)
8th h Immutable Law of Brand Positioning is—Alertness about five senses of prospects (Chakshuryog)

9th Immutable Law of Brand Positioning is—Ethical programming to promote brand (Aharyog)

10th Immutable Law of Brand Positioning is—To neutralize other desires of prospects except the desire for brand slogan or brand byline (Sanharyog).

11th h Immutable Law of Brand Positioning is: Taking the mind of prospects focusing on brand slogan or brand byline (Manoyog)

12th Immutable Law of Brand Positioning is: Making organization detached from fear, greed, death-birth, or illness (Darshanyog)

 Those who are well versed with the book 'Brand Positioning' by Al Ries and Jack Trout , they will vauch that above laws are  12 Immutable Laws of Brand Positioning 

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Re: Let Us be Effective Manager (Mangament Guru)-By Bi
« Reply #77 on: April 13, 2012, 02:10:21 AM »
Indian Mangement Guru- 61
भारतीय प्रबंधन गुरु - 61

                          कणिक :   जैन धृतराष्ट्र तै शत्रु मर्दन कि शिक्षा दे           
                        Kanik : A Diplomate and Political Scince Expert who provided Immutable Principles of Winning Strategy


Notes on Asian Management Gurus, South Asian Management gurus , Indian Sub Continet Gurus, SARC countries Management gurus Indian General management Guru, , Indian Managemnt Thinkers and Bright Management Practices, Indian Management Gurus, Indian Marketing management Guru, Indian Human Resourse Development Management Guru, Indian Qaulity Mangement Guru, Indian Operation Managemnt Guru, Indian Gurus, Indian political management gurus, Indian diplomacy management guru

                                         Bhishma Kukreti

कणिक  धृतराष्ट्र कु मुख मंत्री चौ अर राजनीति शाश्त्र, को म्हण ग्यानी छौ. एक दें कणिक न धृतराष्ट्र तै दुस्मनो दगड कनो सम्बन्ध होण चयेंदन  पर सलाह दे छै

आज हथियार बदली गेन पण युद्ध का सिद्धांत कबि बि नि  बदलेंदन   

१- राजा तै दंड दीण मा देरी नि करण चयेंद

२- शाम , दाम, दंड भेद मुख रणनीति च

३-अपण कमजोरी तै लुकाण  चयेंद दुसरो कमजोरी जाणण चएंद

४- शत्रु तै पुरो इ ख़तम कारो .एक छ्वटु काण्ड बि नुक्सानकारी होंद.

५- समौ खराब ह्वाओ ट झुकी जाओ अर फिर समय आण पर शत्रु तै ख़तम कारो

६- शत्रु क  धनात्मक ताकत तै ख़तम कारो 

७- डिप्लोमेसी एक हथियार च


                    Immutable Principles of Winning Strategy by great Diplomat and political science expert Kanik of Mahabharata


                  Kanik was the capable, admired minister in the cabinet of Dhritrashtra king of Karavy or Bharat. Kanik was expert in political science and political diplomacy. Once, Kanik advised Dhritrashtra about winning strategies (Adiparv, 40). The war strategies or management strategies remain same and the weapons change with the time. The winning strategies by Kanik are valid in the nuclear weapons era. These war or kingdom defense winning strategies are also valid for marketing management.

1-The king should have fair and strong judicial system and the king should not be afraid of punishing the punishable.

2-The king should believe on his strength and not on luck.

3-The king should protect weaknesses. If there are weaknesses the king should not open them before anybody.

4-It is essential for the king to know the weakness of others.

5-If anybody is harming the enemy he should crush the enemy for ever

6-The king should not underestimate the strength of enemy and in such circumstances, he should not be careless

7-If the time is not favorable the king should never start war against the enemy but should always be alert.

 8-The king should destroy the following weapons or strategies of enemy

A-Blessing supports, strength and enthusiasm

B-Assistance, assistance or associates, means, solutions, territory and division of time

C-Strength of punishment, donor capacity, spying capacity, perception,

9- When time is not favorable it is better to bent before enemy but when time is suitable the enemy should be destroyed completely.

