Village - Tunakot Shera
Vikas Khand - Tarikhet-Almora
Tahsil - Ranikhet
My Village has one Primarcy School ( with in village but mastar is not well so padhi theek se nahi hoti keval scholl hai )
One High schools in near by area 3 KM),
one Inter college (around 6 Km)
Polulation around 350
Road is around 100 metars away from the village.
elephone Lines : YES (WLL)
Mobile facility YES
Electricity : YES (hamessa Nahi rahti

Water problem: No (a small Nadi is there)

Hospital: One Ayurvedic & Small Hospital at 3 Km
Post offfice: almost 3 km away from village
Name of Constituency (MLA)- Ranikhet
Small Market at (Bhujan, Khirana & Garmpani ( 5 Km)
Problem: High Scholl & intercolllge ki problem hai becz ye hamre yaha se 5 km door hai to log appni girls ko 10 ya 8 ke bad padane nahi beghte so issski problem hai.
Abhishek Mahara