10-Diplomacy is the real weapon

11- Know about the art of suspecting to all

12- Spying and research are the weapons of kingdom

13- Keep your secret with you

14- Promise for long term to abide                             


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Re: Let Us be Effective Manager (Mangament Guru)-By Bi
« Reply #78 on: April 16, 2012, 04:39:22 AM »
Indian Mangement Guru- 62

Advertising Guru 

भारतीय प्रबंधन गुरु - 62

                                                 भरत मुनि  नाट्य शास्त्र विज्ञापन जगत क वास्ता जरूरी ग्रन्थ च

                                                        Bharat Muni the creator of Naty Shastra is still Relevant for Advertisement Copy Writing 


Notes on Asian Management Gurus, South Asian Management gurus , Indian Sub Continet Gurus, SARC countries Management gurus Indian General management Guru, , Indian Managemnt Thinkers and Bright Management Practices, Indian Management Gurus, Indian Marketing management Guru, Indian Human Resourse Development Management Guru, Indian Qaulity Mangement Guru, Indian Operation Managemnt Guru, Indian Gurus, Indian political management gurus, Indian diplomacy management guru, Asian Advertisement Gurus, South Asian Advertisement Gurus,Indian Advertisement Gurus, Asian Copywriting  AdvertisementCopywriting Gurus, South Asian  Advertisement Copywriting Gurus,Indian   Advertisement Copywriting Gurus,   

                                                             Bhishma Kukreti

      विज्ञापन कुछ ना स्वांग या नाटक इ छ. भरत मुनि न तीन हजार साल से पैली नाट्य शास्त्र कि रचना करी छे. पन यू नाट्य शास्त्र आज बि उथगा इ औचित्यपूर्ण च जथगा अपण रचना काल  मा औचित्यपूर्ण थौ.

भरत मुनि क नाट्य शास्त्र मा विज्ञापन रचनाकारूं  बान तौळ क बात मुख्य छन.

१- स्वांग कौंळ (नाट्यकला ) क्या च / स्वांग / नाट्य शास्त्र क्या च /

२- भारत मा स्वांग कना होन्दन अर भारतीय दर्शकूं मनोविज्ञान क्या च

३- नृत्य या नाच

४- भावना या भाव या इमोसन

५- रस अर महत्व

६- अभिनय

७-नाट्य -काव्य

८- वस्तु

९- नाट्य-पात्र

१०- दश रूप

११- पूर्व रंग 

 All advertisements are Dramas.

Bharat Muni created a Sanskrit Classic ‘Natya Shastra’ three thousand years back.  Natya Shastra is still for copyrighting in advertising. Bharat Muni’s ‘Natya Shastra’ provides following basics for the subjects in creating better copy for advertising of all media.

1-Bharat Muni’s ‘Natya Shastra’ provides the fundamentals of drama and dramatization in writing copy for advertising or advertising copy   .

2- Bharat Muni’s ‘Natya Shastra’ provides the fundamentals of need of production values, place in writing copy for advertising or advertising copy   .

3- Bharat Muni’s ‘Natya Shastra’ presents the fundamentals of dance and music, types of dances and music in writing copy for advertising or advertising copy

4- Bharat Muni’s ‘Natya Shastra’ provides the fundamentals of need of creating emotions in writing copy for advertising or advertising copy   .

5- Bharat Muni’s ‘Natya Shastra’ provides the fundamentals of raptures in writing copy for advertising or advertising copy   .

6-- Bharat Muni’s ‘Natya Shastra’ provides the fundamentals of in writing copy for advertising or advertising copy   .

7-- Bharat Muni’s ‘Natya Shastra’ provides the fundamentals of performances of actors in writing copy for advertising or advertising copy.

8- Bharat Muni’s ‘Natya Shastra’ provides the fundamentals of words, sound, types of poetry in writing copy for advertising or advertising copy.

9- Bharat Muni’s ‘Natya Shastra’ provides the fundamentals of applied science of drama, Place of advertising or place of creation of advertising etc in writing copy for advertising or advertising copy.

10- Bharat Muni’s ‘Natya Shastra’ provides the fundamentals of drama performers in writing copy for advertising or advertising copy.

11- Bharat Muni’s ‘Natya Shastra’ provides the fundamentals of advertising forms, screenplays etc in writing copy for advertising or advertising copy.

12- Bharat Muni’s ‘Natya Shastra’ provides the fundamentals of types of dramas or dramas in advertising in writing copy for advertising or advertising copy.

every adverting professional should read bharat Muni's Natya Shastra .

 Notes on Asian Management Gurus, South Asian Management gurus , Indian Sub Continet Gurus, SARC countries Management gurus Indian General management Guru, , Indian Managemnt Thinkers and Bright Management Practices, Indian Management Gurus, Indian Marketing management Guru, Indian Human Resourse Development Management Guru, Indian Qaulity Mangement Guru, Indian Operation Managemnt Guru, Indian Gurus, Indian political management gurus, Indian diplomacy management guru, Asian Advertisement Gurus, South Asian Advertisement Gurus,Indian Advertisement Gurus, Asian Copywriting AdvertisementCopywriting Gurus, South Asian Advertisement Copywriting Gurus,Indian Advertisement Copywriting Gurus to be Indian Management Guru Chapter 63 ...


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Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Let Us be Effective Manager (Mangament Guru)-By Bi
« Reply #79 on: April 17, 2012, 07:55:15 AM »
Indian Mangement Guru- 63
Indian Personality Development  Guru
भारतीय प्रबंधन गुरु - 63

                                                            विष्णु शर्मा: नीति शाश्त्र सिखाण वळ गुरु

                                           Vishnu Sharma : The Best Personality Development Guru

Notes on Asian Management Gurus, South Asian Management gurus , Indian Sub Continet Gurus, SARC countries Management gurus Indian General management Guru, , Indian Managemnt Thinkers and Bright Management Practices, Indian Management Gurus, Indian Marketing management Guru, Indian Human Resourse Development Management Guru, Indian Qaulity Mangement Guru, Indian Operation Managemnt Guru, Indian Gurus, Indian political management gurus, Indian diplomacy management guru, Asian Advertisement Gurus, South Asian Advertisement Gurus,Indian Advertisement Gurus, Asian Copywriting AdvertisementCopywriting Gurus, South Asian Advertisement Copywriting Gurus,Indian Advertisement Copywriting Gurus, Asian Personality Development Gurus, South Asian Personality Development Gurus, Indian Personality Development Gurus,Himalayan Personality Development Gurus,


                                                                        Bhishma Kukreti

  पंडित विष्णु शर्मा 'पंचतन्त्र' को वास्ता प्रसिद्ध च.  एक बिगड्यू राजकुमार तै नीति शाश्त्र सिखाणो बान पंडित विष्णु शर्मा न  'पंचतन्त्र' कि कथाओं रचना करी .

पंचतन्त्र कि कथा सरल अर सुगम छन कि बच्चा कथाओं क माध्यम से नीति शास्त्र झट सीखी लीन्दन. पंचतन्त्र कि कथाओं क देखादेखी इरान, मिश्र, यूनान अर रोम मा  बि

जानवरूं  सम्बन्धित कथा गड़े गेन .

एक कथा को सम्बन्ध हैंकि कथा से हूण से कथा मा आकर्षण पैदा ह्व़े जांद.

हरेक कथा मा प्रबंध विज्ञान अर नीति सिखण लैक  विषय होन्दन पण कथों मा कखिम बि भषाण जन बोझिल बात नि मिलदी 

                      Vishnu Sharma : The Best Personality Development Guru

               Panchtantra by Vishnu Sharma the best book for Children for understanding Management


        The folk stories are essential ingredients for children to understand management. Panchtantra a classic Sanskrit book created by Pundit Vishnu Sharma. Panchtantra was compiled in 3rd B.C.E. There are fables stories in Panchtantra.  It is said that teachers failed to teach the price. Then the king called Pundit Vishnu Sharma who was more than eighty years old knowledgeable guru and the king put responsibility to Vishnu Sharma for teaching the prince. Pundit Vishnu Sharma wove the animal’s stories in such a fashion that each story had connection with successive story. This way the prince became interested in coming story. Each story has a distinct moral. The stories are having not only moral but each story teaches the political and social etiquette too.

          There are five parts of Panchtantra- Mitra-bhed, Mitra-samprapti, Kakolukiyam, Labdhapranasam, and Aparikhsitakarakam.

                Later on the stories of Panchatntra went to Persian region and the Persians created regional based fables as Shahnama or 1000 stories. From Persia the trend and style reached to Greek, Egypt and Roman regions.

    The stories are interesting and children can easily understand the Neeti or code of conducts of life. Panchatantra is the best book for children for  personality development

Notes on Asian Management Gurus, South Asian Management gurus , Indian Sub Continet Gurus, SARC countries Management gurus Indian General management Guru, , Indian Managemnt Thinkers and Bright Management Practices, Indian Management Gurus, Indian Marketing management Guru, Indian Human Resourse Development Management Guru, Indian Qaulity Mangement Guru, Indian Operation Managemnt Guru, Indian Gurus, Indian political management gurus, Indian diplomacy management guru, Asian Advertisement Gurus, South Asian Advertisement Gurus,Indian Advertisement Gurus, Asian Copywriting AdvertisementCopywriting Gurus, South Asian Advertisement Copywriting Gurus,Indian Advertisement Copywriting Gurus, Asian Personality Development Gurus, South Asian Personality Development Gurus, Indian Personality Development Gurus,Himalayan Personality Development Gurus to be continued ....

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